Chapter 5: The Akuma

Guys, I am so sorry. I feel really guilty. Hate on me if you must, I'll understand. It has been months; that is much too long. The wait is over, so please read the chapter that you've hopefully been waiting for. Again, sorry.

To those who haven't had to wait: Be happy. Rejoice. Read. Move on with your life. :)


"Maeko, what are you doing!?" Tyki shouted. He was angry. Again.

"I just can't!" I yelled back. I stepped away from the shaking woman. She was cowering in the corner we'd trapped her in and tears were pouring down her cheeks.

"P-Please." She kept muttering this under her breath like it would change anything. And it did. It got to me. I'd told myself that this would be the day that I carried out the Earl's orders without a hitch, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Maeko," Tyki growled. I looked up at him. His eyes were stormy and his hands were clenched into fists. "If you don't do this, the Earl won't let you stay," Tyki said.

My heart dropped, "W-What?"

"He told me that you weren't valuable. If you don't follow his orders, he'll get rid of you," Tyki said sternly.

"But I don't want to kill her!" I yelled. But I didn't want you lose the other Noahs either. To be alone—forever—was one of my worst fears.

Tyki shook his head and put a hand on my head, "You're too soft, Maeko. They're just subhumans. They don't matter."

Tyki's hand slid off my head and he turned to the woman. He slowly walked towards her. "Tyki, what are you doing?" I asked desperately, though I knew what he was about to do.

"We'll just tell him you were the one who did it," he said, "That way you can stay."

"No! The Earl will find out that we lied to him! You can't kill all of my targets…forever!" I shouted. He was kneeling in front of the woman now.

"Yes, I can!" Tyki yelled. He plunged his arm into the woman's chest and his lips curled into a horrifying grin. I flinched as some of the woman's blood splattered onto my cheek.

"Tyki, no!" I yelled. Tyki was already gone, though. He was already basking in the darkness of his Noah nature. He wouldn't hear me until he was done carving out her insides. I fell to my knees and hugged myself for comfort. "Tyki." I closed my eyes and waited for the disgusting sounds that I was all too familiar with to cease.

When they finally did, I didn't look up. "Maeko," Tyki whispered. He was right next to me.

"You didn't have to do that," I whimpered. I knew he did, though. He couldn't help it, the mutilation of his targets. I should have killed her; then she wouldn't be…like this. But I couldn't.

"Well, that was interesting!" said a voice from above us. I stiffened and looked up. I recognized the voice immediately.

"Earl," I breathed. I stumbled to my feet and stood tall.

"Tyki, why don't you tell me what just happened?" said the Earl. He drifted down slowly from the roofs.

Tyki didn't speak, just stared at the Earl. "Cat got your tongue?" the Earl asked, tilting his head to the side. "Well, if it's alright with you, I'll answer my own question."

I looked at Tyki, but he just stared forward. I inched closer to him. If the Earl was going to punish Tyki, I would fight him. Tyki didn't deserve punishment, it was me who did…because I was the weak one. "It looked to me that when Maeko was too weak to carry out my request, Tyki stepped in and stole her job! Isn't that funny!?"

I was scared.

"I applaud you, Tyki, for being so underhanded, but you Maeko. Was that really the best you could manage?"

"I won't defend myself. It was my fault," I said, my voice cracking a bit. Tyki glared at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I made Tyki do it. I told him to kill her because I didn't want to."

"Because you're too weak," The Earl said. He stepped towards me and his eyes bore into mine. My only reply was a nod.

"Maeko," Tyki growled.

Without any warning or indication, the Earl's hand jerked forward. His fingers buried in my chest. I gasped and grabbed his wrist. "You'll be useful again one day. Until then, disappear," he whispered into my ear, his hot breath piercing me. He ripped his hand from my chest and I fell to my knees.

"Maeko!" Tyki shouted. He bent down beside me, but the Earl stopped him from touching me.

"Leave her be! It's time to go," he commanded.

I put a hand over my wound; it wasn't healing. I wanted to cry, but I was too busy shaking off the shock. Tyki's eyes glazed over and he stood, looking down at me.

"Tyki," I choked. I tasted blood.

"You should have been stronger, Maeko," he said, his voice not betraying him by showing emotion. "Goodbye."

