AN: Alright this is the first chapter for my new Naruto/Shaman King crossover; all I seem to write is crossovers. I was inspired to write this after reading Elemental77's A Change in Life.

I hope that this gets a positive response. Most of this will be based off the anime since I've never read the magna, but it's been a very long time since I've seen any of them so I'll be watching them again. Like all my fics updates will be inconsistent as I'll be updating all my fics as often as possible with whichever one I'm in the mood of writing.

Now own with Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Shaman King

Chapter 1

(Author's Note)

Twelve year old Naruto Uzumaki cursed under his breath as his body was once more riddled with senbon. Beside him his rival and teammate, Sasuke Uchiha, had just as many senbon protruding from his body as he did. Though the last Uchiha seemed to be doing much better recently as he started to block the senbon heading in his direction with a senbon he had pulled out of his own body, briefly Naruto thought he saw that Sasuke's usual black eyes were a blood red with a few tome in his pupil meaning that the raven haired shinobi had activated his clan's kekkei genkai the Sharingan.

Their opponent was a fake Kiri Hunter-nin with a kekkei genkai of his own that allowed him to use Hyouton jutsu and was an expert with senbon. At the same time their sensei, Kakashi Hatake, fought against Zabuza, the Demon of the Hidden Mist, and their third teammate a pink haired girl by the name of Sakura Haruno protected the bridge builder Tazuna, the man they were hired to guard until the bridge they were currently fighting on was completed. Naruto struggled to get up in a kneeling position only to see the Hunter-nin prepare another barrage of senbon needles. Naruto instinctively closed his eyes in preparation for the pain that was sure to follow in seconds, silently cursing the fact that he couldn't go all out. Only to be surprised when he didn't feel anything, though he heard the senbon impact against something, and heard Sasuke let out a startled gasp.

"What the hell?!" Sasuke asked bewildered, starring at the senbon that had fallen harmlessly around them.

What Naruto could see and Sasuke couldn't, even with his Sharingan apparently, were the two muscular' ogre like creatures standing protectively between them and the confused Hunter-nin. For the most part the two ogres looked remarkably alike with the exception that one was red with two large horns coming out of his head, a pair of upward pointing tusks, carried a bottle axe, a five point star at the center of his head and a point at the center. The other ogre was colored blue with a single horn coming out the middle of his head and two downward pointing tusks, and a five point star shaped diamonds at the center of its head. They both had black armor on their hands and feet, with the only difference being the markings on the armor being in their respective colors, and black claws.

Naruto knew that their names were Goki and Zenki respectively and that the reason that he could see them and none of the others could was because they were a couple of shikigami, spirits, which he knew personally. Though Naruto felt some relief at the two shikigami's appearance he also paled slightly. 'If they're here,' Naruto thought, 'Then that means…' The blonde shinobi trailed off at the end as his ears picked up the sound of footsteps.

The footsteps were loud enough for everyone to hear, Kakashi and Zabuza having stopped their fight momentarily when they heard Sasuke's confused statement, and looked towards where the footsteps were coming from. From the mist emerged a girl around the same age as the Gennin of Team 7. The girl had short dark blonde hair, which could almost be mistaken for light brown hair that came down to around her shoulders, with a long red bandanna tied around her head. She had on a short sleeved jet black kimono that stopped at mid-thigh that was held closed by a dark blue obi, and black shorts underneath(1). Around her neck she had on a blue bead rosary and a blue bead bracelet around her right wrist. The girl had on a pair of wooden sandals with red straps and she was holding a stick with a knapsack tied to the end. The blonde girl had slightly tanned skin and black eyes that had an apathetic look to them.

As the girl looked around at the gathered people, not at all concerned with the fact she had just walked into the middle of a shinobi battle; her gaze eventually came to rest on Naruto's downed form. A look of disapproval flashed across her face at the sight of his condition.

"Hey what are you doing here?!" Sakura shouted at the unknown, to most of them anyway, blonde girl. "It's dangerous here you need to leave right now!" The pinkette warned.

The girl didn't even spare Sakura a glance.

"Hey Anna," Naruto said, nervously scratching the back of his head out of habit, as he identified the girl as Anna. "Long time no see."

Sasuke spared his teammate a brief glance, wandering how he knew the dark eyed girl, before focusing his attention on their opponent but any attempt of an attack by the masked-nin was once more inexplicably blocked like before.

Naruto gulped uneasily when Anna didn't say anything and just continued to stare at him. "Um, what are you doing here?" He asked her.

"What sort of greeting is that?" Anna replied, eyes narrowed and a frown marring her otherwise beautiful face as she placed the knapsack on the ground beside her. "I came all this way and this is how I find you? On the ground beaten, you've obviously been slacking in your training." The blonde girl said before a smirk took the place of her frown. "I'll have to fix that," She stated definitely.

Naruto started to sweat lightly at Anna's declaration, while he trained hard every day what Anna called training Naruto called torture. Even with his insane stamina the blonde shinobi found himself exhausted after a few of Anna's set exercises.

"For now you'll have to take care of the mess your in." Anna finished, crossing her arms under her chest.

Then, unseen by everyone but Naruto and Anna, a man appeared out of thin air right next to the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. The fact he lacked legs and his bottom half was instead that of a ghost made it clear he was also a spirit. The male spirit had black eyes and long gray hair that was pulled back into a spiked ponytail with a few bangs framing his face. He had on a black kimono shirt that was left open to reveal his muscular chest, a white sash around his waist, and a white haori over it. On his shoulders and forearms were' red plated samurai armor. The ghost had a katana on either side of his waist held in place by a white sash. And, although they couldn't currently be seen, Naruto knew that the spirit wore black hakama pants, had the same red armor plating on his legs, and simple waraji sandals. The ghost's name was Amidamaru and he was also Naruto's Guardian Ghost.

