Hello once again. Lord Pugsy here. I am hoping the wait was not too long; I am sure it was shorter than last time. Anyway, here is the latest chapter for A Phantom Apocalypse and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Once more, I do not own Danny Phantom.
The group of ghosts and humans were marching down the corridors, which Danny noticed, resembled a warzone. Rubbish littered the floors; the barriers, after Krystal and Dani reabsorbed their ice, were in the process of being torn down; scorch marks from ecto-blasts and the occasional bullet hole plastered the walls. On a different day, Danny would have stopped to help clean or figure out what exactly happened. However, Danny was more preoccupied battling with his thoughts at what he wanted to do. Half of him wanted nothing to do with Paul; he had made his bed, and now it was time to lie in it. Yet, Paul had not only threatened the lives of those living in the school, but he had specifically targeted his friends and family. That made it personal. As they went, people they encountered were told to report to the Gymnasium as soon as possible, and to pass the message along.
"You have laws here, right?" Danny asked bluntly, not bothering to slow down or look behind him. "Someone does something they shouldn't, they get punished?"
Jazz knew where he was going with this. "We have a general rule list that we have in the Main Hall. They don't differ much from what they used to be. But yeah, they break one of those, they get punished."
"Punishments can range from allotment caring, custodial tasks or plumbing duty." Tucker added, answering Danny's next question.
"What of serious crimes?" Danny asked. "Rape, violence or murder? What happens to those who commit one of them?" Whilst the ghosts nodded their head, the humans looked decidedly uncomfortable.
"We don't have any." Valerie said lamely. "We've never needed to. There's never been a case, or a reported case, of any of those." Danny was quiet for a few minutes as they came up to the doors leading to the Gym, scared and angry voices emanating from within; the entire group, bar Danny, felt queasy when they saw the bloodstains on the door.
Danny placed his hands on the doors. "Well," he said. "I think now's the time you thought of some." With that, he turned invisible, prompting the ghosts to do the same, as he opened the door. Looks of confusion were quickly replaced with understanding as the humans entered the large room. The moment they entered, a hush silence descended upon the occupants as they stared at the six, who made their way over to a slightly raised platform where the Drill Sergeant would stand during training sessions. Danny and the ghosts, however, were floating overhead observing the entire room as more people began to filter in. There were a few sporting bandages, either from Paul's disciples, or from the rush to get somewhere safe. Danny felt a rush of relief when he saw Joan and her family, as well as George and Victoria, who were among the majority who looked relatively unscathed. Just merely shook up from the experience. A small smile made its way onto the Halfa's face when he saw the redheaded Guard he had healed no more than fifteen minutes ago, still acting professionally as she patrolled around the room, blaster still in hand.
I like her, Danny thought as he watched her. She reminds me of me. Not letting an injury keep her down. The smile, however, was instantly dispelled when he saw a wrapped up body at the back of the room, surrounded by what appeared to be a family, their eyes red and puffy. Finally, when the flow of people eventually stopped, Danny and the ghosts watched as Maddie took centre stage.
"I'm sure by now, you are all well aware as to why we are here," she began strongly, captivating everyone in the room. "Members of our own community have malevolently, and vindictively, put all of our lives in jeopardy. All of us up here were rendered unconscious and tied up, the Shield was turned off and they used barbaric means to exterminate those members of the Guard so they could achieve their ends."
Jack made his way forward, and the audience were disturbed to see an angry and hard look on his usually cheerful face. "Never have we had to experience a betrayal such as this. Everyone, on admittance, was told that we all have to look out for each other, because at some point in the future, your lives could very well be in their hands. As such, we have never had any serious incidences. There were small thefts in the beginning, but were quickly punished, and as a result, the school was a much more pleasant place to live."
Now it was Jazz's turn. "We don't have a set of rules which can be used to punish those who have sought to hurt us. But before we, as a community, decide on their punishment, those who have wronged us must be brought here to stand a trial of sorts." She said, before looking to where she thought the ghosts were probably floating. "Danny, if you please?"
