[A/N: I could just do a one sided Valkubus fic butwhere's the fun in that guys? Dyson's important. Speaking of Dyson, what color would you guys say Kris' hair was eh? Blonde or brown. Or none of the above?]

Chapter 4: Dark Blonde

"Where've you been?" I asked as I squinted against the sunlight at Tamsin.

I hadn't seen her two weeks. It was somewhat disappointing when I had gone to her house after work the day Dyson apologized to tell her that our plan had worked to find her gone. I was in the process of changing to a lower dose of my meds and as long as it went well I would be taken off of them within a few months. She glanced up from the shrubs she'd been trimming. A smile crossed her face.

"Well, I had a small book tour."

"A book tour?"

She nodded slowly without looking up at me again she went on.

"Did you finish your screenplay?"

She shook her head. "Nope, I'm close though."

I started to ask her what it was about, but before I could I heard the sound of police sirens. It was quick and just enough to get my attention. I grimaced as I glanced back to find Lauren sitting in the squad car.

"I'll be back," I muttered as I turned away and headed towards the car.

I walked around to the driver's side. She rolled down the window and glanced up at me.

"I thought Dyson took my place, but clearly there's another blonde." She said.

I knew it was meant to be a joke, but that didn't stop me from feeling uneasy by the suggestion. It reminded me that Tamsin had tried to come on to me. Now though it seemed like she was long over the idea. I looked up at Tamsin again who wasn't looking in our direction.

"What are you doing here?"

"My job—but I thought I'd say hi. I haven't seen or heard from you since you left the force. I heard you took a job as a secretary? Big leap, don't cha think?"

I shrugged. It was true going from cop to secretary was a big leap and took a whole lot of getting used to at first. I had left the force shortly after we closed the case we needed McKenzie to testify on. Between my medication and dealing with the day to day stress of working with my ex I thought I was a bit too distracted for the job.

"You heard or you've been staking out the spa for an hour every few days."

Lauren cleared her throat as she adjusted her seat. She started to say something, but before she could there was a call. She looked at me for a moment. I eased back from the car.

"I was worried." She said before driving away.

I sighed as I headed back towards Tamsin.

"Friend of yours?" Tamsin asked with a chuckle once I reached her.

"Old partner, on the force and well… Yeah."

She nodded slowly. "So you do have a thing for blondes."

I raised an eyebrow, "I don't. Dyson isn't blonde."

"Dyson's blonde."

"He isn't. His hair is brown."

"Blonde," Tamsin replied shaking her head.

"I know my husband's hair color. It's brown."

"More of a dark blonde, really?" She said with a smirk.

"What the hell is dark blonde? It's brown."

Tamsin raised her hands, "fine then dirty blonde."

"It's brown, Tamsin."

Tamsin laughed as she stepped back and crossed her arms. "I've been back home for all of an hour and we're arguing."

"Like an old married couple at that." A man said as he headed up the driveway. "Lover's quarrel ladies?"

Tamsin rolled her eyes, "no Vex, it isn't. This is my neighbor Bo. She's married."

"Never stopped ya before eh?" He replied.

Tamsin scowled at him, "oh shut up, what are you even doing here?"

"I should go," I said turning to leave.

Tamsin sighed, "No I think Vex was leaving."

"Fine love, I'll leave but I'm here on time sensitive business."

Tamsin started to say something else, but stopped instead to simply say I headed in the house I could hear Tamsin's door slam. Whoever Vex was Tamsin was clearly not excited to see him. I couldn't help but pause though as I thought back to him calling us an old married couple. I smiled—an argument about someone's hair color. That was pretty stupid.