I never said I was an angel, no; I never said I wouldn't break down; But life keeps on moving; By now you should know; I'm only human...
Jon planned on taking Desiree to Shanghai, China as their honeymoon. This was the place where they first made love to each other. This was the first place, where Jon made his wish with the paper lanterns and it turned out that his wish came true. Desiree had learned what she truly wanted in life and that was Jon and only Jon. A five months after honeymoon and wanting to know nothing about the child, but only if it was healthy, Desiree and Jon had went to the baby doctor to get their child checked and it was learned that they were having a baby girl and there was also another baby on the way. Desiree had to ask the doctor a few times that she was pregnant with another child, on top of having the baby girl. The doctor said that she was five months with the baby girl and there was another life forming inside of her that was four months. Desiree almost fainted, but thank God for Jon!
On May 20th 2020, Desiree gave birth two fraternal twins named Isabelle "Belle" Adria Good and Flynn Andres Good. The twins were five pounds and they came out as healthy as any parent would want. Jon and Desiree never thought that they could be in love with someone else other than each other, but when they held those two in their arms, their whole lives and perspectives changed. After their wedding, they moved back to Philadelphia—where Desiree's roots lied. This was the place where Dustin and his wife, Estelle lived and this was where she wanted to spend her life with Jon. On the other hand, Jon had a lot of friends here, so it would not be like he would be in Philly as a loner, but he had to remember that he had a wife and two kids to provide for. Desiree remained at home with the children, while Jon made all the money at home. She liked it that way and Jon knew that she would be safer that way.
Stephanie McMahon-Levesque had offered Declan Knight and Colby Lopez into a spot in the creative writing team, but Declan really wanted to focus on moving up to the main roster, while Colby still had years in his WWE career that he would love to use up. However, Steph always said that the opportunity was open to either of them, if they changed their mind. They felt like the creative writing team needed someone like the two of them, who had fresh ideas that could catapult the WWE into the next level. Colby had to leave about three years later, after learning that Leighla was expecting a child as Ivana Mae Lopez was born on March 20th 2022 in six pounds, two ounces.
Saraya went on to beat JoJo for the Divas Championship for the fifth time in her WWE career. The Divas Division could not have been better with Divas like Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, and Alexa Bliss in the Diva. She felt like she needed to be the role model that the current generation of Divas and even future generations wanted to look up to. Speaking of Divas Champion, JoJo had married her fiancé Randy Orton in a year after Jon and Desiree got married. Desiree was one of the bridesmaids and the wedding was so traditional and beautiful.
What about Joe? Well, he may have not been there to see Arnold or Asher get justice served, but he had heard all about it and thought that he dodged a bullet. He had been with Amber, spending the night with her and felt like an asshole that he did not assist them, but the gang could understand and accepted his apology. He decided to take the same direction that his cousin Dwayne did and do a couple of movies. It turned out that Joe had the look that some Hollywood producers loved and thought that he would do well in a few action movies that will be coming out the year after.
"Mommy! Look what I made you!" a five year old Isabelle or Belle for short, eagerly asked for her mother's attention as she was washing the dishes. Desiree had washed the last white plate as she dried it with a green cloth and placed it on the rack, before drying her hands with her apron. She noticed that Belle had drawn another picture of her, mommy, daddy and Flynn with an orange sun and green grass that was drawn the only way that a five year old could, "It's you, daddy, Flynn and me! I sure miss daddy. When will he be back home?"
"First, your daddy will be back in about tonight. Second, I think that is a beautiful picture and that you did an excellent job at it. Way a go, girl! Maybe tonight, you can show your daddy it. You always make him so jealous with your drawing abilities." Desiree joked as Belle giggled. She laughed the exact way that she did; however, she did get Jon's eyes, but her black hair.
"I know right?" Belle joked back, "He is begging me for lessons!"
Desiree smiled, "You're just the little artist in the family, huh? I can see you painting the next Mona Lisa! Now enough with boosting your ego, how about you get your brother and tell him that your uncle Colby, auntie Leighla and Ivana are going to be here for dinner? Tell him that he needs to wash up." she instructed her daughter, who was an obedient little girl and went up the stairs to her brother Flynn's bedroom.
Belle noticed that Flynn was watching some old wrestling tapes from Desiree's laptop. The two fraternal twins were different in their own ways. Belle was more artistic and outgoing, while Flynn was a little shy and eccentric, the combination of Jon and Desiree. He was someone that did not like going outside and preferred to stay inside and learn the history of professional wrestling. Jon had appreciated that Flynn took interest in wrestling a lot more than Belle did. The little girl was in the stage, where she thought that boys did boy things and girls did girl things. According to her, wrestling was a boy thing, but Jon knew that Belle will grow up to the idea, when she finally learns that girls can be professional wrestlers.