I bolted upright, gasping for air. I clutched my chest, the same spot where the Earl had once almost killed me. My scar was burning again. I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead and shook my head. I slapped my cheeks a few times for good measure. It was just a dream…a memory.

I'd been forced to sleep in the infirmary, (despite my protesting). The nurses who had been bustling around the giant room were really confused as to why my neck didn't show any signs of intense injury. There wasn't a mark on me any longer, which is what I was used to. I'd been a bit freaked out by how slowly I'd regenerated when Allen's innocence lashed out at me. Crap. I still felt bad about that. It was eating me up inside. Allen thought it was his fault, but it was mine any way I looked at it. His innocence had been threatened by me and reacted; there was nothing else to it.

I sighed and sat up. I was getting tired of resting. It was time for a change of pace. I still had to explore the Black Order some more, so I knew what I was going to do to stretch my legs. I'd been told to stay in bed, but my boredom was starting to destroy my soul.

I hopped out of my bed and changed into the clothes that Lenalee had brought me and then slipped my toes snugly into my boots. I stretched my arms high above my head and sighed when they dropped back to my sides. I rolled my head around on my shoulders and it made a popping sound. I shivered; I freaking hate it when it does that. It creeps me out.

"Time to go exploring," I said to thin air. I stepped forward and pried open the door to the infirmary. I tiptoed out and eased it shut as quietly as I could. I was pretty sure that if a nurse saw me coming, they'd force me back into bed. Either that or they'd threaten me with needles, and needles freak me out more than cracking joints.

As soon as I turned around, something glinted in the corner of my eye. I froze and peered into the darkness to my left. "Is anyone there?" I called. There wasn't an answer.

I kept walking and then a voice echoed from behind me, bouncing off the wall in every direction, "Maeko."

If something like this has never happened to you, you should know it's probably the most terrifying thing in the world. I'm dead serious. I've also got to remind you that I was new to the Black Order, so I had no idea what was lurking in those halls.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I slowly turned and spotted something in the darkness. Something was shining…glass maybe? "Maeko, it's time for your procedure."

That was my cue to run. I turned tail and sprinted in the other direction, "I don't want your procedures!" I continued to yell that behind me as I sprinted down the endless hallways. I could only hope that my stamina would outlast that of my chaser. How did I know someone was chasing me? Because I could hear their footsteps pounding behind me.

"Maeko!" he yelled after me, "Your neck needs repair!" My neck? Repair? Sorry, but that'd already been done…by myself…without pain. I skidded to a stop when I came upon a choice: left or right. I hesitated.

"Maeko!" someone shouted and grabbed my shoulder. I won't lie and say that I didn't freak out at that. I grabbed the person's arm and flipped them over me. The stalker landed on his back with a groan. My heart sank when I realized who it was.

"How did you do that?" Lavi asked incredulously, still laying on his back. I looked at him.

"Were you creepy guy who was chasing me?" I asked, glancing behind me. I seriously doubted it, but I still asked.

"What are you talking about?" Lavi asked, standing up. He stared at me, "You're such a small person. How did you flip me?"

"Uh. Um. Magic," I said, adding in some weird hand gestures, and then sprinted for it. It was only a matter of time before that guy caught up to me. To us. I had to run, otherwise…procedures.

"Magic? Wait, Maeko! Why are you out of bed!?" he yelled. I was already long gone. I flew around the corner at full speed, breathing hard, and nearly slammed into Kanda.

"Watch it, Half Pint!" he yelled as I sprinted past him. I waved over my shoulder.

"Sorry, Ponytail!" I called back.

"Your procedure!" my stalker yelled. Crap, that meant he was gaining on me. My little chat with Lavi had apparently let him catch up. It was high time I was out of there and away from this creepster who was pursuing me fervently.

I was running past what I'm pretty sure were everyone's rooms as I whizzed past Lenalee.

"Maeko?" she questioned.

"Can't talk now! Going to be murdered," I said, pointing behind me. Lenalee latched onto my arm and I frowned. Ok, so I knew I wasn't actually going to be murdered. That'd be sort of tough. Still, I was actually having fun supposedly running for my life.

"Who's trying to kill you?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Dunno. There's a guy following me and yelling about procedures," I said. Now that I gave it a little thought, I'm pretty sure someone else had mentioned a procedure recently. As soon as I said the word 'procedure,' Lenalee's face darkened.

