Chapter One: Anger
Warning: This story contains boyxboy and girlxgirl themes, language, drugs, sex, partying, relationships, drama, fluff, lemons, all those kinds of good things, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, might as well click away now.
DiZ-claimer: I don't own any kingdom hearts or final fantasy characters. What I do own are action figures, though, and that's close enough for me.
Since Sora could remember, his brother always has a real bad temper. One little screw-up or mishap and the blonde was all over your ass like bees to honey. Even though it was much worse as a child, (because according to some theory, when you're younger you just do stuff because if feels right or good to you) Roxas still had his days where he'd come through the house swearing up a storm. Their uncle, Cloud, never did anything about it, of course. Cloud figured Roxas was just going over some rough patches in his life, that'd he'd get over eventually. With both Strife parents in the graveyard, the young blonde didn't have much to be happy about.
The only time Cloud had ever gotten involved was once when Roxas was so angry he held a knife up to Sora's throat and threatened him. Cloud managed to get the brunette away unscathed, but that didn't mean he didn't get any injuries himself. An ambulance had to be called to take the oldest of the household away for stitches and a concussion.
Roxas never apologized for any of that, either.
"He might be schizophrenic." A man with a long white beard said as he looked over Roxas' paperwork.
Cloud and Sora believed that it could very well be the reason behind the blonde's tantrums. Unfortunatly, they didn't have the money to afford the meds, so instead, they made a compromise:
If you're ever angry, punch a wall. It doesn't matter where you are in the house, just punch a wall, take a few breaths, and calm down.
So far it had been working very well.
Well, that is until the summer ended and the twins were sent back to school.
The school time was when Roxas was at his worse. All the stress and work built up until he just lashed out on the nearest person or object. (Yes, object. Sora still misses the stuffed lion from the Neverlands Roxas tore apart when they were eight.)
The family had tried everything, too. They had tried home school, in-patient facilities, hell, Cloud even payed Sora to do Roxas' homework, but to no avail. The tantrums were a continuous thing. Cloud and Sora began giving up hope, truthfully.
So when the boys had to start up school again for their sophomore years at Destiny Island High, Roxas went total apeshit. It all started when Cloud woke the boys up from school.
The eldest of the household crept up the stairs, and into the boys shared room. Once inside, he stood in the center, looking back and fourth between Sora's bed and Roxas'. He decided to go the safer route and wake up the brunette first, who still looked peaceful and happily asleep.
Sora woke up within the first two shakes, and even though he wasn't very excited, he still got up and began to rummage through his dresser for something decent to wear.
"Hey, Sor?" Cloud called for the small brunette in a hushed tone, and Sora's gaze shifted away from the drawers, and to his uncle.
"Would you mind waking Roxas up? I have work in like, ten minutes. I'm already running late."
"Sure, no problem."
"Thanks, kiddo." Cloud smiled, then walked out of the very blue, very dark room.
Sora left his dresser drawer open, and walked over to the single window in the room. He took ahold of the thick black drapes, and pushed them out of the way so the sun could stream in. The room lit up almost instantly, and it looked like a much happier place to be in, well... to Sora that is.
Impediment after the line shone through, it landed on Roxas' face. For the first couple of moments, the blonde tried his best to ignore the light and continue sleeping. After a minute or two, he sat up rather abruptly, causing Sora to have a mini heart-attack.
"Oh, good, Roxy, you're awake. We have school in fourty-five minutes. Best get up and adam." Sora held his heart over his chest and tried his best to calm himself down after the slight scare.
"Fuck Adam, I don't want to go."
The brunette rolled his eyes then peeled off his pajama shirt when he found something appealing enough for him to wear.
He picked out a long sleeved blue and white striped collar shirt that went lovely with the bright cerulean he called his eye color.
"You don't have a choice."
"Like hell I don't." Roxas growled which caused Sora to sigh and continue to get dressed. The brunette pulled on a pair of rather tight jeans that made his ass look spectacular.(if he did say so himself.)
After going to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and brushing his hair he came back to his room and Roxas was still sitting in bed with his blankets wrapped around his shoulders. He somewhat resembled a giant burrito.
Sora wrinkled his nose at the sight thought, despite how funny he thought his brother looked. Roxas needed to get up, and he needed to get up NOW.
Sora gripped at the blanket and tugged, hard. When the cloth unraveled itself from Roxas' form, the blonde shivered slightly and tried to snatch the blanket back. Thankfully, Sora had learned cat-like reflexes from ninja training from Yuffie, and easily kept the blanket away from his brother. And he said those training sessions were worthless. Ha! In your face, Roxas!
"Sora, give it back." Roxas demanded, then stuck out his palm for good measure. All Sora did was stand there and shake his head no.
This time Roxas actually got up. Sora quickly ran to the other side of their room and threw Roxas' blanket on his bed and jumped ontop of it. Roxas advanced quick, and tried his best to pry the brunette away from his beloved comfort device.
