Sorry for the late update guys. I've been busy trying to get videos together for a series that I'm premiering next month and I'm training for a Raider competition next week. So anyways, here's the next chapter of Slade Namikaze.

Chapter 4

Kakashi was sliced to pieces. Sakura screamed and Deathstroke shook his head. He detected the Jounin's chakra as soon as the "Kakashi" they saw was killed. Deathstroke drew his sword as the Uchiha drew a kunai. Deathstroke ran at the brother on the left, then the brother on the right. Sasuke, somewhat understanding what was happening switched to the brother on the left. Deathstroke jumped up and kicked the nin in the head.

He stumbled and then detached the chain that kept him connected to his brother. Deathstroke jumped over the claw strike and backflipped, kicking him in the head as he did so. The nin flew into the air slightly and then Deathstroke drew a pistol and shot him in the leg.

"Gozu!" the second nin cried.

Sasuke punched him in the head and in the stomach twice. He winced as the armor protected his enemies midsection. Sasuke threw some shuriken at him and the nin laughed when they missed, but was astonished when he wrapped around a tree. Sasuke completed some handsigns and aimed at the nin.

"Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu," he said as the fireball raced at him.

The nin screamed as he was burned alive. Deathstroke looked at the Uchiha and noticed he kept pumping more and more chakra into the technique. He figured he would kill them man, so he responded in kind. Deathstroke pulled a long tube with two holes, one at each end, on it. He blew on one end and at the other, a dart flew out and stuck itself in Sasuke's neck. The Uchiha slumped on the ground, the technique cancelling itself out. The first nin slowly tried crawling to his barely alive brother.

"Mizu!" Gozu cried. "Mizu!"

Deathstroke walked over to him and placed a hand on the missing nin's chest. Slowly, the black eyehole of his mask started glowing purple and the second nin's burns started healing. The first nin's eyes widened in astonishment. Sakura walked over to him and looked at him quizically. Slade healed the nin to the point of living, but kept some wounds that would be a real bitch if he moved enough.

"Kakashi," Slade said as he turned his head to the trees. "You can come out now."

Kakashi walked out of the trees, his smut in hand. He was eye smiling at Slade and then looked at the comatose Sasuke and shook his head.

"Good job Slade," Kakashi said.

"Good job Slade?" Sakura asked. "How can you say that! He hurt Sasuke-kun and kept him from killing this nin!"

Kakashi's eye narrowed slightly. "You are questioning me genin? We do not kill a missing nin unless necessary. These two are known as the Demon Brothers, ex-Kiri nin. We need them both alive to use one as a tool against the other. Your precious Sasuke-kun would've messed up the entire interrogation had he actually kept on trying to burn him alive. I'll be sure to put that in my report."

Sakura looked ready to argue but decided against it, knowing she couldn't win against a jounin. So (s)he tried a different tactic.

"Slade-baka!" she screeched. "Why would you do that to Sasuke-kun?"

She raised her fist, preparing to hit him when she felt her wrist get grabbed and twisted behind her back. She screamed in pain and then screamed when both her knees were kicked out from under her and she fell on them. She gasped when her arm was twisted with her hand being held right between her shoulder blades. A kunai was placed against her neck and slightly dug in, drawing blood.

"I hope you realize attacking me could mean I could have you sent back to Konoha and imprisoned," Deathstroke growled in her ear. "I am a clan heir just as Sasuke is. Difference is, I have to be an heir for two. Now then, I suggest you get your head out of your ass and do what needs to be done." (1)

Deathstroke kicked her in the back, making her slam in the dirt. He walked off, looking over his shoulder.

"If you cause this mission to fail because of your infatuation with the Uchiha instead of protecting the client," Deathstroke said, the white eye glowing red slightly. "I will not hesitate to kill you Haruno."

Sakura looked at her sensei. "Sensei, aren't you going to do something about this?"

Kakashi shook his head. "Nope. He's perfectly within his rights. And I will be beating your fangirlism out of you by the end of this mission or I'll die trying. Deathstroke, I want you to interrogate the nin and find out who they were after. Now then, I'll talk to Tazuna. Sakura, you watch Sasuke. Move people."

Deathstroke ran up to the nin that was more alive.

"All right," he said as he kneeled. "Gozu, my name is Deathstroke. I know many forms of interrogation. I could wound you, but that could kill you. Now then, why did you attack us? Was it because you were after us, or were you after the client?"

"I'm not telling you anything kid," Gozu said.

Deathstroke nodded. "All right then. I'll get my answers out of you somehow."

Deathstroke drew a kunai and stabbed it. Gozu closed his eyes, awaiting the pain, but heard a scream. He noticed it didn't come from his mouth, but his brothers. Gozu opened his eyes and gasped as he saw Deathstroke sending lightning chakra into the kunai and shocking his brother's nervous system.

Mizu screamed as Deathstroke twisted the kunai and sent more lightning chakra into it. Gozu feebly tried grabbing Deathstroke and pulling him off, but cried out in pain as he was shocked.

"Tell me what I want to know and your brother's pain will end," Deathstroke said.