"Amidamaru," Naruto said, greeting the spirit happily his previous nervousness disappearing at the sight of his partner. "It's great to see you."

"I am happy to see you as well my friend." Amidamaru replied before becoming serious and taking in the situation that Naruto found himself in. "Though I see that you're still getting yourself into trouble." The gray haired Guardian Ghost finished in a slightly accusing tone.

"Hey, it's not like I mean for these sorts of things to happen!" Naruto protested loudly. "It just always seems to turn out his way." The blue eyed shinobi finished in a mutter. Seriously Naruto swore he once had an epic adventure one day when he just went out to get some ramen.

"Who the hell are you talking to dobe?!" Sasuke demanded angrily. "Have you gone insane or something?!"

Naruto smirked at the raven haired boy but didn't bother answering, after all it was way too complicated trying to explain what he was and who he was talking to, as he pulled out some of the senbon that were impaled in his body now that he had some time to recover. The reason he looked tired before wasn't because he was low on chakra like Sasuke, he filled an entire forest clearing with Kage Bunshin when he beat Mizuki-teme to a bloody pulp, but because the Hunter-nin had hit many pressure points throughout Naruto's body with his senbon. Anna had given Kyuubi more than enough time to heal such minor wounds by having Zenki and Goki protect him and Sasuke.

Beneath his mask Haku watched astounded as Naruto proceeded to pull out the senbon that had been stuck in his body effortlessly. 'What is he?' Haku wondered.

Anna watched on as Naruto picked himself up, his legs just shaking the smallest bit as she recalled Zenki and Goki to her side with a mental command. She wouldn't admit it, or show any indication what so ever, but Anna had been concerned when she saw Naruto on the ground riddled with senbon. It was relieving to see him stand back up with a confident grin on his face again. The dark eyed girl was focused completely on Naruto and didn't even react to the sound of two people approaching her position.

"Hey didn't you hear me before?" Sakura's annoyed voice came from the side. "If you're going to stay here then stay close to me. I'll protect you."

Anna almost scoffed at Sakura's declaration. "Be quiet," Anna told the pinkette plainly without even looking at her.

"What?" Sakura said surprised before getting angry. "Hey what's your problem?! I'm just trying to keep you safe!"

"I seriously doubt you can keep anyone safe." Anna retorted, finally looking towards Sakura out of the corner of her eyes. "What exactly have you done on this mission? There is not a speck of dirt on your clothes or a scratch on you. So what exactly have you been doing to help? Because as far as I can see you've just been useless," The blonde girl stated.

"That's not true," Sakura refuted. "I've been guarding Tazuna all this time like we're supposed to." The green eyed girl said gesturing to the older man standing beside her.

"And how many times has he been attacked since you all got here" Anna asked already confident that she knew the answer. When Sakura failed to answer it just confirmed what she already knew. "Just like I thought, until you can actually backup what you say I suggest you just stay back and be quiet." Anna finished, shifting her attention back to Naruto in time to see him pull out a scroll from the pouch on his waist, leaving Sakura completely speechless.

Zabuza whistled lowly, having heard everything Anna said to Kakashi's female student. "Whoever that girl is, she is brutal." The Kiri-nin said sounding almost impressed.

"Who is she?" Kakashi wondered out loud. 'I've never seen or heard of her before but,' The Jounin continued mentally his gaze shifting from the blonde girl to his own blonde student. 'From the way they were interacting with each other they obviously know one another.' The Copy-nin concluded, before turning his attention back to Zabuza in preparation for their fight to continue. 'I'll just have to ask Naruto about her after this is all over.'

Naruto did his best to hold back a chuckle as he heard Anna tear into Sakura. "Anna hasn't changed a bit." The whisker marked shinobi commented offhandedly.

"Not in the slightest." Amidamaru confirmed his tone a mix of found nostalgia and painful remembrance.

"If I'm going to avoid making things worse for myself I can't afford to hold back." Naruto declared unsealing a wooden sword from the scroll he had pulled out of his pouch.

"What the hell are you going to do with that?" Sasuke demanded, "It's completely useless. This isn't the time to be playing around!"

"Heh, just watch me teme." Naruto told his teammate. "You ready Amidamaru?" The blonde Jinchuuriki asked his partner.

"Always," Amidamaru replied his form bursting into translucent energy before reshaping into the shape of a small sphere with some of Amidamaru's features like his eyes, hair, and shoulder armor.

"Spirit Form!" Naruto called the small spirit ball that was Amidamaru held in his hand, "Unity!" He finished, pushing the sphere into his chest, as a new energy flooded his system, his orang jacket forcibly being opened by the energy. When Naruto eyes snapped open they were far sharper than they ever had been before.

Sasuke looked at Naruto bewildered. 'What's this new energy? It's like chakra but it's not at the same time. I can't get a good enough read on it.' The raven haired Uchiha wondered the little he could see of the energy that Naruto was releasing because of his Sharingan. 'It's not only that,' Sasuke continued. 'The dobe's posture is completely different from before.' He observed looking at Naruto intently. 'It's almost like he is a completely different person.'

'That's much better.' Naruto thought to himself. 'I've been suppressing my furyoku for a long time it's nice not having to anymore.' The shinobi finished.

Haku watched Naruto take a stance with the bokken, eyes closed. Experimentally throwing a single senbon at the blonde the black haired teen was happy to see that Naruto was forced to block it, as it meant that whatever was preventing him from attacking the two Gennin before no longer was protecting them.

