Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars

A Shift in the Force: Chapter One: Crash Landing

AN: I'm not quite sure if this is going to be a thing, but I'm going to make an honest attempt at a Star Wars fanfic. This is a Sobiwan (Sabé x Obi-Wan), if you are confused by the pairing, in which Sabé is a Jedi. This is the story of her ups and downs, lefts and rights. My friends all told me "No, don't do it, you have enough fanfics to write," but I couldn't help myself! I'm not sure if this has ever been attempted before, but I figured that I would give it a go, so here it is! Enjoy!

Edited: 1/31/16

Jedi Master Plo Koon lifted the infant gently from her cradle. She was no more than five months old with a small tuft of brown hair sticking straight up on her head.

"What is her name?" the Jedi Master asked of the girl's father, unable to drag his eyes away from her brown ones which had fluttered open, fastening on his. Younglings were true things of beauty, weren't they?

"Sabé Naberrie," her mother, Jobal, said quietly, smiling softly at her first born. "We knew she was special, but we weren't expecting this. Our little miracle."

All parents thought their children were special, Plo Koon had gathered, but this time they were right. He had tested her blood and her midi-chlorian count was over eighteen thousand, higher even than Grandmaster Yoda's, higher than any count on record.

There were only two prophecies ever recorded in the Holocrons of the Jedi Temple: the Chosen One and the Great Guide. Very little was known about either of them, but very few knew about the Great Guide as opposed to Chosen One which was practically a legend, growing with each retelling. The Great Guide was just that, a guide, one who was firmly entrenched in the Light of the Force and born under a waning crescent moon (called the Princess Crescent on Naboo).

Sabé raised a small hand to slap lightly against his mask which protected him from the oxygen-rich atmosphere that made up a good portion of Naboo, not including the Gungan habitat beneath Lake Paonga. Her mouth was smiling and her eyes dancing.

Plo Koon shifted his goggle-covered eyes to the anxious mother who knew of her loss of the child he was holding would occur in a matter of minutes. "You called her a miracle," he said finally, "why is that?"

She blinked, her eyes slightly startled. "Oh…Ruwee and I were attacked a few years before Sabé was born. I was told that I could never conceive, but then," she blinked the tears away hastily, "then Sabé happened."

Miracle indeed.

"You understand that she will be leaving with me, don't you?" he asked her as gently as he could, hoping that he didn't sound too…detached. He was no Mace Windu; durasteel had more emotion than that man.

"We do," a voice gruffer than he would have anticipated spoke from the doorway as Ruwee Naberrie, Governor of Theed entered the room, "and we understand that a life as a Jedi could possibly be one that she thrives in."

Plo Koon could see that he believed in his words, but he could also see the sorrow that lined his face. This child was his first child, his miracle child, and here she was being taken away by a Kel Dor with promises of grandeur, but that was the same story that all parents of Force-sensitive children were told.

"She could become a target with the last name Naberrie," he continued sadly, "I have many enemies. Tell the Jedi that her name is Sabé Amidala of Naboo."

Plo Koon gave the pair a courteous bow and gave them a few moments to bid their daughter farewell and the only comfort that Plo Koon could give was that their daughter would be well looked after. He did not mention the possibility of her not being chosen as a padawan learner by the age of thirteen and thus being sent off to the AgriCorps; there was no need to worry them of possibilities that were not for certain.

Though he did doubt she would ever find a home in the AgriCorps; Sabé Amidala's destiny was written in the stars.

Sabé Amidala, Knight of the Jedi, stood before the council of her superiors with only her new apprentice by her side. Talik Shala was gifted in the Force, perhaps not as much as she was, but it was enough that she has gained recognition for her skills much like Sabé did when she was just an Initiate. Padawans being only ten when they were chosen by a master was not unheard of, though it was a bit rare; masters tended to wait until the last minute, to the dismay of the Initiates. She glanced down to Talik. She was a Twi'lek, much like her close friend Aayla Secura, only her skin was a soft lavender where as Aayla's was a lovely blue hue.

Talik felt her eyes, but didn't glance up, sending a wave of uncertainty through the Force Bond that all Padawans and masters shared. Sabé sent back assurance in its place before shifting her eyes to the council once more.

Her old master, Yoda, watched her carefully. Sabé had blossomed as a Jedi, and had since the moment he set eyes on her. Her dark brown hair was, as it had always been, plaited into a multitude of braids. Her robes were a much darker shade of brown than Jedi typically wore, and her clothes had shifted towards darker sheens, with the black boots, lighter brown pants into which they were tucked, with a dark shirt (billowing sleeves and all) under a leather jerkin, her twin lightsabers hanging from her belt.

The black glove hid her metallic arm from the stares but everyone stared anyways, as they always did since she had received the injury.

