With the first round of the finals concluded, there began an hour intermission.

Many of the nobles had already begun to scout the remaining genin. Many were placing bets, each hoping to find the one who would go the distance.

Naruto stretched before patting his stomach.

"Wow that hits the spot, I feel better then ever now." he exclaimed before grinning wildly at his two teammates who sat across from him.

"Hai it really does" Hinata said softly as she looked over at her boyfriend.

Her previous bout with Neji had been rough, to be honest it was amazing she had already regained as much Chakra as she had.

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"The way you two recover never ceases to amaze me. I just wish we knew who we were fighting" he said before he leaned back in his seat.

"It's nice that you all have some time to recover, I still feel guilty for what Shino did" Sakura said as she frowned.

"Eh don't worry about it so much Sakura-chan, Shino was being a good teammate. Where did he go anyways?" Naruto asked.

Sakura sighed. "I'm not really sure. He's hard to read."

"Ano I'm sure Shino-kun will be rooting you on" Hinata said smiling at the pinkette who in returned offered a small smile her gaze momentarily shifting between Hinata and Naruto.

'Everyone in our group has improved, but Team 7 has probably grown the most. Especially considering their entire team is still in the finals, What I don't understand is how Naruto and Hinata seem to be fine now. Just a few minutes ago she was on her last leg when she defeated Neji and now while she isn't at her best she's already doing much better, no one recovers that fast. What could be their secret?' Sakura wondered as she looked at Sasuke who clearly was still not recovered from his fight with Lee.

"Thanks I'm sure you're right Hinata" she responded after a long moment.

Shino adjusted his glasses as he pressed his back up against the nearby wall. He was obscured from sight however one of his insects had no trouble picking up the conversation around the corner.

"Temari I realize your brother is unstable, but since Kankuro failed to make it to the finals it's your job to make sure Gaara keeps control. This operation is far too delicate, keep in mind Gaara is the key to this plan. You must do what you can to keep him under control " Baki said.

Temari was quiet for a long moment. "Sensei I still don't like this, father hasn't been the same recently and why the leaf ? why now?" she asked.

Baki sighed. "Temari we are ninja we follow orders and we don't deviate from the plan. Go keep an eye on Gaara do anything you can to keep him calm." he instructed.

Temari folded her arms across her chest. "I don't know why ...but some of these leaf ninja are making Gaara more bloodthirsty then usual...I don't know how much longer I can keep him from snapping." she said.

Baki frowned. "Just a few more hours Temari...keep it together" he said before he vanished into thin air.

Shino quietly slipped away from the wall he was rested against before he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

'So I was right about what I overheard earlier' he thought to himself.

*Begin Flashback*

Shino lingered back, away from the rest of the group as the fight between Naruto and Dosu was being waged.

His ears pricked as one of his insects caught a vibration nearby as he could hear frantic whispering. Very discreetly he released one of his beetles without moving an inch. He soon was privy to the conversation taking place out of earshot of the rest of the Genin.

"Fool you don't understand mother begs for Uzumaki's blood...he is like me and only by spilling his blood will I acknowledge my own existence. When I'm done with him I will take the Hyuuga, mother likes her." Gaara said before he gripped his forehead.

Temari looked terrified as she barely managed to speak.

"B-but Gaara that's not part of the plan, we have to wait for the signal." she said quietly

"When the time comes I will do as I wish plan or no plan...you should stay out of my way or I will kill you." he said his voice was ice cold.

Shino felt his body grow rigid as his eyes widened.

If he was right then the exams were the least of their problems.

Minutes began to pass as he tried to mull over the possibilities and when the time came for his fight with Sakura, he decided to forfeit and investigate further.

*End Flashback*

Shino began to make his way quickly down the hallway and towards the stands. It was time for him to alert someone. However he never made it that far as as he saw a tall figure in a cloak step out into the open blocking his path.

"Your information gathering skills are quite adept for a genin, however it is in my interest that this attack proceed." the man said in a very mild voice as he stepped forward his black cloak swaying as he moved.

Shino eyes widened as he took a defensive stance. He studied the headband on the man's head.

"You're a rogue leaf ninja, but why would you ally with the sand?" Shino asked as he tried to keep his voice even, despite knowing the fact he was facing an opponent who was leagues stronger then him.

