Author's Notes:
I'm really, really, really sorry, but at the present time, I cannot write this fanfiction anymore.

I know that I'm not doing a very good job, and as a result, I've lost most of my interest in Jelsa, which makes writing anything about them impossible (including my drabbles). You know, when I started writing Summer Shudder, all I wanted to do was make it a three-shot story, and that was it. I wasn't going to write anything else. I never thought I would actually really enjoy writing Jelsa as much as I did before. I think it's mostly my fault that I ended up loathing my writing. Sorry that I can't portray Jack or Elsa right (or any other characters, for that matter!), I didn't think that I was doing that horrible, but after rereading the story, I don't know what I was thinking. ;)

I would like to thank each and every one of you for following, favoriting, and reviewing. Bless you all. I wish that I had the mental capacity to finish what I started, but for right now, this has become really unhealthy for me. Normally I love writing and I'm humbly confident about it, but this is just making me feel really bad about myself. On the brightside though, there are a plethora of other Jelsa writers out there who are enormously better than I am (and this story). So this shouldn't be too much of a loss. Harharhar.

I won't promise that this will be the last chapter of the story that I will write. Who knows, maybe I'll feel better in a month or more and decide to give it a shot again. But like I said before, I feel really bad whenever I try to write anything Jelsa-related at the moment, which is silly because writing is typically something that I'm super passionate about. So for right now, The New Patron Saints And Angels is on an indefinite hiatus notice.

Once again, thank you immensely and endlessly for your support, kind words, and constructive criticism. If anybody has a Jelsa story that they'd like for me to read, let me know. I'd like to read more.

A.V Storm