A/N: ***(Please read first!)****

Guess who's back?

That's right, the one and only LiveWild! The sequel of Apocalypse is here! I hope* you all will enjoy it!

If you are a new reader, first of all: WELCOME:D, if you haven't read Apocalypse, this will NOT make ANY sense! So go read Apocalypse first!

I understand that not much was cleared up in Apocalypse, I've tried to do that in this chapter, but don't worry everything will make more sense later on I promise!




(Takes place during Predators!)

Moss dripped from the sickly tree's like decayed flesh. Dark shadows seemed to ooze, and move. Each branch held the promise of something slavering.

Even the wildlife held it's breath, seemingly sharing the striking fear that pumped in Isabelle's veins. Every tree that she pasted in the thickly dark forested, possessed a misty glade, it seemed to hide some ghastly secret, her biggest consent was the monsters, the monster. Even the thin wind sounded fearful from his presents.

It was startling how quickly the darkness of the sky overlapped the wide open path, it was all but extinguished. Isabelle held onto the doctor with a shaky arm, she could hardly hold herself, yet she managed to keep the injured man on his feet. Her gun pressed into her back, leaving an imprint against her sore, numb back. Her head violently looked around, the forest teased her, the trees tangled shapes all around. The flat winds howled and blew a bitter chill past her, Isabelle's calves tightened to the point she craved to collapse. She wrinkled her nose, the unseeable floor was highly stagnant with the odor of decomposing wood. She tried to walk faster, the forest seemed to never end.

"Come on, Edwin." Isabelle bounced with each step, they needed to get to the ship, despite Royce leaving them to save himself, she helped Edwin, she believed life's were something to embrace. Royce had intended to use Edwin as a trap to lure the last super predator and kill him, Isabelle disagreed immediately.

"I'm so sorry," Edwin groaned as his hurt leg sent waves of electric pain up and down his back, "I'm so sorry."

"We're not dead yet." Isabelle turned her head, looking at him, her dark, wet locks of hair glued to her face in a unnatural and flirty way. The ground under them seemed to erupt and swallow them in a thick fish net. Isabelle was too stunned and confused to say a thing, her throat had a lump of fright, Edwin was pushed against her, her chest was rubbed up against his small, skinny back. Edwin crawled at the net, he pulled downward, curious to see if his strength could rip it, it was useless, the material could have been compared to metal. Isabelle wiggled around. Her whole body shook as a thunderous stamping was heading toward her, her heart beat over lapped her heavy, noticeable breathing. It was getting closer, mimicking the pace of her heart. Edwin turned so his face impacted with the net, his eyes widened, his mouth hanged down, lost for words. Isabelle looked down the same direction, her finger twitched with horror.

She screamed a scream that ripped against her parched throat, her life flashed before her terrorized black eyes. Her shouting carried on for miles as it came to them, it's fearsome mask was beyond anything she could dare to look at. His blood colored dreadlocks settled neatly down his back.

The monster was stalking to them, his bulky shoulders raised up high and his talons itched for something to kill, fortunately, they were right where he wanted them.

The roaring screams tore through the air and back again to where it began, the sound was mortifying, it was filled with fear and hatred towards the on coming breath. It was high and loud, piercing anyone's ear drum that stood to close. The atmosphere in the room was dank and oppressive. The reek of sweat was coming from her trembling body, the sweat was swimming from her soaking pores. It was like a blanket that suffocated and strangled the senses to a degree of nausea. The stench was enough to make anyone's throat itch and nose wrinkle in disgust.

She was in bone clenching pain.

The female yautja was barking at her impatiently to push, but the human just couldn't, she felt like if she pushed anymore, her legs would be ripped from their sockets. She had never felt such a thing, such excruciating pain, such unknown fear. Bella grabbed at the fur beneath her, blood was skiing from in-between her legs and down her thighs and onto the bed. Her rapid tears had reached her collar bone, she arched her head, despite her pounding head ache and screamed loudly into the humid air with worry, and desperation, she couldn't take it, she was trying and trying, countless times, but the baby just won't leave her worn-out body. Death felt like a better option, the alien offspring within her wasn't meant to be delivered by a human. She wanted to give up.

Bella could feel herself rip in an unmentionable place, her muscles were teasing up, she made a circular motion with her naked hips, trying to get them to relax, but it was dreadfully impossible. Every move she made was more uncomfortable than the last. Bella was sobbing by now, many blood vessels in her eyes had popped causing the white spots of her beautiful icy blue eyes to turn a shade of red.