Gozu tried to figure out what to do. He wouldn't answer so Deathstroke took his hand off the kunai, leaving it in the man's leg. Deathstroke crouched by Mizu, placing his hands on his mask. He calmly removed it, keeping his face out of the sight of Gozu. Mizu could tell the kid was wearing an eyepatch and wondered what he would do. He got his answer as the boy removed his eyepatch (2) and Mizu screamed.

"No!" Mizu screamed. "Don't let them take me! Mom! Dad! Gozu!"

Gozu tried reaching for his brother, but a clone of Deathstroke restrained him. Mizu's screams got louder and louder. Sakura, Kakashi, and Tazuna watched, wondering what was going on. Deathstroke calmly covered his eye again and then looked at the brother who wasn't turning into a vegetable from fear.

Deathstroke calmly looked at the other brother. "Tell me what I want to know Gozu. I won't cause you any more pain unless you refuse to answer."

"I-i wo-n't te-tell yo-you an-anything," Gozu said.

Deathstroke shook his head. He drew two kunai and stabbed them into the man's knees. Gozu screamed. Slade calmly started twisting them as he pushed them deeper, ignoring the blood that was splattering his uniform. Deathstroke tapped two buttons on his palms, activating something and gripped the kunai handles. With them not being insulated and the metal being a very good conductor, Gozu was shocked instantly. His mouth was open in a silent scream, the pain quickly becoming unbearable. Then, it disappeared, replaced by a greater pain. Gozu looked down to see the kunai being pulled from his knees and then relief as the boy healed his wounds.

"See kid," Gozu said slowly. "You don't know how to interrogate people. You don't heal them."

Deathstroke looked up at the man. His eye behind the mask was impassive, almost nonchalant like his sensei.

"Trust me," Deathstroke said. "I know how to interrogate someone. Do you really think I'd heal you all the way?"

Gozu looked at his knees, noticing that the would was closed to the point of a pin needle. Deathstroke calmly pulled out a senbon and a vial of some dark red liquid. Gozu raised an eyebrow and then watched as Deathstroke dipped it in the vial and let it soak for a little bit. He then removed the senbon from the vial and then stabbed it into Gozu's knee, HARD. Gozu screamed as his mind was assaulted with pain. Deathstroke again raised his eyepatch and Gozu screamed louder, doing the same as his brother and calling for his parents, his mom the most. Deathstroke pulled out the senbon and placed another in a white vial and placed his eyepatch over his eye.

"Now then Gozu," Deathstroke said. "Will you tell me what I want to know or do I have to send them after you again?"

Gozu shook his head rapidly. "No, I'll talk. We were after the bridge builder because this guy named Gato hired us and our boss, Zabuza to kill him. Apparently, the old geezer's building a bridge that will take away Gato's hold on the country. Of course the short bastard doesn't want that so he hired Zabuza, his kid named Haku and us to kill him. Since we failed, they-"

Gozu stopped as three senbon imbedded themselves in his neck. A hunter-nin dropped from the trees and grabbed the two brothers.

"Thank you for dealing with them for me," he said. "Now I'll have to get rid of the bodies."

The Oinin began a shunin, but Deathstroke kicked him in the chest. The oinin crashed into the tree and flipped over.

"I'm guessing you're Haku?" Deathstroke asked. "Everyone knows Oinin destroy the body on sight. You should really do your homework."

Instead of answering, the Oinin disappeared and left Gozu and Mizu. Deathstroke calmly created two shadow clones and they grabbed the brothers and sped off in the direction of Konoha. Deathstroke walked towards Kakashi and looked at him.

"Did you hear that?" he asked.

Kakashi nodded. "I did. Normally we'd leave because this mission would be well above your level. But considering that you and I are here, I'd say we continue."

Sakura huffed. "But what about Sasuke-kun? He needs medical attention! We have to turn back."

Deathstroke pulled a pistol from his holster and aimed it at her head. He calmly placed his finger on the trigger. He looked at her, his one eye narrowing.

"Say one more thing about him," Deathstroke said. "So what he's hurt? We're on a mission. The mission continues despite the worries or injuries. If you want to turn back then we'll put that in the report too and just keep your part of the payments. Anyways, Kakashi what do you want to do?"

Kakashi shook his head as he looked at the other two genin under his command. "If you wish to abandon and forget all the lessons I told you then go. Deathstroke and I will continue on without you."

Tazuna started sweating. "No. You don't have to split up on my account. I'll just go alone."

Kakashi shook his head. "Don't worry about it Tazuna. Deathstroke and I will be fine. Despite how he started out, I know he's ready for this type of thing. His skill level is high enough for this mission."

Kakashi created a shadow clone. "You know what to do."

The clone nodded as he knocked out the protesting Sakura and slung the two under his arms and began his trek to Konoha. Kakashi nodded to Deathstroke and Tazuna and they began their walk to Wave again.

Chapter End.

So there's the end of this chapter. Tazuna is now two less in his protection detail and so we'll see how this goes.

1. Slade's helmet provides a voice modulator. It copies the sound waves of Slade in the original Teen Titans, to creep someone out so they don't know how he feels unless it's by action.

2. It's his eye. It will be revealed in the next chapter.