"Flynn, mommy said that uncle Colby, auntie Leighla and Ivana are going to come and she wants you to get ready." Belle instructed her brother in a polite way as Flynn paused the video and looked at his sister. Flynn had Jon's brown hair and blue eyes; however, he was able to gain Desiree's smile and engagement with a certain topic. The first time that Flynn saw Jon wrestling, he fell in love with the sport and wanted to know everything about it. So, Jon gave him one of his old wrestling tapes that he once stole from a DVD store in Cincinnati and he said that the little boy would earn more DVDs if he really showed that he was serious in learning about the art of professional wrestling.
"Come on! I wanted to see Shawn Michaels versus Razor Ramon in the ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship!" he whined, when Belle shut the laptop closed. He then crossed his arms across his chest in protest.
"You need to get away from your room every now and then, you are so isolated that you don't realize that there is a world in front of you. Besides, technology is overrated like mom said. We need to socialize with people, so we can feel that warm feeling of connection." Belle knew a little more vocabulary than her brother because she would listen to her mother rant about technology, everyday going home from karate class. It wasn't even her decision to take the class, but Desiree had insisted that she knew how to defend herself, whenever someone wanted to hurt her. Belle never bothered to ask questions about it, but she did wonder sometimes, why her mom was so strict on her knowing how to defend herself.
"Ugh! You've been hanging around mom again! I can't wait until daddy comes home! I need men in the house!" Flynn protested as his sister giggled, while he walked out of his room, "I need to do man things! without a fork!" he exclaimed as Belle went to his drawer and picked out a few items of clothing for him. She picked out a black shirt and a tan pair of kakis for him.
"Well, until you can do that, you are stuck with all of these rules!" Belle responded as she extended his clothing to him, "Now get dressed, everyone is going to be here and we need to look presentable." she added on with a smile on her face.
"Desiree, are you here?"
The two twins could hear the raspy voice of their father coming from downstairs as they shrieked of joy. Their father was finally here! It had been about three weeks, ever since they saw their daddy because he was on the road a lot. The only time that they had to contact was through Face Time on their iPhones, Skype or even though the generic post cards that Belle loved getting because she loved the pictures on the background. So, as soon as Flynn got dressed the two of them came racing downstairs, "Daddy! Daddy!" they squealed in their adorable five year old voices as Jon opened his arms, the two little children running to him for a huge embrace.
"Belle, Flynn!" Jon looked at Desiree, who was pretended to give him a death glare, "Desiree! I got some room!" he added on, talking about his open arms of embrace and how he had an embrace big enough that he could hug a while town of children. Desiree smiled and joined in the group hug with her children and handsome husband. It was strange because when she first met Jon, she knew that he was not a hugger at all and hated the fact of embracing people, but as he got older, he got more loving and affectionate, "I missed the three of you so much!"
"We missed you too. Flynn has been watching your wrestling tapes and the WWE Network nonstop on my laptop and Belle has been drawing these beautiful pictures of all of us being a happy family. They're all hanging on the fridge if you want to look at them, when you're grabbing a beer or two. Also, do you know if Declan and Saraya are going to be coming? I've heard from Declan earlier in the week, but he said that he was going to get back with you on whether he was going to be joining us for dinner." Desiree said, while she combed Flynn's hair with a tooth comb, making sure that his hair was all groomed up.
"Yeah, he's coming. He contacted me an hour ago. The reason that he couldn't contact you was because the WWE was doing a few live shows overseas and he was part of the group of people that went to Malaysia, while I was the other group that remained in Canada. Let me tell you something about Canada, Desiree. It's cold and there's too much bacon at every restaurant I go in!" Jon explained as he messed up Flynn's brown locks with his fingers as Desiree giggled and combed his hair again, disliking it when Jon did that.
"Do you know what I realized?" Desiree asked Jon, " Joe and Amber's daughter, Kyla is almost fifteen years old! I mean, she is almost the age that I met you at! That little girl has grown up in front of her eyes. Wow, I can not imagine Flynn or Belle being that age. The two of them are so innocent and I do not want anyone taking that away from him. I value their innocence so much and when they learn about all of the horrible things about this world, it's going to make them so confused and corrupted." she began to panic as Jon placed his hands on her shoulders, knowing that she was over thinking things like she always did.
"We're going to need to trust them that they have learned from what we've taught them. In other words," Jon raised his voice loudly, to make sure that his kids, setting up the dinner table were able to hear him, "You two kids do something dumb and trashy, I will have no problems, but to disown you on the spot! That means, you will no longer be my children and I got a couple of my buddies to teach you a lesson!"