"You make the assumption that I'm in league with them...no this attack will serve as nothing more than an smokescreen for our true purpose."

Shino shifted slightly. "Our?" he barely managed to get the words out before the hilt of a giant sword slammed into the back of his head knocking him out cold.

"Jeez Itachi it's not really your style to make small talk with such a pest, why can't we just kill him ?"

"Because he knows nothing of any real consequence. By the time he awakes and the attack is over we will be far away from here. Dispose of him out of the way Kisame and make yourself scarce until you see my signal." he ordered before he turned and began to walk slowly down the hall.

Genma chewed on his senbon as he studied the crowd before looking back at the gathered genin.

"Alright you Six the rules remain the same as the previous round, if you lose if your unable to fight,forfeit or are killed. I reserve the right to call a match at any time, so don't challenge my call." he stated pausing for just a moment before continuing.

"In the first round each of you had the advantage of preparing for your opponent weeks in advance, however this round will be more like the preliminary round. As the remaining genin it will show if you can adapt even against the toughest adversaries." he stated.

Sasuke looked from one direction to another. He realized that statistically speaking their was a much higher chance he would face one of his comrades then one of the sand siblings.

Naruto on the other hand looked excited though his excitement would soon fade as his reverie was broken by Genma's voice.

"By random draw the first Match is Hinata Hyuuga Vs Gaara No Sabaku" Genma stated.

Naruto's eyes widened as he clenched his fist.

"That's not fair Hinata just fought! She shouldn't have to fight two times in a row." he cried.

Genma grunted as he switched the side of his mouth the senbon was held in.

"That's the reality of these exams Kid...one of the first lessons you should learn as a Ninja, is that life isn't fair. You either adapt or you don't it's that simple."

"The rest of you head to the waiting area." he stated.

Naruto stood there planted in place for a long moment before he turned and hugged Hinata.

"Hey you can do this! I know this totally sucks, but I believe in you! I'll be rooting for you the whole time."Naruto said as he mustered his legendary confidence as he pulled away and offered her a giant grin.

Hinata was numb for a moment, finally a faint blush stained her cheeks, before she simply nodded. "Hai"

As Naruto turned to make his way to the waiting area, Sasuke still stood with a look of conflict on his face.

On one hand he wanted to root for his teammate, on the other hand several of their comrades including Hinata had seen what Gaara was capable of.

He took a deep breath as he mulled over whether or not he should encourage her to forfeit, he ultimately decided against it as patted her on the shoulder before leaning in to whisper to her.

"Hinata I don't like this, but this is your fight, just if things get bad...know your limit." he said before he pulled away and followed after the others.

Hinata was left standing there slightly shaken as she turned to look at Gaara who had insane look on his face as a grin spread across his face.

"You two may begin" Genma stated before he flipped backwards and away from the duo.

"You are so very interesting...Mother always wants me to kill...but not you...she says your special. Mother is always right...you must understand my loneliness. The only one who does " he said as he canted his head to the side.

Hinata bit her lip as she tried to keep herself from shivering.

She knew Gaara was like her and Naruto, while she was scared she couldn't help but feel for the boy. Her own secret wasn't common knowledge, but still she had felt the pain of being tormented by her clan, but she now had Naruto,Sasuke,Kakashi, and others. The thought that she could so easily be him terrified her.

"Gaara I-I do understand...Naruto-kun and I both know what you must feel." she said quietly.

Gaara twitched slightly, eyes narrowing as the cork on his gourd began to loosen.

"Mother doesn't like him...I will kill him as mother demands." Gaara said in a cold tone.

Hinata shifted slightly as she took a defensive stance.

"Gaara I won't let you hurt him...he is precious to me." she said before crying out "Byakugan"

The Cork on Gaara's gourd fell to the ground as sick smile spread across his face.

"Precious? Then I will take him from you...mother will have his blood then you will know my pain and we will be together. " He said

Hinata's eyes flared as she uncharacteristically dashed forward going on the offense as she struck forward at Gaara's core only to be met with a wall of sand.

She flipped to the side before striking again and once again being met by the same resistance.

"I won't lose him ! not now! Not when he's finally acknowledged me. " she responded.

