A/N: Hi everyone!

This chapter is dedicated to all of those nice reviewers! Each person gave up that bit of their time to write a review, and if you put all of that time and effort together, you get one huge effort. Which is why I a writing this, to thank the people that gave up their time for me! ^-^

Psycho Llama walks onto the stage a few people clap quietly, "Thank you, thank you to all my reviewers!!! You've made my life worth living!" she sniffs. Cell sighs and walks onto stage, the crowd erupts into an ear-splitting roar and Cell-fans chant and scream to him. Cell sweat-drops.

Llama: Thank you! Thank you! Now, *takes out a scroll* I will now read out my list of thank-you letters! Ahem. . .

Cell: Why did you bring me here?

Llama: Because you are the main character. . . and I love you too! *hugs Cell*

Cell: -_-'

Llama: Ahem, the first and BIGGEST thank you, is to my beloved Cell!!!

Cell: somebody. . . help. . .

Llama: Next, is to the characters that were in this story! Thank-you Aquaria, Cindi, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, SK, Kaiobit, Gohan. . . blah, blah, blah. You know the characters.

Cell: Is it possible to get this done any faster?!

Llama: *nods* Here! *hands Cell the scroll*

Cell: What? *takes it*

Llama: You're going to read out the names, and I'll say the thank-you! *beams*

Cell: -_-'

Llama: Go on! Start! ^-^

Cell: scatty.com?

Llama: Yup! Thank you to this site for providing me with Aquaria's jokes! *grins*

Cell: . . .This list goes on forever!!!

Llama: Well you DID ask Cellie-poo!

Cell: . . .never call me that. . .

Llama: Okay!

Cell: The following reviewers will be listed in alphabetical order.

Llama: *giggles with anticipation*

Cell: Acwaball.

Llama: *bows* thank you so much for writing a review! I'm glad you liked it so much!!!

Cell: *sighs* ~~anime finatic~~

Llama: Goddie! Not only did she review this fic! She reviewed my other Cell one! Thank you so!!!

Cell: The anonymous reviewers that didn't give their name.

Llama: Thank you to the person that likes cookies! You're right! The Cell juniors are soooo cute! *pics up a plushie and hugs it* Aw! Cutie wootie Cell junior! Hehe, Cell is cuter though!

Cell: -_-'

Llama: I'm sorry that I caused some of you reviewers to wait for that chappie for so long! My eyes hurt a bit and I took a very looong break! ^-^

Cell: Cleoraia

Llama: *is puzzled* what did you mean by "PG?!" I still confused. Should it be higher or lower? The rating that is.

Cell: Cowgirl_6_26_87

Llama: Thank you so much for putting that flamer in it's place, like so many of you guys did! ^-^ it really helped!

Cell: Dark_Topaz

Llama: Wow! You said thank you! Man! You're so polite!!! ^-^

Cell: Are we done yet?

Llama: Of course not! We still have a looong way to go! *grins*

Cell: -_-'

Llama: Come on. . . Cellie wellie!

Cell: Um. . . Dark Angel.

Llama: !!!

Cell: Are you alright?

Llama: Dark Angel!!! You are the best! She gave me almost one review for every chapter! Oh man! You were right there for me even at the start! *sobbs* though every thing, you still read and reviewed my work! Through flames, badly written chapters, and EVERYTHING! She even read and reviewed one of my other stories!!! Dark Angel! I present you with the award for most loyalist reviewer!!! *gives Dark Angel a huge golden cup*

Cell: Wow.

Llama: You bet wow! Just read her reviews! Always funny! Always helpful! My friend!!! And a Buu fan too!

Cell: DBZfreak

Llama: Here, here! ^-^

Cell: Demoness Yasha

Llama: Oooh! ^-^ *points at Yasha* Man! You guys should read her stories! They rock!!! Subject Incomplete is one of my favourites! The idea of an author THAT talented r/ring my insignificant fic is unheard of!!! AND she can draw Anime/Manga!!!

Cell: I'm talking it that you like her work?


Cell: Ahem, Doctoroc.

Llama: Cool! This guy is really cool! It was his idea for me to include a Cindi/SK romance thingie. Dark Angel found this a wee bit surprising. Heh, but I decided to just hint it throughout the story. Sorry if you disagree with this or my hints weren't clear enough.

Cell: Flamers?

Llama: He, he! Flamers! Oh this will be so fun!!! My first flame, like the second, was basically telling me that the idea of a Cell romance was not good. Which is bad, because I LOVE CELL!!!

*Cell fangirls go wild with applause*

Llama: I will now put up these flames, taking out the swearwords of course.

The following review has been submitted to: Aquaria Caidoz Chapter: 1

From: hdfdagdafgds()

A Cell romance...Har har...I'm not even going to bother reading this obvious garbage. Cell of all people... God some of these kids have the most [beep!]ed up fantasies. Kid, go watch some [beep!] and [beep!]off, instead of completely disfiguring Cell.

Cell: . . .