'I must hurry,' Haku thought. 'I'm almost out of chakra. I won't be able keep my jutsu active for much longer.' The fake Kiri Hunter-nin finished mentally and without another moment's hesitation he shot out of the ice mirror and into another one as the black haired teen began his attack.

"You better be ready for this dobe because here he comes." Sasuke said, his Sharingan working overtime to keep up with Haku's insane speed as he went from one mirror to another, and senbon started to rain down on them.

Naruto didn't react to Sasuke's statement or pay much attention to the approaching senbon.

"Focus, Naruto, steady' your breathing and clear your mind." Amidamaru advised his partner, his astral projection form appearing beside Naruto in the same stance.

Letting out a single steady breath Naruto and Amidamaru's opened their eyes at the same time and proceeded to knock every senbon heading their way out of the air, the bokken moving faster than anyone expected under their combined strength, chakra and furyoku being used in tandem to supplement the slashes. When Naruto blocked the last senbon he held the wooden sword to the side with a confident smirk on his face.

Haku and Sasuke stared at Naruto for a moment in stunned silence, Sasuke having survived the onslaught mostly thanks to his recently awakened Sharingan.

'How is this possible?' Haku thought astonished. 'That level of skill with a sword, even a bokken, would take years of practice, years that Naruto should not have.' The black haired teen concluded apprehensively.

'Excellent work Naruto.' Amidamaru said approvingly. 'I see that your skills have not diminished in the slightest in the last few years.'

'Yeah, well, Anna would have killed me if I let myself grow weaker.' Naruto replied with a chuckle, only half joking about what the blonde girl would do to him and Amidamaru really couldn't refute Naruto's claim. 'Now let's finish this.' Naruto decided taking the bokken in both hands and proceeded to channel furyoku into the wooden blade, "Celestial Slash!" With a single swing of his blade, in Naruto and Amidamaru's dual voices, the blonde shinobi released an arc of energy at the mirror that contained Haku.

Normally Haku would have stayed in one of his Demon Ice Mirrors confident that it would survive the hit, but his instincts were telling him to get out of the way, so the fake Hunter-nin sped out of the mirror he was standing in and into another one. Looking at the mirror her previously inhabited Haku was just in time to see it shatter into pieces the moment the energy wave hit it. Haku's mind was racing trying to figure out what he had just witnessed, how Naruto managed to perform a jutsu without hand seals, and know which mirror he was hiding in. Sasuke's fists were clenched tightly as he stared at the result of Naruto's attack before his eyes turned hatefully to Naruto.

'How does the dobe have such power?' Sasuke thought, as he remembered his own failed attempt to destroy the ice mirrors. 'I need that power to kill Itachi, he doesn't!' The Uchiha seethed silently.

Naruto's eyes quickly scanned for Haku's new position. He wasn't a chakra sensor and Haku didn't possess any furyoku. The cerulean eyed shinobi wasn't even sure if you could track furyoku like you could chakra, so it was made harder to find the long black haired teen before he moved to a different ice mirror.

'Our only choice will be to wait for him to attack us and counter before he can reenter one of his mirrors.' Amidamaru informed Naruto. Naruto let out a sigh; it wasn't like him to just wait around for the enemy to attack but didn't have much of a choice, so he reluctantly nodded his head in agreement.

Haku watched the two Gennin, waiting to see if either would perform another surprise move, but besides both of them trying to determine which of the images was really him, neither did anything else. With little choice, knowing he would have to cancel his jutsu soon to conserve chakra, Haku began his attack once more this time attacking Naruto from behind in the hope of taking him out quickly and by surprise.

Sasuke was the first one to spot Haku, his Sharingan granting the raven haired boy the ability to see the other dark haired male exit one of his ice mirrors and throw a few senbon at Naruto's unprotected back. With a burst of chakra enhanced speed Sasuke moved to deflect the senbon and intercept the masked teen. Out of the corner of his eye Naruto noticed Sasuke dash at something behind him. Correctly guessing the cause Naruto spun himself around, slashing upward and unleashing another Celestial Slash.

Haku wasn't expecting for Naruto to suddenly turn around and release another slash of red energy that slammed into him and sent him crashing through the ice mirror he just came out of. The hit, loss of concentration, and the low amount of chakra he had left all resulted in the remaining mirrors shattering after he impacted with the first ice mirror and bounced across the unfinished bridge before coming to a rolling stop.

'Great job Amidamaru, I can take it from here.' Naruto thought to his Guardian Ghost before canceling the Spirit Unity causing Amidamaru to reform beside the blonde shinobi.

"Very well Naruto." Amidamaru replied pleased with how well his partner performed under Spirit Unity after such a long time.

On the sidelines Sasuke watched on with a scowl on his face as he watched the class dobe beat their opponent when he couldn't. 'How is he so strong? Where is Naruto getting such power from?!' The last loyal Uchiha raged in his own mind.

From where she stood Anna, though the mist obscured most of her view of the fight, knew what the end result was and was pleased with Naruto's victory over the ice user.

Naruto made his way towards the fallen Hunter-nin, as the masked shinobi slowly picked himself' off of the ground his mask cracked right down the middle. The whisker marked shinobi suddenly stopped though when Haku stood to his full height and his mask broke in two to reveal a face that Naruto recognized.

"You," Naruto muttered in disbelief.

Haku gave the shocked younger boy a sorrowful smile. "Why are you hesitating Naruto? I'm out of chakra you should finish me off while you have the chance." The black haired boy said regretfully.

"What?!" Naruto said thoroughly confused.