"You mean Sneaky Pete?" Flynn asked, his blue eyes widening with excitement and interest.
"And Fat Tony?" Belle began to shiver in fear, "What can me or Flynn do that will make us disown you?"
Desiree and Jon looked at each other, before the door bell rang, "Jon, you can get the door with Flynn and socialize, while Belle and I can get dinner out and put them on the nice trays." she instructed her husband as Jon grabbed Flynn by his little hand and led him to the door. He could see that Flynn was a little shy and hated to socialize with people. He was the same way once, but he was lucky enough to break out of his shell. He got down to his son's level, so he could be able to give him that proper eye contact.
"Hey now, don't be sad," Jon told Flynn, trying to calm him down, when he saw him shaking, "These are our friends. You know your uncle Colby, aunt Leighla and Ivana. Ivana loves you. You also know Joe, Amber, Kyla, Alfa and Kalani. Also, Declan and Saraya love you and they love talking about wrestling with you. Why are you so sad?" he asked him as Flynn began to shed a couple of tears.
"It's just that I want to be a wrestler like you daddy, but I'm so scared of being in front of people, but I love it. I love watching matches, but I hate the fact that some people love a wrestler and some people hate him. I met a guy a few days ago and he said that he hated Dean Ambrose and that Dominic Asher was going to beat him, so he can get a title shot. I hate it, when people talk bad about other people. I just want everyone to be liked. Why does everyone hate in this world?" Flynn cried even more as Jon told him to shush and calm down.
"Flynn, what you need to know is that not everyone is going to be a fan of you. There are going to be people that are not fond of you at all, but what you need to do is just ignore it. It's going to be there, but just shut it out. Those people only want to make things harder for you, but do not let them win. Listen kiddo, let them motivate you to be your best. I could careless what people say about me. At least, I am doing things that are getting them to talk about me. So, it seems like I am doing my job pretty well," Jon chuckled as he wiped his son's tears from his face, "Still, who needs those kinds of people in your life? You can do your best to be nice to people and if they aren't nice to you back, then who needs them! So, you and I are going to be the hosts of this dinner party. How about we make the party feel lively?" he formed a small smile on his face as Flynn smiled back at him.
"Alright, dad," he quickly went to hug his father to show love and respect for him, "I love you, daddy." he said as a small moment was shared between father and son, before they went to open the door. When the door opened, Colby, Leighla and Ivana entered the door and greeted Jon and Flynn. Soon after, Joe, Amber, Kyla, Alfa and Kalani came inside and shortly, Declan and Saraya came into the door, bringing a more lively mood to the party.
"Desiree's cooking has gotten better over the years," Declan pointed out, knowing that Des was not the best cook in the world. She would always undercook something or overcook some type of food to the point, where the fire department had to come to their home and put out the fire. Everyone sat down on Jon and Desiree's living room couch, while Des got their dinner ready, "No offense Jon, but Desiree use to be awful at cooking dinner, but she has really proven herself to cook a really delicious home dinner. I literally can't wait to see what she cooks. Do you know what she is cooking?" he asked as Jon shrugged his shoulders.
"It smelled like pot roast, but do not quote me on that," Jon responded, trying to stick his head inside the kitchen from the couch, but there was no use because the distance was so much, "Yeah, I can't tell, but it is kind of surprising that she requested that we have a dinner. I know with all of our busy schedules that it might have seen impossible, but I wonder why she requested a dinner party?" he raised a brow, not knowing what his wife had in store.
"Who knows?" Leighla drank red wine out of her glass, knowing the actual reason why Desiree invited everyone over to her and Jon's home, "Maybe, she all wanted us together because you guys have been on the road for so long? I mean, it has been a while since we've all gotten together. There does not have to be some significance to this dinner, but she wants some quality time with her friends." she added on, trying to throw all of the guys off guard with what her friend had in store for this dinner.
"Leighla's right," Joe agreed, "Desiree had been through a lot these past five years. She has remained so strong throughout it and this could be something to celebrate her and Jon overcoming all of the obstacles in their lives. I mean," he looked at Jon, "The two of you have been through hell and back for the past decade and maybe, she's amazed at the fact that you have remained by her side until the very end of time."
"Well," Saraya spoke in her English accent, "That is true love right there. You have vowed to protect her heart and you have done that since the day you met her. Jon, you've done an amazing job with that, while she has been so unselfish with you and your hectic wrestling schedule. A woman, who had no clue about the wrestling life would have gone insane with the schedule, but she didn't do that because she believed what she was doing was going to mean a lot to you in the end. She should be forever thankful for the things you have done. You gave her two, beautiful twins, a beautiful home and a beautiful story that you will tell your kids, when they are old enough to understand what love should be."
