Ash: Hey Death Note followers… I'm Ash. This is Glass. Glass: Yo. Ash: No we're not depressed freaks looking for something to do, its just an idea we liked. Glass: And we're sharing it. Ash: Exactly. You should feel honoured Glass typed more than two words. Yeah, we're pretty badass people with pretty badass attitudes. Glass: Deal with it.

Ash: On with the chapter!

It wasn't her fault, really. She didn't choose her name. And although she could change it, change her identity with a bat of her long black eyelashes, she didn't. Because it was the only apparent bond that connected her with her parents anymore. Or more specifically, her mother.

She hatedit of course. Both internally and externally. Internally, because she hated still having an emotional attachment. She hated having feelings, feelings that dug out a path to the heart, although faintly. And when the heart was open, there was pain. Deep, harsh, unbearable pain that she had experienced first hand.

So she had decided no more of that. But she couldn't help it, as long as her mother lived, the name would stick. She couldn't change it, unless absolutely necessary, and 'absolutely necessary' was coming a lot these days.

Externally because, well she lived in Japan. And in Japan, Kira either meant 'Killer' or 'Sparkling.'

Her name, Kira, wasn't a synonym for 'Killer' before though. No, it only became 'Killer' when some petty criminal started murdering other criminals using vague methods. In turn she hated him/her for that now. Of course hewasn't the one getting weird looks from people when she had to give her name for something. No it was her and she found it very troublesome to explain that she wasn't a criminal.

'But maybe he does get the weird looks I get. Maybe he doesn't use a fake ID. No, they would have arrested him till now if he didn't. I wonder….'

Kira pondered on this thought while absent-mindedly typing an opposable paper to Dr. James Chadwick on his account of the new medicinal drug he had just issued for all the third-world medical facilities he could reach out to. She was about 39.2% interested at the moment.

Dr. James Chadwick was a multi-billionaire and the most famous scientist in the world at the moment, developing new medicines all by himself.

She was certain he would read though. She had been working under an alias on the net, dropping facts like bombshells on the most famous of people who thought what they were doing was utterly right, and that the more they tricked the people into believing, the more power they'd get hold of.

She herself was becoming famous. Her alias, Vinci (the fact that people thought of Vinci to be a male amused her to great heights) had attained great respect from the public as she had stated unopposable statements and facts, ruining the fragment of power the rich men had draped over the society.

Her glittering ocean blue orbs scanned the laptop screen as she typed with one hand and rose a spoonful of chocolate cake into her mouth with the other.

She was a genius, fresh out of college with a dozen scholarships, a prodigy that came by once in a millennia. Emotionally closed and socially unstable, with a brilliant mind even the best couldn't compete with, college flew by her like a breeze. She didn't need it, but she was forced and threatened by her mother, her mother had argued that she wouldn't receive any of her sweets for a whole month if she didn't go. So she had to, no way was she giving up on her sweets.

Sweets. She had become obsessed with them. Anything sweet, really. After that incident with her father, her world had become bitter. The sweets gave her momentary happiness. It helped her not go insane. It was like a drug to her now, like alcohol. Only this didn't cause her harm apart from the fact that she would get Diabetes later on. She didn't get fat, she had a high metabolism and she burnt all of it during her Taek-Won Do, kickboxing and Aikido training.

She was the best at being physical too. She couldn't help but feel a little narcissistic.

A sharp intake of breath, she read the last summary she put in at the end of each paper she wrote. Her interested piqued to about 47.3%.

As a result of the excessive amounts of Parathion and Carbaryl used in your new drug Apatheniocol, I advise and suggest that you retrieve back the shipments of medicines you have sent out as the drug can cause harsh brain seizures (due to the chemicals stated above) and in extreme cases, resulting in death. I am sure that as the voice of the public and general community we recommend and object to the use of Apatheniocol in any and every medical institution.

