This is a LANNIE story, so it will feature mostly them. Other people will be involved, but mostly to facilitate the story. Normally when I write, I try to include other stories involving other characters, but this time I wanted an Annie and Liam centric story that was all about them and their feelings. So if you don't like Annie and Liam together, you won't like this story, but if you do, please R&R. Thanks

Disclaimer: I owe absolutely Nothing

."Ahhh, sleep, that's all I want to do" Annie Wilson moaned as she fell to the couch in her friend Naomi Clark's living room. "I feel like I haven't closed my eyes in a week" she laid her head on the cushion and felt Naomi nudge her foot aside to sit down. "Don't try to move me, just let me be"

"Oh stop being so dramatic Annie, it was just a workout" Naomi smack her foot lightly

"Just a workout? Naomi you just had your personal trainer, and by that I mean satan, put us through a three hour boot camp." She sat up and turned to face Naomi "I get it hon, you need to get your mind off Max and the divorce, and we're here for you, but this is not the way"

"She's right Naomi" Erin Silver gasped as she stumbled into the room looking behind her "oh crap, I think I lost Ade" She collapsed on the floor across from the couch. "I love you, but never again"

"I'd like to add to that" Adrianna dragged herself in and dropped down next to Annie "right after I catch my breath"

"You guys are a bunch of wimps, you know that?" Naomi rolled her eyes "a little workout and you're bitching, fine" she got up and turned to face the three of them "I won't asked my three supposed best friends to do anything for me again"

"Ok, now whose being dramatic" Annie murmured

"Really Annie?" Naomi turned to her

"Hey hey, before things get ugly, Annie why don't you tell Naomi your idea" Silver interrupted

Annie crossed her arms over her chest, leaned back against the couch and stared at Naomi with one eyebrow raised.

"Annie!" Silver called out

"Fine" Annie smirked "I suggested, that instead of killing ourselves with your idea of a "workout", she gestured with her hands, we take a girls trip, get out of the country for a few days and just concentrate on us. You know, celebrate our awesomeness"

"Annie, that's brilliant" Naomi clapped and ran over to give her a quick hug. "I just got a divorce from the love of my life, the love of your life is planning to run off to Australia with someone name Sydney, seriously how unoriginal can you get" she rolled her eyes and continued "Ade, yours isn't even speaking to you right now and Silver…well I don't know who the love of your life is, but you've been through so much this year, you need a break."

Annie and Silver looked at each other and shook their heads, only Naomi Clark could sum up the depressing parts of their lives in under a minute and still make it sound cheerful.

"Right" Silver said "So you guys are in? Ade, I know you have the concert coming up in a couple of weeks, but can you spare a few days?"

"Hell yes" Adrianna laughed "I am not missing out on this, so when do we leave?"

Annie was finishing her packing when Liam Court walked into her bedroom

"Are you going somewhere?" he picked up one of the books that she was about to shove into her overnight bag

"Uh, yeah, the girls and I are taking a mini vacation. Naomi is torn up about the divorce and we want cheer her up a little and just get her away from here." She was aware that Naomi wasn't the only one who needed to get away. She wanted to be as far from Liam and Sydney as possible. She had pretty much opened her heart to him in her book and he had rejected her, again. She was hoping that by the time they got back from Italy, Liam would be gone.

"How long will you be gone?" Liam asked trying not to sound overly interested. She was leaving. Well he was leaving too, but he had almost expected, no hoped that she would be here to see him off. It was selfish of him, but he wanted to spend as much time with her as he could before he left. He had been really disappointed to hear the reading of her book and realize that Annie had been using him all along for the book. He knew that the best thing to do was leave L.A. and Sydney had giving him the perfect way out.

"Maybe a week, Ade is coming and we want to be back in plenty of time for her to rehearse for the concert." Why was he just standing there staring at her, couldn't he see that this was killing her, just being in the same room with him, knowing that he didn't feel about her the way she felt about him? Dammit, she thought to herself, will it always be him? She put the last of her clothes in the suitcase before reaching for the book from him "I need to finish up, the car should be picking me up in about 30 minutes."

Liam held unto the other end of the book "I'm leaving next week"

"I know" she stopped tugging and just stood there "I um…" She wasn't sure what to say so she pulled the book out of his hand and turned her back to him "good luck Liam, I really do hope you get everything you want"

"Do you Annie? Do you really want that for me?"

The skepticism in his voice made her whip her head around to look at him "Of course I do Liam" she hadn't realized that he was moving towards her until she was looking up at him. "I've always wanted the best for you" she said softly

Taking her hand and slowly bringing it up to rest between them he looked down at her "so I guess this is goodbye then" Liam wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her until she loved him back. Despite everything that had happened, he knew that Annie would always have his heart, but you couldn't make someone love you when they didn't.

