A/N: SO I DID NOT WRITE THIS! This was written by the wonderful and talented Pauline, aka ohwhatsherface/sun-summoning on tumblr. We were both writing something from each other's fics so yeah, this is her part. Thanks Pauline for letting me post it lol

Also it's been one year since this silly AU existed as of yesterday. Whoo.

After finishing his business in the bathroom, Eren can't help his curious wandering around his music teacher's apartment.

Mr. Stolze – or, "Levi," as his teacher insisted he call him, because "Mr. Stolze sounds friggin' dumb" – has a rather large home, Eren realizes, quietly stepping into a bedroom that isn't a bedroom at all. He stands in the doorframe, his hand still on the knob, and stares in awe at the shelves lining the walls. He glances over his shoulder before grinning mischievously and stepping inside and exploring only to find books and more books and sheets and sheets of music. When he understands there's nothing particularly fun in this room to tell him anything about his cranky old music teacher, Eren goes back outside.

The next door he comes across, he enters more courageously. He's already seen the first bedroom and the two bathrooms, so he figures this last door to be Levi's bedroom. He pushes the door open half-expecting to find weapons or something frightening.

Instead he sees a pretty red-haired lady sitting on Levi's bed.

"Um." Eren gulps when she looks up from the catalogue in her hands and frowns at him. "Uhhh." Eren grins at her the way he does when he knows he did something wrong and his mother is about to scold him. "Hello?"

Much to his relief, the lady only smiles back at him. "You must be Eren."

"Er. Yeah."

She doesn't say anything else and Eren shifts his weight from one foot to the other, torn between apologizing and shutting the door and running back to Levi and Mikasa and his mother, and staying and chatting and figuring out who she is. With a nod of resolve, Eren chooses the latter and strides across Levi's room to join the lady.

"Who are you?" he asks while climbing the bed to sit beside her.

"I'm Petra," she replies.

"Petra," Eren repeats curiously. Finally he grins at her. "That's a pretty name," he decides. "I like your hair, Miss Petra. It's a pretty colour."

She tugs on a lock, examining the auburn shade. "You really think so, Eren?"

Eren nods eagerly, his feet swinging from his perch at the edge of the bed. "Mikasa has pretty hair too – well, that's what Jean says, at least. But Jean is a loser so whatever. Her hair kind of just looks normal to me."

Petra laughs and Eren decides that that's pretty too. "Well I like your eyes, Eren," she says.

"Thanks! They're green."

"I noticed." She glances at the open door when the sound of someone on the piano reaches the bedroom. "Is that your sister playing?"

Eren can't help but grimace. "Yeah…"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Eren grouses. "Just Mikasa is really, really good and I'm…" He looks down at his lap and begins to fidget, playing with the hem of his shirt. He shrugs and looks up at Petra with a pout. "Mommy's getting Mikasa a violin for her next birthday, you know. Because she's so good with the piano and they want her to learn more stuff now."

"Is that bad?"

"No, but they're not getting me a violin! Does that mean I'm not good?"

As Eren continues to play with his shirt and mumble incoherently, Petra wraps an arm around his shoulder and points to the grand piano. "You know, I play a bit of piano myself. Just a tiny bit though," she emphasizes, making a gesture with her index finger and her thumb. When Eren laughs, she continues, "Anyhow, Levi's teaching me how to play as well."

Eren gapes at her. "What? You too, Miss Petra?"

"Yup." She grimaces. "I kind of suck though."

"Don't say that!" Eren exclaims. He shifts so that he's kneeling and grabs Petra's face firmly with his little hands. When he's certain he has her attention, he tells her, "Sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something."

"Then somewhere in between those two steps, Eren, is being 'not good.'" She gently pries his hands away from her face and brushes her thumbs over his knuckles. "But I've heard you play, you know."

Eren can't help but blush at the admission. "What?! You have?"

"You're incredibly talented," she continues much to his embarrassment. "You're going to become a very fine musician, Eren."

"Like Mr. Levi?"

Petra stands and lifts him off the bed and onto the floor. She figures he won't actually go back to his lesson unless she walks him there, so she takes his hand and tugs him into the hallway. "Sure," she says. "But only if you practice every single day," she adds with a wink.

"Ugh, but Miss Petra!"