Wow……. Hello everyone. I'm back. feels stunned It's 4.13am and I'm on my Christmas holiday with nothing better to do and I've decided, just to see if I can actually finish this story… I know I said I wouldn't but hey let's just give it a try.

Goddamn I can't even remember the basics of Beyblade anymore so please forgive if it's rubbish…

Kinda got a bit despondent with because it deleted every single story of mine except this one and so I got angry and left it alone for ages. Now I'm back… a little more wiser with my literature skills of course haha (now I'm doing my stupid GCSEs and wanting to do English Lit for A level) so hopefully my writing will be much better even if the story is a bit rubbish. I was re-reading some of my chapters and god my writing was so mediocre and I had so many mistakes. I just couldn't be bothered to correct it… ah well. I also wrote a lot of cheese. Hopefully that'll change…….

I had the whole blading sequences in my mind in a lot of detail but now, sadly, I can't remember any of it!

Well let's just improvise.

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights of Beyblade or anything else which is recognised in this story. I only own the characters which I created myself, such as Lan and Jackson.


Sparks, screeches and sounds erupted from the dish as the two beyblades immediately clashed against each other as soon as they entered the dish. The Eiffel Tower replica Beystadium was slightly less concaved as standard dishes so Lan and Stuart were battling on a near flat surface with miniature people and bushes obstructing their fight.

'They don't call these the Finals for nothing,' Lan cursed in her head, 'even the dishes strike up a challenge.'

"Hey, Lan." Stuart's irritatingly nasal voice called, "not worried are you?" He smirked at her stern expression as their blades caused a little crowd of pigeons shoot out of the dish as the two blades ventured to underneath the Tower where the flag of France was.

"Just shut up you slime ball and concentrate on the match!" In actual fact, Lan was slightly fazed over the fact she didn't pull her rip cord as hard as she should have and Dolphate wasn't spinning invisible. 'No matter, I'll just send him into shock later on….'

"Rhinoa attack!" Stuart suddenly yelled out. Stuart's grey Beyblade suddenly flashed and rammed itself against Dolphate causing her to bash against the Eiffel Tower, which Lan discovered was made of metal, as a horrible clashing noise sounded as the metal on her blade came into contact with the frame. Suddenly, before she could recover Stuart's blade was on her again. However, this time Lan had focused herself one-hundred per cent and tuned into the game.

'Swerve and circle,' she commanded Dolphate in her head. Dolphate spun to the left and rapidly shot straight back at Rhinoa and the two blades were bashing against each other again, except Rhinoa was wobbling slightly. Dolphate swerved out of their combat again and circled around Stuart's grey blade and then collided into it in a circular motion, causing Rhinoa to spin out from under the Tower and land dangerously close to the edge of the stadium.

The rather quiet crowd started cheering madly as they saw Stuart's blade wobble near the edge, they could hardly see anything while the blades were under the Tower. Back under the Tower, Dolphate had disappeared and all that could be seen was the wrecked flag of France where the blades clashed, ruining the faux grass presentation.

"Wha-hohh!" D.J. Jazzman cried out, "No offence to the French intended there!" He called out through his microphone in a sing-song voice, "these bladers mean business!"

Ignoring the environment surrounding them Stuart searched wildly around the dish for Lan's black blade. "Where is it?" He demanded, "Not hiding behind a bush are you? Come out you coward!" He was moving his blade away from the edge to come back into the safety zone of the pavement areas when suddenly his blade shot out into the other direction back towards the edge of the dish….

"Huh?" Stuart cried out, "What's the meaning of this? Rhinoa get back!" He jerked his head up to see Lan's face in a small smirk. "Reveal your blade you bitch!" He spat at her. Lan's smirk broadened and soon she was cackling smartly to herself.

"Worried Stuart?" She mocked. "Dolphate go!"

Stuart stared back at the dish, his eyes darting everywhere trying to find her blade. No where to be seen. However, his own blade was acting very strangely…. It looked like it was having trouble moving forward. It was moving backwards and forwards erratically and treacherously near the edge. Suddenly it dawned on him.

"It's invisible?" He whispered, he then heard a sharp laugh in front of him and he looked up.

"Not so sharp are you Stuart?" Lan sneered at him.

Stuart looked back down and sure enough, he could see slivers of black movement here and there in front of his poor blade. Before he could order Rhinoa to slide to the side away from Dolphate, Lan cried out, "finish him off!"