"I've failed Zabuza-sama." Haku stated sadly. "He has no need for a broken tool, so please kill me." The Hyouton user pleaded.

"Why would you go so far for a guy like Zabuza?!" Naruto demanded instead.

"Do you remember what I said about precious people, Naruto?" Haku questioned the blonde shinobi, as Naruto thought back to the first time he met the effeminate looking boy.


After a very late night of intense training, 'Heh wouldn't Anna be proud,' Naruto thought momentarily, the blonde Jinchuuriki woke up to the sight of the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Suddenly a shiver that spoke of his imminent demise went down Naruto's back. As it turned out the girl's, at least he looked like a girl to Naruto, name was Haku and she was gathering herbs to help a friend recover quicker to which Naruto offered to help her with.

"So," Haku began after gathering all the necessary herbs. "Naruto do you have someone that you consider precious?" He asked the younger boy.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Naruto asked him back, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

Haku smiled at the whisker marked boy before going into an explanation. "I believe that one is only truly strong when they fight to protect something they consider precious." Haku told him. "Do you have someone precious that you want to protect?" He asked again.

Naruto thought over Haku's question, but it didn't take long before the images of different people started to appear in his mind, all he would consider precious, most prominent of those that appeared in his mind was Anna. "Yeah I do," Naruto eventually answered with a fox like grin on his face.

Haku nodded his head once. "Good, then you will definitely become stronger in the future." Haku said turning around and beginning to walk away only to stop after a few steps and look back at Naruto over his shoulder. "By the way I'm a boy." Haku stated clearly before leaving.

It took a while but eventually what Haku said registered in Naruto's mind.

"WHAT?!" Naruto's shout could be heard from miles around.

Far away a certain blonde itako felt vindicated, though she still planned to give the person she was searching for hell when they eventually met up.

End Flashback

Naruto nodded his head to indicate that he did remember.

"Zabuza-sama is the person I consider most precious to me." Haku informed the boy he saw so much of himself in.

"But why him?" Naruto enquired, still not seeing why Haku would go so far for Zabuza.

"Zabuza-sama saved me, not only my life but from my own loneliness as well. If not for him then I wouldn't be here." Haku said softly as he recalled his own past. "For the sake of the one who saved me and his dream I was willing to do anything."

With the battle between them over Anna had moved closer to get a clearer view of what was going on and had heard what Haku had just said. A wave of understanding washed over the normally indifferent girl, and by the look on Naruto's face and how he glanced over at her it seemed he noticed the similarities in Haku's reasons and how they met. 'He's…'

"But," Haku continued, "I failed to do what Zabuza-sama asked me to do and defeat you and your teammate. My usefulness to Zabuza-sama has come to an end, I'm a broken tool. I no longer have a reason to continue living." The ice user finished sadly.

"What kind of bullshit is that?!" Naruto shouted angrily. "Don't you have your own dreams you want to fulfill! Why are you willing to throw away your life after a single loss?!"

"My dream is to help Zabuza-sama achieve his dream; I can no longer do that." Haku said in a resigned tone.

"But you aren't some tool for him to throw away." Naruto argued, "You can have your own dreams separate from Zabuza. Live your own life!"

"I'm sorry Naruto." Haku replied with a shake of his head. "But I've already decided to end things here. All I ask is for you to carry out my wish."

"Why the hell are we even arguing this?" Sasuke cut in, stepping in front of Naruto, as he pulled out a kunai. "He is an enemy if he wants to die then so be it!" Without a second thought the last loyal Uchiha threw the kunai aimed straight for Haku's heart.

Haku closed his eyes in silent acceptance only to snap them open a second later pull out a senbon and deflect the kunai at the last moment. "I'm sorry," Haku apologized, though who he was apologizing to and for what was a completely unclear. "But there is one final thing I must do for Zabuza-sama." He stated before forming an ice mirror with the little chakra he still possessed and stepping through it.

Naruto's mind raced as he tried to figure out where Haku had gone, his eyes widening when he came to one possible conclusion. "Damn it," Naruto muttered, clenching the bokken so tightly that it shook slightly in his strong grip. Turing in the direction that Kakashi and Zabuza were fighting Naruto took off channeling chakra into his legs to enhance his speed.

Kakashi's and Zabuza's fight was winding down to an end. Zabuza was being held in place by Kakashi's ninken, one arm rendered useless, while the Copy-nin held a ball of lightning in the palm of his hand.

"This is your end Zabuza." Kakashi said with a deadly seriousness.

Zabuza let out a mirthless chuckle. "You've said that once before, Kakashi." Zabuza pointed out, "Yet here I am."

"A mistake I'll be sure to correct right now." Kakashi replied, as he dashed at Zabuza and thrust his lighting covered fist at the former Kiri-nin, "Raikiri!"

Several things happened at once in the span of very little time. First an ice mirror appeared beside Zabuza, which Haku stepped out of to stand between Kakashi and Zabuza, as he threw a senbon needle through the scroll that summoned the ninken dispelling the jutsu. Next was Naruto's sudden appearance and releasing a Celestial Slash, unconsciously channeling chakra along with furyoku into the bokken, the arc of energy a dark violet instead of red. The Celestial Slash impacted with Kakashi's Raikiri draining it of most of its power and diverting it from its intended path so that it hit Haku on the right side of his chest instead of his heart.

Initially Kakashi was surprised by Haku's sudden appearance and Naruto's interference. He wondered what had possessed his student to act as he did, but could tell that by Naruto's intervention that the black haired teen would live instead of being fatally wounded, as it stood the fake Hunter-nin would still need medical attention soon or he would die of blood loss.

