Yes, this time it's actually the last chapter... Thank you for reading this far, dear XS lovers!

Squalo POV

A soft shift of the leaves of the park's old oaks and the songs of early birds. The slight scent of pomegranate and fig make me wake up. I stare for some time at my bedroom's walls before noticing it's already morning.

I usually never sleep more than four hours at night; having late nights and waking early in the morning have become usual habits for me. That, and constantly watching over the Varia's work, signing checks and important papers, reviewing contracts, training new recruits, organizing everyone's schedule, planning one raid or two by the end of the week, checking if the job has been thoroughly done and… Geez… And taking care of the Boss.

Really, doing all those stuffs for the Varia is far more effortless and trouble-free than pleasing that stupid Boss: "Trashy shark, the meat is overdone. Fucking piece of scum, you call that a report? You damn shark, were the fuck is my motherfucking tie?"

Get the fuck lost, you fucking lousy bastard! Fucking tell me when did I become your personal slave? Or is that some sort of eternal ragging for the second in command? Fuck you all, damnit!

Ah, crap. Sometimes I just want to cut every part of them off, shred their idiotic faces, burn that goddamn mansion, then… I don't know… Maybe I'll take the first flight to Bahamas… Yeah… That's my idea of a perfect holiday…

And talking about holiday, I'm having one day off today. The first since many, many,… Well, many years.

God, I truly needed it. Yesterday, I found again tufts of hair blocking the sink. I was horrified. Who wouldn't be? I'm not thirty yet, and I'm already getting bald! Maybe I should shave my head. If I shave it all, it will be less noticeable when there's nothing left anymore, won't it? With that, no more hair to take care, I'll have one more sleep hour per day, no more sinks flowing back, and more aero dynamism during fights too…

Vooooi, what the hell am I talking about?!

That's the kind of hellish things running through my mind day after day after day after day. If I didn't shout at everyone, I'd kill them. For sure. Then run to Bahamas. My name would be something like "Jack Smithy", a mid-thirty bald man with no story, not even a suitcase.

'Voi, I really needed a day off…' I mutter in my half-slumber while rubbing my eyes and rise heavily from beneath the silky sheets.

That's true. Today I won't have to talk to any of those morons. Lucky. I even have a planning of what I'll be doing for 24hours:

First, getting out of the mansion without anyone knowing. I don't want someone squealing, shishi-ing or hovering around my head and asking me where I'm going. Hel no.

Second, going to that very deep part of the woods, some ten kilometers from the mansion. I found that place few days ago. That's the best spot to train my sword: stone pit quarry, deadly waterfalls, hundred-years-old trees and fatal gorges… It was as if someone up there had thought about me and built that place for my using only.

I happily glide my bare feet in my slippers and get swiftly up. The bed creaks. I haven't made a single step when I feel my hair being pulled back, and hear a familiar grunt from the bed.

'Hey, you stupid.' Xanxus wakes up as well, and he's angry. How surprising. 'Where the fuck are you going?'

'Voi, I have a fucking day off!' I pull my hair to me. 'Of course I'm going out training.'

'Aah? Are you nuts?'

'What? Shut up, would you?' I start screaming. 'I can at least do what I want when I'm on holiday! Now get the fuck off so I can leave… Vo-'

But I can't move anywhere since Xanxus yanks my hair violently, painfully. I fall on the bed and shout again, before getting punched by the Boss. And it hurt. It hellishly hurt.

'Vooi, you asshole! Why the fuck did you have to punch me? Just why do I fucking have to get punched by you this early in the morning? Leave me alone already and… Huh?'

This time I don't receive a hit, but something akin to an… embrace? What? Did I lose consciousness with the first blow? Because I find it quite difficult to believe that that bastard is currently hugging me more or less gently (and in the same time crushing me on the mattress with his weight), that that said bastard is actually accepting a human contact with me apart from sexual intercourses … Pretty difficult.

'Voi, Xanxus…' I shift beneath his arms. 'Are you alright…'

'Shut it, scum, and let me sleep. You can go fishing or whatever after.'

I bite at my lower lip with annoyance and glare at the man resting on my chest, but stay still. My face is getting warm, too. "I said I was going out training, not fishing." I want to yell at him, but the words stay glued in my throat.

I keep on gazing at the tanned and scared face sleeping peacefully next to mine, listening to his light breath as he's being lulled by my heartbeats, then I think about my spoiled plans.

I finally hold Xanxus close and get back to sleep, comforted by the natural heat of the tanned man's body. Staying like this isn't a good idea, too, I think.

See you soon for next stories!