"The only true way to acknowledge your existence is kill before you can be killed by another. You don't have the same eyes as I do… yours are filled with something beyond hatred and death, you do not long for strength… like me. Instead your eyes show weaknesses...you don't wish for revenge despite how many put you through the hell called loneliness. When I have defeated you I will then show you that pain. Then you will come to see as I do." he said before he held out his hand and a wall of sand crashed into Hinata before sending her sprawling across the Arena floor.

She weakly made her way to one knee as she studied Gaara.

'I-I don't know if I can do this...I'm still so weak from my fight with Nii-san' she thought as she exhaled before wiping some blood from her mouth.

'Rise little one...I'll lend you my strength.' The Vixen offered.

Hinata took another breath silently thanking the demoness as she rose to her feet.

Naruto gripped the railing so tightly that the metal began to compress under his grip as his features ever so slightly became more feral.

Sasuke stepped forward patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Naruto you have to calm down...This is Hinata's battle. Believe in her...it's going to be alright." he said before pulling his hand away as Naruto looked over his shoulder a moment of fury replaced by a serious look before the blonde nodded.

"Fine but if he goes too far or hurts her...I'll kill him." he said growling.

Sakura who stood a few feet away shivered. 'What is this feeling...why am I so terrified of Naruto.' she wondered

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he looked from his friend back down to the field.

'This isn't good...if this gets worse Naruto might do something really stupid. Hinata if he proves too much...I hope you know when to forfeit.' he thought as he stared down at the blue haired kunoichi.

As Hinata stood there for a moment her features began to grow more feral...slowly but surely a lavender aura began to surround her entire frame.

"Yes...yes this is what Mother has been waiting for..." Gaara whispered manically as a insane grin spread across his face.

A set of fangs hung from Hinata's mouth as she crouched for but a moment before she vanished from sight.

Gaara's eyes widened as he turned just in time to see Hinata reappear not with a juken strike but with her claws outstretched.

Surprise registered on his face for but a moment as his sand that tried to intercept her blow was torn asunder as her claws tore through his defense before striking him hard in the face.

The blow had enough force behind it to send him sprawling across the ground before he convulsed in pain as he lay there.

'Impossible...Gaara has never been hit before...' Temari and Baki thought at the same time.

'What is Hinata ? ' Sakura wondered as she narrowed her eyes as she looked between Naruto and Sasuke.

'This is the power of the demon...it is unnerving...are you still in control Hinata.' Hiashi wondered as he stared with concern at his eldest daughter.

The Kazekage allowed the smallest of smirks.

'Oh little Hina-chan...you have so much potential...perhaps not as a vessel ...but as a weapon or at the very least a nice bargaining chip.' he mused to himself.

Sarutobi did not notice the Kazekage's reaction instead he looked down at the stands.

'Hinata I hoped to protect your secret for longer than this, but now people will expect answers. I just hope your ready for when the truth comes out' he thought before frowned.

Hinata crouched on all fours as her claws dug into the dirt.

Gaara very slowly was raised back to his feet with the use of his sand.

"Mother tells me...in order to prove my worth I must assert my dominance." Gaara said as he rolled his head to his side his icy blue eyes dulling a moment before he held out his hands as giant wall of sand roared forward towards Hinata.

Hinata sprang to the side and flipped backwards landing on the ground before digging her claws into the ground to stop herself.

"Gaara...Don't do this...our kind shouldn't be fighting like this."Hinata said her voice layered with a much more powerful presence.

"When I have forced you to submit...mother says we won't have to fight each other again...We'll just have to kill Uzumaki." he said.

Hinata growled as she charged forward her claws ripping through the ground before she flipped forward.

As Gaara's sand hurled towards her she stood upright as she planted her feet onto the ground before yelling out.


Gaara's sand collided into the shield of chakra before being scattered momentarily.

Hinata ended the rotation as she dove forward and brought back her palm as she prepared to strike Gaara's core.

However she never made it as sand wrapped around her waist from behind and slowly began to snake around her limbs.

Gaara actually smiled as he strode forward and inspected the constricted kunoichi.

"Mother was right...you are worthy of acknowledgment...I will show you my path very soon. First you will submit to me." he demanded as he clenched his fist as the sand around the girl began to constrict.