"Masters," she said in her serene voice, giving a low bow only to Yoda, as he was both her master and the Grandmaster.

"A mission for you and your apprentice, we have," her old master said in his aged voice. "Rested from your injuries, are you?"

Talik flinched at her side. Shame flooded her face as it should; the injuries Sabé had sustained were her fault.

"I am, Master."

"A dispute has arisen on your home planet, Naboo," Master Mace Windu said from beside Yoda, causing her soft brown orbs to flicker to him. "The Trade Federation has begun to orbit Naboo and have refused each time when they were ordered to leave by Queen Amidala herself."

Talik's eyes widened as she stared at her master. Amidala was her name! She was related to a queen?

"We would like you to go down and speak to Queen Amidala and then to the Trade Federation and see if you can't convince them to enter into an agreement."

Sabé bowed lowly to the council. "We shall see it done, my masters." Talik followed her example before they left the masters to their next business.

"Are you really related to a queen?" Talik asked in awe, skipping slightly to keep up with her master's pace.

"Yes," Sabé said. "My younger sister is the elected queen of Naboo." Melancholy filled Sabé as she thought of young Padmé whom she had seen little recently and what little she had seen had come from the HoloNet with the white and red face paint lathered so thickly to her skin that she couldn't even be sure that it had been Padmé in the first place.

"Do you miss your family?" Talik asked innocently.

Sabé blinked in surprise. That was not a question that she had been expecting. "Of course." She did not elaborate and Talik did not press.

"Heading out already?"

Sabé spared him a glance as he came to walk beside her, making Talik stare, Sabé's lips twitched lightly at her old friend's sudden appearance.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," she hummed his name slightly, rolling the words over her tongue, "I don't suppose you have anything better to do?"

He grinned, making her traitorous heart flutter. Attachment was forbidden, she knew, which was why she had buried her affection for the young Jedi Padawan, buried it in a deep and dark place where no one would find it. And she was content to be his friend, just as she was content to be the friends of Aayla and Kit (not that she had any romantic feelings towards them). "Not really," he said, his hazel eyes lighting up. "Heard you tried to skive out of the medical ward, though."

A pale flush dusted her cheeks. "Oh, shut up, Obi-Wan," she muttered out of the corner of her mouth, her shoulders hunching slightly as she sped up her walk.

His grin widened and Talik giggled as they increased their speed to meet hers. This was one of the great things about having Sabé Amidala as a master; she wasn't old or stuffy or too much about the Code. She was…refreshing.

"Can you tell Aayla and Kit that we're going to have to postpone our little sparring match?" she inquired of him. "Talik and I are being sent to Naboo to settle a dispute between the Naboo and the Trade Federation."

Obi-Wan arched a red-brown eyebrow in surprise at his friend's home planet. "Naboo?" he said in surprise. "Are they sure?"

Sabé cast him a glance that could have been easily interpreted as affronted. "I can handle it, Obi-Wan."

If he had any other reservations, he didn't mention it, simply giving her shoulder a squeeze, conveying calm understanding. "May the Force be with you."

She smiled genuinely. "When is it ever not?"

They shared a secretive smile that Talik couldn't interpret, but before Talik could speak up, Obi-Wan had left, following after his master who had called out to him.

"Arthree," she spoke into her comlink to her astromech. Arthree was one of the first prototypes of the R3 series, but it had been slightly more advanced than the R2 series, and had more than a little technical problems that had caused him to be cast aside. Sabé had rescued him from a junkyard on Coruscant and after a considerable amount of time on him, had managed to work him into being a great astromech that was shared between her and a few of her friends (they were threatened on pain of death to never bring him back looking remotely anything less than the condition that he had left in). "Arthree, we're going to need a cargo craft...tell Silon I'm calling in that favor he owes me."

The astromech beeped an affirmative.

"Master?" Talik queried. "What happens if the Trade Federation doesn't listen to the Nubians?"

Sabé frowned slightly. "Then we may have a problem on our hands, my very young apprentice."

"Will your sister be in a lot of trouble?"

Her frown deepened. "Padmé is doing what is right for her people. No one can fault her for that."

Talik could sense the pride she felt for her sister leak through their bond and the regret. She should have been there. She frowned slightly, but she didn't comment on it; she doubted that her master would appreciate it.

Sabé Amidala was a Jedi who was under constant scrutiny by the Council, both due to her relation to the former Governor of Theed, her father, as well as her relation to the former Princess of Theed and now Queen of Naboo, but there was also the fact that Sabé had over eighteen thousand midi-chlorians, beating out Grandmaster Yoda by a couple hundred.

She didn't need the scrutiny of her own apprentice as well.