"Give it back, Sora!" He snarled, trying to rip to blankets out from underneath his brother.
"Roxas, you're already up! Just get ready for school!"
After a few more minutes of struggle, the blonde finally gave up and sighed, walking towards his own dresser and grabbing the first few things he found. It wasn't that hard of a choice, though; mostly everything the teen wore was black anyway.
He dragged himself into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. Sora just shrugged and began to play on his phone until his brother returned.
In the bathroom, Roxas was making a total mess. The blonde was notorious for not giving a fuck, and normally that meant that Sora and Cloud had a lot of cleaning ahead of them.
Roxas squeezed out too much toothpaste, and left it out on the counter top. He didn't rinse out the sink when he was done with it, and white dots speckled the mirror from the toothpaste that had been flying out of his mouth as he brushed.
Strands of blonde, and little globs of hair gel were tracked all over the counter, and left in the comb. His disgaurdered clothes, instead of put in the hamper like Sora's, were strewn out all over the floor. When he finally came out of the bathroom, both beds were made, and the room was neat and tidy.
"Ready to go?" Sora asked, Roxas shrugged. "Whatever."
"Are you excited, Roxy?" Sora questioned as they stepped onto the large yellow vehicle.
"Not really." Roxas admitted, and took the first empty seat. Sora plopped down next to his brother and sighed. He was really getting tired of Roxas' sour-puss attitude.
Their parents died over 4 years ago, you'd think he'd have gotten the slightest bit over it, but no, he's still just as upset as he was all those years ago. Sometimes Sora wanted to scream 'Grow the fuck up! Shit happens! People die!' in the blondes face, but that would probably result in another incident with a knife.
The bus ride was silent, until Demyx got on. Demyx was the twin's best friend, well, more of Sora's... Roxas didn't have friends. He usually just kept to himself, and if someone associated with Sora, sometimes they'd associate with him as well. Demyx was one of those people that associated with both brothers, whether they were together or not.
"Hey, guys!" Demyx exclaimed as he plopped down on the seat on the other side of the bus from him. "Hey Demdem." Sora replied with a smile, Roxas just nodded then returned his gaze forward and fished his headphones out of his pocket. Once the ear buds were in, and the volume was turned up to a point where even Demyx could hear it.
"Is Roxas still...?"
"Yeah, I think it's getting better though. He hasn't pulled a weapon or anything on anyone in a while. He's making progress."
"Do you guys have any idea why he lashes out like that anymore? It's been like, what, how many years now?"
"Almost five," Sora sighed and pushed some loose bangs from his eyes. "I'm just glad he isn't pulling out knives and trying to kill Cloud in his sleep anymore. It was really starting to wear our family out."
"I'm shocked you actually got him out of bed this morning. He only went to school for like, two weeks last year. Is he a sophomore this year?"
"Yeah, he only passed because I did all of his summer work for him and got Cloud to turn it in." Sora looked away from the blonde when the bus came to a stop.
Roxas rolled up his headphones and shoved them as well as his iPod in his pocket. All three boys stood, but Demyx let Sora and Roxas off the bus first. Destiny Island High was now in front of them, and so was another group of people that they (Sora and Demyx) knew very well.
"Hey look, mudkip is here!" A voice called, then the entire group came over to the three boys.
The shortest blonde quickly evacuated before the rest of the group's occupants reached them to go lurk in a corner one of the other loners of the school hadn't already taken.
"Hey mudkip!" A short, wine-haired girl spoke. Even though he hadn't seen her the entire summer, Sora instantly recognized her as Kairi.
"Hey Kai," Sora stated and nodded towards her, greeting her with a simple yet friendly smile.
"And what about me?" Demyx asked, gesturing to himself. Kairi instantaneously ran at the mullet head and wrapped her arms around him in a big hug. "Hey Demmy!"
The rest of the group members greeted each other, told each other how much they missed one another, and began casually talking about what they did for the summer. Sora was in the middle of talking to Kairi when he noticed someone he had never seen before. The guy had red hair, emerald eyes, and tattoos covered his body. He had two full sleeves, a chest and neck piece, as well as two perfectly symmetrical upside-down purple tear drops right under his eyes. Not only was this guy tatted up, he also had a few piercings that Sora could actually see. He had his eyebrow pierced twice, the left side of his lip pierced, as well as his septum, and microdermals on his collar bones. To add to his look, he wore a lop-sided grin.
"What're you staring so hard at, kid?" The redhead asked, and looked over his shoulder. The smooth flowing of an irish accent danced amoung them after he spoke, and Sora just stared there in shock for a moment before simply stating,
"Do I know you?"
Kairi cocked an eyebrow, then turned around to see the taller redhead. The girl literally face-palmed. "I totally forgot to tell you, Sora, think is my half-brother Axel. He just moved here from Ireland a little over a week ago.
