Hey guys! This is the sequel to the Giant War! See the summery for the…summery. Wow. That sounds really stupid. But, as my readers, you must recognize my personality, which means you must read through the very unintelligent comments I may squeeze into these author's notes. Um, yeah. Here it is! Reborn! Είμαι πολύ ενθουσιασμένος!

Being dead isn't as fun as you would think.

Okay, maybe not many people actually think of being dead as fun, but, just to clarify, it isn't. Some people may think, Oh, Elysium must be so nice, and it must be wonderful to live in those big houses! Yes, it is fun to be Elysium, and living in these houses is quite alright—they serve the most wonderful pasties, and Percy just can't get enough, especially if they are blue, but being alive is so much better. Down here, you do the same thing. Every. Single. Day. Of course, you get to train as much as you want, since you are already dead and you can't kill yourself again, but the things that the dead most long for, most yearn for, are found above.

I'm pretty sure that I am not the only spirit down here who thinks of the Underworld as a prison.

My name is Annabeth Chase. I am a demigod, and Athena is my mother. You may be thinking right now, Oh, I've heard of this girl! She's saved Olympus! Twice, for gods sakes! Why is she dead?

Yeah, I have saved Olympus twice. During the second titan war and during the second giant war. During the titan war, Kronos killed himself using my knife, which he gave to me when I was seven, and I fought many monsters in it. In the giant war, I defeated Enceladus—the bane of Athena- with the help of my mother, and I sort of helped kill Polybotes—the bane of Poseidon—with Percy and Poseidon.

Oh yeah, and in the giant war, I died. Gaea killed me, with a dirt spear. She meant to kill Percy, but I jumped in front, fulfilling the second Great Prophecy.

And now I'm here. Elysium, where the dead go who have done just enough good to escape the Fields of Asphodel, but not enough times to enter the Isles of the Blest. I find myself standing in the garden out back, bored out of mind, much too often.

In fact, I was doing that right when Percy came out, seeming very weary.

He stood right next to me and sighed.

"What's wrong, Seaweed Brain?" I asked.

"I've been thinking—"

"Oh, that's never good."

Percy rolled his eyes. I always teased him about his stupidity, even though his head was always in the right place.

"I've been thinking, and I don't think I want to stay here," he told me, looking shameful.

"Okay, then go back inside and duel Luke again. Maybe he will beat you this time."

"No, I mean stay in Elysium."

I widened my eyes, surprised. "What? Percy, you do know that we are dead, right? We can't really leave."

"What if we can? Don't you think that, since we saved the world, Hades would let us be reborn?"

I stared at him. I wanted to get annoyed with him, but my mind was running along those trails, too. If we have a chance to see our friends again, to live again, why shouldn't we take it? I wasn't going to tell him this, though. I didn't want him to know that we thought alike. He would most likely find some way to make a stupid joke about it, as usual.

Jason sauntered out to the garden, looking pleased. "Guys, Silena is making dinner."

"Carrot soufflé?" Percy asked.

"What else?"

"Sorry Annabeth, we may have to continue this conversation later, if I get to here early enough, Silena lets me add some food coloring."


"What do YOU think, Fly Guy?"

Jason just smirked, and walked back inside to the kitchen.

I raised an eyebrow to Percy. He shrugged, then walked back inside with a skip in his step.

"It's ready!"

Silena exited the kitchen, holding a large ceramic bowl, filled with blue carrot soufflé.

"I'm guessing Percy got to the kitchen in time?" I asked her, holding back a laugh.

"I almost didn't get there in time, she was closing the door to the oven when I burst in and begged her to add the dye," Percy exclaimed, pushing open the swinging half door. "I literally almost died."

I stared at him, and he realized his words. "Whoa, I guess that can be classified as a joke."

Luke, Jason, Michael Yew, and Beckendorf tried to keep straight faces, but they all busted out laughing.

"Wow, Percy," Michael gasped. "Just wow."

"Oh, shut up." He said it with a British accent. Whenever Nico would visit, he would bring at least one of the movies about his new obsession, Harry Potter. It was his replacement for Mythomagic.

"If you added some nerd glasses to that look," I told him, "You could pass as Mr. Potter."

"Wow, thanks Hermione."

I rolled my eyes.

"Enough talk!" Luke exclaimed. "Can we eat some Carrot Perfection now?"

Silena sighed, and set the bowl on the table.

I found out my first day in Elysium that the dead don't need to eat as much as the living, since they are dead, and we don't need nutrients, just some type of food. So, every week, one of us makes our best dish, and everyone gets to eat it, whether they need to or not. I always made Athenian salad, which was the only salad any of them would eat. It didn't actually have any leaves in it, it only had broken up sugar cookies, chocolate chips, Swedish fish, caramel, and mini marshmallows. It isn't actually Athenian, but the whole Athena cabin loves it, so we decided to call it Athenian salad.