"No!" Stuart yelled and with all of his power he reared his blade backwards away from Dolphate's oncoming attack and the two met in the middle causing a brilliant array of sparks and sawing noises. He heard Lan curse ahead of him which caused him to grin. He wasn't finished just yet.

"Enough of this time wasting. Rhinoa, strut your stuff!" Stuart commanded.

Lan gasped and stepped forward aghast. As soon as Stuart finished speaking, large silver spikes ejected out of the sides of his blade and started scraping away at Dolphate, who was ramming herself deep into the tips of the spikes attacking Rhinoa, as she was ordered.

"Dolphate retreat!" Lan cried out, her eye twitched as she saw slivers of black paint scattered around Stuart's deadly weapon and she knew Dolphate's beautiful exterior had become scarred.

Now it was Stuart's time to laugh as he charged, ramming his spears into Dolphate's weak flesh.

There was no question about it. Dolphate's spirit had to emerge.

"The bastard….." Jackson muttered under his breath. This was a new development the Blade Sharks' crooked minds must have cooked up. If Jackson had known about it, without a doubt he would have gone to find Lan and tell her. No matter the costs of turning up at her doorstep and facing the risks of being pummelled to pulp by hers truly.

"Jee, I wonder how Lan's gonna get out of this one." Jackson's fellow team mate, Lee, muttered. "If she tries to attack him, she'll just get injured herself.

"Unless she did that neat little trick where she made her blade invisible," Zack replied.

"Yeah but what if that was only a one-off? And she can't do it again?" Jake wondered thoughtfully.

"No…" Jackson murmured, "Lan isn't stupid. If that was her only chance hiding her blade, she wouldn't have wasted it at that time."

"Yeah but still. Even if she could make her blade invisible, how the Hell is she gonna attack? Making herself invisible doesn't make her blade indestructible or immune to sharp spikes." Lee muttered logically.

"Hold on," Zack interrupted. "Who are we supporting again? The scumbags who gave us money or the team we betrayed?"

"I'm supporting Lan." Jackson said plainly.

"Yeah, me too." Lee said.

Zack and Jake looked at each other, "Yeah why not?" Jake said.

"Fine, I'm in." Zack replied and they all went back on concentrating on the match which just became brighter as both bit-beasts had erupted out of their shells.

Rhinoa was a giant green and white rhinoceros with horns that matched the spikes whizzing around the edges of her blade.

"I'm guessing you like co-ordination, eh Stuart?" Lan said, noting his white and green outfit.

"Ditto." He replied, nodding at her black trousers and white fitted vest top. "And by the way," His eyes gleamed devilishly, "Loving your tits in that top." He murmured, licking his lips.

Lan's voice got caught in her throat before she could make a remark, causing her to make little choking noise, causing Stuart to laugh manically.

'Fuck you, you little pervert!' Lan stormed in her mind as she sent Dolphate charging at Rhinoa.

"Won't work my little butch bitch!" Stuart tantalized, "my, my what huge muscles you have! I always wondered why Kai never got scared of your arm muscles! I mean, they're bigger than his!"

With that, Kai shot out of his seat and began charging his way towards Stuart before the entire Bladebreakers team had to wrestle him back down into his seat.

"I'm gonna kill that little bastard!" He screeched, trying to fight off his team mates, "how dare he?" He spat. He nearly broke free of Tyson's grubby arms, when suddenly he felt much larger and stronger hands, which belonged to none of his team mates, grab hold of him and drag him back down into his seat. Soon he found himself facing two large security guards who were yelling some words at him which Kai completely disregarded.

"Oh dear me!" Brad Bird said, "looks like there's a huge tussle going on down there and the Bladebreakers' team captain does not look happy! I can't hear what's going on down there but something must have riled him! My god, I'm actually getting a little scared of the kid!""

"Yeeesh! Yeah!" Brad Bird's fellow commentator, AJ Topper, remarked, "Right now there seems to be more action going outside of the Beyblade match than there is inside the dish! Right now, Lan and Stuart are just circling each other. It seems like Lan is either deep in thought or she's totally lost for moves! Will this be another loss for the Bladebreakers?"

The auditorium erupted with cheers and boos at that remark, while the Blade Sharks whooped, clapped and jeered at the Bladebreakers, mostly at Kai who had finally settled into his seat. However, he was far from being 'calmed down' as he was red in the face, gritting his teeth and his eyes had become a much darker shade of maroon.