"I do not only want to teach my kids that," Desiree said as she had Belle by her little hand as she overheard the conversation that was going on in the living room, "I want to teach them to be wonderful human beings. I want to show them that being a wonderful human being does not mean that they are weak. It shows them that they are strong enough to handle anything and they do not result to horrible things to get what they want. This dinner is for all of us and for us being wonderful human beings. It's a shame that Darwin and Estelle could not be here, because of a photography convention, but they are with us in spirit, but you all have been wonderful human beings to me. Almost all of you have saved my butt in more than one occasion, so this is for all of you." Desiree gave one of her heartwarming smiles that could melt the hearts of everyone in the living room.
"Mommy," Belle whispered with Ivana by her side, "When are you going to tell them about the baby?" she intended to whisper, but everyone in the room heard what the five year old said and that was when all of the males' jaws dropped to the floor. Desiree was expecting a third child and Jon spit his beer on Colby's face in a sprinkling motion as the two-toned wrestler stood up and wiped his face in pure disgust.
"Jon, close your fucking mouth!" Colby exclaimed as Amber handed him a hand towel and Leighla slapped him directly at the chest, not thinking that it was appropriate to use profanity in front of the children, "What was that for?" he asked his wife, who glared at him.
"Don't fucking cuss in front of the children!" Leighla retorted in an angry way as Colby thought that she was the biggest hypocrite due to her cussing in her response to him.
"What does 'fucking' mean?" Ivana asked in a sweet and innocent way.
The parents looked at their daughter, "Don't use that word!" they instructed her at the same time.
"Aren't they the best parents ever?" Declan asked his girlfriend, who chuckled in amusement, "I mean, I am so glad that we do not have to worry about children." he scuffed as Saraya bit her lip as Declan face palmed, knowing what Saraya wanted to tell him next, "Oh my God, don't tell me that you're..." he could not complete the sentence as his girlfriend shook his head, comforting his suspicions.
"But, I am, Declan." Saraya confirmed.
"There are two pregnant women in this dinner party?" Amber asked them all, almost mind blown because of the fact that she had never had this happen before Joe looked at her, hoping that there was not a third woman pregnant. She noticed the look on her husband's face, "No, I am not expecting," she confirmed him as he sighed in relief, not knowing how he would react if there ended up being three pregnant women in the dinner party.
"I am really going to need a drink after this dinner is over," Jon joked as the whole room broke in laughing, before he went over to his wife, connecting with a sweet kiss on her lips, "I'm glad that our family is getting bigger. I mean, we've raised two little miracles, so this third one should not be hard at all. Plus," he turned Desiree, so that she was looking at Saraya, who was sitting on the couch next to her boyfriend, "You got Saraya to reach out, since you two are going to be going through this beautiful journey of motherhood with each other."
"I got your back, Des." Saraya smiled as Desiree smiled back, almost feeling a tear coming down from her cheek.
Desiree's story with Jon was something that she never expected to go on for so long. I think that many of us were shocked that their bond and relationship developed and expanded the way that it did. Everyone knew for a fact that they had a beautiful bond from the very beginning. It may have been a tough and hellacious middle, with their typical obstacles, worries and secrets, but in the end, they always came back to each other. The two of them could not continue their lives without each other and it required for them to do the humanly thing and that was to reach out and ask for help. Desiree learned that lesson from when she was dealing with Arnold Roberts, who has now been dead for the past five years. His brother, Asher Roberts had been in prison and will be for a long, long time, but Desiree can now look back at her experience and she was now a stronger woman. Jon had admired that about her because he had been hiding the weak side of him for the longest time. His wife made him comfortable to expose that and he could not be forever thankful for that.
"I got yours too," Desiree responded as she looked back at Jon, "After everything that has happened to us, life keeps on moving, but now you should know," she looked at everyone in her living room, "I'm only human." and Desiree was right. In the end of the day, she, Jon and everyone else had made their mistakes, done things that they should have not done, but after it all, they were...
Guys, this is the end of the Jon and Desiree trilogy. Can't you believe that? I mean, this has been one of my favorite series to work on and I will miss writing for these two. Perhaps, I might do a one shot with the two of these in the future, but I have not thought of that yet. As of right now, I want to focus on my other story "Quitters", but I might get back to these two characters or not. Thank you to everyone that has followed this story from the very first, second or even the third story. I want to thank everyone that favored, followed and reviewed! They have meant the world to me and for the last time in this story, please review! :)