Hinata's screams filled the arena as her feral features began to slip away.

'Can't escape...still too weak from fighting Nii-san.' she thought.

"N-no...I won't...I'm tired of being weak and afraid...I won't give up" she managed in a weak voice.

"Then I will break you slowly until you do...very soon you'll understand." Gaara said as he clenched his fist tighter.

An audible crack could be heard as a few of Hinata's bones began to give way under the pressure of his sand.

"STOP IT" Naruto yelled as a now fully vivid red Aura enveloped him. Those around him could only stare in shock if not fear of the blonde.

Fortunately Genma interceded before Naruto could do something foolish as he appeared next to Gaara his gaze wary but serious.

"As I told you all...I have the right to end any fight and I'm calling this match...Gaara of the Sand you've won...now release her." Genma ordered as he shifted his senbon in his mouth as he stared intently at the boy.

Gaara offered a murderous gaze at Genma but surprisingly released Hinata from his sand.

"As you wish..." he said dully as he turned his eyes lingering on Hinata for just a moment before he turned as he heard someone land behind him.

Naruto strode forward his red aura still surrounding him as he strode past Gaara, the pair exchange a murderous look before he knelt down in front of Hinata.

Naruto looked at Hinata for a long moment as she returned his gaze weakly.

"I'm still weak aren't I?" she asked softly before her eyes fluttered as she fell into unconsciousness.

"No...you're anything but weak Hinata-chan...you've become so strong...and I swear on your blood Gaara will pay for this." he said as he reached down and touched her cheek with his hand before his other hand touched some of her own blood that was on the ground.

He stood as he clenched his fist as he watched Gaara walking back to the waiting area.

'Hinata...I won't let him get away with this.' he swore.

Temari shivered as Gaara strode through the waiting area and towards her.

"Temari calm yourself before I kill you..." he threatened in his icy cold tone.

She nodded numbly. "H-hai"

"You're going to forfeit your next match..." he stated simply as he folded his arms across his chest.

"B-but Gaara..." she stopped as he looked at her with a powerful killing intent.

"I know Baki thinks he can use you to spy on me and to control me...he's wrong. Forfeit your next match or I'll kill you right now." he said as the cork on his gourd began to move.

Temari nodded her head offering no further resistance.

"Sasuke what are they?...and don't just avoid the question" Sakura whispered as she stared at the Uchiha.

"It's not my place Sakura...just promise me if your forced to fight either Naruto or Gaara you'll forfeit. I'm sure you've gotten a lot stronger, but those two are now intent on fighting one another. Don't get in their way." Sasuke said as he turned his onyx gaze upon her.

Sakura stared at him a long moment as she intended to argue but she stopped.

She had already been afraid of Gaara, but now Naruto as well ? Maybe whatever all this was...was too much for her.

She frowned before finally offering a small nod.

Genma watched intently as a team of med nin carried Hinata away and watched as Naruto began to make his way back to the waiting area.

'This is getting dangerous...I wasn't sure if that kid was going to release the girl. If I'm not carefully this could get out of hand fast' he mused as he cleared his voice before speaking.

"Let's not waste anymore time...with Gaara's victory he'll move into the semi-finals. Now for our next match." he said pausing as he looked over at the waiting area.

"Can I have Sasuke Uchiha and Temari No Sabaku join me?" he asked.

Sasuke frowned as he looked at his furious teammate before he began to make his way towards the stairs.

However he stopped in place as Temari held her hand up.

"Proctor...I wish to forfeit to my opponent. I wasted too much chakra in the first round." she lied before she turned avoiding Gaara as she strode past him and down the adjacent hallway.

Genma frowned as a chorus of boos rang through the audience.

"Very well then...Sasuke Uchiha with her forfeit that means you're going onto the Semi-finals as well." he stated pausing as he looked at the waiting area.

"Which means Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki are the final match of this round." he said.

Naruto said nothing as he leaped down onto the field with a determined look on his face.

Sakura on the other hand hesitated as she looked at Sasuke before looking down at the field at Naruto.

She sighed.

This was far from how she wanted this exam to go, but she trusted Sasuke's instincts.