Lan had no time to check what commotion was happening behind her and she was frantically trying to think of a plan. 'How am I going to get over this one!' She moaned in her head, 'Those spikes are so thick and sharp…' Her eyes darted around the circling blade, trying to find a weakness. 'Maybe I should try and crash in on him from the top? But how am I going to climb the Eiffel Tower? I doubt they included electronic carts to go up the sides…. I gotta somehow remove those wretched spikes! But how? Plastic won't cut through metal!"

Lan's eyes suddenly darted towards the Eiffel Tower and she remembered how Stuart had caused her blade to scrape along it making a horrible noise.

'It's a long shot… but worth a try…' Lan licked her dry lips and prepared herself for her new plan, as deeply flawed as it was, however she had no time to be picky Stuart looked as if he was hungry for some action.

"Rhinoa! Make me proud and mow her down!" Stuart yelled punching the air with enthusiasm.

"Dolphate! To the Tower!"

Dolphate swerved and rampaged through to the Tower, causing bushes and pigeons to fly all around her, with Rhinoa hot on her tail and smashing through the pigeon debris. Lan felt that it was vital to send her commands to Dolphate through her thoughts rather than call them out. It was a lot harder to do but she couldn't let Stuart have even the smallest of hint of what she was doing.

Dolphate was nearly at one of the four legs of the Tower and suddenly Lan let out a little cry as she lost control of her blade and Dolphate rammed into the leg. Stuart grinned with glee at her slip and set more power to charge right at Dolphate who was wobbling around in front of Rhinoa. A sitting duck.

"Charge!" Stuart squealed, ecstasy roaming his face.

Rhinoa went full blast and charged directly at Dolphate and seconds before she came into contact…

Rhinoa's spikes scored into the metal leg of the Tower, causing a great screech which made Stuart double over covering his ears. He looked wildly into the stadium and there was Dolphate right next to Rhinoa recovering strength and speed!

"Impossible!" He cried, "You were right in my sight! You should be dead!"

Lan wiped her brow and shook her head. "You're too proud Stuart. Making Dolphate rapidly move away from the leg was easy, it's all a matter of gathering enough energy to whip out of the way at the very last second." She smiled slyly, "the hard part was getting you to fall for my trap and believe I slipped on purpose, giving you insane hope and cause you to charge right at me! A small sacrifice can bring out consequences for the greater good. Just look at your blade."

Stuart stunned and agitated, glanced down at Rhinoa and found she was still tearing away at the Eiffel Tower's leg. "Stop!" he commanded, but when Rhinoa stopped, the sight he saw nearly made him collapse with despair.

Rhinoa's sharp and steely spikes had been whittled down and blunted beyond belief. They now resembled short, grey, stumps protruding out of his grey blade. It was no longer deadly. And what was worse, was the spikes had torn through the metal leg and created a great cut through the frame and his blade was logged in there, spinning ever so slowly.

"NO!" Stuart roared with agony. He looked above and Rhinoa's spirit had become dull, worn and was half collapsing onto the floor.

"Nice match," Lan said in a casual tone, irony flooding her voice, then changing her tone, "you little cheat!" she spat. "Dolphate! You know what to do!"

Stuart watched the whole thing with a hot stabbing pain filling his eyes. He watched how the spirit of Dolphate roared with delight as she reared up to the very edge of the dish. He watched how she charged back down, causing dust to rise up behind her as she gained speed every second. He watched how Dolphate charged towards his poor defenceless Rhinoa and hammered right into her weak spinning body with a tremendous blow, causing her to soar out of the dish and land all the way to the feet of the Blade Sharks. He watched how his blade, shattered to pieces.

A thunderous and deafening roar erupted from the auditorium. D.J. Jazzman screamed out "LAN IS THE WINNNNNEEEEERRRR!"

Cheers, whoops and hollers of glee bellowed in her ears. Suddenly, her whole vision became higher and she found her feet were no longer on the floor. Lan gazed vaguely into the distance with a crooked smile on her face. Her body became slack as she let herself be carried away to God knows where. Lan blinked as she stared up at the sparkling lights above her.

"I won." She whispered.

The noise was completely deafening and coming mostly from three different types of people:

The Bladebreakers were beside themselves as they carried Lan and paraded her around the stadium. Lan could even hear Kai's voice yelling something and her face broke out into a full smile and had come out of her trance. She yelled and laughed with ecstasy and enjoyed being bounced up and down by the hands of her team mates.

