New story time! (longer A/N at the end)
Disclaimer: I don't own Intelligence.
Prompt: "Where'd you put your gun?"
"Are you ready yet?" Riley called out impatiently.
"Almost done," Gabriel grumbled from her bathroom. He finished fastening the bowtie around his collar and straightened his tux jacket for what felt like the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes.
Suits weren't really his thing—even extremely nice tuxedo suits—but to pass for an engaged couple at the gala they were attending in order to do surveillance on a senator who was being blackmailed, he and Riley had to trade in their standard jeans-and-a-t-shirt look.
"I swear, you take more time than a girl to get ready," Riley commented from outside the door. "What are you doing in there—?"
Riley cut off when he opened the door, and Gabriel went as speechless as she did.
Riley was wearing a floor-length, deep-sapphire dress. It had wide-set straps that came down in a V-neck that revealed just the right amount of cleavage, as well as the smooth skin of her neck and collarbone. The bodice hugged her every curve, a wonderful contrast to the loose, flowing skirt of the dress. Her hair was all pulled to one side, thick curls tumbling down. The only jewelry she wore pearly drop earrings and her 'engagement ring'. Even her make-up was fairly simple: a nude lip color with smoky, charcoal eyes. His partner—his normally badass, tough as nails, doesn't take shit from anybody partner—looked almost…vulnerable in that dress; not to mention gorgeous.
"I…you—um…" for once in his life, Gabriel was at a loss for words. "You look…beautiful."
Riley's brows rose in surprise and he saw the hint of a blush creep into her cheeks. "Thank you. You don't clean up too badly yourself,"
He smiled, his gaze catching on the tiny clutch in her hands. His eyes narrowed in on the purse.
"What?" Riley demanded of his curious look.
"You're carrying, right?" he asked, sure that she was, but asking anyway.
Riley looked at him like she couldn't believe he'd really just asked that question. She rolled her eyes. "Of course I'm carrying. I'm not just gonna go in there defenseless."
Gabriel eyed her up and down again. "Then where'd you put your gun? Because it is definitely not in that tiny scrap of fabric," he said, eyeing her purse again.
Riley gave a little laugh, walking towards the door. "Well, if anyone decides to pull a gun on us, you'll get to find out."
"Then I really hope someone is dumb enough to shoot at us,"
"Keep talking like that and I'll just let you get shot from now on,"
"No you wouldn't, because then you wouldn't get to see me looking this ravishing ever again,"
"And just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger," she muttered.
"It's a thigh-holster isn't it?" he grinned at her.
"Shut up, Gabriel,"
So there's chapter 1! Hope you guys liked it!
I am taking requests now, so just leave them in a review or PM me!
I will try to get a chapter or two up every week, but depending on how my schedule is, it might take two weeks sometimes, so just be patient with me :)
Please take a minute or two to review, it would really mean a lot to me! Constructive criticism is completely welcome, especially since writing for this show is still relatively new to me, so anything you guys can say to help me is very much appreciated!
Thanks for reading!