How could she not after seeing Gaara,Hinata, and Naruto's displays.

She slowly raised her hand earning a look of incredulity from Genma.

"Proctor...I'm forfeiting as well. I don't know enough about my opponent and I have a feeling I know how this match would end."

Again the crowd began to roar this time angrier then before.

Genma simply shook his head.

"Very well then...Naruto Uzumaki by forfeit you're the winner of this match. We will break for fifteen minutes before we begin the semi-finals" he stated.

"Since we have an odd number left, one of you will go straight into the finals while the two of you who remain will fight to determine who else will participate in the finals." he explained.

A short time later Naruto and Sasuke both found themselves standing next to Hinata's bedside, following her bout with Gaara.

"Hinata...I'm so sorry." Naruto said as he stared at Hinata's pale face.

"Naruto...I know this is hard, but we need to get back to the Arena. Our fifteen minutes are almost over." Sasuke said.

Naruto gritted his teeth as he nodded before he leaned over and kissed Hinata's brow.

"I'll be back in no time...we'll kick Gaara's ass believe it." he said in a subdued tone before he looked back over at his friend who simply nodded in response.

The duo turned leaving their comrade to recover having no idea that she was still very much in danger.

Genma frowned as he studied the three remaining genin.

The crowd could sense it and he could certainly feel the tension between the trio.

He closed his eyes a moment before he exhaled.

"Again these lots were determined randomly...Gaara you've received a pass into the finals which means that the two of you will fight to see who joins him." Genma said as he looked between Naruto and Sasuke.

Both of the genin traded a look with one another.

Each of them had wanted to test themselves, however not now...not after what had happened to Hinata at Gaara's hands.

There was a long silence before Genma looked over at Gaara.

"Gaara you can wait in the resting area...as for the two of you the rules remain the same. Anything goes...again if I call a match you listen got it?" he asked.

Both of the leaf genin nodded in response as they spread apart from one another and took their own respective stances.

The Arena at this point was devastated with craters and looked like a war zone after every fight that had been waged thus far.

"Naruto...I know you want this badly...that you want to avenge Hinata...prove yourself, but you're not alone. She's has become like a sister to me, I want to beat the living daylights out of Gaara as well, but I'm not going to let you win this match. As the last loyal Uchiha I have to prove myself...everything is on the line for me as well." Sasuke yelled before tossing a Shuriken at Naruto which he easily dodged. "I refuse to lose to you" the raven haired Uchiha added a moment later.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this fight Sasuke...for years I've tried to be like you...hoping to one day be acknowledged as your equal" Naruto said, "But I'm the only one who can beat Gaara...I'm the only one who truly understands him. Even now I want to kill him...but I know that's not want Hinata would want...I may have once been the dead last, but I can't lose today...not now...no when so much is at stake." he said before he began to channel chakra through his body into his fingertips.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu" He cried as he summoned a horde of Naruto's into existence.

Sasuke eyes actually widened at the sight of all of them.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at Sasuke, "SASUKE!" he howled as he and his clones charged forward.

Sasuke sprung into action as he formed a series of handsigns.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" He yelled before he formed a giant fireball that ripped through the earth and collided into a fourth of the Narutos destroying them upon impact.

The rest of the Horde swarmed him however he remained unphased as he even without his Sharingan was able to predict their movements and easily one by one he started to slim their numbers.

Strike by strike he dismissed the clones until only one Naruto stood before him.

Sasuke smirked, "Not bad...your clones are tougher then before, but you won't wear me down like you did Kiba!" he said flicking another Shuriken at Naruto. Naruto didn't dodge this one and Sasuke smirked expecting to catch the blond in the shoulder, instead Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'A Shadow Clone...but how' Sasuke thought as he whirled around his feet and pulled a kunai out of his holster just in time to collide with Naruto's own Kunai.

The two clashed before a moment before breaking away, Naruto slashed at Sasuke only for the Uchiha to kick the blonde in the shoulder causing him to drop the Kunai and stumble backwards.

Naruto didn't waste anytime as he began to charge forward , just as Sasuke threw a series of shuriken, the weapons never found their target however as Naruto rolled under them before springing forward with his fist cocked back and punched Sasuke viciously in the stomach. Sasuke staggered backward clutching his stomach in pain, Naruto's hands flashed around as he began to form the Rasengan. It was weaker and even less stable when he formed it without a Shadow Clone but quicker, Naruto gritted his teeth as he ran forward and thrust his Rasengan at Sasuke's stomach.