A voice of the crowd,


No words were wasted, every sentence was bold and exactly to the point. She liked that, she did not like beating around the bush. Straightforward and direct was what she was fond of. She hesitated before pressing the 'send' button. How many millionaires had she broken? How many power-seekers had she crushed? With the will of the community backing her up, how many careers had she destroyed?

It didn't matter, because if she didn't, then there would be much more chaos in the world than there normally is. Besides, this was only the most harmful part of aristocracy and not all of them hated her, or in the case of Vinci, him. Andrew Simpilkins, Lorie Baker, Rupert Hart. These were some of the people who took her oppositions gracefully and respected her for finding their mistakes.

Politicians to businessmen to scientists. She'd wiped them all.

But she didn't care, she was doing this for the justice of the people in a way. Protecting them from major outbreaks of power-crazed megalomaniacs who seeked to control the world with their 'Prince and Pauper' way. She could predict how it would be without people like her going against their ideas and ideals.

'How much would he loose for a major drug to backfire, five million? Well he is a billionaire, I'm sure he'll be okay.' She assured herself that she was doing the right thing and clicked the button that led to the message being sent.

A ghost of a smile creeped up on her thin, pale lips, a self-amusing smirk before it returned to its normal grim, thin line.

As she put the last piece of cake in her mouth, her personal inbox that nobody except the major leaders of the world and her underground…. associates had contact to (even they didn't know she was Kira), buzzed with a notification. She stopped mid-chew, straightening in her chair, azure eyes narrowing as she clicked the mysterious message that popped up in highlights, marked as unread.

She was sure nobody had hacked into her system or email, this was just a message. But nobody unknown knew this email-address, even the main database of the site didn't have it. It was a personal and private email she had supported with her own hack-proof programs, firewalls and installations. Someone who broke in and stole her identity was not to be trifled with, this was serious matter.

The message read:

I know who you are Vinci, or should I say, Kira? I must say, I find your work rather…... intriguing to say in the least. But that isn't the purpose of this message. I am sure you have heard about the 'Kira case' going on, the mass killings that are happening with a mysterious figure who is now being called 'Kira'. Your name. And I must simply believe that you are not the murder Kira we are looking for. Firstly, I have been observing youveryclosely and all your movements and actions do not denote you are Kira the killer. Secondly, Kira would not be so stupid as to actually name himself Kira, that would be the oldest trick in the book, and you are most definitely not stupid, I believe. Instead, I would like for you to join….. a special team I have gathered to help find this Kira. If you accept this invitation for the service of justice of many, and you think Kira's methods are wrong, meet me at the top of the clock tower in the heart of the city tomorrow just after sunrise. I would be sparing you a good challenge for that highly developed and intelligent brain of yours, a puzzle for masters like ourselves. Your deduction ability would be highly valuable to me. And if you do not… well I hope you make sure to keep this message in confidentiality or else Iwillhave to intervene, which I wouldn't like.

We are watching,


A piece of chocolate cake fell from her slightly open mouth, staining her white long sleeved shirt. For a moment, she distractedly wiped the crumble off of her, still staring at the letter in amazement. Three things seemingly occurred to her.

A) She had analysed the speech-pattern of this so called L (Of course she knew who L was, the greatest sleuth in the world, even she marvelled at his tactics as she studied them when she was bored.) and by the look of things, he more wanted to keep her in preventive detention due to her name than use her to help in the case.

B) There was a minuscule LT-1980 cam recorder, recording straight at her about fifty feet north-east, in an alleyway. It wasn't your ordinary public police cam either, this one was top and new. It had been recently installed.

C) Due to all this, her curiosity and interest had heightened to about 78.5%.

She shut her Mac laptop, picking up the thin, white device before getting up, leaving some green bills on the table-top for her cake. She started to leave the café when she paused for a moment, cerulean orbs looking directly at the camera, a smirk plastered on her, letting them know she knew. She then proceeded to continue walking out from there, towards her home. No doubt, they would have bugged her apartment too.

So instead she diverged from her path. She swiftly pulled out her cell phone that had a secure line and contacted one of her underground associates.

