Welcome to my new story!
I know my last two ones were discontinued, and you probably have lost trust in me, but don't worry; I have a lot of motivation to continue this one. I seriously enjoyed writing this and I can't wait to get further into the story.
Please remember while you are reading this that I am British, so if I use any non-American words for someone who isn't Pip I do apologise. Also, Pip is different to how he is in the Cartoon, but in this, he and the others are in the eleventh grade. There is something I researched on! We don't have 'grades' in UK, we have years. Like, I'm in year eleven, which is people aged from 15-16.
That was a completely pointless fact. Let's get on with the chapter, shall we?
Pip Pirrup walked down the school corridor alone, with a couple of his schoolbooks hugged to his chest. His eyes were fixed on the ground below. He had had learnt by now not to look at any other student passing by – it would just cause trouble, somehow.
Just keep walking, Phillip… Don't stop walking…
One way or another, something would stop him, or more likely, someone. He let out a cry as a large figure purposely shoved past him hard, and the books he had been carrying fell onto the floor. He froze; should he wait until they have gone away, or should he simply take a chance and pick up his books?
He didn't have time to decide for himself.
"Watch where you're going, Frenchy!" Eric Cartman laughed. Kenny McCormick didn't notice - he was distracted by a girl who was flirting with him - and Kyle Broflovski and Stan Marsh simply rolled their eyes, and carried on walking. Their past attempts at shutting Cartman up only led to an embarrassingly loud argument, mainly between Kyle and Cartman. They seemed to have given up on stopping him.
"I am not French, I am British," Pip sighed. The tiresome and old joke no longer bothered him too much. He had to just hope that Cartman wouldn't say much else.
Cartman laughed again, his hands clutching his stomach.
"Oh – my – God –" he panted. "Your voice never gets old!"
Pip didn't say anything. He had tried to speak in an American accent like everybody else, but to him, he sounded ridiculous and you could clearly hear the British (or, apparently to everyone else, French) accent in his voice. Even so, his old 'friends' from England had stopping keeping in contact after Pip became 'one of those typical American idiots'. His old friends disliked him for trying to fit in with the Americans. His new classmates disliked him for being British, or as they often said, French. Could he ever be accepted?
"I am not French, I am British!" Cartman mimicked in a silly voice which sounded nothing like Pip's did. All Cartman was doing was irritate Pip slightly. It seemed as though Cartman was having a bit of a rest from his bullying today. At least Pip thought so, anyway. He had thought that Cartman was finished, and so he bent down to pick up the couple of books he had dropped. As he did so, Cartman laughed as he pushed Pip. The British boy didn't see it coming, and so lost his balance and his head slammed on the floor, and his teeth sunk into his lips.. He looked up at Cartman, while a little trail of blood trickled down his chin.
"Just get out of here, Pip, no one even cares about you. Just kill yourself," Cartman said coldly, and then walked away. Pip sighed deeply, picked up his books, and stood up. He glanced around at the people stood in the corridor, all of whom were facing him. He began to feel tears of embarrassment filling in his eyes. Not wanting them to fall in front of all of these people, he quickly walked to one of the boys' bathrooms. He locked himself inside one of the cubicles, and didn't come out until the school bell rang.
It was sure going to be yet another long day…
"Hey mum… Mom, I mean," said Pip quietly as he closed the front door to his house.
"Hello, Phillip," replied his adoptive mother. "How was school?"
"Um… Okay. I am just going to go and start on my homework, I have such a large amount of it…" said Pip, though his mother grabbed softly onto his arm and turned him around.
"Phillip, how have you ended up with that cut on your lip?" she asked.
"It was just an accident, mother."
"Another accident?"
"Yes, mother. Honestly, I am fine. Can I please go and do my homework?"
She sighed, and let go of his arm without another word. He climbed up the stairs, pushed open the door to his bedroom, and collapsed onto his bed. He stayed in that very spot until his mother called him down for dinner. Wiping the tears away from his eyes, he slid off the bed to make his way to join his parents.
"Have you managed to do much of your homework, Pip?" his mother asked once he had sat down. He shook his head.
"No, not a lot. I could not really concentrate," he replied. His mother and father exchanged a couple of looks, both looking a little uncomfortable. "What is it?"
"Phillip…" his mother started. "… We are just a little bit worried about school."
"Why are you?" Pip questioned. "I work hard and I am getting the grades-"
"No, I don't mean it like that," his mother interrupted.
"She means that… Well, we are a bit worried about if you aren't exactly enjoying it there," his father said awkwardly.
"You don't really seem to have many friends, Phillip..." his mother said, looking very guilty.
"And we are concerned about how often you are having these… 'Accidents', when you are in school," his father added.
"What are you trying to say?"
"Look, Phillip, we spoke with the school counsellor…"
"You did what?" Pip cried.
"We just care for you, Phillip!" his father exclaimed.
"Look, I am fine. There is no need to worry about me."
"Phillip, you've changed. You're not the bubbly and carefree child that we adopted anymore," his mother whispered, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. Her words stung Pip's heart.