One by one, the six ghosts turned visible above everyone's heads. A sense of apprehension filled the humans of the Gym as they looked up at the ghosts. They knew the ghosts knew that it was humans who started the infection, but were blamed in the beginning as being solely responsible. The majority of them thought that that next time they would see the ghosts, they would arrive in a hail of ectoplasm as they took their revenge for how they were treated. Judging by the looks on Ember's and Dani's faces, revenge could still be a possible outcome. Johnny, Kitty and Krystal had a neutral look, whereas they couldn't tell with Danny as his hood was up. From the way his one green eye was narrowed as he looked down on them though, it didn't look like it would take much persuasion to attack them. Seeing the staring match going on between the humans and the ghosts, Jazz coughed loudly to garner their attention. Whipping his head around, Danny saw the look his sister was giving him, understanding completely what she wanted him to do. Giving her a slight nod, Danny once again turned invisible, prompting the others to copy. Gentle murmurs sprouted among a few of the school's residents, but quickly died at the sight of the combined glares from Sam, Valerie and Tucker as they waited for the ghosts to return. One by one, the ghosts reappeared with up to four people each in tow; Krystal and Dani had their captives in ice blocks with only their heads free. Ember had elongated her guitar strap to tie her four together; Kitty had done something similar with her handbag strap. Jazz was noticeably pleased when she saw Mary, Jacob and Isaac, as well as one other, looking terrified beyond belief at being wrapped up in Johnny's shadow. Just when the audience couldn't get any more surprised, Danny teleported into the room with an unconscious Paul slung over his shoulder. Placing him on the ground in front of the other captive disciples, Danny gave a shrug to Jazz's silent question.
"He wouldn't shut up." He said simply, causing the ghosts to hold back a laugh, and a murderous look to adorn the disciples' faces, particularly Jacob's. As if sensing the impending tirade, Danny instantly shot out a sticky, ecto-gag to cover his mouth. Pausing for a moment, he did the same for the other nineteen captives for good measure. He flinched momentarily as memories from the future assaulted his mind, before he quickly pushed passed them and went to stand on the opposite side of stage with the ghosts.
Before anyone could speak out at what was happening, Valerie powered forwards. "For those of you too slow to figure out what's going on, these are the people who are responsible for nearly three hundred deaths, as well as one actual death." She said. Her eyes caught Danny's, who tilted his head towards the frozen group in front of Krystal.
Sam stepped forwards. "That lot, on the other hand," she began, gesturing to those cocooned in Johnny's shadow. "Were the ones who bound and gagged us and threw us into a room, where they openly admitted that they had plans to have us killed. They are also responsible for capturing the ghosts, who of their own free will, came back here to help us." Whilst she let the audience dwell upon that piece of information, Sam casted a glance towards the ghosts, fully expecting them to have some sort of smug grin on their faces, especially Embers. What surprised her, though, was the look of hatred on Ember's face, directed specifically at Jacob. The other ghosts had somewhat similar expressions; she couldn't tell about Danny's as his hood was still up. Thinking that this was long enough to let the people stew upon the information given, Maddie thought now was the time for the 'trial' to be underway. The only problem was, the person they were 'convicting' was currently unconscious. Ember caught onto the look Maddie had on her face.
"Allow me," she simply. She lit her hand up with ecto-fire and shot off a golf ball-sized fire ball which connected with his crotch. The scream which ensued was high pitched that set off a small round of giggles around the hall. The humans on the stage looked at Ember curiously.
Ember shrugged. "Face it. He's had that coming for nearly a year." They couldn't really argue, as all of them at one point had wanted to do something similar to the Preacher. A few minutes later, with a very liberal amount of ice powers to shut Paul up, they were ready to get started.
Over the course of the next hour, the evidence admitted went from convincing to downright impregnable. At no point did either Paul or any of his followers disagree with anything said; those who had been encased in ice were now free and had their hands bound behind their backs. Despite lacking the means to voice any comments, they made no attempt to make themselves heard through their gags at the accusations given to them. Begrudgingly, Danny allowed himself to respect Paul slightly. Nearly all of his followers looked beyond terrified at what their punishment was going to be. Paul, however, had a look of patience and calm, waiting for the moment when he would get the opportunity to speak. Eventually, that time came. With a small nod from Jack, Danny used his telekinesis to forcefully rip the gag from Paul's mouth.
Rubbing his lips to help ease the pain, Paul faced the audience confidently. "I do not deny the allegations." Pandemonium exploded within the Gym, with insults and threats being hurled at Paul and his followers. To his credit, Paul didn't even flinch. His only reaction, which confused a great many people, was the smile that slowly spread across his face.