In the auditorium, The Death Fangs were yelling and whooping and being the loudest group out of the whole audience. Jackson was on his chair yelling and cheering madly, punching the air with his fist and laughing with joy. He cupped his hands over his mouth and hollered over in Lan's direction,


He knew she couldn't hear him, he knew not even Lee could hear him through all the noise and commotion. But he didn't care. Lan had come out victorious and that was all he could have wished for… Lan's happiness and success.

The third loudest noise that could be heard was from the Blade Sharks, as Stuart wept and screamed over his destroyed Beyblade and Carlos and the others shouted and bawled at his defeat.

"YOU IDIOT! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LOST! YOU BLOODY RETARD YOU'RE OFF THE TEAM! GAAAARGH!" Carlos screamed at Stuart who was whimpering on the floor.

"I don't care! My Rhinoa! The whole thing is in pieces and completely ruined! I…" he choked and sobbed, "hate! That! Stupid!" he gasped "cow!"

"That's it! That's the last time you idiots have messed with us!" Carlos glowered over at the cheering Bladebreakers. "That's it. I'm going to beat you, you stupid Kai AND THAT STUPID BITCH OF YOURS!" Carlos left the rest of his team, who were still yelling at Stuart and rushed madly towards the dish, with a manic glint in his treacherous eyes.

"I'm going to finish her!" He hissed.

Jackson, from his higher position, caught Carlos's movements, stopped cheering and frowned, "what the…?" He saw the direction Carlos was going to and realised, "Oh my lord He's after Lan's blade!"

Jackson quickly climbed over the people in front of him, ignoring their contempt, jumped over the barriers and ran, as fast as his legs would allow him, towards the wild Carlos who had nearly reached the dish. Lan spotted Jackson running across the stadium and frowned,

"what's he doing?" Soon, the Bladebreakers noticed Lan and turned their heads and looked at the middle of the stadium.

Carlos was inside the Eiffel Tower stadium, straightening up from something, to receive Jackson leaping on top of him and punching him hard in the face.

"Jackson?" Lan cried and she quickly demanded to be put down and the whole team ran towards the fight.

The two guys were wrestling in the tiny dish and Jackson was punching Carlos's face and any body part he could reach. Eventually, the security guards had swarmed all over them and were trying to pry Jackson off of Carlos.

"You bloody bastard!" Jackson yelled as he kicked Carlos in the leg and then spat at his feet, before letting himself be dragged away by the giant security guards.

Lan, appalled and wide-eyed ran up to Jackson, who was insisting sarcastically to the guards he could walk on his own and didn't need their 'big-man' support.

"Jackson," Lan gasped at him, making him stop walking and causing the guards to stop pulling him away to the exit sign, "what the Hell did you think you were doing?"

Jackson jerked his head back, flicking his hair away from his eyes and looked at Lan's confused face and then licked the blood away from his bleeding lip. He then turned to the two security guards holding him,

"Hey, do you mind letting go?" He looked at their contemptuous faces and sighed, "I'm not going to beat up the girl. Honest. I just, kinda need my hands for this."

The guards looked at each other, nodded, then let go but had their arms ready in case they needed to restrain him again.

"Jackson, please just tell me…" Lan started

"Here." Jackson interrupted, grabbing her hand and pushed something into it. "You're welcome."

Lan looked down and found her scarred Dolphate in her hand, she jerked her head back up to look at Jackson, her face incredulous with sudden realisation.

"J-Jackson…" She stuttered, but he put a warm finger to her lips silencing her.

"I'm sorry… for everything. Honest and true, Lan. I'm sorry." He looked directly into her eyes and then gave her a small smile, "and no problem. I enjoyed every bit of it." Then the two security guards decided that was enough, so the grabbed him around the shoulders and steered him off towards the exit, leaving Lan stunned, staring at the back of Jackson and clutching her blade.


Welllllllll that was it folks… Next chapter? Who knows… It's now 7.11am and I reckon I should be getting to bed now… (yeah I sleep at funny hours in the holidays…)

I'm going back to school soon and surprisingly enough I actually have some homework to do. So I dunno when I'm next going to spontaneously write another chapter at 4am in the morning but hey. I dunno if this chapter was as 'good' as my others but I'll just wait and see if I actually get any reviews…..

Now, let's see. Do I have anymore fans out there?



Well…. I enjoyed writing this! So never mind. J

Love, emac.