Warsaw, Poland -1996

The hotel smelled moldy and stale but underneath was the metallic tang of blood. Natasha's body still ached from the trauma of the delivery. With her minutes old son curled sleeping in her arms, she thought about the past few months.

No one at the Red Room had known she was pregnant when she left. Result of her last mission. When she missed her period twice, she had scheduled an appointment at a clinic. An appointment the mission required her to miss it. And the next one and the one after that. Finally she gave up, and waited for the inevitable.

She should get rid of him. Better to kill him now than to subject him to the hell that was the Red Room. Any child of hers would go no place else. But he looked so peaceful, cuddling against her. Her beautiful baby boy.

Tasha was never the sentimental type. Nobody lasted in this business if they were. But just looking at him, those tiny fingers, that perfect nose, she wanted him to have everything. Make him happy and never have him worry about a single thing. Give him the world and every star in the sky. To give him a real family and everything that came with it. Everything he deserved and she never had. Everything she could never give him.


The cheap hotel door splintered as it was kicked in, and a man and woman rush in guns drawn. The Parkers, they had been after her for months. The baby started screaming at the top of his lungs. Tasha pulled the gun out of the nightstand, wrapping her free arm around her son. They both surveyed the scene, taking in Tasha and her son sitting on blood-stained sheets.

Richard stepped forward, lowering his gun, "Relax, we don't want you. Where's your handler?"

"Not here, Parker." Tasha answered "He hasn't been here for months."

Mary spoke up now "Is it his?" She gestured at the child in Tasha's arms.

Tasha bristled "He is mine." She stated icily. "That's all that matters."

Richard holstered his weapon "Than we have nothing here. Let's go Mary."

As the couple turned to leave, they cast one last glance at the whimpering infant in Tasha's lap.


The Parkers looked at her, confused. Tasha kneeled on the bedspread.

"Take him." She stated calmly, holding out the little bundle.

They looked at her like she was crazy.

"I know about the miscarriage." Tasha stated.

Mary stiffened slightly; Richard wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Five months past and still a touchy topic.

Tasha continued, "I know you. I've read your files. I know you were all set to retire with your baby after this mission." She drew a breathe. "Take him, say he's yours. No one will ever know the difference." She proffered the bundle again.

Mary took the baby, rocking gently to quiet his whimpering. Richard leaned in to examine the boy's face, touching one round cheek.

Richard glanced up. "Why would up give him up?" he said accusingly.

Tasha stared at her hands, "I can't have him live the life I lead. He didn't do anything to deserve that."

She looked up. Richard looked at her, something close to pity in his eyes. He nodded, and touched Mary's arm. She glanced between Tasha and the baby, than she nodded, too. They turned to leave. Tasha slumped into the bedding, exhausted.

Richard turned back to her one last time, "Does he have a name?"

Tasha hadn't considered.

"Peter. His name is Peter."