Melting His Icy Heart

Chapter 11

A/N: This is the final chapter of this one. I hope you all enjoyed it. I had a great deal of fun writing this story. ^.^

Andrea had gone to sit outside, preferring not to be around other people when she was upset in case she flared. She still hadn't told Tony what she'd been up to, but she wasn't ready yet.

"Damn you Loki…you promised you'd never leave me…it wasn't supposed to end like that. Please…please…could you just not be dead? Let it be a trick or something…anything…"

"I'm not dead little flame. It was an illusion, but I have a good explanation my love."

His soft voice from her side shocked her into silence, which was good for him as it allowed him to explain himself without her flipping out immediately. When he was done she was standing in front of him, looking shocked and hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Thor had to believe it, which meant you had to grieve my loss. I am sorry little one. It nearly broke my heart to see how distraught it made you."

"So…you and your father…are ok now?"

"We still have a few issues to work out…but things are better now yes."

"Good. I'm happy for you. Does this mean you're going back?"

"I am…but I'd like to take you with me."

"Will he let you do that? He yelled at Thor for it…even compared Jane and I being there to goats at a banquet table."

Loki bit the inside of his lip to keep himself from smiling, but his lips twitched and gave him away.

"It wasn't funny."

Loki gave her a serious look, one that made her frown in concern.

"Loki, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong little one. I would like you to come to Asgard with me…and, hopefully, become my queen."


"My brother has refused the throne, and my father wishes to have me become king so that he can retire in peace. I asked him if I could have my chosen queen at my side…and he said only if you agree to it. Is that something you might consider little one?"

"Loki…I just want to be with you. Whether that's here on Earth in a little house, or on Asgard in a palace as king and queen…I don't care so long as we're together. I feel like…like we belong together."

"We do little one. You are my soul mate. It is rare for true soul mates to find each other, which is why it is incredible that both Thor and I have found ours. Thor has chosen to live here with Jane and return to Asgard when his help is needed. If you agree I would like to take up my father's offer with you as my queen."

"Of course I agree Loki. How could I not? This is your dream, it's the one thing you've wanted all your life. I could never keep you from that. Just promise me we can visit my brother sometimes?"

"Of course my love. Come to me."

"He opened his arms to her and she curled into his chest as the Bifrost took them back to Asgard…her new home she supposed. This would be fun to explain to Tony. She'd worry about that later though. Loki led her into the throne room where Odin and Thor were waiting for them. She curtsied and Loki bowed with a smile on his face that made Thor give one in return.

"Loki, my son. She has agreed then?"

"I have King Odin."

"I believe Odin will suffice my dear…after all…I am soon to be your father-in-law am I not?"

Thor looked at his father in shock and then at Loki with the same look.

"I have missed something…"

"Since you refused the throne I have named Loki as my heir…and He has already chosen his queen. Now, my dear. The way this will work is the two of you will undergo the traditional hand fasting ceremony, during which you will both be given a special potion created by Idun herself. This potion will, for all intents and purposes, tie you together completely. You're lifespan will be tied to his so that you will live so long as he does, and vice versa. You will also be able to feel each other's emotions. It is a powerful potion and not to be taken lightly. If you have any doubts you should say so now, for there will be no going back after it is done."

"I have no doubts. I know my own heart, and know his now. I only ask that Jane and my brother Tony be allowed to be here for the ceremony. They are the only real family I have."

"It will be done. After the hand fasting ceremony will come the coronation."

"That seems fast…"

"I feel the need to retire, being king has worn me down after so many years."

A week later…

The ceremony was a beautiful and highly celebrated affair. Blue roses decorated nearly every conceivable surface they could be put on or tied to, white silk was draped over everything else. Andrea wore an elaborate and detailed white gown that made her look like an ethereal angel in Loki's eyes, and he himself wore a solid black outfit that fitted him well and made Andrea's eyes dance. Tony was blubbering away in the front as Pepper patted his head. Tony had refused to come without her there for emotional support since his baby sister was becoming a wife and a queen in the same day. Andrea was surprised he was actually sober, but he was handling it quite well in her opinion.

When she and Loki were handed the potions by Idun they fed them to each other, inciting a round of awws from the assembled nobles and warriors. She felt immediately sick but refused to lose it, clinging tightly to a very pale Loki. The feeling passed soon enough and was replaced by a warm sensation flowing through her veins, she could feel the connection between them and feel the magic strengthening and reinforcing it. Then she felt his happiness, his pure joy and love towards her and she cried softly in her own happiness.

They were wed now, bound together in a way no one could ever sever, and Andrea felt giddy from it all. Now though, wit was time for the coronation. Just as Loki would be crowned King, she would be crowned queen. Odin first spoke the traditional words of crowning to Loki, who spoke his acceptance in return, before placing the symbolic crown upon his head. Next he came to Andrea and spoke similar words, receiving the appropriate response, and placing another more delicate crown upon her head. Loki's crown was golden and serpentine in shape with little emeralds dotting the surface, her own was also golden but had the look of writhing flames and was decorated with tiny rubies. Odin had the crowns fashioned specially for them to represent their talents with the serpent for Loki due to his cunning nature, and the flames for Andrea due to her ability.

"People of Asgard. I present to you your new king and queen. King Loki and Queen Andrea."

Cheers went up across all of Asgard as the news spread that the wedding and the crowning were both done, and that Asgard had their new king and queen. They would have a full week to themselves in a location of their choosing, their honeymoon, before they would officially take the reins from Odin and take leadership of the Nine Realms. They both smiles at each other, feeling blissfully happy as their emotions blurred together until neither could tell who's emotion was which and neither could bring themselves to care.