I felt a rush of nostalgia at that thought, of camp. I always did, every time I thought about it. The garden makes me think about the Demeter cabin, the pool makes me think of the lake, when we swim in the lake in our bikinis I think of the Aphrodite cabin. The fact that this whole house, all seven of us, were from camp just brings tears to my eyes, and I don't know why.

Was Percy so wrong to want to be reborn? When we entered Elysium, He asked me if we were sure about this, because the world may need us again. I told him that it didn't matter, that they could solve their own problems. But, what if they can't? What if we are needed up there? Not only that, but what if our friends need us? We never even got to say goodbye to most of them. I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone, except Percy, and he only got to say it to the rest of the seven. We still have, oh, had, friends at camp.

"Annabeth? Annabeth."

"Hm? What?"

Percy raised an eyebrow. "You may want to take some before Mikey over here eats it all." He glanced at Michael, who had a mouth full of carrot soufflé.

"Guilty as charged."

I smiled, and took a big scoop of the stuff. Luke gasped. "Why does she get so much?"

"Because she's Annabeth," Percy pointed out. Luke grumbled about girls getting all of privileges, then took another bite.

Once we were finished, Beckendorf went to help Silena clean up the kitchen, and I led Percy into our room. You can't get pregnant if you're dead, so we are allowed to sleep in the same bed.

"I've been thinking about you said," I started, "and I think you are right."

Percy choked on his spit, which he had been about to swallow. "What? You actually think I'm right?"

"Yeah, I do. I want to be reborn, but only if you do."

Percy stared at the bed for almost a minute until answering. "What will he tell them?" he asked quietly.

I knew he was talking about the other five. "They'll understand. They all know us, and they've gotten to know us even better in the…how long have we been here?"

Percy thought about it. "Nico said I would be twenty-two last time he came, for my birthday, so about five years?"

Every one of our birthdays, Nico would come and visit us. Those were the only times is dad allowed it. He only came for Percy's and mine, since he knew us best, and Hades would get angry if he visited seven times a year.

"No, because last time he visited for me, he said I would be twenty-eight, and we were born in the same year. So, that would be about eleven years, Seaweed Brain."

"Are you…oh yeah, last time it was twenty-eight. Do you think they even remember us?"

"Of course they do! People remember Hercules, and we have fought almost as many monsters as he had, if not more!"

Percy laughed. "I bet some kids think that we are legends, the way that Leo and Piper and Hazel and Frank must describe us."

I laughed too. "I bet Leo tells them that we defeated all of the giants single-handedly, and we didn't need any gods, because we are so awesome."

Percy's expression grew somber. "I want to see them again, Wise Girl."

I sighed. "So do I."

We sat there for a couple minutes.

"Should we go tell them?" I asked.

"Yeah." Percy took in a breath and let it out slowly. "Yeah, we should."

We gathered everyone in the living room.


"Was it my carrot soufflé?" Silena burst out. "I don't want you guys to get mad at me, I know it wasn't as good this time, I think I put too much-"

"Silena. You're carrot cake was delicious," Percy reassured her. "This something totally different."

We looked at each other, then I said, "We want to be reborn."

Jason's jaw dropped. "W-What? Will Hades even allow that after, like, ten years?"

"I don't know," I admitted, "but we are going to ask."

"Why?" Luke asked.

Silena stared at us for a moment. "Guys," she said without looking at them, "they have their own reasons, and I know they were good, so they should." She looked at them and smiled, then looked back at us. "Go talk to Hades."

We did.


"Can we still be reborn?"

Hades stared at us.


"Because we want to be reborn," Percy said impatiently.

"And you can take our memories away, do almost anything you want, just keep us together. That's all we ask. We really just want to be reborn. And not that Elysium is bad or anything, it's actually quite nice, I love the walkway by the house, it looks like something Daedalus would-"

"Okay, I get it. You want to be reborn. You want to back to your cute little friends, and your cute little camp, with your cute little shirts and your cute little powers. You don't want to follow the rules of being dead. Yes, you are dead both of you. You got stabbed in the giant war, and bled your little demigod bodies out. Son of Poseidon over here got skewered by a giant, and Mrs. Owl got punctured through the chest by dirt. Your friends, that you have bunked with for eleven years, they are dead, too. You think, both of you, that you don't have to follow the rules of being dead. Well, you do. I am the god of the dead, and you are dead, so I am your main god. When you first died, you chose to stay in Elysium. Do you think you can just change your choice?"