"Mackenzie, Its me, Ryoku." She used her fake identity. Nobody knew her name was Kira other than her mother and now, L. "I need a place to crash for tonight, you owe me for not locking you up behind bars." She smirked again. "Yeah, I'll be there in ten."

She cut the call and walked briskly, hands in her pockets. She went in through the deserted alleyway that had a tunnel that would lead her underground, where all the criminals and death dealers, abusers and drug caterers of the city resided. The only reason all of them weren't behind bars, in prison was that they were a very important and useful resources, even for sleuthing detectives like her and of course, the police.

She knocked on the wooden boards that looked like a cellar entrance but wasn't a cellar entrance. Once, twice then once again. That was the code. A slide in the door slid back to reveal the bouncer peeking from behind it.

"Name?" His ancient voice intoned. "Ryoku." She replied flatly. His eyes widened "Ryoku? As in Ryoku Sonera?" She gave a curt nod. "Well then, come in, Miss Ryoku." The old man's voice sounded as he still wide-eyed, opened the door for her.

She stepped in the murky corridor, fluorescent light bulbs lighting the way downstairs. The only reason Ryoku was famous and allowed in the underground was that everyone knew she had the power to snap her fingers and let the cops know where they were. Even the highest of assassins grudgingly respected her since they didn't want to relocate their headquarters. Because she wouldfind them. Believe it or not, even some of the worst criminals didn't have a bad heart and followed her loyally.

So in turn for letting her use them, she never told a soul about them. But all was not well, since there still were some stupid brutes who thought she wouldn't play fair and that she was a threat to them.

'Kind of like wasps or bees.'She thought. 'They just feel the need to eliminate every threat to their existence, no matter if they themselves die in the process. Which again is very stupid of them….'

Her footsteps echoed on the cheap tiles that led her down and opened up to a huge room full of illegal activity. The whole area was larger than ten football fields put together, it was a miracle the police hadn't found them yet. And just as crowded.

She winced. She hated crowded places, too much noise. And everything and anything was possible in this particular crowd. Said members of the crowd turned and glanced at her before running their normal routine of craziness and illicitness.

"Yo Ryoku!" A goofy voice said from her right. She turned, "Mackenzie." She said his name in greeting. Mackenzie was a tall, pale and skinny guy, wearing only an open biker's jacket and skinny jeans. He had a red bandana tied up on his head, his strawberry blonde hair, softly spiked up. He wore Aviator sunglasses hiding his sea green eyes from view, with chains hanging around in different places across his figure. His thin pink lips held iron piercings and snakebites and a long cheeky grin. Mackenzie was about two inches taller than her, naturally being about three years older to her. He had left college in his first year at eighteen and taken up to hacking and was very brilliant at it. Now he was the best, at twenty five years old having hacked into the securest of files and document in under a minute.

"How ya doin', girl!? It's been so long, ain't it!?" His infectious grin made her nod and twitch the corners of her mouth upward for a second, then resuming to be pressed in line. "Hmm, it has been long, hasn't it? When was the last time I threatened your sorry little ass?"

His grin widened, "Still the biter I see. You oughta keep a hold on that sharp tongue of yours, it could get ya in deep trouble someday."

"Already has, many times infact." She answered flatly with a bored tone. He chuckled and shook his head. "Always the same, eh?" He turned his back to her and motioned her to follow.

They went through the maze of the people, the ones that were against her and feared her, glared at her with hatred in their eyes, but nonetheless continued with their illicit activities. "You've made quite a name for yourself around here, Ryoku. What you have done, you shouldn't have. You shouldn't have betrayed us." He said in a low tone, still grinning like an idiot. "I haven't Mack. I haven't told a soul. I'm just putting them in one at a time. Those who are dangerous. That isn't against the rules. The agreement was I never tell anyone of this place and where it is. And I haven't." She confirmed to him as they turned around a deserted corner and slipped through between two brick walls, back out in the open except this was the worst part of downtown. No cops came in downtown, no more cameras and bugs.

