Ok something I just wrote cuz I felt like it. I hope you guys like it.

I Knew I Loved You

Song: Losing Grip

By Neo Princess Moon

Song By: Avril Lavigne

Usagi ran down the streets of Tokyo. She seemed to be the only person out there. 'The rest of the people in the world are much smarter than she is.' She thought bitterly. She was soaked and terribly cold. The rain kept poring down, soaking her clothing and weighing down her normally golden hair. 'Why couldn't she just wait there like a good little girl? Okaa-san told her that I would pick her up. Well it's no wonder that Mamoru-san likes her so much. They're a match made in heaven for each other. I can just imagine it now, Usagi Chiba and Mamoru Chiba, the perfect couple, only problem is that she's 5 and he's 18!! Funny I used to thing that the Usagi Chiba would be me, not Chibi Usa. I can't believe that little twerp didn't wait for me to pick her up.' Usagi thought. "CHIBI-USA!!" She called as loud as she could. 'Before I know it she'll do that freaky moon beam thing and I'll be blamed for not being there. This really sucks. All I need now is to run into-' Usagi bumped into something hard, she instinctively knew what and more importantly who it was. '-Mamoru-san.' She finished her thought as she looked up into his deep blue eyes. She was about to say something when a streak of light flashed across the sky and a loud bang sounded. Usagi shrieked and jumped clinging to Mamoru.

Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby

Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real

Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you

Why'd you turn away?

Here's what I have to say I was left to cry there,

waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare

That's when I decided

"Usagi-san what are you so afraid of? It's just thunder and lighting. Why are you out here anyway? I thought you'd be too afraid to come out here. Your such a chicken about these things." Mamoru spoke in a harsh tone pushing her away. Usagi looked up at the eyes that used to hold such love for her and only her. What had happened? Could he just stop loving her? Or had he never started? She couldn't think of that right now. Another flash of lighting accompanied by thunder made Usagi cling tighter to Mamoru.

"It's Chibi-usa. She ran off, I was supposed to pick her up from swimming lessons and she ran off, I've been looking for her, but Tokyo is a huge city, and I have no idea where to look." Usagi began to cry into Mamoru's shirt.

"Well then what are you doing crying like some baby? We have to go look for her!!" Mamoru exclaimed.

"Then you'll help me find her?" Usagi looked up hopefully.

"Of course! That poor child is out alone. She's probably terrified out of her wits. Why can't you be more serious or mature Usagi?! You can be such a baka sometimes!"

"It's only about her then? You care nothing about me or my predicament?" Usagi asked looking up at Mamoru.

"Usagi how can you be so selfish? She's a poor little child? Your fine! You're a friggin' sailor senshi!! You can deal, but she's just a little child!"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM? LOOK AT ME MAMORU; JUST HOW OLD DO YOU THINK I AM?!?! IN CASE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN I AM 14 YEARS OLD!! AN IMATURE 14 YEAR OLD AT THAT, OR HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT? YOUR USUALLY THE ONE REMINDING ME OF MY IMATURITY." Usagi lowered her voice to a whisper. "Yes, I am a sailor senchi, but not a good one. Your usually the one reminding me of that too. Well, if you think I'm so old and mature then clearly you think that I'm old enough to do this on my own, so if you'll excuse me- Oh crap." Usagi looked up to see a bright yellow beam of light shooting op out of one of the buildings. Chibi-Usa hand done that freaky crescent moon beam thing again. "Well I really must be going." Usagi said taking off in the direction of the beam, transforming on the way.

Why should I care

Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone

You, you need to listen I'm starting to trip,

I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone

Am I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's place

when you turn around can you recognize my face you used to love me,

you used to hug me

But that wasn't the case

Everything wasn't ok I was left to cry there

waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare

That's when I decided

Usagi looked up from her battle in time to see Chibi Usa cornered by Catty. Why couldn't that girl stay out of the corners? (That was not meant hentaily, but it could have been taken that way.) Usagi jumped up and landed between Chibi Usa and Catty. "Leave her alone Catty." Usagi said looking up with fierce eyes.

"What are you gonna do, Sailor brat? You're cornered." Catty said, preparing to launch an attack. Before she could a rose scratched her "perfect" hands. She looked up, but before she could say anything Usagi cut her off.

"Go away cape boy." Usagi spat pure venom. Mamoru was taken back. Catty stared at Usagi.

"Hey Catty, look around. Your outnumbered." Four voices chimed in simultaneously. Catty looked up and next to Mamoru stood the Sailor Senchi.

"Shimatta." Catty swore taking off.

Usagi looked up at the Senchi. "Could you take Chibi Usa to Usagi-san's house please?" (She's talking in 3rd person, because Chibi Usa doesn't know who she really is.) "Mamoru and I have to talk about something."

"Ok Moon, we have a meeting a little later. Don't be late." Mars said picking up Chibi Usa and jumping off to Usagi's house.

"What was that all about?' Mamoru asked as soon as the senchi where gone.

"You still don't get it do you?" Usagi looked up at him in disbelief. "Have you ever heard of Avril Lavigne?" Usagi asked

"Yes." Mamoru answered cautiously.

"Than you might have heard this before: Why should I care Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone You, you need to listen I'm starting to trip, I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone." Usagi sang with all her heart and soul. She had always had a beautiful voice, but is sounded so sad, so angry. Usagi put all the pain she had been feeling for the past few days into her voice.

"Usako wait, listen to me. Please." Mamoru pleaded using the nickname he had used for her when they were going out.

"No I'm sick of listening to you, what are you gonna call me now? Stupid, fat lazy, ditzy? Or there was of course my personally favorite from just this afternoon. Let's see what was it again? Oh yes, baka. How dare you call me an idiot. I'm not staying here, and I'm not staying with you. I'm glad you enjoyed our little fling while it lasted, but it's over now. Sayonara."

"Usako please you have to let me explain. I did this all for you, so that you could live." Mamoru pleaded holding Usagi by the shoulders.

Crying out loud I'm crying out loud

Crying out loud I'm crying out loud

"You did this for me? Bull Shit. You did this because you were tired of having a 14 year old baby clinging onto you. Don't tell me that you did this so that I could live a better life. Unless your idea of a better life is crying every night. Sobbing, wishing that you where never born. That's not a better life. I've had enough of this. I hope you have fun with Chibi Usa, but do try to remember that she's only a minor so don't do anything inappropriate. If you'll let go of my shoulders." Usagi finished.

"Not until you listen to me." Mamoru stated tightening his grip.

"Fine." Usagi said smirking, she had warned him. "HAIYA!" She called out sending electrical shocks through his hands. Mamoru jumped back, feeling the shock to his hands. He looked at her in disbelief. Even when he had been turned against her, and trying to kill her she wouldn't hurt him until Luna forced her to. She had just burned his hands, just like that. She didn't look like she was the least bit remorseful either. He watched her jump off into the distance. She was gone. He had really pissed her off this time. He was not going to have an easy time making this one up to her.

Open your eyes

Open up wide

Why should I care

Cuz you weren't there

when I was scared I was so alone Why should I care

Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone

Why should I care

If you don't care then I don't care we're not going any where

Why should I care cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone

Why should I care If you don't care then I don't care were not going any where

Ok that's it for this chapter. I hope you like it. This will have a happy ending, but right now I'm not sure exactly how. Please review.

Koisuru Otome wa Makenai!!

A Maiden Won't Give Up On Her Love!!