Annie wanted to cry and scream NO THIS NOT GOODBYE, THIS SHOULDN"T BE GOODBYE, DON'T GO, STAY, STAY WITH ME, but you couldn't make someone love you when they didn't. "I guess so" she whispered, knowing she would choke on the words otherwise. She turned to pick up her bag from the bed

"Annie" Liam's hand rested over hers.

She kept her head turned away from him because the tears were forming and she knew that if she looked at him now they would spill over. "I have to go Liam" she said shaking her

"Annie" he repeated a little softer, this time turning her to face him. "Why are you crying?" he brushed the tears from her face with his thumb

"Liam, please" she stared at his chest, because she knew that at that moment, she wouldn't be able to hide her feelings from him

"Look at me Annie" she shook her head

"Annie, look at me" he slipped his fingers under her chin and brought it up until her eyes met his. The look in her eyes took his breath away. She looked like he felt. "Dammit Annie" he said before pulling her to him and crushing her lips with his.

It was like coming home that was the thought that crossed Annie's mind before she lost the ability to think. This was where she belonged, where she wanted to be. Annie held on to him as he lifted her up for better access to her mouth and deepened the kiss. She heard a sound that was a cross between a moan and purr and wasn't sure if it came from her or Liam.

Liam felt Annie melt in his arms and her complete surrender made his chest tighten. This was what it felt like to live. This was what had been missing and he didn't want to let it go. He picked her up and gently laid her on the bed and stood gazing at her, giving her the chance to back out. Annie reached up to pull him down to her and neither of them spoke again as they explored each other.

Annie was startled awake by the sound of a horn blasting. She was confused for a split second before it all came rushing back to her. She and Liam had…"Oh god" she turned to look at him sound asleep next to her. They had made love and fallen asleep in each other's arms. Annie relaxed and closed her eyes, allowing herself a couple seconds of total bliss. This would be the last time she would be in his arms and she wanted to savor it. Slowly and carefully, she eased herself out of his embrace and quietly got dressed. Her phone started to ring as she pulled on her boots and she dove for it before it could wake him up. Liam had always been a heavy sleeper, but she didn't want to risk him waking up now. She knew that it was Naomi calling to tell her that they were downstairs, like she couldn't figure it out from the insistent blowing of the horn. She walked over to the other side of the bed and leaned down to gently kiss him on the forehead before picking up her bags and walking out. The thought of leaving him killed her, but she knew that what had happened between them didn't change anything. They were both over emotional and that was their way of coping with it. It seemed like she and Liam turned to each other when they were at their most vulnerable and then ended up hurting each other because they couldn't get it right. He was still leaving with Sydney in a week and she was going to start her book tour in a month, so at least that would keep her mind off him. Yeah right.

Liam woke up reaching for Annie. He smiled to himself remembering what had happened. He couldn't believe that he had fallen asleep. He had been waiting for this for a long time, and after, instead of talking and discussing their future, he had fallen asleep. His smile widened as he realized that they had forever to talk about their future. This was only the beginning, he wasn't letting her out of this bed until they had hashed out their relationship. He knew Annie, she wouldn't have made love with him if a part of her didn't still love him, so yeah, they would work it out. When he realized that she wasn't lying next to him he got out of bed to search the house for her. He was almost to the bedroom door when he realized that her bags were gone. "Annie!" He raced down the stairs going though each room in the house. His head knew that she was gone, but he didn't want to believe it. Sinking down onto the couch in the living room, he dropped his head into his hands. She'd done it again. She'd left him. Picking up the phone he dialed her number, but it went straight to voicemail. They must have been on the plane headed to… he didn't even know where they were going. Dialing Dixon Wilson's number, Liam got up to pace the floor.

"Hey man, what's going on?"

"Do you know where Annie went?" Liam got straight to the point, he didn't want to waste time on small talk

"Nah, she just told me that she would call when they landed, but they didn't want anyone to know where they were going. Girls weekend" Dixon shook his head. He loved his sister and friends, but when they decided to do a "girls anything" he didn't ask questions because it usually ended in long conversations that he made him want to jump on his surf board and keep going. He counted himself lucky that he was with Ivy, who wasn't into long conversations about their relationship.

"Damn her" Liam spat

"What's going on?" Dixon wasn't sure what was going on with Liam and Annie these days. Annie had been sulking around and Liam wasn't much better.

"Nothing, nothing, I'll talk to you later. He hung up the phone before Dixon could ask any more questions and walked over to look out of the window. She couldn't have been clearer than if she'd spoken the words to him. She'd left without saying anything to him or leaving a way for him to find her. It was over, really over.

A week later, Liam got on a plane to Australia with Sydney. Dixon and Navid had thrown him a going away party and given him messages from Silver, Ade and Naomi.