"I grew up," he said. "And I see no reason for me to be 'bubbly' and 'carefree' anymore."
"Phillip…" his father sighed, though he couldn't find any more words to say.
They ate the rest of their dinner silently, and after he was done, Pip went straight back to his bedroom. He settled himself back into the same position on his bed as before. He felt like he needed to cry again, yet no tears came. He just felt drained.
Pip didn't know how long he had been lying there for before there was a knock on his door.
"Phillip? Can I come in?" his mother's voice called through the door. Pip stayed silent. He heard her sigh, and a few seconds later, she was sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed.
"Phillip, your father and I didn't mean to upset you… We just care about you, that's all," she said.
"I know."
"I understand that you weren't happy with us speaking to the school counsellor behind your back, Phillip, but it's for the best."
"I know."
"We just want you to be happy again."
"I know."
"Can you please sit up?" she asked quietly. Pip shrugged, but sat up beside her. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. He did not resist.
"I love you, Phillip. Don't ever forget that," she whispered.
"I love you too," Pip replied. She smiled, and gently rose from the bed. She walked over to the door, her hand hovering over the light switch.
"Are you going to bed now?" she asked. Pip nodded, and she turned off the light before she left the room. Pip lay back down onto his bed, and he didn't know how many hours went by with him worrying about his own thoughts.
Pip found himself the next morning in the school counsellor's, Mr Mackey's, office. He was lucky enough to not get stopped by anyone on the way here, and so far, he was having an okay morning, especially compared to the rest he usually had to deal with.
"Good morning," said Mr Mackey. "Do you prefer to be called Pip or Phillip?"
"Pip will do," Pip replied. 'Pip' was a nickname first given to him in elementary school because nobody liked him. It stuck with him right up until high school, so people who didn't even know Pip would call him that. So Pip it is.
"Alright, I'll call you Pip, m'kay," said Mr Mackey. "So, I talked to your mom on the phone, m'kay, and she seems to be a little worried."
"What did she say?" asked Pip.
"She said that she keeps worrying about these 'accidents', as she calls them, you've been coming home from. She told me that you come home a lot from school with bruises or cuts, m'kay."
"And she thinks it may not be by accident."
"How does she know it is not an accident?" Pip murmured. Mr Mackey sighed, and adjusted his tie before continuing.
"Look, Pip, she is just saying what these situations seems like. It's not to upset you or anything, m'kay. We just want to help you, and we need you to tell us what's happening. I know it's hard, m'kay, but you have to try," Mr Mackey persisted. Pip sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to go until he said something. He took a deep breath before speaking.
"They just all hate me," he said softly.
"Who do?"
"Everybody. I have no friends here. They either simply stay out of my way or they use me as a punching bag and something to shout insults at. I cannot go a day without someone saying something to me. I just want to try and do well, I really do, but it's just so hard when I am constantly being treated like this."
"Who are the ones who bully you?" Mr Mackey asked, looking a little sad over Pip's words.
"Eric Cartman, mainly. He's always bullied me but it's gotten worse in high school. Kyle, Stan and Kenny used to a bit as well, but they don't really bother anymore. Craig Tucker does sometimes, but that seems to be only when he's in a bad mood. Trent Boyett and his gang bully me sometimes, but I'm not the only victim of them. I get a few insults from people I don't know but out of these, Cartman is definitely the worst."
"M'kay… Well, Pip, I'm very sorry about everything that has happened to you. I wish you came to me a lot sooner so I could have got this all sorted for you, but at least I know and I can fix it for you. Just leave it to me, m'kay," said Mr Mackey.
"Thank you, Mr Mackey," said Pip quietly.
"You're welcome, Pip. Go on to your lesson now, m'kay? Here's a note for your teacher."
Pip nodded, took the note from the counsellor, and exited the room silently. Only to, however, bump into a figure outside the door.
"I'm sorry, Tweek, I didn't mean to scare you," Pip said hurriedly.
"Ngh, it's fine man. I just – gah – was a bit surprised, th-that's all," Tweek said at an even faster pace than Pip. He could tell that Tweek was more than a 'bit surprised', but didn't say anything. Tweek had recently started trying to move on from his addiction to coffee and try to get help over his paranoia, but it didn't seem to be helping much at all. Perhaps having his parents give him coffee every day since he was a very small child played a large part in it.
"I'll see you later, Tweek, I have to go to lesson," said Pip. Tweek nodded, twitched slightly, and then entered Mr Mackey's office. Tweek was someone Pip felt highly sorry for, more than himself, definitely. At least, however, Tweek had Craig Tucker, Token Black and Clyde Donovan there for him. The four had been friends for a long time, since they were in elementary school. Tweek was closer to Craig the most out of them, ever since they both had a fight which, not surprisingly, was caused by Cartman, Stan, Kyle and Kenny. Somehow, they became good friends while they were in hospital together.
In fact, Pip considered Tweek as a small friend. They didn't talk a huge lot but when they did, it was always friendly.