The following review has been submitted to: Aquaria Caidoz Chapter: 1


What. The. [beep!]. [BEEP!]. Who in their[beep!] right mind would write a damn CELL ROMANCE FIC?! That is like THE most nasty [beep!] thing ever [beep!] created, and that's including all of your [beep!] intestinal bowel movements... which must be an oxymoron since you're obviously [beep!] constipated or something and whatever's in your bowels doesn't MOVE, more like it drizzles out slowly. Painfully. Viciously. You want a mother[beep!] review and don't care if every [beep!] other [beep!] word is a [beep!] swear word, you stupid [beep]? Then guess what you're gonna get, you little steaming pile of smashed dog [beep!]? God, you disgust me. Your very breathing offends me because you're consuming air that someone [beep!] incredibly talented, like myself for example, could be using. If you weren't so pathetically neglected, I wouldn't even waste my precious time reviewing for you, but since your lack of intelligence seems a bit more brutally ignorant than asinine, I'll grace you with my

presence, if only temporarily. Feel honored, you stinking, used [bad word] with congealed cat [bad word] emitting a ghastly unbearable stench from your neglected, useless [bad word]. You know what you could do that wouldn't severely offend my royal graciousness? You could do the entire [beep!] world a favor and slit your own [beep!] wrists, and then watch as each drop of blood drips out slowly and stains your carpets--if you have any, since I doubt your kind could possibly afford such luxuries, you [beep!] loser. Or just [beep!] die without losing all your clotted life's blood, I don't [beep!] care. Go to [beep!], because hey, at least for once in your [beep!] miserably pathetic loser's life you'd be considering someone else's peace of mind, especially the [beep!] people who are unfortunate enough to have no lives so that they must come to read your [beep!]y fiction. Son of a [beep!] [beep!]sucker, did you consider your work quality enough for someone else to [beep!] read it? I'm sure it so!

good in your miserable two-celled brain, [beep!], but here's a newsflash: YOU SUCK AT WRITING! It's a [beep!] wonder that you have any reviews at all you [beep!] neglected piece of flying horse [bad word]. I would be surprised if when you DIED (preferably now, you [beep!]) that maggots would even eat your [beep!] decomposing corpse. I feel bad for the people who read this rotting [bad word] fungus complete with bloody mucus-caked [bad word]. I bet half of these people would have a better time [beep!] their grandma's half cousin three times removed and added one once and who had [beep!] with that grandma's dog that was [beep!] by a gay psychotic trucker. Oh, I forgot, you had people reading this story? Pfft. [beep!] that [beep!] [beep!] and eat a mother [beep!] [beep!]. Oh, and just to end this on a positive note, I like pizza. =)

Cell: O_o

Llama: I had to put in all those censor signs, heck! *laughs* they sound like Dr. Evil off Austin Powers 2! Right at the start with all of those beep thingies going off! Lol! I burst out laughing when I read that, it was funny! Sorry if that put bad images into your head, _

Cell: That person needs counciling.

Llama: Lol, that was funny!

Cell: *sighs* g.

Llama: Yaaay! G person! The first person to ever review this fic! ^-^ I hope you liked it!

Cell: Gabriel.

Llama: Thank you so much for reviewing! I thank you all too! I'm glad you liked it! Go our favourite bad guys!!! ^-~

Cell: O_o

Llama: Thank you also for telling the flamer off! He, he!

Cell: Gloria Stone.

Llama: ^-^ Your joke was really funny! And I'm glad you like me updating so often, it is a relief to get this off my back though!

Cell: Hybrid

Llama: You're right Hybrid! Cell romances are small in quantity!!! There needs to be more!!! Mwuhahahaha!

Cell: . . . Iris Cell Holmes

Llama: *bows* your wish has been granted.

Cell: Juunanagou4eva

Llama: *grinns* thank you soooo much Juunanagou! I'm so happy that this is your favourite fanfic! I almost cried when I read it! Your such a loyal reviewer! I present you with the award for the most enthusiastic reviewer!!! ^-^ *hands Juunanagou a very LARGE gold cup*

Cell: Krazy Kitty and Tess.

Llama: My first reviewer ever was Krazy Kitty!!! We signed up at about the same time! She was my best friend from school!!! ^-^ and Tessa is also a friend from school. She is nice.

Cell: Kycaley

Llama: A very recent reviewer, I hope you enjoy the ending!!! ^-^

Cell: Kyro and Vivian.

Llama: Thank you thank you thank you!!! You guys are great! ^-^

Cell: Masquerade.

Llama: *breaks down crying in happiness* I am not worthy of such celebrities reviewing my work! To Dark Angel and I, you are a celebrity!!! I present you one of the two Celebrity award! *Gives large gold cup to Masquerade*

Cell: Musashi

Llama: Thank you sooooo much!!! Your reviews were so nice!

Cell: Rainie19_2000

Llama: OOOOHHHH MMMYYYY GGGGOOOODDDDD!!! I present you this HUGE award for drawing this most totally awesome picture!!! And please keep writing your fic! You should sign up with ffn and put it on the web! That would be cool! ^-^

Cell: Sierrakoi

Llama: One of my friends! Thank you so much for your support and ideas! You people rock!

Cell: SSJSkaterTrunks

Llama: O_O! Another Celebrity! I present you with the same award I gave to Masquerade! *Gives SSJSkaterTrunks the golden cup* please update your Coffee Talk!!!

Cell: Sylvanon

Llama: Yaaay! This person also read my Shinzo fic! ^-^

Cell: T. B. Stormshort

Llama: Yaaay! Another nice reviewer! ^-^

Cell: And finally, Tenkuu no Sakura.

Llama: I've read your story and it's totally cool! Keep it up please! ^-^

Cell: Goodbye.

Llama: Wait! Oh no you don't Cellie wellie! *grabs him around the middle*

Cell: -_-'

Other Fics By The Author, ME! ^^

Swift Sword Shadows from darkness Ryunii Kyura

Pwease read!

Thank you!
