Hey guys. New Story from PIQ, huh. This is an AU fanfic. I guarantee you will fall in love with it. I know I have. If I get at least 5 reviews for this chapter, Ill continue.


Fionna Mertins lay on her back in the dark, listening to the sounds of her sister screaming. The hard pinewood floors were cold, but that was not what sent shivers down her spine. It was Cake Mertins screams and cries which traveled from the floor below and rang in Fionna's ears.

Why wouldn't her sister just leave him.

Then again, she had tried, but HE had threatened her.

Fionna wanted to kick his buns like the tough girl she was, but Cake had told her to always lock up safely in her room.

"I'll take care of my own problems, baby.", She had said, "I don't want you to get hurt. You have enough problems already."

It was too much for Fionna to just lay there and do nothing while her sister got beat senseless by some worthless son of a bleebob!

She was so engulfed in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the silence. The creaking of the stairs was all that could be heard. Fionna remained as still as possible.

She jumped at the loud knocks that pounded on her door.

Thinking it was her sister, Fionna sprang to her feet then anxiously swung the door open.

She gasped then attempted to shut the door again but the stronger body on the other side pushed it with force, sending her on the ground.

A tall muscular dark skinned man towered above the helpless blonde.

"Hello Fionna. I haven't seen YOU in a while.", His voice was mischievous and he raked his eyes over her 16 year old body.

She slowly climbed to her feet then backed away.

"L-l-leave me alone! L-l-eave me alone, you sick freak!"

His mischievous expression turned to one of pure hatred and anger.

"Shut up!"

He punched her across the face with his heavy, hairy fists, knocking the wind out of her.

She gasped as he kicked her in the side then in her back.

She lay on the ground, curled up in a ball sobbing softly.

This is why she had always wanted to kill herself. Her life was a mess.

For one brief moment, she thought of letting him kill her. Then she thought of her sister, who had been through so much.

Fionna would kick his buns. Not for herself but for Cake.

With all of the energy she could muster, she stood on her feet, shaking as she did so.

The evil man grinned.

"So we think we're bad, don't we. This'll fix ya!"

He threw a punch which she easily dodged, then returned the gesture, coming out successful.

While he was still stunned, she landed one on his cheek and in his stomach then kicked him in the chest.

Once he was on the ground, she kicked him over and over in the temple of his forehead.

Rage surged through her body but with every kick and every punch it slowly went away.

Satisfied, she stared at the bloody man that lay on her carpet and spit on his shirt.

"Rot in hell"

She was so caught up in the glory of the moment that she had forgotten about her sister.

She raced down the stairs to find her sister slumped over the couch, in almost the same condition as her boyfriend.

She wailed over her sisters body until she realized crying wouldn't solve anything. She raced over to the telephone which was on the table beside the television.

She called the police and and ambulance then cleaned up her sister while she waited.

Five minutes later, the ambulance and the police had arrived and Cake and her boyfriend were loaded into it.

Fionna went with the police to the police station to answer some questions. She didn't object or complain. She was just glad the nightmare was almost over.

Omg. Please tell me if you want me to continue. I put so much effort into it. Please review and follow.