From downtown it was only with the authority of the local gangs and the groups could a place be bugged. She wasn't completely safe here too but it was her best chances. "Madame." Mackenzie grinned, opening the wooden door hidden in the darkness and stepping aside.

Kira stepped into the messy and small room and looked around. Clothes scattered everywhere, the TV switched on mute. The sofa scattered with pieces of clothing and popcorn. Half-eaten pizza on the table with an empty coffee mug tipped down. The wallpaper was moist and peeling off of the walls.

"Quaint." She said with a sarcastic tone and he laughed as he shut the door behind him. "Hey I know its messy, but boys will be boys, neh?"

As soon as the door closed he closed the distance between them, his expression grim. That grin was off, he was a completely different person now. He towered over her a few inches, his lips a thin line, just like hers. She could see his green orbs shining and glittering behind those black sunglasses. She didn't back off, because deep down somewhere, she knew she trusted him.

"You shouldn't have come here, Ryoku, or whatever your real name is. I still can't believe we had been together for, what six years? Six years in the Underworld here and I still didn't get your real name. Anyways, you're still Ryoku to me, you'll always be Ryoku for me. Ryoku, you don't know how much trouble your in. Word's gotten around that you put the Fulinine Group's leader's bro behind bars. You've made him serve time for seven years. The Fulinine Group is big, and they're out for your-"

"Blood. You don't think I know Mack? I always know. He was getting out of hand, raping many innocent girls. I did what was right." She stated an turned her face away, her raven colored bangs covered her startling cerulean eyes. Mackenzie sighed, "You're not that thirteen year old I saw crying in the alley anymore, Ryoku. The one that came up with her fake name just on the spot and stuck with it from then on. Your not the one that needs my help anymore, eh? Just….. be careful. I don't want to lose ya too." He said.

She knew what he was talking about. He was an orphan that was taken in when he was fifteen by his uncle, abused and made to face the underworld at such a young age. But then he had found her in the alley, she was thirteen and she was hiding from everyone, crying at the loss of her father. Her father, her world. Since then, they kept each other company, protected each other from harm and in a way, they understood each other. Though both of them didn't grow emotionally attached because they knew how it felt when someone they loved, left.

Her sapphire orbs gazed at a point to the left as she spoke, she couldn't bear to face him. She had crossed her arms over her chest, gripping her biceps tightly, in a self-comforting hug. "No Mack. You remember don't you? You remember how hurt you felt when your parents died? You loved them. You were emotionally attached to them. You're growing feelings for me too. You mustn't. Because," She looked into his eyes now, past his sunglasses, sapphire into emerald. "Because, I don't know when I might die."

In the silence that followed, nobody moved. Then swift as the wind, he kissed her on her forehead and stepped back, out of arms reach. His face regained his signature grin. "Hey no probs, I love you, you no love me, I get that." He said cheekily and moved towards the wall where he pulled out one of those, fold-in-the-closet beds. He picked a pillow and a rough blanket from the mess on the floor and threw it on the bed. "G'night." He grinned and ruffled her hair before going and settling on the couch, using some clothes bundled up as a pillow.

She got in and pulled the coarse material over her skinny and tall frame. She wondered why he didn't get a better house as she stared up at his ceiling, she knew he had enough money to buy a new place what with his extreme hacking. 'But I guess here is safe, no police knocking on your door, telling you that your arrested. Well, whatever floats his boat, I guess.'

She'd made up her mind about the L thing too. She would go, her half-a-million yen she had gotten from the police for arresting a wanted criminal named Shishui was depleting fast, what with her mother being in town.

'That reminds me, I have to call her tomorrow.' She thought as her azure eyes drifted to a shut.

And there was no more, as she fell into a dreamless slumber.

Ash: I quite liked that, much better than what we normally write. Glass: Yeah. Ash: So people, review and tell us if we should write more or not, longer reviews equals faster updates. Glass: *Nod nod* Ash: See ya guys!

-Ash and Glass.