"Do you people really not understand?" He asked seriously. "Have you not considered that maybe this is the birth of a new world, that what happens next is a golden opportunity to change the nature of man in a fundamental way? Everything I did tonight was for your benefit. Before, the Almighty sent the flood to purge those who were unworthy of living. Then, nearly fourteen months ago, He sent another purge, but that wasn't enough. He told me that one more was necessary. Yes, many people will have died, but your deaths would have been necessary for the Greater Good. Those who survived would truly have been God's chosen, who would eventually stand by His side when their time came. Yes, the Sinners were purposely captured because they have corrupted your faith and poisoned your minds. No good can come of them being here. They had their chance at life, and they obviously failed. Why else would they be back here, except to carry on their mission of corruption?" A few people were giving the ghosts a wary look, but it looked as if the ghosts were struggling not to laugh at what Paul was saying.
"Do any of the rest of you have anything else to add?" Tucker asked. They all shook their heads; only about four genuinely looked remorseful of their actions. Due to Paul's speech, the other sixteen held their heads high, as if to say they had done nothing wrong, and would do it again at a moment's notice. Expecting this, Maddie turned to face the audience once more.
"To reiterate what was said earlier, nothing like this has ever happened before," she began. "As such, we have no punishments written down for when such an incident should occur."
"What Maddie is trying to say is, as a community, we need to decide on what their punishment should be." Jack said. "We know you see my wife and I as the unofficial leaders of the school, but something like this needs to be discussed and approved by everyone living here."
"Well now," came a loud voice from the entrance. "What a democratic thing to do. However, as nice an idea that is, I think my boys and I might disagree with you." Without even bothering to hide their audible groans at the recognition of the voice, everyone turned to see David and his soldiers waltzing into the Gym like they owned the place. Upon reaching the stage, he looked at Sam.
"Hey babe." He said, giving her a sickening smile; her response was to scoff in his face.
"I'm not sure what you think you're doing here David," Maddie said, controlling her temper. "But this doesn't concern you. This is a private matter. Your input is not needed, nor is it required."
"Oh how you wound me with your words Maddie," David said mockingly, earning snickers from his men, and glares from everyone else. "But I think you'll find you're quite mistaken. Because as of right now, this is a matter for the U.S Army to deal with."
Flabbergasted would be too understated an emotion to describe those standing on the stage as they looked at David. This also closely resembled the looks on the audience's faces. The only person who didn't look surprised or worried by this was Paul.
About fucking time he got here, he thought as relief flooded through him. Ah, I see what he's doing. He stayed away from the Purge so, on the off chance it went wrong, he would be able to swoop in and fix things. He's got more intelligence than I gave him credit for. As he thought this, his lips turned up into a sinister smirk. This didn't go unnoticed by Danny, eyes narrowing.
"As I was saying," David began again, cockily. "It will be me, and only me, who decides a befitting punishment for these rapscallions. Unless of course, the punishment you all decide, here and now, involves certain death by execution." The drop of a pin could have been heard through the stifling silence following David's statement. Paul's stomach dropped. He was doing everything he possible could do to attract David's attention without giving himself away. He was just praying that David was just saying that so he could get his followers and him out of the school safely. It was at that point, however, that Paul noticed the evil glint in the soldier's eyes.
"Hey, wait a-." David hit him between the eyes with the butt of his gun before he could say another word; Paul dropped to the floor in a heap, resulting in furious groaning from most of his followers.
"Now, as I was saying," David said, acting like nothing happened. "Unless you're going to kill him, we're going to have to take him off your hands."
"Don't be so barbaric!" Sam exclaimed. "We are not a bunch of animals! We don't just kill people."
"She's right," Tucker said, looking angry as well; the audience were watching the tennis match with rapt attention. "Besides, Iowa hasn't had the death penalty since the sixties. The world may have gone to shit, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want."
"Potato, potarto," David shrugged. "But you're forgetting one crucial detail."
"Just what the hell is that?" Valerie demanded.
"As a high ranking member of the U.S Military, I have the power and the jurisdiction to implement martial law in any area I deem fit." David said, smiling smugly. "As such, I have the power to decide whether or not someone dies as a punishment. And guess what. Paul and his groupies fit the bill." Whispers broke out in the hall as David looked like he was in his element. His soldiers were looking particularly excited.
"You're a sick, son of a bitch." Sam said, glaring at the soldier before looking at all of them. "You all are."