Pip walked very slowly to his lesson. He had always tried to get to lessons on time because on the odd occasion he didn't, he had everybody stare at him, and sometimes start whispering. It wasn't just him it happened to, especially the staring, but he grew embarrassed very easily and he hated the few awkward seconds where he had to hand the note to the teacher which explained why he was late. Perhaps he could walk even slower so it would be changeover by the time he got to class. He checked the time – nope, the lesson wasn't even halfway through yet. Not to mention that he was already standing outside the door.
He took a deep breath, and entered the room. Luckily, it was his math class, which was actually one which he didn't mind being in, and his teacher was also very kind. She smiled at Pip and took the note from him.
"Ah, I see. Not to worry, Pip. We are just going over some questions on what we were doing last lesson," she said. Pip nodded and sat down in his usual seat. He didn't know why he was worried; he didn't really have any problems with this class. Kyle was in it, as was Stan, but they never really bothered him much anyway. Craig was in it, but he wouldn't say anything as he seemed to be in a calm mood. He was like that with anyone. Tweek sat between them, anyhow. Obviously, Tweek wasn't a problem. The rest of the class was taken up by people he had never really talked to, and by people who didn't bother him. The only other person he knew properly was Wendy Testaburger, though of course she wasn't going to trouble him. He didn't really have any worries with this class.
Pip acknowledged Craig with a small nod when he sat down in his seat.
"Were you with Mr Mackey?" Craig asked in his low monotone voice. Pip didn't have any clue how Craig would know this, but nodded anyway. "Did Tweek make it there okay?"
Ah, of course. That's why he asked.
"Um, yeah, he did," Pip replied. Craig nodded, and carried on with his work. Pip supposed that was Craig's way of saying 'thank you'.
Craig was extremely protective of Tweek, though it wasn't in a bad way. Even though it had been like that throughout the majority of high school, it was still a strange thing to get used to. Craig, even with Clyde and Token, never seemed to care as much as he did with Tweek. In fact, Tweek was the only person who Craig had never insulted or anything. It wasn't like he was horrible to Clyde and Token, but if either of them annoyed him he would become angry. But it wasn't like that with Tweek. Since their fight, Craig had never seemed angry at all with Tweek. They had become as close as Stan and Kyle were, and those two had been 'super best friends' since they were very young.
It was a very heart-warming thing for Pip to witness over the years. He was a very observant person, and he noticed how they grew closer and closer over the years. As he had never had as close friends as them before, however, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. It wasn't envy, as he was happy for them. But he was definitely jealous.
He was jealous of a lot of people, actually. All of the happy friendships that went on around him, the laughing, the smiling. He used to be one of the bright and cheery kids when he was young, but not anymore. What did he have? Bullying, no close friends, more bullying…
The bullying was the worst. He had never told one of the teachers because he was scared of it becoming worse. 'Tell a teacher, they will help'. It certainly didn't help Pip. He knew Cartman was going to get furious. Cartman had been sucking up to the teachers, making out like he was the perfect student. He was smart, but he never made an effort in anything other than in History and German. So he made himself seem like some kind of sweet little angel, even though he was anything but. Obviously he was going to get furious when Pip had told Mr Mackey that Cartman had been bullying him for years. Obviously he was going to have to encounter Cartman's fury that very same day, though he didn't expect that fury to be so large. Why didn't he, when it was a known fact that Cartman had severe anger issues? Also when those severe anger issues were ones which he couldn't even control?
Pip made the mistake of not being careful while he was walking home. Cartman didn't bother him all day, so he thought that maybe Cartman was going to leave him alone for a while. He was stupid enough not to think that Cartman would get his revenge after school.
A huge cry escaped Pip when he was pushed to the ground all of a sudden.
"YOU FUCKING FRENCH SHIT!" Cartman screamed as he kicked at Pip as he lay on the floor.
"Cartman, stop!" Kyle cried as he and Stan tried their best to pull Cartman's large form away from Pip. Kenny was soon also trying pulling Cartman away. Kyle made sure Stan and Kenny had a firm hold on Cartman before reaching a hand out for Pip to grab on to. "I'm really, really sorry…"
Pip coughed, before taking Kyle's hand and allowed himself to be pulled up.
"Calm down, Cartman!" Stan cried, though Cartman was anything but calm.
He had managed to quickly pull away from Stan and Kenny's grip, strongly pushed Kyle away from Pip, and land a powerful punch right to the side of the British boy's head.
Sorry to the Cartman lovers out there. Please don't be too angry.
I hope you are enjoying the story so far! As I am suffering from medical problems and I am getting prepared for exams in May, I may have some difficulties writing. There may be times where I either post a smaller chapter or I post late. But, I will do my best to write this in my spare time. Writing fanfiction is a great way for me to relax in my spare time. I can't relax if I have story ideas I simply must write down!
(By the way, the cover was drawn by me, so I have no credit to give to anyone for it x3)
Reviews are highly appreciated, as I love to see people's thoughts on my writing. Thank you for reading!