First of all I'd like to thank everyone who's read my story and kept up with it. I can't tell you guys how much it means to me and how much I appreciate it. And also big thanks to those who have reviewed this story :)

I'm sorry that I've taken so long to update this but, like Alec, I just couldn't seem to get it right. And I don't know if I'm entirely happy with it, but I like how it turned out.

I hope you enjoy the last part of this tiny story :)

Dear Magnus

I don't really know how to start this letter and I'm not even sure if I want you to read this. I've tried writing these words, these words that I'm not even sure how to make into decent sentences, over and over again but I just can't seem to get them right. So I'll try again.

The thing I should probably start by saying is that I am sorry. I'm sorry about everything I did wrong and all the things that made you break up with me. I'm sorry about Camille, not telling you about her, I'm sorry for actually considering shortening your life and not telling you about that either. But most of all I'm sorry that I wasn't a person you could trust enough to truly open up to.

I'm writing this letter to apologize for everything. And I'm hopefully going to be able to say everything I've been trying to say to you over the phone for the past two months. It's just that every time I hear your voice, it's like all my wounds open up all over again, only that it's ten times worse than when we actually broke up. And I know that it's probably very irritating to have your stupid ex-boyfriend calling you every night, and I'm sorry about that to. But don't worry; I'll try not to contact you again after you get this letter.

First of all I'm going to apologize about going to Camille. I should have listened to you when you told me that she was manipulative and that no good would come out of me listening to her.

It all started of as her telling me that she knew of a way to make me immortal that didn't involve black magic. But when I actually met up with her she started taunting me about being just another one in your collection and then we fought and she admitted that there was no way to make me immortal, but she knew of a way to make you mortal. And she also knew so many things about your past that I didn't. So I started meeting up with her to get to know you better, Magnus.

I did this because I was trying to strengthen our relationship. And I thought that if I knew what people in your past had done wrong, I could avoid those mistakes and stay with you longer. And all of these things ended in a mistake that ruined all of my chances of staying with you.

And I'm very sorry for even considering Camille's offer about making you mortal. The fact that I even considered doing such a big thing as shortening your life makes me understand some of the reasons why you broke up with me. I just didn't want to be another one of your lovers that you wanted to have around for a while and then leave me when I got older. And I didn't tell you about this because I was scared that you would understand what I was talking about and break up with me at once to avoid all of that "in the middle" trouble. I realize now that it was stupid of me to think that way and I'm sorry about that too.

Do you remember when I went to the Seelie queen with Izzy, Simon and Clary? When we were trying to find Jace? Well, the Seelie queen put a glamour on me that made me look and feel really old. And she asked how you would feel about me when I was old and all of my "mortal loveliness" had faded. And that really made me realize that I would grow old and you would still be stuck at looking 19. And that was also one of the reasons why I went to Camille. Either I wanted you to grow old with me, or both of us staying young. But I see now that that choice is up to both of us and not just me, and I apologize for being so selfish.

But the thing about all of this is that I can't blame myself fully for everything, because it feels like some of this is partly your fault. Because I told you everything about me! I told you all of these things that I didn't even dare to tell Isabelle and Jace. I opened myself up to you and you never even told me where you were born! And when I understood all of these things it felt like you didn't even love me enough to return how I felt. And it didn't exactly help me that Camille told me you would get tired of me sooner because I was so open with you.

I understand that there are some parts of your past that you'd like to keep hidden, and that's okay. But I had at least hoped that you could have told me a few things. But as it turned out, that was not the case.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to make this your fault, which is really not the case. I know that all of this is my fault; I'm just trying to explain why I did what I did. Not that there are excuses enough in this world to make that okay.

The last thing I'd like to tell you is that I know you've moved on. I saw evidence of that at your party. But I'm just not quite sure if I'm ready to do that. I don't know if I'll ever be ready to move on from you Magnus. I still love you so much. And whatever happens, I know that some piece of my heart will always belong to you. And I really hope that you can find someone that makes you happy.

I read somewhere once that if you really love someone you will put his or her happiness above your own. And that's what I'm doing. Even if it hurts me as much as it does to write this letter, I want you to be happy Magnus.

I will always love you

-Alec Lightwood
Alexander Lightwood

Again, thank you to everyone who has read this story. Virtual chocolate chip cookies to all of you :)

And I don't know if anyone is interested but since I said that this fic was sort of based on the song 'Like We Used To' I decided to include the songs I was listening to while I wrote this:
Like We Used To - A Rocket To The Moon
Miserable At Best & The Memory - Mayday Parade
Forever and Always & Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
When You're Gone & Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne
What About Me - Emily Osment
I'm Not That Girl - The 2003 cast of Wicked/Idina Menzel
Another Now - Kate Alexa