Sasuke's head snapped upwards, his eyes flashing as he activated his two tomoe Sharingan . With precise timing he grabbed Naruto's wrist and used the blondes momentum against him as he tripped him and sent him flying with his own Rasengan. Naruto flew through the air and smashed into the single tree on the field, resulting in a shower of splinters. Naruto quickly clambered out of the debris before slamming his hands together forming a dozen Shadow Clones.

The Clones darted forward each of them attacking from a different angle.

Sasuke shook his head at Naruto, "Is that the best you can do Naruto ?" he taunted. "With my Sharingan I won't let you get the chance to use that move on me and now your clones are useless." he stated.

Naruto growled as he himself darted forward at the Uchiha and began kicking and punching wildly as Sasuke easily repelled his attacks, it took a few seconds for Sasuke to destroy all of Naruto's clones leaving only the real Naruto facing him. Naruto was unable to react in time as Sasuke foot caught him under the chin and sent him flying backwards.

"I'm sorry Naruto...but as much as you want Gaara so do I. Only the strongest between the two of us should move on to face him." he stated as he crouched preparing to spring forward and attack again.

"Heh sort of amazing that there's so much power in such a tiny little brat. Wonder how long it will take to extract it all" Kisame mused as he leered at the unconscious Hyuuga that rested in the bed only a few feet away.

"That's not why we're here..." Itachi said simply as he strode forward studying Hinata for a long moment before looking back at Kisame.

"Your going to have to elaborate on that one Itachi..." Kisame said.

"Both of the Nine Tails are our targets..but she has a far larger role to play. We can use her to find and track the others..." he said quietly.

"Your telling me we're going to use a Jinchuriki to hunt to others? " he asked.

"Precisely...I'll see to her training...she'll serve her role nicely." he said as he leaned down and picked her up before throwing her over his shoulder.

"And what if she isn't compliant?"

Itachi paused as stared at the girl a moment. "Then I will take away her free will...and use her as a Tool."

Kisame shook his head before chuckling. "I'm guessing this was your idea all along..." he mused as he looked around at the unconscious medical ninja laying around the room.

Itachi said nothing further as he made his way for the door.

"Kisame I will rendezvous with you on the border of the leaf and tea in a week from now. "

Kisame groaned. "Always business...heh figured you'd be at least a bit sentimental seeing that we're in your old village." he said before he formed a hand sign and vanished.

Itachi paused for a moment. "You have no idea..." he whispered before he stopped in place as he felt a presence behind him.

"Ah Kakashi...I wonder what tipped you off." he said in a mild voice.

The Copy Ninja remained calm as he spoke.

"Don't feel bad...was just making my way down here to check on my student...now if you don't mind...I'll be taking her now." he said as he reached for his headband and pulled it up revealing his single Sharingan.

Itachi was silent for a long moment before he turned in one fluid motion as his eyes met with Kakashi's.

"I'm afraid I must decline...I have plans for the girl. Better I take her now before Orochimaru manages to carry out his assault."

"Orochimaru? he's here?" Kakashi asked tensing.

"Yes he's put together quite an elaborate scheme to attack the village...of course it makes it much easier for me to escape unnoticed incidentally." he offered casually.

"Why are you telling me this?" Kakashi asked as he shifted in place.

Itachi didn't blink as he still stared unwavering at Kakashi.

"Because you will tell no one...You lost this exchange and Hinata in the process the moment you looked me in the eye." he stated before the design in his eyes changed as the world around Kakashi began to shift.

"Tsukuyomi" Itachi called out.

Itachi turned a few moments later deactivating his sharingan as Kakashi collapsed to the floor only to turn into a wooden log.

Itachi allowed the smallest of smiles as he felt a kunai press against his throat.

"You forget Itachi I was the one who trained you. I know better then to look you in the eye." Kakashi whispered.

"It's true Kakashi. You did know me well at one point. But I think you'll find I've changed a great deal since then. I don't even need you to look me in the eye." he mused as he dispersed into a flock of ravens, before reforming down the hall with Hinata still thrown over his shoulder.

