A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed and stuff. This update is dedicated to SandstormXFirestorm. Thanks for sticking with me all this time.

Third pov

Thousands of gods, goddesses, nymphs, and demigods cheered in the crowded stadium, screams unheard against all others.

A big event popular through much advertising, was to take place in a couple of minutes.

A fight for pride between the King of the Olympians and a special guest, that everyone thought to be a boastful demigod.

How wrong they were.

The truth was rather far more different than that.

A modest alien only striving for survival fit the truth more.

They didn't really want to do this, but in order to get things moving they had to.

It was a battle of three rounds.

The first round would see that either Eight or Poseidon won a simple duel. Poseidon was allowed to summon up as many water creatures as he want; he didn't want to kill the live creatures by accident, nor was he sure of his opponents ability.

The second saw that Ares would go against Five, John saying she had more experience and chance of winning.

Zeus demanded challenge and would go against both Nine and Six.

All in all, there would be a lot of action.

There would be no weapons, just a duel of power as Zeus said.

Demigods found armour useful. Garde found armour useless.

One was used to being protected with it, one never wore any in their entire life, relying on speed, agility, combat skills, and had found it to be a nuisance that weighed you down, which Percy did agree with, depending on the fight.

All of Camp Half Blood was to see the fight. An arena was built specially for it, and in Zeus' own words, a monument to be known as the place where the King defeated arrogance. Much was to happen.

Much was to take place. In a mere few minutes.


A very annoyed Six muttered many selective words, although understanding the need for it, was still pissed off. She was very annoyed alright.

Although she was annoyed she liked a good fight too. Working with Nine wasn't what she was good at, but in a fight she could ignore it easily, and she had to respect that Nine was a good fighter, almost as good as her.

She was actually more annoyed at Zeus' arrogance. She believed in skillful fighting but learned long ago that she could never show off, or show off her powers.

Modesty wasn't exactly her trait ( more like Marina's, but Six saw it more like no confidence in abilities kind of thing ) but she understood the need for it so she could survive.

She grunted as she held her light but sharp glowing blue sword. She wore nothing else. And she needed nothing else, because she had her legacies.

Everyone was either going with a sword, or nothing, with the exception of Nine with his trusty pipestaff.

Eight was giddy. He was nervous as well.

" What if I lose? What if I get too tired? What if I become brainless?"

" No offense, but on the last one, you kinda already are. "

Cue dramatic act of despair.

" How could you Six?!"

Six rolled her eyes.

" Just try not to lose."


Eight gritted his teeth. He was pissed.

Everyone was staring at him as he walked through the giant golden doors marked with geek symbols, or was it greek? Nah, probably geek.

Shock was in the air, audiences expecting a fully armed demigod in armour, or a god.

Not a curly haired grumbling kid holding nothing.

Eight decided a sword was not necessary, but as his opponent, who was in their godly form, giant, tall as a eight ( the irony ) story building, in a simple tunic that seemed to ripple like the water, and holding a great big blue trident. No armour. Kinda strange.

So here they were, a scrawny, green eyed, brown curly haired, teenager, facing a giant ancient god.

The audience was in shock, their eyes full of excitement through their glasses that protected them from seeing a god's true form ( Hephaestus' newest invention ), and everyone knew Poseidon would win. ( Garde found themselves unaffected by the God's true form )

Or so they thought. But Eight saw a vision of himself in the future, so he was sure at least he wouldn't die today.

Maybe he would lose a leg or something, but definitely not die today.

And so, when the commentator or whoever ( he couldn't care less ) yelled the word "start" he immediately teleported away when the sea god charged at him, with a trident formed from water, but equally dangerous as a real spear.

That shocked a lot of people.

The god looked around confused, and saw a mini figure transform into something huge, ( one of his wonderful Vishnu forms ) holding an axe with his arm, of course he was shocked.

Eight charged at him swinging the axe, he didn't have super speed, but he was fast, especially shocking in his form.

The god sent a blast of water, but Eight teleported on top of it and continued running with it.

Everyone could simply not believe their eyes.

So when Eight swung the axe at him, Poseidon barely blocked with his trident, still in shock.

Then Poseidon recovered quickly and sent a serpent of water. From it spawned a real life water serpent, which was really just made of water.

It had scales of ice, and when it opened its mouth it shot out boiling water.

Not exactly lethal, but could do considerabledamage.

Eight took the water with his telekinesis and threw it straight back at it.

The water dismembered it slowly. Ice gradually melted at the hot water and the dragon became nothing but puddles of water again.

Eight narrowed his eyes at the god.

To win, he needed to disarm Poseidon who was not allowed to make more weapons, and hold him down. Some how...

Eight then teleported right where the god's hand was, shrinking down to his normal form, and grabbed the trident with help from his telekinesis, then teleporting away with it.

He didn't know what to do with it, so then he used telekinesis, to make all the sharp points blunter. Very difficult. The thing... what was it even made of?

Then from there, Poseidon charged at him, taking the trident from him, while also attempting to clobber him with it.


Eight teleported away, not to far away, still moaning in pain from the giant bruise he just gained.

He attempted to stand up, wobbling, but then falling straight back down, unable to take 2 steps without his world spinning.

The audience cheered, their god smirking. He swore under his breath.

If he lost this he was going to be in for it, courtesy of his most favourite garde members( noting the sarcasm my friends).

And if it needed to be said any clearer, well, Six, Five, Nine, and John, were going to each personally do things to him. Things that do not involve any things you might be thinking of, especially if you were wrong minded. But other things that involve viciousness, getting healed, viciousness, getting healed, and more viciousness.

And more viciousness! ( and getting healed)

gritting his teeth, Eight teleported again, narrowly missing getting hit with that nasty ( twisted) clobber trident ( that of course, he modified to be clobber style himself).

And the ground shook from the force of it.

Eight took a moment to regain some energy and recover from the hit. One hit really did so much to him.

Then surprising his opponent, he teleported behind him, floating with telekinesis, and kicked his knees, then stealing the weapon and awkwardly wielding it, then when he tried to hit the god with it, he accidentally dropped it ( while he was practically above the god, mind you) onto the good from 30 feet in the air.

It hit him with a lot of force, just enough to hit his neck as he was bent down and enable some form of hurt to him.

Then Eight using every bit of his energy, held him down with telekinesis, and the god rather struggled as Eight literally forced him to yield.

And so, the shock of your life comes.

Eight, Eight, managed to defeat him.

And you could hear every single gasp of the audience as one, when they stared wide eyed at the god.

Finally, the ref spoke up.

" The battle is won, and may we now clear the fighting area"

Eight rather stumble walked to the doors that were open, where his garde friends waited for him.

" good job bro, but you nearly got pummelled out there."

"teleporting is useful..."

"Great job!"

And Ella gave him a hug.

" Can I have some pancakes now?"


A/N: I'm busy. And I am sorry. So anyways I will put up a summary as promised:

the Garde find themselves at CHB not telling anyone but Chiron who they are. They decide to stay there because it was safe to train there and become more experienced and ready to take on Setrakus. Zues and the gods are informed, and the leader of the gods who is prideful, demands to take them on when they say they are better than him.

Round 2 will appear next chapter, and will not come in at least a month, as I am going away for a month. I apologize dearly for this late chapter, and also for it being hurried.