A/N: These were all originally posted on tumblr and I decided to throw them together in a a random collection on ffnet as well. They'll be posted in the order I wrote them.
If you have no idea what the 'Rivetra music AU' is, it's basically three fics I wrote in which Petra is a violinist and Levi a pianist; they're on my profile. The order is 'Perfect Harmony,' 'Chords of Progression,' and 'Rhythms of the Heart.'
Anyway this is rated M just in case for what will be chapter five. The rest should be quite sfw.
Petra has never liked her violin mark.
It's an inevitable thing to have as a violinist; she plays her instrument so much that the constant chafing of the skin below her left jaw against her chinrest will of course leave a blemish. All the violinists and violists she knows have a mark there, a symbol of their hard work and dedication that most bear with pride.
Petra doesn't mind it, really, but she doesn't like it either. She's used to it by now, of course, has been seeing it in the mirror since she was a little girl; the discoloration is just another part of her—but she doesn't like it. Yes, she plays the violin and is proud of that, but that doesn't mean she wants physical proof of it printed on her body.
Petra has never liked her violin mark, but Levi loves it.
She can tell by the way he touches it with his fingers, gently stroking it as he cups her chin in his hand before bending his head to kiss her; or the way he presses his lips to it, softly and quietly like he is telling her a secret; or the way he sucks on it, teeth scraping slightly, tongue flicking out to caress it, teasing the sensitive spot there.
He tucks her hair behind her ears in the mornings and kisses her just below the jaw, sending little sparks of pleasure shooting through the dulled nerve endings, and she thinks maybe she likes her violin mark after all.