Kakashi's visible eye narrowed. "You're not the only one who's changed. I won't allow you to take my student.

Itachi offered a lazy twitch of his lips, before speaking in a monotone manner. "Time is ticking Kakashi. One girl or the entire village?...the choice is yours."

"Naruto you can do better then this...why are you holding back ? Why Now ?" Sasuke asked as he darted forward sweeping the blondes legs out from under him before placing his his elbow to the blonde's chest.

Naruto was silent a moment as he struggled. "Because I don't want to use that power on a friend...and because the longer I use it the harder it is for me to control myself." he said.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "Naruto since when have you been afraid of anything? Didn't you make Hinata some sort of vow...is that all your word amounts to?" he asked as he glared at the pent blonde.

Naruto growled as he features grew more feral before kicked the Raven haired Ninja in the chest and off of him before he flipped back to his feet and into a crouch.

"That's more like it...but even as we fight one of us we'll have to fight Gaara next. What do you say we let this all come down to one final attack." Sasuke suggested as he looked over at Naruto.

Naruto said nothing for a moment before finally nodding as he summoned a shadow clone.

"Fine but Sasuke you should know...I won't hold back." Naruto yelled.

"Neither will I" Sasuke retorted as he held out his hand and began to channel a great deal of chakra through his arm. As the seconds passed lightning could be seen sparking from his hand.

Gaara couldn't help but grin manically as he watched the pair.

"Mother it matters little who we fight next...I'll destroy them and prove our existence." he said to himself.

The two Genin on the field dashed forward at one another each of them armed with their most powerful technique.



There was a giant explosion of chakra as the entire arena shook and reverberated. The outlying walls even began to crack under the pressure of the chakra that was being emitted.

The onlookers could only stare at the smoke and wonder who would emerge the victor.

Genma was actually hanging horizontally from the far wall as he studied the clearing smoke. He jumped down on the ground before he began to make his way across the field.

Finally the smoke cleared and the victor was clear.

Naruto still stood panting but was alright Sasuke on the other hand was several feet away doubled over conscious but unable to move. Sasuke at the last second had pulled his chidori up to avoid a lethal strike, Naruto had moved his hand lower so that that the rasengan would hit his friend in the stomach rather then hitting him in the chest or face. Naruto took another deep breath before he walked over and helped his friend stand as he supported him on his shoulder.

Genma smiled.

'Even after all that they still understand what it means to be comrades' he mused to himself.

"The winner of this Match is Naruto Uzumaki" he declared.

Naruto laughed weakly.

"Heh you better savor that...I'm going to kick your ass once this exam is over." Sasuke said halfheartedly.

"I'm counting on it..." Naruto said as his feral features slipped away and he helped his friend over to the resting area.

Naruto's expression hardened, something Sasuke didn't miss.

"What?...what is it?"

Naruto shook his head. "I don't know. Something feels wrong."

Sasuke weakly grunted. "Focus. Gaara will pick you apart if you don't.."

"No. I won't let that happen. I have to win."

Kakashi remained tensed as he continued to eye Itachi.

The roar of the crowd in the distance along with the sound of drums alerted the duo that the next and final match would soon begin.

"Do you hear that Kakashi?...this is your final chance. You still have time to warn the Leaf, but if you follow me you may very well doom your village. We both know there is no guarantee that you can best me. The choice is ultimately yours."

*Author Note* And with that viewers I turn the power of what happens next over to you. I ultimately tossed and turned over what I wanted to do going forward. Either way I have two scenarios in mind, but I'm going to create a poll and let you all decide where the story goes.

Should Kakashi chase after Itachi in an attempt to rescue Hinata, but in return leaving the village unwarned about the impending attack.


Allow Itachi to escape with Hinata, so that he can alert the Shinobi and Sarutobi of the impending attack, before the invasion is launched.

As I've said I have two different scenarios already planned in either case. I thought this might be a fun chance for some readers to get involved almost like a 'Choose your own adventure style moment' I will tally the votes tomorrow night at around 10 PM EST and begin working on the following chapter immediately afterwards. As always thank you all so much for reading and I'll see you next time!