Sam shifted in the bed. Sleep was still heavy over him as his mind slowly tried to wake up. He felt so comfortable in the sheets. It was warmer than he remembered motel beds to be. A sweet scented heat seemed to be radiating beside him. Sam slung his arm around the heat source and tugged it close to him.


Sam's eyes flew open, at the sound of Gabriel's yelp of discomfort. The archangel was tucked under his arm tightly, like an over sized teddy bear. His face was tilted up toward Sam's, as his body was being bent nearly in half under Sam's fierce grip. Sam had forgotten he had stayed the night, and was now aware that he was unintentionally crushing him against him.

"I get it," Gabriel said, voice a little high pitched, "you've got hulk-like strength. But, d'you mind letting go so I can breathe?"

Sam released him at once, bringing his hands up to rub the blur of sleep from his eyes. Gabriel took a deep breath as he stretched out his back on the bed.

"I – I'm sorry," Sam said, hoping Gabe wasn't upset, "I didn't know I was -"

"Chill out, Gigantor," he smirked, nestling back against Sam, "you couldn't break me if you tried."

A smile slipped across Sam's lips. He may have been an archangel, but Gabe sure didn't look it right now; so tiny and fragile next to him, with his shaggy golden hair tossed about. His bright honey eyes stared up at him, as if from a great distance. He was just...too adorably small to possibly contain all the magnificent power of heaven.

"Could have fooled me," Sam smiled, bracing an arm around Gabe's little form and leaning closer to his face.

Gabriel blinked at the man's close proximity, his smirk smoldering out. He slowly craned his short neck to press his lips to Sam's. Sam's eyes fell to close again, as he deepened their kiss. It felt and tasted so much better in person than it did in his dreams. Sam's own lengthy hair fell down, shading their kiss from the morning light.

The motel door opened.

"Sam, I got yer -"

Sam yanked his mouth away from Gabriel's at the sound of Bobby's voice. Pure fear came over him as he turned to look at the man in the doorway. Bobby's face slowly turned an eery shade of greenish-white, as his wide eyes looked from Sam to the archangel tucked beneath him. An awkward silence seemed to stretch on forever, until Bobby found his voice.

"Ah, balls," Bobby grumbled, backing away, "not you, too."

Sam couldn't form words. Now, he knew what it had felt like for Dean and Cas, when they were walked-in-on. Gabriel grinned at Bobby, rolling to pose seductively on the bed toward him.

"Care to join us, Singer?" he purred, "plenty of angels in the garrison..."

Looking as if he might throw up, Bobby spun on his heel and walked off. Panic ascended upon Sam. If Bobby reacted with this much disgust and grief...what would his brother do?!

"Don't tell Dean!" Sam called to Bobby, as he walked off.

The motel door swung shut, leaving Sam and Gabriel to lay alone again. Sam's heart was racing, with the adrenaline of being caught. His thoughts still gravitated toward his brother. He knew Dean didn't like Gabriel; that had been apparent when they were all in the Impala together. Sam didn't think he could bare to look Dean in the eye, if he found out how much he liked Gabriel. Because, did like him...a lot.

"So, we're keeping it a secret from big brother, huh?" Gabe asked, "that sounds exciting. But, you better think of something fast."

"What?" Sam asked, his panic returning.

Gabriel nodded toward the motel door, seeming casual as always.

"I heard his voice outside," he replied, "he and Cassie must have just got back from their little honeymoon. Hey, I wonder if they liked my cherries..."

"Oh God," Sam groaned, "you – you've gotta go."

The smirk on Gabriel's face instantly vanished. He looked up at Sam with pain in his eyes, seeming genuinely hurt. Sam instantly reached down to clutch his jacket.

"No, I – I don't mean forever," Sam said, disturbed just as much by the thought, "I just mean until they're gone again. I can't let -"

There was a knock at the door.

"Sam," Dean said gruffly, "I just passed Bobby, who was trying to drink his weight in alcohol. Want to tell me what's going on?"

Sam's heart pounded. He looked back down at Gabriel's honey eyes with fear. The archangel winked up at him, patting his arm.

"Go get 'em, tiger. I'll come back when you're ready. Just give me a shout."

With those words, Gabriel vanished from underneath Sam. Sam gulped and looked around. He was alone again, in the room. He felt a little out of sorts all of the sudden. Dean knocked on the door again. Sam sighed gruffly, as he crawled out of the bed and ventured to open the door.

Dean and Cas stood together, with their hands joined and faces tinted with suspicion and worry. Dean looked him over, his eyes zooming in.

"H – Hey guys," Sam said, trying desperately to act normal, "how was the, er, thing?"

"Did you get wasted last night, Sam?" Dean asked bluntly, "there's a damn sucker in your hair."

Sam gulped, instantly reaching up to feel around his head. On the left side, a lollipop was most definitely stuck in his hair. He brought it forward to look at it, realizing it was the pink one Gabriel had been eating when he fell asleep. Sam's face radiated heat, as he remembered his blow job...

"Uh, I must have fell asleep eating it," Sam tried to lie.

Dean rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Just get your stuff together, so we get on the road, okay?" he said.

"Yeah, sure," Sam nodded, trying to pull the sucker out of his hair, "I'll, um, I'll get packed up and meet you at the car."

Dean nodded and tugged Cas by the hand, as he started off. Sam instantly shut the door. Silence fell around him, as he turned to look at the vacant room. He kept tugging at the sucker, his head jerking to the side every time. It was stuck in there good. Had Gabriel done it on purpose?

"Gabriel," Sam called, "come and get this damn stick out of my -"


Sam turned to see the short archangel leaning against the bathroom doorway. Gabriel's honey eyes were playful. He smirked as he stood up to walk toward Sam. Sam smiled down at him. Life was so much more humorous with Gabe around. He made life so much easier...and happier.

Sam held still as he reached up to gently pull on the sucker. It slid right out, not taking a single strand of hair with it. It had to be celestial magic.

"Show off," Sam smiled.

Gabriel smirked, as he tossed the sucker over his shoulder. He reached up, on the tips of his toes, to sling his arms around Sam's neck. Gabe tugged him down and forced their lips together again. Sam leaned down and kissed him, trying to hold down a laugh. If they were going to be together, he was going to have to get the poor guy a box to stand on.

"Couldn't you have picked a taller vessel?" Sam chuckled.

"Shut up, Sam," Gabriel grinned.

(Author's Note: Gah. I love writing the awkward moments. :) Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing my first Sabriel story. I didn't think it was going to turn out as well as it did. I might write another one, or continue this one, in the future. :) I find talking with you guys through the reviews to be one of the best ways to get rid of the thunderclouds. :) Thank you all so very, very much for dropping a line to tell me your thoughts. I love it so much!)