Percy and I stared at him, open-mouthed. We knew we were dead, but he didn't have to be so rude about it. We had to convince him, in some way, to let us go back.

"Hades, I know that we are breaking the rules, but we just can't stay down here. We aren't meant to be—"

"Meant to be?! What makes you think that you are better than the rest of those mortals?! You were going to die someday, you were meant to die. The fates cut your string. Don't think that you can just come down here, be dead for eleven years, and act all high and mighty.

I stared at him. Usually, when I brought logic into the conversation, the other just goes with it, to not look dumb. This was new for me.


"I think," Percy came in, "what Annabeth is trying to say, is that we know that we shouldn't be breaking the rules, but we also know that the most logical god, the one who was disowned by his brother, can understand our situation. I know, that you shouldn't do this, but, don't you think you could do it, you know, for us?"

He gave Hades his baby-seal eyes, the ones that can break anyone's willpower.

Hades kept staring at us. He looked like he knew he shouldn't say yes, but he wanted too.

This is why I keep him around.

"Oh, alright," he sighed. "But, you will not be born, and you will have no memories. None."

That surprised me. "Wait, we won't know our names, or our ages…"


"Oh. Okay."

"You are being reborn eleven years late. I'm not going to be nice."

"Don't worry, we understand that," Percy assured him.

Hades looked satisfied. "Well, go say bye to your little friends, and get back here in an hour."

Whoa. I did not expect him to say yes.

"Thank you, Lord Hades. You will not regret this."

"Oh, you'd better not make me…" he shooed us away, muttering about 'needy mortals'.

We ran back to Elysium. We had to get Nico to open it, so that we could leave, and Hades opens it to let the new dead people in, so if we didn't get in before Nico had to close it, then, I don't know what would happen.

We entered the gates, and saw the others waiting for us.

"So…." Jason looked at us expectantly.

"Yeah," I told him. I started grinning. "Yeah, he said we could."

Silena smiled sadly. "Good."

I looked at Percy. He was smiling sadly, too. He looked at each person in turn, meeting their eyes. "I'll miss you guys."

Everyone was smiling sadly now. "Miss you too, Fish Boy," Michael said. "You too, Hermione."

I smiled. I knew I had tears in my eyes. "Bye guys."

"Wait," Luke said. "How is he gonna do it? Is he mad at you?"

"Well, Percy can be very persuasive."

"Don't we know it," Jason laughed.

"He convinced Hades to let us be reborn, and then Hades said that we won't be 'born', I don't know what he meant by that, and he said that we won't have any memories. No name, age, nothing."

"So," Percy cut in, "if you could tell Nico what happened, that would be good. He was the only one who knew last time, so he should be the only one this time."

I knew what Percy meant. I remembered him telling me about when he lost his memory. He said that when he was at the roman camp, Nico was there, and he knew who Percy was, and he could have told him who he was, that he was Greek, that they knew each other, but he knew he shouldn't. It would be the same this time, too. Percy, and I, would lose our memories, and Nico would be the only ones who knew who we really were, but he wouldn't be able to tell us.

Silena couldn't take it anymore. She burst out crying. "I don't- I don't want to lose-lose you guys a-again."

I went up to her and hugged her. "Hey, its fine, its fine. You'll still have Beckendorf here," he smiled, "and Michael," he nodded, "and Jason," he lifted off of the ground, "and Luke." I saw he had tears in his eyes.

"I know. I'm just going to miss you guys. All of us will."

Percy took a breath. "We'll miss you guys, too, for as long as we can. If you see anyone else down here that we know, like Will, just explain what happened. Please."

Silena nodded. "Sure. Now go, before all of us are bawling."

Jason stepped up to us. "Hey, if you guys end up remembering, in like twenty years, could you tell Piper I miss her?"

"Oh, so we are you guys' messengers now, are we?"

When Percy died, he said Piper asked him to say hi to Jason for her.


"Thanks," Jason said gratefully.

"Of course," I told him.

"Bye," Beckendorf and Luke said. They realized they said it at the same time and laughed.

Percy did the boy hug thing, where they like hit each other on the back a few times, with the guys and hugged Silena tightly. I did the normal person hug with everyone. Luke held on a bit longer.

"Bye." he sniffed.


I took Percy's hand, and we walked back out.

"Are you both sure about this?" Hades asked.

I looked over at Percy. He was looking at me, too. He nodded.

"Yes," I told Hades.

He nodded. He got up from his throne and stood in front of us. He put his thumbs under each of our chins, and his index finger on the top of our head. I didn't get what he was doing, but he seemed to.

He squeezed, and my world disappeared.

Ha HA! First chapter done! Yay! Είμαι γραπτώς το επόμενο κεφάλαιο τώρα!