"Hm; seems you served one final purpose Haku." Zabuza said, unconcerned for his subordinate's condition, grabbing Kubikiribōchō with his single still working arm.

"I'm glad," Haku managed to murmur his eyes starting to glaze over.

Kakashi's eyes widened in shock as Zabuza swung his zanbato prepared to cut through Haku to get to him. Without much delay the gray haired ninja grabbed ahold of Haku and jumped away. When Kakashi landed a short distance away the Copy-nin had more than a hint of disgust in his eyes for the rogue Kiri-nin. 'To think he would go so far just to win this battle.' Kakashi thought silently to himself.

"Why did you do that?!" Naruto shouted at Zabuza incensed by the swordsman's actions. "Don't you care about Haku at all?"

"Please kid," Zabuza scoffed. "Haku is a tool to help me defeat my enemies. If he has to die so that can happen so be it, he knows what I expect of him." The wielder of Kubikiribōchō stated with a cold indifference.

"How can you say that?" Naruto muttered darkly. "You mean everything to Haku! He told me you saved his life as a kid. After all this time how can you think of him like some tool to be thrown away when it's no longer useful? Did everything you two went through mean absolutely nothing to you?!" The blonde shinobi demanded everyone's attention focused solely on him.

Anna watched Naruto intently a proud look in her eyes as she was once more reminded of one of the reasons she fell for the knuckleheaded, whisker marked, cerulean eyed boy, and made her confident in her decision for the future.

"That's just how things are in this world brat." Zabuza replied, though there was a slight strain in his voice that only Kakashi and Anna picked up on. "The sooner you accept this fact of life the better chance you have of surviving in this world."

"No," Naruto responded shaking his head. "I refuse to accept that. You saved him, trained him, took care of him, and became Haku's family. I just can't believe that you did all that and still only see him as a tool." The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki denied, staring directly at Zabuza with a fire in his eyes. "If this world is really like you said then I'll just have to change it."

"Do you really think a fresh out of the academy Gennin could accomplish something like changing the world?" Zabuza said incredulously. "How would you do it?"

"Someday, someday I'm going to be Hokage!" Naruto answered instantly and with a steely determination. "When that day comes I'll be strong enough to change things." The shinobi said surely. Though becoming Hokage wouldn't be the only factor in the future that would allow Naruto to make a difference in the world.

Zabuza looked at Naruto unsure if the kid was being serious, while the brat had shown some surprising moves he didn't look like he had what was needed to become a Kage.

"As inspiring as this all is." Anna said, cutting in. "We have unwanted company." She said looking toward the unfinished side of the bridge.

All the shinobi, and Tazuna, turned their heads in the direction that Anna was looking to see that the mist had cleared enough to reveal Gato with a bunch of mercenaries standing behind him.

"Gato," Zabuza said disdainfully, eyeing the mercenaries carefully.

Gato a short man in a business suit had a sneer on his face as he spoke to Zabuza. "Some demon, I send you to kill one old man and you are all but beaten by a bunch of kids and their sensei. Heh, you're more like a baby demon." Gato said arrogantly sure that the mercenaries standing behind him were enough to keep him safe.

Zabuza nearly snarled at the short business mogul's insult. "Explain yourself Gato, what are you doing here?" The rogue Mist-nin ordered.

While Gato went on about his reasons for him betraying Zabuza, Kakashi was looking down at the raven haired boy in his arms and assessing his injury and treating it to the best of his ability. 'There that should do it.' Kakashi thought managing to momentarily stop the bleeding. 'He'll need to be properly treated later, but at least for now he won't bleed to death.' The Jounin finished contemplating with a sigh of relief.

Gato noticed Kakashi out of the corner of his eye after he got done talking to Zabuza. "So that little shit is still alive, huh?" Gato asked rhetorically a smirk plastered on his face. "Good I owe him for breaking my arm. I'm sure breaking his arms and legs before killing him will make us even."

Zabuza directed a large amount of killing intent at the midget business man for his threat. "Looks like we no longer have a reason to fight Kakashi." He stated factually.

"Looks that way," Kakashi said in agreement, as he stared down the mercenaries.

"Alright boys," Gato started banging his cane against the ground to draw attention to himself. "Kill all of them, and as a reward you can have the girls to do with as you please." He said much to the mercenaries cheering.

"Not going to happen." Naruto muttered angrily, dropping his bokken, and pulling out a kunai. In order to protect Anna, Naruto was prepared to kill whoever threatened her. Sakura too he guessed.

"Listen brat Gato's mine, you got that?" Zabuza told the blonde shinobi making sure he understood it wasn't up for debate, as he grabbed his zanbato with his one good hand.

"Fine with me," Naruto replied indifferently, though he wished he could get his own hands on Gato for what he did to the Land of Waves.

"Naruto," Anna called to the blonde Jinchuuriki, causing him to perk up and look at her. "I expect you to defeat at least 25 of those thugs or I'll triple your training." The blonde itako said absolutely.

Naruto noticeably paled and broke into a cold sweat. Not even bothering to say anything back to Anna, the whisker marked shinobi focused his attention completely on the mercenaries across from him, as he formed a single hand sign, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto yelled loudly, as in puffs of smoke ten Kage Bunshin were created. "You heard her." The cerulean eyed teen said to his clones each of them with a couple of kunai in hand.

Kakashi let a sigh, "Guess I don't have a choice but to join in too." He said in his customary lazy tone, as he created his own group of Kage Bunshin.

Refusing to wait another second Zabuza dashed at Gato Kubikiribōchō slung across his back.

