Hiya folks! Lion3 here! I've decided to step out of my comfort zone and try a My Little Pony fanfiction! Please avid fans do not rip out my throat, I am new to this! This story revolves around Shadow Light, Princess Twilight Sparkle's Alicorn daughter, who is also the daughter of King Sombra. When the king returns from the grave, aiming to claim his princess and daughter, Shadow Light, along with her unlikely companion Discord, must trek far and wide to unlock the power Discord is convince the filly possesses that will clean the heart of Sombra. Will Shadow Light find this power and save her family? Or will Sombra transform her and her mother into mages of darkness? I don't own the show. Read, comment review!


"Come on Twilight! It's almost over!"


"I know it does child, but I can see the filly now! Just one more push!"

With a blood curdling screech, Princess Twilight Sparkle brought forth Equestria's newest princess into the world. Luna gently cleaned the filly and gave her to her mother.

"She looks so much like you,"

With tears in her eyes, the princess looked down at her daughter, who had stopped crying and fallen asleep. She looked up at the Celestial sisters. Though Luna was moved to near tears, Celestia remained sceptic.

"There are some... Similarities between the father and the filly,"

That was one way to damper the glorious and beautiful event, but Twilight refused to take it to heart.

"I don't care. She maybe part him, but she's also part me. My little Shadow Light,"

Ch 1

Princess Cadence was an extremely patient pony, giving her the perfect qualities of being a mother. However, after her ordeal with Queen Chrystialist, the doctor did not recommend her and her husband to try for a baby for quite some time. Though she did not have a foal of her own, she had a very decent idea of raising one. Her years of foalsitting had come in handy, especially know with another certain foal running amuck, well, flying amuck.

"Come on Shadow Light! You've almost got it!" Cadence encouraged as her young niece became more comfortable with her fragile foal wings. The filly had been flying for only two days and she had already achieved heights foals 3 times here age would struggle with. Not that she wasn't struggling.

"I. Can't. Go. Higher!" The filly huffed. Suddenly, she began loosing altitude at an alarming rate. Before Cadence, however, could spread her own wings to rescue the young princess, a purple shield halted the descending, slowly bringing the filly into the gazing of a white stallion with a blue mane, her uncle.

"I think that's enough flying for one day. Are you alright Shadow?" The prince asked his niece, half worried sick about her, Hal worried what his sister would do to him. The filly got back to her feet.

"I'm alright Uncle Shining Armour! Just tired," she breathed out, allowing air to refill her lungs. Cadence landed next to her husband and began fixing up the princess, who's mane was sticking out all over the place.

"Maybe we should try flying practice before your magical studies?"

"That's probably a good idea Auntie Cadence!" The little Alicorn replied, looking up at the elder ponies with her big, soft, purple eyes.

Shadow Light was by far the strangest pony born in over a 1,000 years. For one thing, she was a born Alicorn, which are usually created when some pony reaches a full understanding in a field of magic. Next, her appearance was questionable. She had a soft lavender coat and purple eyes like her mother. Her mane was black, with grey streaks and single violet streak running through it and her ankles had silver socks encircling them. Finally, her behavior was the strangest thing by far: she was the perfect little princess. She never complained, never threw a tantrum, or even cried much. She always did as she was told, no questions asked. Odd due to the circumstance of who her father was.

Shinning Armour immediately banished that thought. He had made a vow never to allow his niece to know the truth of who her father was. Only a few ponies knew and he wanted to keep it that way. No chance she was going to turn into that monster. Suddenly, a blur of black fur edged into the sky as Princess Luna landed where the 3 were standing.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything!" Luna announced with a smile. "Twilight asked me to bring Shadow Light home,"

"Of course!" Shinning Armuor replied.

"Thank you your highness," Cadence said with a bow. Luna gave a grin and began nuzzling the neck of the filly. She was quiet fond of Twilight's daughter, not just because she was her student, but because she was so sweet and adorable.

"How was your day little one?"

"It was amazing Luna! Auntie Cadence has been teaching me to fly!"

"Is she now? Well, why don't you rest and I'll take you home?"

"Okay, bye uncle! Bye auntie"

The small pony climbed onto the princess's back. With a silent whoosh of her wings, Luna took to the air with the already sleeping foal on her back. As she soon began to approach Twilight's castle, Shadow Light suddenly stirred and jumped from her seat, not so gracefully flying next to Luna.

"Look Luna! I can fly!"

"You most certainly can my young student,"

Suddenly, another Alicorn came into view as Twilight herself appeared, happily gazing at her daughter.

"Honey you're flying!"

"I know! Isn't it great mommy!"

"Auntie Rainbow Dash is going to be so proud of you! And Auntie Pinkie Pie will probably throw you a party!" She cheered while hugging her daughter. Luna laughed.

"Well I'd love to stay and chat, but moon won't raise itself!"

"Must you go teacher? Can't I go with you?"

"No little one, you need your rest. Another time,"

With that, she took off, leaving a mother to lead her daughter home for supper.

In a distant land, far from the view of anyone, a grey stallion trotted back a forth. Tonight was the night her would claim everything that was his. As his red horn illuminated the cave, he cackled.

"It won't be long now my dear Twilight Sparkle. Soon you will be mine again and our daughter will learn to be a proper heir of darkness!"