A/N: Because the first time I heard "Afraid" my mind ran right to Stiles.
This was so hard to keep in first person, I kept trying to make it second. Aurgh
That's my handwriting on that chalkboard, and there aren't very many explanations.
I'm sleep-telling-killers-who-to-kill.
I'm crazy.
I'm dreaming.
I'm possessed.
It could be all of them, I'm too lost to know. On the fence. I have that feeling a lot
But I know one thing for sure: I have to tell Scott.
I'm possessed.
Sleepwalking, insomnia, riddles, writing on the wall.
It's not me.
It's taking over, the me that's not me, the masked villain who unmasks to be me.
"It's okay." "We'll figure it out." "It's not your fault." "We'll save you." "We can fix this." "It's not your fault." "Everything will be okay."
All my friends always lie to me.
Let me out.
"Don't go to sleep."
Don't go to sleep. Don't go to sleep. It gets out when you sleep. Don't go to sleep. Stop. No. Don't go to sleep. Don't sleep, Stiles. Don't go to sleep. Don't sleep.
You're too mean. I don't like you.
"Fuck you anyway." Shaking fingers.
It laughs.
You make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs.
When I wake up I'm afraid somebody else might take my place. When I wake up I'm afraid that I'll be gone and it'll be him instead.
When I wake up I'm afraid that somebody else will end up being me.
Dreaming. It's a dream.
Let me in.
Let me out.
Fight those demons.
"Fight it, Stiles." That's Lydia's voice, but she's not here and I can't remember when she said it. "You're stronger than this. Smarter. Fight it."
"Fight it, Stiles." Scott's voice. Sure brown eyes. Keep on breathing.
I'm crazy.
(There is literally nothing you can say to me that will make you sound crazy.)
Crazy. I'm crazy. I'm in a mental hospital and there's no cure and I'm crazy.
And I can't even see if it's all there anymore so
I'm crazy.
"You're too mean -you're -you're evil. I hate you. Get out. Getoutgetoutgetoutgetout."
Lightning scars fading off your back.
"Get out!"
Fuck you anyway
You make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs.
It hurts but I won't fight you. (I can't fight anymore. I can't. I'm so tired.)
You're taking everything from me.
You suck anyway
This is the only way to protect you.
I'm sorry.
Promise you'll kill me if you have to.
[You make me wanna die.]
When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place. When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might end up being me.
And that me that's not me will kill people. A lot of people.
Starting with dad and Lydia and Scott.
I know because he told me.
Being me can only mean
Feeling scared to breathe
Scared. Scared to breathe. Scared. So scared. Terrified, actually. Terrified.
I always feel this way now. Maybe it's Beacon Hills and kanimas and human sacrifices and nogitsunes and frontal temporal dementia. Maybe it's me and anxiety disorders and a werewolf for a best friend and a mom who's dead.
"You have to take all of that, you know."
"Being Stiles means being scared and having ADHD and panic attacks."
He smiles and he has no face.
He smiles and it's cruel and it has "I won't have to deal with that" written all over it. It's a smile that says "I'm going to kill all your friends and it's all a game and you're going to watch".
Lydia found me. Lydia. LydiaLydiaLydiaLydia.
It's not me, it's him, but a part of me can feel her there, moving farther away from me. Lydia, come back. If you leave me then I'll be afraid of everything.
That makes me anxious (everything makes me anxious).
"I'll kill them all."
There's no time.
(There's no key. It's a cage -it's the inside of a locker- and there's no key.)
"There's no time left, Stiles."
Nothing gives me patience, calms me down.
Lydia and Scott can end panic attacks, but they're not here.
"Fight it. Fight this, Stiles." Scott and Lydia. The voices blend into one.
Lets me face this, let me sleep, and when I wake up (I wake up, I wake up)
"Fuck you, anyway."
Let me be.
When I wake up, I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place.
When I wake up, I'm afraid, somebody else might end up being me.
He'll be me. He'll be me and he'll kill them.
"This isn't you."
"It is now."
Scott. It's Scott and Lydia and they're standing right there and I know the answer.
I don't have to play anymore.
So I wipe the board.