Gato's eyes grew wide and fearful as he watched Zabuza quickly get closer, his image being overshadowed by that of a demon. "Ah! Stop him don't let him get any closer!" The businessman yelled in a panic, as he tried to put as many mercenaries between him and Zabuza as possible. The mercenaries tried to follow their employer's order but found their way impeded by a group of blonde and gray haired shinobi.

"Where the hell do you think you're going Gato?!" Zabuza shouted after cutting some mercenary that had got in his way across his chest.

"No, stay away!" Gato exclaimed fearfully, seeing that everyone who got too close to Zabuza had been quickly dispatched he resorted to begging. "Please spare me! I'll triple what I was going to pay you!" He pleaded as he reached the end of the bridge.

"To late Gato," Zabuza replied. "Die!" the rogue Kiri-nin said swinging Kubikiribōchō and decapitating Gato, his head landing on top of his neck. "You never should have crossed me." He stated with finality before kicking the corpse off of the bridge, the head rolling off after it, and then made his way through the crowd of mercenaries. Not one of them was even trying to stop him.

Everything was quiet for a moment, except for the sound of Sakura throwing up from the gruesome sight of Gato's death, before shouts of anger started to rise from the surviving mercenaries.

"Hey you just killed our meal ticket!"

"What are we going to do now?!"

"We'll just have to take our fill from the village."

"Let's go!"

Just as they all were about to make their way towards the village a single arrow came out of the mist and struck itself right in front of the mercenaries. Looking towards where the arrow came from they were surprised to see all the villagers of Wave armed to the teeth with whatever they could use as a weapon, and at the front stood Inari with a crossbow in hand.

"If you want to get to the village," Inari started. "You'll have to get through us first." He stated, the villagers loudly voicing their agreement behind him.

"Inari," Tazuna murmured in amazement at seeing his grandson, daughter, and every person in the Land of Waves ready to defend their home.

"Well it's about time." The original Naruto said, much more lighthearted then before.

"Heh, don't you know that the hero usually arrives at the last second." Inari replied with a large grin, repeating Naruto's words from earlier.

"Don't forget about us." Kakashi said standing by his Kage Bunshin. Sasuke though injured, low on chakra, and a little tired was prepared to join in. "And I'm sure that Zabuza won't mind joining in." The Jounin said casually. Naruto and his clones ready to continue as well.

"I could work off some steam." Zabuza said a blood thirsty look in his eyes that spoke of the oncoming slaughter.

The surviving mercenaries froze in place, they were now completely outnumbered their own group dead, heavily injured, or unconscious. Having to face the shinobi and an entire village would most likely result in their deaths, so they did the smart thing for once in their lives and ran for it making their way toward the boat at the end of the bridge that had originally brought them. Some of them preferring to jump off the bridge rather than wait. Seeing the mercenaries retreating caused the villagers to erupt in a cheer celebrating the fact that they were finally free of Gato's tyranny. While the villagers were celebrating the shinobi gathered near Haku's injured form, Zabuza taking a close look at the black haired teen's injuries.

"Kakashi-sensei what do we do now?" Sakura asked, looking at Zabuza warily.

"Are you stupid or something?" Anna asked walking up to the group, stopping beside Naruto. "Don't answer that I already know the answer. With Gato dead there is no reason for Zabuza to be after the old drunk anymore." She said as if it were obvious.

"She's right Sakura our battle with Zabuza is over." Kakashi said pacifyingly in order to calm his most short tempered student, before turning a curious eye to the two blondes. "Though that leaves the question of who' you are Miss. Naruto, you seem to know her mind telling us who your friend is?" He finished by questioning his student.

Naruto scratched the back of his head in nervous embarrassment. "Uh, this is Anna Kyoyama and-" Naruto began.

"-And I'm not his friend. I'm his wife." Anna stated cutting in and causing Naruto to face palm at how she just came out and said that.

"WHAT?! HIS WIFE!" They all shouted at once, even Zabuza stopped looking at Haku over as he looked at the two blondes in surprise. With a shinobi's life span it wasn't unheard of for them to get married at a young age, but twelve seemed like an extreme even for them.

"Well I will be, eventually." Anna amended. "After Naruto keeps the promise he made to me." The blonde girl finished, giving Naruto a meaningful look that all but said that he would be keeping his promise.

Naruto let out a mental sigh while thinking that Shikamaru was right and girls were troublesome, all the while knowing that if he said it out loud Anna would make his life hell. Now he would have to figure out a way to explain what Anna meant without revealing the existence of spirits, the tournament, or the fact that he was the first ninja to become a shaman, a person who could communicate with spirits and fight alongside them.

Anna narrowed her eyes at Naruto. "I can still read your mind." Anna said quietly so none of the others could hear her.

"Sorry!" Naruto apologized immediately though he knew that it would be useless to apologize at this point and that Anna was going to make him suffer through her training regimen no matter what.

Though Kakashi and Zabuza didn't know what exactly Naruto was apologizing for they recognized the look Anna was giving Naruto as the one all women gave their boyfriend/fiancé/husband when they were in the doghouse and couldn't help but start praying for the kid.

The next day Haku eyes opened groggily as he woke up in a room he didn't recognize. Sitting up in the bed he found himself in Haku grimaced in pain as his hand instinctively went to his right shoulder from the pain he felt from there.

"Easy Haku, don't push yourself." Zabuza's gruff voice said from off to the side. "If you move around too much you're going to end up opening your wounds." He warned.

Despite Zabuza's warning Haku's head instantly snapped toward the source of the voice to see his master leaning against the wall by a window, with Kubikiribōchō resting beside him. Besides a few bandages, more than the ones Zabuza usually wore to cover the lower part of his face, and the fact that he hand his arm in a sling he looked relatively unharmed. "Zabuza-sama what happened? Where are we?" Haku asked, as he tried to stand only for Zabuza to make him lie back down.