Bella felt hideous, she was glad that the yautja wasn't judging her disturbing appearance. She wanted to die at that very second, nothing could be better. She looked up at the ceiling with a cry, praying God could listen to be deathly demand and end her life.

The blankets that were laying under her were making her feel warmer, something she didn't need, she was already over heating. Her teeth chomped down on each other in horror. The female that was sitting in between her legs was watching with a deep expression, she barked once again, motivating her to keep trying. The female that barked was the same one that had saved her five months again when she first arrived here, Yeyinde was her name, "Push, ooman, Bella. He's almost here, I can see the head." She announced, hoping to persuade her to kept trying. Bella didn't hear a thing, she lifted herself on her arms but they shook violently making her clash down on her back, she couldn't take it anymore, she pushed, hard. She didn't feel anything, she was numb everywhere. The yautja female, Yeyinde, couldn't supply her with any type of medicine to ease the pain, she didn't have that kind of medication with her.

A sudden wave of extreme relief flushed Bella's body, it ran from her spine to her toes. Her child was pushed from her body, Bella lowered her legs down. Then a cry bursted, awaking Bella's sleepy, sore eyes. After the umbilical cord was cut by Yeyinde with a dull knife, her legs slammed down, she had never felt more tired in her entire life. Bella laid her head back for a couple of seconds before she finally looked back up. There in Yeyinde's hands, was her child. He was covered in rich blood. Bella smiled with a small, weak chuckle. She had done it, after hours of pain, she had finally done it. Her chest rose up and down.

Bella stiffened, moving her wet, curly hazelnut colored hair away from her sticky forehead, she couldn't help but think: It was all over. It was all over, she would have thanked god but she was over taken with exhaustion. Her baby's cries were soft yet strongly unavoidable. Yeyinde wrapped him in an old brown blanket, it was all they had, but it was better than nothing. The female smiled with her sharp mandibles, "He looks like you, ooman."

"Take your time, I will be waiting outside." The female spoke as she lowered the child down so Bella could hold him with her gentle touch, as soon as Bella had her back against the bed headboard, Yeyinde walked gracefully away, even though she anxiously wanted to stay and hold the rare, hybrid child.

Bella gingerly smiled with joy and dramatic pride, she looked at her son in awe.

Almost five months ago, she had thought she was going to die. Even Yeyinde was stunned that they survived when her hut collapsed. Luckily, after the attacks, the yautja of the village were searching around their now destroyed home, looking for anybody they could find that was still alive. It was a miracle that Bella was found, she's a small thing, and spotting her was a challenge, her body was sandwiched between the ashy ground and one of the hut walls. But, she was a survivor, and so was her baby.

Bella looked down at the child, his eyes were closed while he continued to cry out slowly. His tiny tongue went over his bottom lip as he cried. "Sh, sh," Bella said in a loving voice, she felt like gasping from her shortness of breath.

Her body felt like Jell-O.

She rocked him slightly, she held him close to her chest, poor Bella was weak. He was a long thing, 22 inches, and was quit heavy, he was about nine to ten pounds. Yet, somehow he didn't appear to be chubby at all. His tiny fingers were raised above his head as his arms were moving around with interest. He appeared, very human. His body was humanly shaped, no mandibles, no dreadlocks, and no talons. The little bit of hair that he had on his head was black, like Berserker's but was soft and human looking, like Bella's. His face was human, Bella sighed gleefully at that. He was getting Bella's characteristics in all the right places. He was very warm, despite having a blanket, his warmth still radiated against her, it tickled her chest.

The familiar warmth felt like Berserker.

He kept his eyes shut. Across his shoulders he had faded red scales, as well as the sides of his rib cage, the sides of his neck, his back and his inner legs. The palms of his hands and the top of this feet had the rough scales as well. His tiny nose made Bella's heart melt. As he wobbled harshly around, Bella could sense his powerful strength, when he moved, it took a lot within her to hold him still. Her son was healthy looking, he constantly wiggled around, welcoming the new world. She supported his head against her elbow as he began whipping it around, by that time he had stopped crying.