"Let's wait for him to catch up, why don't we?" she said sweetly. It was creepy how she could manage to sound so innocent while simultaneously looking like a murderer. She was seriously intimidating. Well, I learnt something new about her today.

Lenalee turned and crossed her arms, watching the corridor where I'd run from. She tapped her foot. I waited for a moment, but then I spoke up, "So…you know who was trying to stick me with needles?"

"Needles?" she asked.

I nodded, "Needles are my weakness."

She smiled a little and then nodded, "It's my brother."

"What? Komui?" I asked.

"He likes…doing procedures on newbies," she said, her ponytails swaying as she shook her head, "I'm really sorry about this."

I smiled, "It's really not a big deal. Seriously, though. He's not getting anywhere near me with a needle."

"There you are, Mae-OH NO!" Komui shouted, rounding the corner. I grinned as Lenalee pounced on her brother. She flew through the air—an impressive leap, I might add—and landed on her brother, feet first. Lenalee standing on her older brother's back was a pretty amazing sight. It was instant karma.

"Did you try and perform a procedure on Maeko?" Lenalee asked.

"A little," Komui replied, his voice muffled by the ground.

"A little?" Lenalee asked.

"Ok, you win. I did," Komui admitted. I nodded, contented, "But she needs it!"

Lenalee looked to me, "He's right, you did just-"

I couldn't help but interrupt her, "Anything that involves needles is not necessary! Ever!"

Lenalee looked worried, "Do you really dislike them that much?"

I nodded vigorously, "More."

Lenalee nodded and looked down at her brother, "No procedures. She seems fine to me." Komui sighed.

"Promise," Lenalee warned. "Fine," Komui finally agreed. Lenalee nodded and jumped off of her brother. Komui slowly got up and rubbed his back.

"I feel like you're getting h-"

"Don't even say it," Lenalee growled, striding past her brother towards me. "Again, I apologize," she said, her voice sweet again. I nodded as she past me. Well, she would have passed me, but, before she could, what felt like a huge earthquake hit us. It lasted a few moments, so I managed to stay on my feet.

"What was that?" I asked once it was over.

"The Gatekeeper," Komui said, serious once again. It was weird seeing him transform from the guy who was just manically chasing me with needles to the guy who could control an entire branch in the blink of an eye. I didn't know all that much about the inner workings of the Black Order, but I knew he was influential. That didn't make him any less odd.

"What about the Gatekeeper?" I asked.

Komui looked at me, his eyes serious, "There are akuma nearby."

"Akuma," I repeated.

"Send Kanda? He's always the fastest. Maybe we should send Krory."

Komui grinned and shook his head, "I've got a better idea." I took a step back, his demeanor suddenly intimidating. His creepiness level had just escalated.

"You don't mean-"

"She's perfect! We'll get to see her in action!"

"But she's new!"

Komui smiled, "Exactly!" He turned to me, "Maeko, head to the Gatekeeper. Kill the akuma." He turned and walked away, "Remember, we'll all be watching you!" After he'd disappeared I looked to Lenalee.

"He's serious. By 'we' he means the entire department, a few exorcists, and some seekers. Good luck!" After her brief explanation, she followed her brother away. I stared after them for a few moments.

"Ok," I said to myself. I'd never killed an akuma before. The first obstacle, though, was finding the Gatekeeper.

After a while of wandering, which was much shorter than I'd expected, I found my way there. "They sent the newbie!?"

"Gee, sorry to be such a disappointment," I mumbled.

"Alright, out you go," he said. I wanted to argue, but figured it'd be weird for me to argue with a gate. Because that's what the Gatekeeper was: a gate.

I stepped outside and the gate rumbled shut behind me. I shook my head, wondering how I'd ended up in this mess. Oh right, it was because the branch head was insane.

"Don't let us down, Maeko! We're all watching you!" Komui's voice was coming from the golem that was floating around my head. I shook my head. That was seriously some unnecessary pressure. I didn't want to think about the fact that Lavi was probably watching. I stepped forward, reminding myself that I had to tone down any display of power.

"I won't," I said to the golem and therefore to everyone who was watching me. I scanned the area, but couldn't see anything. A strangely thick fog had rolled in outside of the gate. I stood completely still, listening. I knew there was something out there. I could sense it.