So Talik kept her mouth firmly shut.

Captain Panaka of the Royal Naboo Security Forces had waited with bated breath as the ship on which two Jedi were captaining under the disguise of food traders passed through the blockade with little resistance. The queen's elder sister was on that ship, he knew, and he had hoped for her sake that she was not blasted out of the sky, which she wasn't. He exhaled in relief when the vessel touched down in the hanger and the ramp extended, allowing two pairs of legs to descend.

His eyes were first drawn to the youngest, because she was the one he saw first. She was a young Twi'lek with her skin being a rare shade of purple and with bright curious eyes. She was dressed modestly, as most Jedi were, and her slim lightsaber dangled from her belt.

But the second one automatically drew his eyes. She had a nearly identical beauty to that of the Queen's, with that same dainty, rosy quality, but he could tell they were very different. Her hair, unlike the queen's was in a multitude of braids secured with a variety of pins, and while the queen's face was always set in a serious mask, hers was one of serenity. Though they both gave off the same aura of confidence, he could see that it would be easy to mistake one for the other, even with the ten year age gap. She would have been the perfect decoy queen, he lamented.

"Milady," he said with a bow as the pair approached.

A pale flush adorned her cheeks at the title and she shifted slightly from one foot to the next. Being referred to as such always embarrassed her. "I am no lady," she disagreed, "please don't refer to me as such."

"As you wish," he said agreeably. Apparently she was modest as well.

"I am Jedi Knight Sabé Amidala," she introduced herself before gesturing to the young girl beside her, "this is my Padawan learner, Talik Shala. I understand that your queen awaits us?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said, marveling at how diplomatic she sounded (nearly identical to Padmé, he couldn't help but note), "please follow me."

Meanwhile, in the throne room Padmé Amidala sat tense and impatient in her throne. It was strange to be queen, but she had worked so hard to get there that she would not be denied, even by the Trade Federation. Padmé had grown up inspired by her eldest sister (Sola did not approve of her ambitions towards politics or the life that Sabé lived) who served the Republic as a peacekeeper. The Jedi brought inspiration whether they intended to or not, and her sister was no exception.

She had scarcely seen her since she was a child when she had returned to her mother and father's home for their protection from a foe that Padmé didn't understand at the time. She knew from the HoloNet that she had been involved with Ryloth recently concerning the lylek that nearly overran one of the villages in the Bright Lands (and the HoloNet had only been involved because the son of a high ranking official of Ryloth had been mauled to death before Sabé had been given the assignment, leading to a lot of press), but most of what she knew of her sister was scarce. Still, she hoped that she knew enough of the HoloNet to know that she was queen; she secretly hoped that Sabé would be proud of her.

Her incessant tapping of her nail against the armrest of her chair when Captain Panaka entered once more, bowing lowly.

"Your Majesty, may I introduce Jedi Knight Sabé Amidala and her apprentice, Talik Shala."

And then he stepped aside and allowed the silent pair to enter.

Sabé was…a Nubian beauty, much like it was said that Padmé was. In fact, she could see a number of features that Sabé and she shared, but Sabé was calmer, much calmer. She couldn't help but wonder how she could be when she dealt with such violence in her life. Violence…strange to think of the Republic's Peacekeepers as facing violence, but one couldn't deny the truth behind it.

"Milady," Sabé bowed, her Curoscanti-tinged Naboo accent light, like her smile. She reminded Padmé of stars so very far away, beautiful from afar but unapproachable and remote. In that instant she considered that her sister was queenlier than she was. "An honor to be in your presence, it is." She and her apprentice bowed lowly with respect.

Sometimes, much to Sabé's eternal embarrassment, she found herself using Yoda's speech patterns; it was prolonged exposure, she told herself.

Padmé stood up slowly so as not to offset the enormous headdress that rest on her head as she made her way down from the throne to stand before her. Emotion welled inside her as Sabé took one of her trembling hands in both of hers, a gentle smile on her lips as she squeezed Padmé's palm gingerly.

"Hello, little sister," she said quietly, her voice soft, just like her mother's when she was being careful of what she said, "you've grown up well."

Padmé wanted to burst into tears of relief and joy at the words, so she hardly noticed when Captain Panaka motioned for her handmaidens to leave her side, including the protesting Governor Bibble.

Sabé sighed softly, raising a hand to cup Padmé's chin softly enough that she did not smudge the dried face paint. "Ah…I see you take after me…how unfortunate."

The purple Twi'lek by her side cracked a smile at her words and Padmé herself couldn't help but allow the laughter to bubble from her white and red lips.

"First joke you've made since we left Coruscant," the Twi'lek mumbled, her lips twitching.

Sabé gave a forlorn sigh, releasing her sister to give her companion a stare. "My dear, young padawan, one would think that you didn't appreciate me as a master."