"Oh I am, am I?" David asked, mockingly. "Just what was your punishment going to be exactly? Don't even bother denying that some part of you wants them dead." He then turned to face the audience. "All of you want what he deserves. He put every single one of your lives in jeopardy tonight. You were either going to be on the business end of a gun, or have a bunch of Walkers sink their teeth into you as you died a slow and probably excruciatingly painful death. He's actually already killed one of you; their body is lying at the back of the hall as we speak. They actually modified their ecto-blasters so that they could kill humans. So come on then. Tell me. Who here doesn't want to see the little prick die? Let's face it. Part of you, big or small, feels excited about seeing a bullet going between his eyes." No one could speak out against David. As much as they despised the military man, he had hit the nail on the head. The murder was still very fresh in their minds, most of them actually having witnessed the act of brutality, and would like nothing more than to see the Preacher, that had been an annoyance in their lives for the past year, suffer as much as humanly possible.
"What about the ghosts?" George suddenly asked from the side of the room, startling the hall.
David was thrown back by the question. "What are you talking about?"
"I do apologise. I thought you had a semblance of intelligence about you." George said innocently. "Let me rephrase the question. It wasn't just the people on the stage, or the people in this hall, which were targeted tonight. The ghosts were just as big a target as the rest of us, young Daniel in particular. They should have just as much as say as the rest of us. And funnily enough, they're the ones who haven't kicked up a fuss during this proceeding." Danny felt a rush of gratitude for the British doctor when he said this.
David paused for a moment before he laughed loudly. "Ah, thanks for the that Davy. I needed a good laugh. Of course they haven't shouted out. This doesn't concern the likes of them. They're dead, remember?" The response David was expecting wasn't the one he got. George was smiling at him. Slowly, Danny began to smile.
I hope he's thought of what I've just thought of, he thought.
"Like you said David, they are dead. Or half dead. Whichever one you like." George said, still smiling. "But as they are in fact dead, they are technically no longer American citizens." Gasps rang out around the room as they realised what the doctor was implying.
"Due to the fact that they are no longer citizens," George carried on. "They don't have to listen to anything you say. Martial law, or not. You have no power, jurisdiction and no amount of jiggery-pokery can change that. So, either you accept them as people and take their feelings or opinions into account, or, they can do whatever they damn well please. Danny, the floor is yours."
Danny smirked. "With pleasure." The teen ghost suddenly raised his arms, causing every single firearm the soldiers had, including knives and grenades, to rip themselves from their owners and began to float in front of them. Every time they reached for them, the weapons would float a little higher, just outside of their reach.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing Phantom?!" David roared, his face red with anger as a vein threatened to burst out of his forehead. "Give back our fucking weapons!"
"Now why would I do that?" Danny asked calmly.
"So I can fucking shoot you with them!" Was the soldier's shouted response.
"You see," Danny carried on calmly. "That's exactly why I'm not going to give them back." With that, Danny flicked his wrist towards one of the ceiling-high windows, causing it open, startling a few people. Without missing a beat, Danny flicked both his wrists, and every single weapon flew out the open window. With a final click of his fingers, the window closed, leaving most of the occupants of the hall in awe. David, however, was a different story.
"Why you little-."
Danny cut him off as the temperature of the room dropped drastically. "Now," he began slowly, his voice gaining a cold edge to it. "Those who do not wish to witness a repeat of what happened last week in the Cafeteria, I would warn you to think carefully about interrupting what I am about to say. So either leave now, or forever hold your peace." The dark humour was enough to put everyone on edge, including his family. The ghosts on the other hand, were looking forward to what he was about to say.
Danny turned to face David. "Is David going to be a good boy, or does he need to be muzzled?" A soldier suddenly launched forwards, his fists raised as he ran at Danny. The ghost barely blinked as he caught the fist and bent it sharply up; a cracking noise was heard all around the hall as the man screamed out in pain.
Danny leaned in and spoke, loud enough so that everyone could hear him. "I have just broken your distal-radius bone. Lucky for you, it is a clean break. If you apologise nicely, I am sure George will be more than happy to set it for you." The injured soldier looked meekly over to the doctor, who just made a 'go on' motion with his hands.
"I'm sorry." He said through gritted teeth; either through being forced to apologise to a ghost, or the amount of pain he was in, Danny couldn't tell.
That's good enough, he thought as he nodded to the Brit who came over to take the injured man away.
Once the man had been led away, Danny walked to the centre of the stage, an aura of power surrounding him.
"Nothing would please me more than to see this little worm suffer. At my hands, or anyone else's," he said, gesturing to the still unconscious Preacher. His followers were watching on in apprehension at what he was going to say. "But I for one have no desire to see more death tonight. All of you have seen it too. There is only so much you can experience before it breaks you. Therefore, I am going to be suggesting something that David touched upon earlier tonight." These were the last words anyone would have thought Danny would say.