"We're in the old bridge builder's home." Zabuza started to explain.

"But-" Haku started to say only for Zabuza to stop him.

"Gato double crossed us, he showed up at the bridge with a small army of mercenaries shortly after you passed out." The rogue Kiri-nin informed him. "With our contract terminated I teamed up with Kakashi and his students to deal with Gato."

Haku nodded his head in understanding, but there was something that he still needed to know. "Zabuza-sama, how am I…" The black haired teen trailed off at the end, unable to finish his question.

Though left unfinished Zabuza knew what Haku was going to ask. "You have the blonde brat to thank for that. Whatever that jutsu he used was it took the brunt of Kakashi's attack and redirected it towards your shoulder." Zabuza informed him, while gesturing to his wounded shoulder.

"Naruto," Haku mumbled, a bit surprised that he owed the younger boy his life, especially considering he had asked him to take it earlier.

"Yeah him," Zabuza said with a far off look appearing in his eyes at the blue eyed boy's name before he pushed off the wall. "I'll bring you some food in a second." The rogue Jounin told him. "Later Kakashi and I will be raiding Gato's compound, his students will be staying behind to look after the bridge builder, be sure to get plenty of rest." He finished.

"Understood Zabuza-sama," Haku replied.


Outside Anna was proving to be a true slave driver when it came to training, as Naruto knew very well and was unable to do anything about it. Not even complain in his' own head!

"Come on Naruto after this you still have to do 300 squats and a 30 mile run around the island." Anna told her blonde fiancé, as she watched him do pushups from under the shade of a nearby tree.

"254…255…256… This is insane!" Naruto said between gasps.

"Quit complaining." Anna replied indifferently. "I told you I would triple your training if you failed to defeat at least 25 of those thugs."

"But I beat like 34 of them." Naruto replied without stopping or losing count of the pushups he was doing. If he lost count then Anna would make him start all over.

"Wrong your clones beat 34, you only managed to defeat 17 of them." Anna shot back. "Now speed it up before I decide to add another 100." Hearing Anna's threat instantly caused Naruto to speed up.

A few minutes later Naruto was lying on the ground completely exhausted after getting done performing his last pushup.

"Alright you can rest for 5 minutes before you get back to training." Anna said, cutting the blonde shaman a small break.

Sasuke and Sakura had also been watching their teammate train and now that he was resting the pink haired kunoichi tentatively approached the blonde. Something Anna immediately took note of and watched carefully, she never liked the color pink especially when it was a girl's hair color. "Hey, Naruto, is that girl really your girlfriend?" She asked him. It was the question at the forefront of her mind since she just couldn't see anyone wanting to actually date the blonde shinobi. "I mean she sure doesn't act like it. This training she is putting you through alone is ridiculous."

"Anna's not my girlfriend." Naruto said already recovering, one of the few benefits of being a Jinchuuriki. "She's my fiancée." He corrected her obviously. Old man Hokage made sure he understood there was a big difference between a girlfriend and a fiancé when he was younger.

"Yeah about that," Sakura continued, not at all appeased by Naruto's answer. "Why is she your fiancée you didn't explain that?"

"It's complicated." Naruto replied uneasily avoiding direct eye contact with the green eyed girl.

"You said that yesterday." Sakura persisted. "But if an idiot' like you thinks it's complicated then it's probably not."

Anna glared at the pinkette for the insult toward her fiancé. Sure she knew that Naruto wasn't some genius prodigy, but only she was allowed to insult him. Naruto was also growing frustrated with the Sakura's pestering.

"To put it simply," Naruto said, a bit of an edge in his voice. "After saving her I promised after I won something I would marry her." The blonde shinobi finally told her.

Sakura noted the change in Naruto's tone and wisely decided not to push it, but there was one final thing she wanted to ask. "Ok, but if you had a fiancé then why did you ask me out on all those dates all of the time?" Sakura questioned him. "I never figured you as the kind of guy who would cheat on his fiancé." She told him bluntly.

Everything suddenly became deathly silent and Naruto began to noticeably sweat, sweat that had nothing to do with the training he was doing before and shake fearfully.

"Naruto, sweetie, what is she talking about?" Anna asked moving towards them, a false politeness in his voice.

Naruto shook his hands wildly. "It's a misunderstanding!" Naruto said desperately. "I asked Sakura to get ramen with me, so we could hang out as teammates. I never said it was a date. I would invite Sasuke a couple of times as well." He told her honestly hoping that Anna would believe him. Now that Sakura thought about it, as she slowly backed away, Naruto never even mentioned the word date when he asked, it was just something she automatically assumed whenever he asked.

Anna stared Naruto down with narrowed eyes. She knew he was telling the truth, but she had to make it absolutely clear she would make him suffer a painful death if he even thought about cheating on her. "Alright breaks over slacker get back to work." Anna ordered him.

"What?! But it hasn't been 5 minutes yet." Naruto complained.

"Stop whining you have a 40 mile run waiting for you before doing 450 squats." Anna told him coldly.

"Why do I suddenly have to run more miles and squats than before?!" Naruto asked loudly.

"Do you want me to make it more?" Anna asked him back.

Naruto didn't even think about it for a second before he was up and already running. "No Anna!" The blonde shinobi replied.

"Good," Anna muttered as she walked back into the house, already planning to send some ghosts to keep an eye on her blue eyed fiancé to make sure he didn't slack off. "Which reminds me," The blonde girl said out loud. "I expect you to go with him Amidamaru." She said looking to her right at empty face before Amidamaru appeared right where she was looking.

