Disclaimer to its rightful owner:
Kuroko no Basuke © Tadatoshi Fujimaki
Forbidden by Rheyna Rosevelt
I own nothing but this fanfiction (and OCs)
Thus, I don't make any commercial profit within this story
This story contains:
Yaoi | Incestuous relationship | Next Generation Characters, or the canon characters' childrens (Akashi Seiji, Akashi Tetsushi (formerly Kuroko Tetsushi), and more soon) | Ficlet of drabbles| Out-Of-Character
When Akashi Tetsushi - formerly Kuroko Tetsushi- leaned against his bedroom wall, a two-inches thickness of paint colored bricks that separated his and his brother's room, the teal-haired boy released a deep sigh.
He know it.
He know it is a sin. An unforgivable one.
Falling in love with his brother is a sin.
But again, he found his feet slowly walks on its own will, towards a room that situated right beside his own.
He didn't knocked, or even asked. He released another breath, just before his fingers turned the door knob. He just pushed the door open, stepped inside, and shuts it quietly behind him.
The door knob of a red-painted door.
"Lock it."
That husky, deep voice, ordered him.
And Tetsushi just did it. Not protesting at all.
"Come here, Tetsushi."
His heart raced, pounding almost out of his chest when red fiery hair brushed against his neck right after he ran into his brother's arms.
And thus, Akashi Tetsushi knew that night was far from over.
"Where did your hand just- ah!"
"Feeling good here, Tetsushi?"
The smaller boy mewled in pleasure as his brother dropped him into the bed, fingers playing with two nubs on his chest.
"Tetsushi," his name came out as a whispery sigh, right beside his ear. "Tetsushi."
A drop of tear flowed from a pair of aquamarine eyes, it wets the already flushed cheeks.
And right after his brother's fingers deliberately touched his private area, he did moaned.
Hearing his name being called, the boy turned. His face immediately paled at the sight of his mother.
Tetsuya tilted his head. "No need to be frightened, Tetsushi." He stepped forward, and sat on his kneel while inspecting his son's expression. "I just wondered why are you walking so funny this morning."
"Seiji did it, didn't he?"
"... yes, Mother."
Tetsuya sighed.
"Did he went rough on you last night?"
"Wha-" Tetsushi's face blushed. "... y-yes, Mother."
"I see. Well, I have to warn him to not doing it roughly next time. After all, you both are still so young."
"W-What next time, Mother?!"
Tetsuya ignored the shout. "Come. I have an ointment to make it feel better. I'm sure you won't like it having your father asking about your funny walk when he get home."
"O-okay, mother..."
"So," their father, Akashi Seijuro, folded his hands. The redhead was scowling, his gaze makes both teens which sat in front of him shaking fearfully. "Care to tell me what had happened?"
Akashi Seiji lifted his head for a bit. His mismatched eyes watched his father's expression warily. "I was just... showing my love to Tetsushi, Father."
The teal-haired teen nodded in agreement.
"What do you mean by 'showing my love', Sei? Why must it be like, you shove your own brother up against a wall and kissed him on lips? Can't you show your brotherly love like any normal older brothers would do?"
As the word 'normal' escaped from his father's, Seiji flinched. The Akashi blood in his veins were struggling, provokes him to debate the older man. He's never the one to lose at words.
"But we aren't biologically sibling to begin with, Father," Seiji said, his whole body tensing.
Seijuro's lips formed a smirk. "Oh? You dare to debate me?"
"Sei," both Tetsuya and Tetsushi said in unison, tried to calm down their lovers which is glaring at each other.
"We're just step-brothers! We have no blood relation at all! It does means our relationship is perfectly clean, doesn't it?!"
"You got guts, you know it, kiddy?" his smirk grows even wider. "Listen here, Akashi Seiji, it doesn't matter that you both aren't biologically-bonded or whatever, but I married Tetsushi's father, and now Tetsuya is my wife. Just in case you haven't get the family tree concepts right, furthermore, Tetsushi is also my son. And he is your brother. No romance feelings allowed. That's the law. End of story."
"How could you! That's not even-"
"It is. Now I demand you both to go to your rooms and we'll call it a day. You're dismissed."
Both teen quickly got up, the redhead one grumbled, while the teal-haired just patted his brother's back.
"And by 'your rooms' I meant your OWN rooms, kiddos. I forbid you to sleep on the same bed with him, Tetsushi."
"Yes, father."
"Your hand... pull it out."
His tongue lightly grazed among his brother's exposed collarbone. "Nope."
"I don't wanna, Tetsushi. Besides, We're just starting our fun."
"It... But... Father might-"
"I don't care about him." His lips nipped at Tetsushi's flushed cheek. "All I care now is, only, you."
"But... Sei-nii..."
"I accept no refusal. Now, lay on your back, Tetsushi." The red and golden orbs flared with desire. "Let me show you just how much I do love you."
[To be continued?]
A/N: Basically, this is just an absurd collection of my AkaKuro incest!AU drabbles. And not beta'ed yet, so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes since English isn't my first language (and this is my second English fanfiction). All I can say now is... I'm not sure if I should continue, or if I should just end this up. And please review, dear readers, if you're confused and have any questions in case I didn't make my plot clear enough~ However, your reviews give me inspiration on writing~