Disclaimer: Primeval does not belong to me. This is fan fiction, not for profit.

Any references to people, places, businesses, etc. are entirely fictitious.

Survival of the Fittest


"You need to divert off of Southampton Row," said Jess.

Her calm tone of voice didn't hint at the near panic she felt as the petite brunette looked at the CCTV image. A herd of half a dozen Apatosaurus lumbered down the London motorway on a route that would lead them towards her friends.

"Jess," Matt's lilting voice called over the comm unit, "what's wrong?"

The field coordinator typed frantically at the keyboard of her workstation. Images on the computer display in front of her changed rapidly as she searched for an alternate route to King's Cross station. In the ARC, the lights flickered momentarily.

"Don't you dare quit on me now!" hissed the slender young woman through clenched teeth.

The sound of the ARC's emergency power generator clanked and groaned. The flickering equipment steadied as if in response to Jess's order. In the waning afternoon light, the CCTV image screens showed a battered city. The streets were littered with abandoned cars. Sidewalks normally crowded with pedestrians were empty. People had fled to the relative safety of buildings when creatures started pouring through the anomalies just an hour before.

"What did you say Jess?" questioned Becker. Static on the communication equipment interrupted the security officer's voice.

Jess leaned closer to the monitor display. The orange piping accenting her blue top was reflected in the screen making it difficult to see the image. Traffic lights were out on the road, but there were no accident's blocking the lanes. And, more importantly, no creatures were visible.

"Turn on Theobald Road now," directed Jess, "then go up Gray's Inn Road."


In the front seat of the SUV, the team leader looked past Emily to Becker. The black clad soldier was driving.

"It's not the most direct route to King's Cross station," began Matt.

Beside him, Emily raised her hand to point out the front window. Matt eyes focused for a moment on the beautiful Victorian woman's face before his gaze travelled down the sleeve of her cream colored jacket as he turned his head to look down the road. In the distance, a huge long-necked quadruped came into view. The creature was moving fast for such a huge beast. And it wasn't alone. The oncoming herd blocked the entire road. From the seat behind him Connor's voice spoke.

"I guess they didn't make it back to the Jurassic when the anomalies closed," said the dark haired scientist.

"Oooh," sighed Abby. The blonde leaned forward to get a better look. The herpetologist rested her chin on the back of Matt's seat. "I wonder how many creatures got stranded in our time from all the anomalies opened during Convergence."

Matt's stomach clenched. He swallowed hard. The man from the future was just beginning to realize that although the ARC's team had stopped Phillip's infernal machine, his mission was not over.

"We can't leave those creatures running loose," protested Matt. "They're dangerous!"

"And we can't stop them either," objected Connor. "I'm fresh out of anomaly opening devices."

Matt quickly turned his head again. Abby moved her head from the backrest of Matt's seat and scooted back to sit beside Connor. Facing the rear of the SUV, the team leader glared at the scientist. Connor was sprawled tiredly on the back seat. The younger man's layered shirts, black, red and blue were smudged with dust from the future world. A purple bruise was forming on the side of the scientist's face. Matt locked his gaze with Connor's dark brown eyes.

"Not funny," huffed Matt. "We've got to…"

Connor's jaw clenched. His eyes took on a determined look. The genius straightened up and Connor leaned forward.

"We can lock the anomaly at King's Cross station," interrupted the scientist, "but there is nothing we can do about those creatures except get out of their way."

Abby reached for Connor's hand. She squeezed his hand between her smaller hands and nodded in agreement.

"Apatosaurus are herbivores," reminded Abby. "The creatures are headed towards the Thames River… they probably just want water."

Matt frowned and started to reply, but static sounded in the field team's ear buds. Then voices.

"You're not supposed to be standing," admonished Jess's voice. A clattering noise followed as the headset changed hands, muffled sound and then another voice spoke.

"Your mission is to lock the anomaly at King's Cross Station," ordered Lester. "Do I need to remind you of that?"


In the ARC, Jess looked at her boss in concern. Lester's face was pale. The director leaned on a cane and his other hand gripped the edge of the ADD tightly.

"Lester," coaxed Jess, "would you please sit down?"

Nearly being killed by a predator or a near end of the world experience wasn't going to faze the bureaucrat. The red suspenders tightened across Lester's shoulders and his bandaged chest heaved as he took a deep breath.

"I'm fine," huffed the green eyed man. "I'm not sitting in that wheel chair."

"Good," said Jess. She smiled brightly. The brilliant woman decided to use one of Lester's tactics. "Then you won't mind doing some work."

The field coordinator gently took Lester by the shoulders and turned him towards his office desk. The forms stacked high on his inbox were readily visible from her workstation at the hub.

"We're going to need those requisitions for equipment approved after everything we've been through today," reminded Jess.

Lester sniffed haughtily, but he started towards his office. Jess watched as he thumped his way across the hub. Not until after Lester reached his desk and actually sat down did the field coordinator turn back to her own chair. She picked up her headset and started checking in with all the other field teams.

"Beta team," called Jess, "are you there? Leanna please, what's your status?"

"We are headed back to the ARC," sounded a familiar voice, "just passing Victoria embankment now. Our EMDs are totally out and our SUV wouldn't start so I've commandeered a furniture lorry."

Jess chuckled at the image of the tiny woman driving a huge furniture lorry, but her comment about the EMDs being drained worried the field coordinator.

"Call me before you enter the parking garage," ordered Jess. "There is a tree creeper out cold on the boss's jaguar."

"And if it's still there?" asked Leanna.

"Then it goes to the menagerie," replied Jess.

"And if it's not there?" asked the beta team leader. "If it's not still out cold?"

Jess glanced towards Lester's office. The bureaucrat was still sitting at his desk, papers before him, pen in hand. Jess lowered her voice to answer Leanna.

