True Love finds It's Way

((Psycho rushes straight to an old computer and starts typing. Jason walks in wearing a stocking cap.) "Yawn! Psycho, it's 12:40 AM. You should just get some sleep." Can't. I let this idea bottle up inside of me for two days and I can't take it anymore. This is what happens when I listen to Pandora in a truck waiting in a jam to the airport thinking of Sonaze and… Family Guy. It's not that way! It's an episode that got me thinkin'. Also this is a slap in the face for me and a thanks to sonicxblazey for sticking with me even though I wrote… not to his wants. But seriously man, you're an amazing writer and I could never amount to how much of a great writer you are. Also I'm on Spring break. "Spring Break Yeah! No School and I get to see your family from Nebraska for the first time!" Yeah. But enough bitchin! Anyways Psycho out!)

Silver and Blaze were walking through the park in the center of Metropolis. Silver was poking at Blaze as she looked 'Blazed' out of her mind. "Um… Blaze! Blaze! Blazey! Girl! It's Silver! Your boyfriend!" Even though Silver was shouting at the top of his lungs, Blaze paid no attention. She was lost in thought on Sonic. 'Lately, every time I'm around Silver, Sonic just walks away. I could even hear him cry a little bit when he walked away. I've got no idea what he's doing that for, the hero of Mobius, the carefree and caring Hedgehog has even started to shut away All of our friends. Tails had tried to comfort him but, Sonic always had his door locked nowadays. Knuckles tried to punch down the door, not even Shadow's guns could bust that door down. Sonic had always been so open with me but, when I started to go out with Silver, Sonic was around less and less every day. I care for Sonic, from my previous adventures with him, he showed me the reasons to yield my shields down and let in others. But, it was something with Silver, he would growl at Silver every time I and Silver would kiss. I'm worried for him.' Silver was now even so worried that he was starting to shake and slap her gently to wake her up. After about 4 minutes, she got out of the trance.

"Who… who? What? Silver!" She then snapped at Silver for the latest smack being harder than others he gave. Silver backed off instantly of the fiery cat.

"Blaze! I'm sorry, you weren't waking up and I got worried." Then Silver tried for a makeup kiss but, Blaze smacked his hands away from her head for the kiss.

"Silver, I need to get back home. Um… I need to um… get some girl things done!" Silver then made a hurried ok and walked off out of embarrassment. Blaze gave a small sigh of relief of him being gone. Also of this time, she was getting tried of Silver's clinginess and always going into a small panic every time Blaze barked back at Silver's Barking. Well now she was on her way to Sonic's house, if he didn't let her in well, she'd just burn down that damn door and get the answers out of him.

At Sonic's house

'Why does she have to be with that stupid Silver?" Sonic was smacking his hands, arms and face against his wall out of frustration and anger. He had liked Blaze for quite some time now. He loved how she was unlike to all of his fan girls but, still caring for him. He had many bandages of his hands and arms from the beating on his walls and floors. The walls and floors were covered with blood and dents. Sonic quietly got up and walked over to his bathroom to change he bloody bandages. As he walked in he uncovered two beaten hands with cuts, scrapes, blisters, and even a bone was sticking out. Sonic was way to depressed to even go out. But he needed new bandages, he used everything in his house for them. His sheets covered in dried blood, couch cousin covers covered in skin and more dried blood. It looked like someone went woop ass on his house. Sonic covered back up his hands with some old bandages. And went to pick up his keys. He winced at his touch but, it was no pain compared to the pains in his heart right now. Walked the slowest he ever went to his doorknob, turned it, and walked outside to the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Blaze walking to his house with a background of a sunset on the horizon.

Blaze made a relieved face and ran towards Sonic in a rush to see him. "Hey Sonic! I want to talk to you about something!" Sonic looked down to his hands to realize dried blood on them and his arms not wrapped up. He looked up to Blaze and regretted what he did next to his secret cru… no. no longer a crush, he realized something in those few brief seconds. He was in love with Blaze the Cat. Which saying that phrase hurt him more than her on his next course of actions. He turned tail and ran away from her. Blaze surprised by his actions ran even faster shouting his name. "Sonic don't run! I just want to talk!" no matter how much she would try and talk to him, he would never stop running. Though, because of not moving for so long, he was in no shape for running. He was slowing down fast and Blaze toke that opportunity to tackle him. The both of them were entangled now. After regaining composers, Blaze realized that she was on top of Sonic at this point. But more importantly, she saw Sonics fur all messed up, dried tears engraved into his fur, eyes red and about a pint of blood all over him. And the bandages, (Wow, how many times have I wrote 'Bandages' in this? Well it's 2:00 right now so… I don't care. It imp sizes my point.) Those gosh damn bandages. All of the blood and tears in them. Blaze knew now that something was definitely bothering him. "S-sonic?! What are you like this?!" Sonic turned his head and tried to wrestle his way out but, to no avail. Blaze almost had him in a reverse full nelson. "Sonic! Please tell me!" Sonic looked away more with tears already streaming down his face. "Sonic Hedgehog! Tell what the matter is, right this moment!" Sonic then had so much tears on his face, it was like a waterworks. Now even Blaze had tears all over her, she was shouting at him to answer her. It hurt her to see him in this much pain. "Sonic! Answer me right now! Don't be like this!" She then couldn't take it anymore, she bursted into tears and wailing and cried the hardest she had ever done in her live into his chest.

"I-I-I'm- sorry Blaze…" Sonic then picked up her face and looked her straight in the eyes with the both of them concerned out of their minds. "I lo-"

"Blaze Cat and Sonic Hedgehog!" The both of them turned their heads to see Silver glaring at them, mostly at Sonic with a death shout going on. "Blaze! You get off of that bastard!" Blaze looked at Silver, he was never this mean.

"Silver its al-"

"GET THE HELL OFF THAT GUY!" Blaze then backed off of Sonic and had a completely scared out of her mind look on her face. Silver then walked up to Sonic's laying body. "Nobody steals my girl!" Then Silver started to kick Sonic the hardest he could in the head. Blaze gasping ran over to Silver and tried to pull him off of Sonic but, Silver picked her up with his psychokenisis and held her in air making her watch the horror. She shouted at the top of her lungs for him to stop with Tears all over her face and a screaming hollering. After 5 minutes of the atrocity, Silver gave up, then with Blaze still stuck, picked her up and carried her back to his house.

"(sniff-sniff) Why?" Sonic laid on the ground with a gigantic cut on the top of his head and about a billion scrapes on his head. He got up on his feet and held his head to stop the bleeding. His pain on his head was just a paper cut to the emotional trauma he was going through. He walked slowly back to his house, then he fell on his face and crawled back to his front door. He slowly go up and turned the door knob and fell down on his couch while the door shut. He was going through a trip of a life time here. He could stay anymore, "I got to get away. It's too much of a war here in metropolis, I've got to go somewhere where no one will find me. Not bother me… away from her." He got up and walked over to his computer and brought up a Mobian Air Services website and look for an available flight for tomorrow. "This one will do… Some place him and her would never go." He punched in his numbers and printed out his boarding pass and got his passport. He put them on the table and walked off to bed. It said on the tickets.

"Alaska. 6:00 AM. One way."

"No one will follow me. It'll be too early." Then he fell into his nightmares for another night of unsuccessful sleep.

(… Wow. That even depressed me. Anyways, this'll be a more than one parter. So… watch out for those. And it does get better! This'll contain lots of love for Sonaze and lots of hate for Silvaze. And sonicxblazey, hope you'll be feeling better, I'm prayin for you man. Anyways Psycho out!)