"A little Exorcist!" The voice seemed to echo all around me. It was deafening and seemed to pierce the deepest parts of my brain. I didn't flinch, though. I wasn't going to let this akuma gain ground.

"Ooooh," he cooed. I felt his breath stir some of the hairs on the back of my neck and grimaced, "A brave little Exorcist."

I took a deep breath. This must have been a newly evolved akuma. They always had large egos, certain that no exorcist could kill them. That was their weakness. I'd spent enough time around them to know that much.

I closed my eyes for a moment, listening. "Tell me, little Exorcist, why is it that you smell so strange?"

I opened my eyes, anger rising. I had to get rid of him quickly. If he could tell that I wasn't your average human by his sense of smell, he might soon divulge my secret.

"Why don't you tell me where you are and then call me little again, huh?" I called.

The akuma laughed to my left, but his voice came from my right, "Are you scared, little Exorcist? Maybe that's what I smell."

"You're mistaken," I said. Alright, it was time. I was calm enough and mentally prepared. I whispered the familiar words.

Ed adiecit Dominus, quæ abscondita est, quam

Da mihi verum

When I opened my eyes once again, my sight had changed. The world was now gray, no color in sight. The only color I could see, a flare muddy red, belonged to the akuma. Anger. I'd seen akuma this way before, using my own ability to see the truth behind the guise. If I peered close enough, I could see brief flashes of black…the color of suffering and pain. That was the person who had been turned into this akuma…the prisoner.

"Don't worry. I found you," I whispered under my breath. I grabbed my bow and, in one fluid motion, un-collapsed it and drew the string. I aimed directly behind me and loosed the arrow. I watched as the golden light soared through the fog, illuminating the area near it as it went. I heard a howling when the light disappeared. I watched as the reddish glow slowly faded before my eyes. I let my vision fade to normal again. "You're free now," I whispered.

I turned and strode back to the gate, "Let me in, please."

"But the akuma is still out there!" the Gatekeeper protested.

"We can't open the gate until it's dead, Maeko," Komui's golem added.

"It is dead," I said quietly. Seeing the writhing soul inside of that akuma had sort of dampened my mood a bit.

There was silence before Komui finally said, "Well, Gatekeeper, is it dead?"

I sighed as the Gatekeeper commenced his scanning. It took a while, but he eventually discovered what I already knew to be true. "What the-"

"Yeah, it's dead. Can I come inside?" I asked.

The gates groaned open. "Maeko, how did you do that?" asked the golem as it flew inside next to me. I looked at it and blinked.

"Lucky shot?" I offered. I knew that Komui wouldn't take that, though.

"Come speak to me later," he said, "I've got some questions. In the mean time, go to the mess hall."

I blinked, "Why?" Suspicion was on the rise.

"No reason," Komui replied, but he overcompensated. His voice sounded guilty.

"Shut up!" hissed someone else's voice. I'm pretty sure I recognized it to be Lavi's, but it was a bit challenging to tell.

"Just please do, Maeko. I'm sure it'll be worth your time," Lenalee's voice added. Great, so she was watching that, too. I'm not sure whether I was glad or worried about that fact. Maybe it was both. If questions were raised in the onlooker's minds, especially Lavi's and Lenalee's, I would have a problem. I was actually starting to like those two, and I didn't want to have to leave the order…leave my family for a second time.

The situation I'd gotten myself into was a bit messy.

"Ok, but there'd better not be a second akuma there," I said. There was some laughter from the other end of the golem and I frowned, "That wasn't a joke."

"Alright, Maeko. Just get yourself over here. We'll be waiting." That was definitely Lavi. My heart rioted. When he'd said 'we' it sounded like he meant 'I.' Sometimes the Black Order seemed crazier than my old life. I had a little trouble remembering that now, though; I guess the new family made it harder to remember. Part of me didn't want to forget, though. I was only realizing that now. I sort of missed Road and the rest…and Tyki.

Well, time to stop thinking about that. I had to talk to Komui…and go to the mess hall. Who knows what waited for me there.

Sorry that there wasn't much Lavi or Tyki in this chapter, but here will be more to come, (if that's what you're waiting for). Leave me a review if you have the heart. I promise I won't take months to update next time. Promise! :'(