"After the damage the tree creeper caused," replied Jess, "you might be authorized to use lethal force if necessary."

Jess continued to call the other field teams. One by one they all responded. By some miracle all the ARC's staff was still alive.


Matt limped into the hub three hours later. He was followed by Emily and Becker. Abby and Connor entered last. Connor was leaning on Abby, his arm draped across her shoulder. Her right hand clasped his hand while her left arm hugged his waist. Jess's eyes widened in alarm.

"What happened?" asked Jess. She looked from one team member to another anxiously. Her gaze settled on Becker. "You didn't say anything about injuries!"

"Couldn't," replied the tall soldier abruptly. "Too much static on the coms and cell phones weren't working."

"My phone was working," protested Matt, "but it just died."

Abby settled Connor in a chair and disappeared down the corridor towards the break room. Emily stepped closer to Jess's workstation as Matt limped towards Lester's office.

"It's nothing serious," whispered the Victorian conspiratorially. "Matt fell off the platform and banged his knee."

Jess nodded. The field coordinator watched as Abby returned carrying a wet cloth. The petite blonde pressed the cloth to Connor's forehead and leaned down close to his face.

"And what's wrong with Connor?" asked Jess.

Emily turned to face the couple. She smirked.

"Nothing. He fell asleep on the ride back," explained Emily. "I think Abby's just being protective."

"We've all had a long day," added Becker.

Jess looked up in surprise. She hadn't realized the captain had stepped so close. His muscular body was mere inches away from her chair.

"Well, the night team is here," replied Jess, "we can all go home now."

The door to Lester's office opened and Matt limped over to stand beside Emily in time to hear Jess's words.

"Getting home tonight might be a bit of a problem," said the team leader. "Half of London is without power."

Jess's eyes widened. She glanced towards her roomies. Abby nodded.

"The shock wave from Philip's anomaly," added Connor, "it damaged power stations throughout the city… maybe even throughout the whole country."

Jess swiveled her chair around and brought up the CCTV images of the city again. Fingers flying, she soon found her address. The darkened building was barely visible on the skyline. Becker rolled his shoulders and seemed to stand a bit straighter.

"I can drive," offered the captain. "I can get you home safely."

Jess looked up at her would be savior.

"But when we get there," asked Jess, "how will we get inside? Computerized security on the entrance doors and the lifts…"

"Lifts won't be working," groaned Connor. "Twelve flights of stairs…"


The decision to stay at Matt's place was made based on the fact that he had a home generator and there were only four flights of stairs from the car park to the entrance to his home. The short drive from the ARC to Matt's home was uneventful. As the soldier turned off the SUVs ignition, Becker turned to face Matt.

"Why on earth would you have a generator?" asked Becker.

"Always prepared," replied the team leader with a smirk. Matt opened the door. "Come on mate, give me a hand up the stairs."


First priorities were showers, then food.

"I'll start dinner," said Matt, he gestured towards the bathroom, "while you lot sort out showering arrangements."

"Connor and I can share together," offered Abby.

"Someone else might want to go first," squawked Connor.

"No mate," chuckled Matt. "You're filthy. You need to shower first."

"And I'll scrub your back," added Abby.

The blonde grabbed the rucksack with clothing she had brought from the ARC with one hand and Connor with her other hand. Abby dragged the scientist towards the bathroom before anyone had a chance to offer another opinion. Matt grinned and shook his head as the door closed behind the couple. Beside him Becker shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"I should be going," said the soldier.

"What?" Matt asked. "Mate you're staying here tonight too."

"You don't have beds for everyone," began Becker, "and my flat isn't far from here..."

"It doesn't make sense for you to leave," interrupted Jess. She smiled brightly. "You would just have to come back to take us all back to work tomorrow."

"I've got plenty of blankets," added Matt.

"It will be like camping!" exclaimed Jess.

Matt regarded the soldier. Becker was looking at Jess uncertainly.

"Becker," urged Matt, "Jess is the best field coordinator around. You don't need to be driving around London any more tonight. Listen to her."

The man from the future turned and limped towards his tiny kitchen without giving the tall Captain a chance to object. Emily took a breath and followed Matt. The team leader stopped abruptly in front of the refrigerator. The Victorian reached a slender hand forward and pulled open the door.

"Would you like some help with dinner?" offered Emily.


A simple dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and vegetable salad was placed on the low coffee table in the living area. Matt and Emily sat on the sofa, while Abby, Connor, Jess and Becker sat on throw pillows on the floor. Matt reached for the remote.

"Do you think the news is broadcasting?" asked Matt.

"It might depend upon who your cable provider is," answered Jess. She tried to remember the map of the blackout area. "Like the cell phones, some are working and others aren't."

A click of the button brought light to the telly, but only blurred lines and the sound of static came from the machine. Matt frowned and clicked the power button again. The screen blinked and blacked out.

"I guess not," said Becker.

"We could try the art of conversation," suggested Emily, "and tell each other about our day."

"Didn't blow up the world, didn't get killed," exclaimed Connor with a grin. "Quite chuffed about that. And even better…"

The dark eyed man stopped speaking abruptly. Connor turned to look at Abby with a questioning look. The blonde picked up a carrot stick and shook it as she spoke.

"Connor, of course you can talk about it," said the blonde. She grinned and turned to the others. "We're getting married."

Congratulations and joyous laughter filled the room. In bits and pieces, the little group began to tell each other the events of the day from their own personal view. The conversation ebbed and flowed as the friends ate dinner together. Matt listened more than he spoke, but finally he came to a decision. The time for secrets was past. The man from the future told his friends about the unexpected visitor he had earlier that afternoon.

"I just don't understand," said Matt, "why would I tell myself I have to go back? Back where? Back when?"