"Oh, no, I do!" she said quickly, her eyes wide and slightly horrified. "You're the best, Master!"

Sabé's smile widened before it disappeared as her attention turned once more to her sister. "So tell me of your problems with the Trade Federation, I do long to know the cause of dissent." Talik would have been the first to take notice of her formal way of speaking when things were remarkably serious.

And so Padmé opened her mouth and began to speak, telling her elder sister of all that had transpired in the past few weeks that had forced her to request the assistance of the Jedi.

Sabé's lovely face was marred by the frown that curved her lips downward and furrowed her eyebrows. Now she looked a bit like Sola.

"This is peculiar," she said finally, cupping her chin in her hand, "the Trade Federation already has a monopoly over the trade routes, so it is curious as to why they have taken an interest in Naboo in particular." She glanced down to meet Padmé's eyes. "Either way, it doesn't bode well for you or your people."

"I have given a decree for them to leave Naboo-space," Padmé said in her regal accent, her fingers twitching slightly in anxiety, "but they refuse to leave, and we have no military to speak of."

"And that would make you an easy target," Sabé agreed, her lips twisting slightly, reminding Padmé that this was her home-planet as well as hers. It was so easy to forget you were related to a Jedi when you didn't grow up seeing them every day as she had with Sola.

"We will leave immediately for the Trade Federation outpost," Sabé decided finally after a very long moment of intense thinking that had Padmé a little concerned, even if young Talik wasn't. "This must be dealt with swiftly and diplomatically."

She gave her sister another low bow and left the way she came, with her apprentice closely following her back onto the ship, not knowing that someone was already plotting her demise for the second time…

Darth Sidious hid his clenched teeth under his low hood so that even his holo image wouldn't betray his irritation. Still the girl eluded him! His efforts did seem to be in vain regarding the young Jedi Knight. Where he failed in recruiting her, he certainly didn't make up for with assassination attempts.

Sadly, her being highly in tune with the Force weighed against her, and the only success that he had actually made was in a full frontal attack several years previously by his Zabrak apprentice, Darth Maul, with had resulted in her amputation of her arm.

The Great Guide? What folly had the creator of that prophecy been speaking of? She was no guide! She was just a child (in his eyes) with a high midi-chlorian count and a superior connection to the Force; her sword skills were mediocre at best. She would perish easily if he fought against her, that he knew for certain.

"The cargo ship that will be disembarking from Naboo," he said in a voice that had been altered slightly to maintain his anonymity and keep his secret life secret, "shoot it down. It holds two Jedi, one of which will attempt to discover your reasoning behind the blockade. You must not allow that to happen." He layered his voice with Force Compulsion as he spoke to the head of the Trade Federation, a Neimoidian by the name of Viceroy Nute Gunray.

"It shall be done, my lord," he promised as the holo clicked out and he ordered to one of his men. "Fire on that cargo freighter!"

"Tali!" Talik barely heard her Master's yell as their vessel swerved to avoid the onslaught of enemy fire, but Sabé and Talik were far more used to piloting slimmer, faster freighters, and its bulkiness led to their downfall (quite literally) as one of the bolts clipped their discus center, sending them into a downwards spiral.

Talik could hardly feel anything but her own fear (she could hear Master Yoda's voice in her head chiding her that fear was the path to the Dark Side, a lesson that she knew her master had learned the hard way) and her bond with her master.

"Tali, hold on!" Sabé yelled, trying to stabilize the engines but failing horribly as the swamp-land came closer and closer to impact before she unbuckled herself to throw her body protectively over her apprentice's as the ship finally made contact with the ground and it exploded around them, sending them into a world of blackness and numbness.

Sabé's last act had been to expand the Force around her like a bubble in an effort to absorb most of the impact, but she couldn't be certain whether or not it worked at all, because the force of the explosion had expelled her and Talik through the transparisteel pane of the cockpit.

She had no way of knowing that that single act of survival could have changed the very course of history.

AN: So, I might be updating this fanfic sparingly…it seems like it's going to be one of the longer ones…great. Obviously, Looking Beyond and Daughter of Rome are the major ones that I'm concerned with, but since I got obsessed (and when I say obsessed, I mean reobsessed) with Obi-Wan, I really felt the need to write this. And if you guys haven't read the Sobiwan fic Fair Maiden, Shining Knight by Sweet Christabel, you should. It's amazing! Anyways,let me know what you think of it!

PS: Can you figure out where Anakin gets his inspiration for his uniform? ;) I just thought it would be a good thing for Sabé to wear that wasn't as feminized as what Aayla Secura wears, but wasn't as bland as what Siri Tachi and Obi-Wan wear.