"Hey, baby." Bella's voice cracked, leaning in, she kissed his forehead, the corners of his lips twitched up, revealing his pink gums. His gums had white spots, teeth. Odd, he was born with teeth. "Hey, baby boy." Bella's voice was so weak but she needed to talk. Bella was beginning to cry, her tears escaped her eyes. He kicked his feet out, and curved his small toes. Bella laughed quietly, "Your a fighter aren't ya? Yes you are." Bella kissed him carefully on the head again, making him open his eyes. He did it cautiously, like he was afraid to do it, scared of the new, dangerous world he was being brought into. His eyes shinned as he looked at his mother, his eyelids hovered lazily but Bella could see the color of his big eyes, his eyes were a creamy, bright red. "You just had to get that from him, huh?" Bella looked at him as he stared back at her. Making sure she had a full hold of him in one hand, she used her other to brush her finger against his cheek, it was soft, the skin untouched by the scales was like silk. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, well Yeyinde did really. She thinks this will be a good name for you," she rocked him slowly, "So, how about Colt? You like the name Colt, Yeyinde sure does?" The baby blinked up at her.

Bella looked up at Yeyinde as she suddenly came in, interrupting, "I like the name, pleased you agreed to it," she nodded her head, she waved her hands by her sides as she jogged to stand beside Bella, her massive feet carried her across the ground. Bella looked back at Yeyinde then at Colt, her lips quivered, "Why," Bella paused to inhale quickly, her lack of oxygen was taking over, "does he look so much like me?"

Yeyinde's eyes rolled to the back of head, seeming to look for the answer, summing it up with the right words, she opened her mouth, "From, information Wolf have attained from Colt's blood, it has come to show, your genes are AA, dominate. And Berserker," Yeyinde growled as she used the name, it was like poison to her mandibles, "seems to have dominate as well. Since you two are, unlike species, your child has a hybrid gene." Her English was rough but Bella could still understand.

"Whats a hybrid gene?"

"Well, it a gene that is formed from, combination of two different genes, meaning that bastard, and you. Luckily, hybrid genes possess at least one characteristic of both the genes combined. So your baby have a fifty-fifty chance of looking human, and it did."

Bella fumbled while she arched a brow as she processed the new information in, comprehensively, it was quit fascinating, she now knew that Wolf never meant to hurt her when he stuck that needle in her belly. Bella smiled a little before frowning from the lack of muscle power around her mouth.

"Let's get Colt clean. Do you feel alright?" She threw the question at Bella. "Yes-" before Bella could say anymore, a massive quake came from above them.

"We must hurry, the warriors can't stand up to Berserker's men for much longer. We must get you and your baby somewhere safer." Yeyinde hustled while she shouted, Colt began to tear up again, his crying piercing through the air, the shaking from above was unpleasing to him. Bella handed Colt to Yeyinde as she came beside her, "Take him, I will need to relax a bit longer, the blood coming down my legs isn't planning on stopping anytime soon." Bella laid back down with a deep and shaky sigh as Colt was given to the Yeyinde. Yeyinde blinked at Bella, understanding her wish and stepped away, she looked at Colt with happiness, "Yes, shout if you feel any discomfort, Colt will be fine with me, I'll have him back soon."

Bella didn't say a word as Yeyinde descended away from her and into the next room. The encasing ceiling vibrated as another explosion from above them shook the room, bits of dust were falling down, normally Bella would have waved her hands around, trying to get the powdery, black dust off her but she didn't have the energy to. She let it fall on her face. Bella put her hand behind her neck carelessly and felt the moisture that was building up. The small place was beyond hot, beyond hot for her, a human. Sadly, Yeyinde had know where else to put her, she needed somewhere to hide, hide away from the chaos that was corrupting. Not knowing what else to do, Yeyinde stuck her down there, in the unbearable dump. The cramped building only had two rooms, the walls were all made out of pure metal, if you stood to close you could smell it, it smelled like pencil lead to Bella. What was worst of all, was that the only source of light was the tangling light bolt that was hanging by a thin wire, it was only a matter of time before it fell.

She felt like she was in a mental asylum, she couldn't move, she felt forever trapped. As bad as the underground building was, it was still protection, preservation from the world at war above her.

No one spoke of the battles that was going on, no one talked to her about it. Yeyinde didn't even say a word. The battles that haunted the land was all being commanded by one major ruffian, Berserker. Countless people had attempted to seek out the bad blood, but he was no where in sight, he didn't appear to be on his home planet.

Bella subconsciously arched with a hiss, she groaned wildly, she couldn't feel anything. The blood that was around her lower stomach was drying up, causing it to itch, yet she didn't move. She swallowed thickly, her once beautiful, bright outgoing face was pale, and dead looking, the dark circles under her eyes added to the odd new appearances she had. She hoped that once she cleaned up, everything would be back in place. Her mouth formed a bubbly smile as she heard Colt had stopped crying, she shut her eyes, vanishing into a relaxing nap.

And the shaking of the ground, craddled her.