"Of course Anna," Amidamaru answered before disappearing once more to follow after his shaman, not wanting to incur the blonde itako's wrath.

A few days later saw the bridge completed and everyone saying their goodbyes to the people of Wave.

"Thank you everyone," Tazuna said to the group of Konoha shinobi, Anna, Haku, and Zabuza, though the last three the bridge builder was a little skittish around. Zabuza and Haku for obvious reasons and Anna for different reasons entirely, "Without you this bridge would never have been finished and we would have never been freed of Gato."

"No thanks necessary Tazuna, we were simply carrying out our mission." Kakashi said casually while waving his hand back and forth lazily. "We will bill you for the upgrade in the mission later." He finished.

"Right," Tazuna replied awkwardly.

"Tazuna," Anna said stepping forward.

"Yes, Miss Anna?" Tazuna replied, standing at attention a bit at the sound of the dark eyed girl's voice. Over the last few days the old drunk had learned what tended to happen to those who crossed her.

"I want to know if you do renovations and restorations." Anna enquired.

"Well it is not my specialty but I can do it." Tazuna answered, even if he had never done it before Tazuna was prepared to learn, and fast, if it meant not displeasing the blonde girl.

"Good there is something I will need restored and renovated back in Konoha." Anna informed the man. "You can have a few days to settle things here before I see you in Konoha." The way she said it left no room for argument.

"Right," Tazuna agreed hurriedly.

While Anna and Tazuna were talking Naruto and Inari were saying their respective goodbyes, the little black haired boy doing his best not to cry, "Come on Inari what's with the tears?" Naruto asked softly.

"I-I can't help it." Inari replied, losing his fight to hold back his tears. "Great now you're going to make fun of me and call me a cry baby." He said trying to wipe away his tears.

"What are you talking about," Naruto said, putting a hand on top of Inari's head and rubbing his head messing with his hair. "It's okay to cry every once in a while, especially when your happy, as long as it's not the only thing you do." He told the younger boy with a grin.

"Really?" Inari asked looking up at Naruto through tear filled eyes.

"Yeah," Naruto responded reassuringly. At that point Kakashi said that they were heading out. "Well goodbye Inari, take care of your mom and grandpa." The blonde shinobi said, moving beside Anna as they all started to leave.

"Bye Naruto remember to visit us!" Inari shouted to the whisker marked shaman's retreating form.

"You bet!" Naruto called back, waving his hand over his shoulder. "You can try visiting too when your grandpa is in Konoha."

As they watched the shinobi and Anna leave one citizen of Wave brought up one important fact.

"Hey we still have to name the bridge." A villager voiced.

"That's right," Tazuna said in realization, as he gained a thoughtful look on his face as he stared at one shinobi in particular, "How about the Great Naruto Bridge?" The old man suggested, "In honor of the shinobi that gave Inari back his courage and who in turn gave us all the courage to make this day possible, and proved that there are such things as heroes." 'Not to mention anyone who can handle that girl is simply amazing.' Tazuna thought with a shiver.

Tazuna's suggestion was meet a unanimous cheer from the crowd and it was agreed that, that was an excellent name.


After crossing the bridge and walking for half an hour Zabuza called everyone to a stop.

"This is where we go our separate ways." Zabuza informed the group, much to Sakura's relief.

"If you don't mind my asking what will you do' now?" Kakashi asked his fellow masked ninja.

"I've been thinking of going back to Kiri and joining up with the resistance group." Zabuza answered him uncaringly. Though afraid of returning back to the Land of Water, and sad to be saying goodbye to the friend he made in Naruto over the course of the last few days, Haku informed his master that he was ready to follow him anywhere. "You're not coming with me Haku." Zabuza told the ice user.

"What?" Haku asked confused.

"It took me a while, but I've finally realized what the blonde brat said was true." Zabuza stated, ignoring Naruto's shout of indignation at being called a brat. "All this time I wasn't training you to be a tool. I trained you to be my successor." The Mist Jounin said seriously causing Haku's eyes to widen in shock. "I want to pass Kubikiribōchō to you when you've become strong enough, but that is never going to happen if all you do is follow me around, so this is where we part ways as well. Go with Kakashi to Konoha, since you were never officially a ninja for Kirigakure you should have no problem joining their ranks. Grow strong Haku because the next time we meet we'll see if you're deserving of my sword and I won't be holding back when that day comes." Zabuza told his apprentice.

"I, I understand Zabuza-sama." Haku said the sadness of being separated from his father-figure clearly evident in his voice.

Zabuza turned his attention away from his student to look at Naruto. "Naruto," Zabuza started once more, using Naruto's name for the first time. "I don't know if you will be able to keep your word to change this world, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you accomplish." He finished before turning around and jumping into the trees disappearing from the line of sight almost immediately.

"We should continue making our way to Konoha." Haku said after a moment of silence, the others agree and hurrying back to the Leaf Village, Naruto unexpectedly picking Anna up and carrying her on his back to speed up the process.

AN: That is the end of this chapter I hope everyone enjoyed reading this chapter and will also enjoy the next chapter. This fic will follow both Naruto and Shaman King as close as possible while I change things to make the story as original as possible, the fact that Anna has Zenki and Goki from the start should make that obvious. I have a few other things planned, but will be keeping that a surprise.

(1) Don't know why I decided to change her clothes, considering that her black dress wouldn't be all that strange, just felt like it. I might have her wear the black dress on occasion, but for the most part the black kimono will be her normal clothes. If this isn't acceptable then just imagine her in her dress it won't affect the story in the slightest.

Till next time.