What is he planning? Ember thought, as well as a few others.
"What he was talking about, was chance. Or to put it another way, fifty-fifty." Danny explained. "Like he said, had Paul's 'Purge' been successful, you would have either tasted a bullet, or been a late night snack. The person who tragically lost their life earlier tonight had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving; either it hit, or it didn't. A lot of tonight's events boiled down to chance. It was chance that they captured my family; it was chance they turned the Shield off without being caught or seen; it was chance they captured my friends when we arrived to help; it was chance I was able to overcome the army of Infected which threatened to enter these halls. So I suggest that we leave their fates up to chance as well."
Realisation dawned on Tucker. "Are you talking about exiling them?"
Danny groaned at the gasps made after that statement. "And just what is the problem with that?" He asked, annoyed. "No other punishment could even come close to being proportionate to their crimes. Murder, attempted murder, reckless endangerment and kidnapping are but a few of them. So seriously now; can any single person in this entire school come up with a more suitable punishment for them?"
Wow, Ember thought, becoming ever so slightly flustered. Go Baby-pop. However, what made Danny more annoyed than anything was the fact everyone in the hall kept flicking their eyes between him and David, as if they couldn't decide whose idea held more merit.
Danny scoffed angrily. "Humans," he said distastefully. "You're all as bad as each other." Without so much as a backwards glance, Danny teleported from the Gymnasium with such force, he dented the stage. He didn't recognise which room he had appeared in initially; it wasn't until he saw the poetry books on the shelves and the five sleeping bags on the floor, did he realise that he was in the English Room he had slept in the first night he arrived. The teen would have thought about it more, but the fatigue caused by the evening's strenuous events had finally caught up with him; he was starting to feel nauseous as the room around him began to spin. Stumbling over to the main desk, he was thankful Jazz still kept it stocked with writing utensils.
Ever the student, Danny thought fondly as he scribbled a hurried note down, explaining what had happened should someone come across him. He had barely written down the last word before the room gave a might lurch, causing Danny to collapse to the floor, holding the note tightly to his chest. The last thing he remembered was feeling the familiar rings appear at his waist, turning him human as the land of Morpheus finally claimed him. Back in the hall, expressions were speechless at the unforeseen turn of events. Those in the audience suddenly felt a rush of guilt, only now just realising how much they had let their hero down; whilst most people's minds were otherwise occupied, David took this opportunity to slip out of the room relatively unnoticed. Ember on the other hand, was torn between wanting to rip the humans a new one, or leaving to go find Danny. Sam could see the build-up of anger on the Ghost Rocker's face, and, despite the current circumstances, was looking forward to seeing her having a complete meltdown and subsequently embarrass herself in front of everyone. She was however, severely disappointed when all Ember did was frown at the audience and turned to face the other ghosts. With a small nod, all five of them left the ground and flew through the walls; on a mission to find Danny.
Danny didn't know what time it was when he finally woke up. All he knew was that he was extremely comfortable. The Halfa was also somewhat saddened at the fact that he had woken up; he had been having his favourite teenage-boy dream which started when he entered the Ghost Zone. It always started the same with him kissing Sam under the tree they had officially got together, and then it would progress from there. However, from the third day he had arrived home, small changes kept happening to the dream. The first change was that Sam suddenly wore more makeup around her eyes; swirling into patterns. This confused him at first, but it quickly passed. The next change was the sudden black choker that appeared around her neck. This didn't really surprise Danny too much, as Sam was always pushing the boundaries of 'conformative' clothing; the cloak she wore at the beach was a big enough indicator of that. It was when her eyes suddenly turned from amethyst to a vibrant green, that Danny had woken up in shock at what he had seen. He knew she wasn't the Sam he knew, but he also couldn't help but think that he recognised her. When Danny figured out that it was Ember, he wasn't entirely sure what to think. He knew things were strained between him and Sam when they reunited, but when the Sam in his dreams slowly began to turn into Ember, it left the teen perplexed. He initially fobbed it off that he found Ember attractive, and left it at that, but when Sam's hair turned cyan blue, the night before he turned the lake into an ice-rink, he knew. That's why, when he woke up and saw/felt Ember's blue hair spread out over his chest, he sighed contentedly. The Halfa couldn't pinpoint the exact moment he started having feelings for the Ghost Rocker; all he knew, was that they were growing with each day.
"Nice to see you smiling Baby-pop." Danny suddenly heard.
Looking down, he saw Ember looking up at him with grogginess in her eyes. "Can hardly blame a guy for smiling when he finds a beautiful girl sleeping on him." He quipped, much to Ember's embarrassment who looked down quickly, sporting a large blush. The room around them erupted in snickers as Danny realised that all his ghostly friends apart from Dani were in the room with him, and awake.
"Morning guys," he said brightly, making no effort to move from the very comfortable position he was in. He even went as far as secretly tightening his hold around Ember's waist, much to her surprise, and to a lesser extent, pleasure.
Johnny scoffed from his side in the room, who also happened to be in a very similar position with Kitty. "Hardly morning. It's half three in the afternoon."
Danny whipped his head around as far as he could to look at the clock. "Wow. I'm impressed."
"Impressed that you slept so late?" Kitty asked, sounding just as tired as Ember had.
"Impressed I didn't sleep for longer."
"Why's that?" Someone above him asked. Danny looked up to see Krystal curled up in the teacher's swivel chair.
"After the amount of power I spent yesterday on practically an empty stomach, I was expecting to wake up sometime tomorrow or the day after." He said which was immediately followed by a deep growling noise from his stomach. "Speaking of food, I'm famished."
Johnny laughed. "Come on then. The Cafeteria should be empty this time of day. We'll join you."
"That's your cue to get off me Ember." Danny said, looking down at the dozing ghost, causing the other ghosts to chuckle.
"Get lost," she murmured, wrapping herself up tighter in Danny's cloak. "Too comfy. Five more minutes. You won't starve."
Scoffing, Danny looked around once more. "Hey, where's Dani?"
"She's off with a couple R&R teams," Krystal said, rising from the chair so she could stretch. "A few hours after your big exit last night, the humans got word that a smaller group of Infected were making their way towards the school. Not wanting to put too much strain on the Shield too soon, they volunteered to chase them off, and Dani volunteered to go with them. She was too hyped up to sleep and was chatting excitedly with Jessie and Sam as they left the school. They should be back sometime soon."
Danny rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand guiltily when he thought of last night. "I guess I kind of went overboard last night."
"Don't be stupid," Johnny said. "You said exactly what needed saying. And you did exactly what needed doing. And it paid off."
"What do you mean?"
"The humans agreed," Johnny said simply, smiling at the teen. "It didn't take them that long either. According to your sister anyways. She found us before we found you after about twenty minutes and explained. What you said was a real eye-opener she said. And it was unanimous."
"You mean…" Danny's smile threatened to split his face in half.
"Paul and his band of merry murderers are out." Ember said, smiling up at him. "They leave tonight." Finding it difficult to contain his joy, Danny jumped up and hung in the air, changing into Phantom, subsequently knocking Ember off of him. Before she could hit him, Danny leant forwards in the air and picked up the teen ghost, shouting gleefully, and began to spin with her in the air.
"Put me down Dipstick!" She shouted, trying to sound angry but failing as she was smiling widely, and even laughing slightly. The other ghosts were clapping along. Danny didn't remotely care that Ember could blast him at any point. He was in far too good a mood to worry about something as trivial as that.
"Be nice," Danny whispered into her ear, still spinning in the air. "I'm so happy right now, I feel like I could do anything. And that might just include repeating what happened on top of the Observatory earlier last night." That did the trick. Ember's jaw dropped as she remembered the kiss, and felt herself go uncharacteristically giddy at doing it again. Danny had no idea where this new confidence came from, but seeing the look on Ember's face made him think that he was going to enjoy it. However, it was at that point though, that the door to the classroom burst open, revealing an extremely paled-faced and panting Tucker.
"Danny," he said urgently, his eyes wide. "You need to come with me. Right now." Danny gently landed on the ground and faced his friend.
"What's wrong Tucker?" He asked. "Don't tell me you've broken Mimi?"
"Much, much worse than that," Tucker replied, his shaking becoming worse as he grabbed a hold of Danny's arm and started dragging him out of the room. "Come with me now. Something terrible has happened."
"Tucker, you're starting to freak me out here," Danny said, pulling his arm away, causing Tucker to spin to face him. "Tell me what's happened."
"It's Dani," he said. "She's been bitten."
Once again, I truly hoped you enjoyed this latest instalment and do not hate me too much with the way I ended it. Trust me, there is still plenty more to happen. Until next time.
Lord Pugsy.