"Oh," Sora stated dumbly, then re-scanned the guy. He was cute, sure, but not Sora's type. On the other hand, he was the perfect type for-
"Roxas!" Sora called. And even though the blonde wasn't in sight a moment before, he was now, and he was standing right next to his twin brother, giving him a pissy look. "You don't need to call for me like that, I have a cellphone for a reason."
"We all know you never use your cellphone Roxy, anyway, I wanna introduce you to someone. He's new, and he's foreign. Say hello to Axel." Sora stated, then gestured over to the tatted up redhead. The smirk he wore earlier was still in place, and he out-stretched his hand to take Roxas', but the blonde just stared at it like a foreign object.
When he actually looked Axel in the face though, his whole perspective of the redhead changed. He was gorgeous! Absolutely stunning! Hot! Plain sexy as fuck! Roxas made the decision to shake Axel's hand, and instantly regretted it.
He felt something, and that wouldnt do.
His entire life, Roxas was raised to think that tits were tops and dicks were flops. His dad was a raging homophobic, even though Sora had been obviously gay since he was a little kid. Sure, their dad loved Sora, but he loved Roxas more. Roxas was the good kid, the kid that stayed at home and did homework, the one who actually did chores, the one that didn't disappoint his father, and he wanted it to stay that way.
There was another reason behind this though. The fact that Roxas had his father's good will, meant that he was also very close to his father. They did almost anything and everything they could together. So when he died... Roxas broke down. Inner Roxas had left earth along with his parents, and now all that left was a shell. He contemplated suicide a couple times, just to get out of this hell hole people called life, but then he realized that'd he'd be leaving Sora and Cloud, and although he had been brutal to them, he still loved them and cared about them. Caring about someone and then they die is the worse pain ever, and Roxas refused to be close to another human being. He wasn't even close to Sora, and he was his twin! Twins were supposed to have to closest relationships! So that's why when Axel began talking to Roxas, he shy'd away and went back to his corner without another word. He refused to be close to the next person that could be pushing up daisies.
Axel just kind of stood there with his mouth ajar and his eyebrow cocked. After a moment, he spoke up. "I'm sorry, did I do something?"
"Oh, no, that's just Roxy for ya." Demyx cut in and slung an arm around the redhead's neck. "You just have to warm up to his personality."
"But everyone else here is so friendly. Is there something wrong with him?"
"No, Axel, Roxas has been through some stuff... I'll tell you at home, okay?" Kairi said, and the confused redhead nodded. He still feared he did something wrong though, scared the boy off. Then again, all he asked was how the boys was.
Through out the day, Roxas managed to avoid Axel. In fact, he had only saw the redhead once, and even then he was too far away for Axel to actually make eye contact with him. So, in his last class of the day, Roxas let himself relax. He pulled out a sketch book and began doodling on a blank sheet of paper. He had no idea what was going on on the paper, but it was coming out looking rather good. Like some intricate pencil collage.
"That looks really nice."
Roxas jumped at the sound of the intruder's voice, and slapped his sketch book's cover closed. No one looked in there, not even Sora. Roxas didn't even have to look up to know who was hovering in his personal space. It was the new guy, Axel. And just when he thought he could relax...
"It isn't okay in American to snoop up behind people. That's a good way to get shot." Roxas stated bitterly, when he looked to the redhead, he shrugged.
"What is it you say here? Oh yeah, I dont give any fucks." Axel wore a proud smile, which earned a displeased grunt from Roxas. "Axel, will you please just go sit down somewhere?"
Axel shrugged again, then took the street directly infront of the blonde.
"Somewhere that isn't here."
The redhead then preceded to search the room for any empty seats. There were tons of them, but Axel didn't feel like moving. In fact, he liked his spot. And he liked this boy. Roxas. He liked pissing him off. That angry expression or annoyed reply made Axel smile. It wasn't that he wanted to get on the blondes nerves, but it seemed like no matter what he did, he was going to be on them anyway. Plus, the reactions that came from Roxas were pretty entertaining.
"But there is no where else to sit."
"Dude, are you serious. I can count like, ten spots! Move!" Roxas was getting more than agitated with this arrogant redhead. Sure, he was hot as hell, but looks disappear when personalities are in the mix.
"No, no I think I've made myself quite at home right here." Axel smirked, and Roxas slammed his face down on his desk. (Not hard, and luckily, his sketch book cushioned his face plant.)
"Are you only here to torment me?" Roxas asked through gritted teeth.
"No, but it is rather fun." Axel chuckled, then the teacher cleared his throat, and while everyone else turned to pay attention, Axel stayed in his half-way turned around position and watched as the miserable teen sulk in his own emotional agony. After watching for a moment, Axel's heart began to feel heavy, and soon after that, he began to sink to his stomach. He really didn't like seeing Roxas upset, even if he was just messing with him.
"Hey, Roxas, if it's really that big of a deal, I can move." Axel stated, and stood up, he yanked his back pack up off the ground.
"No, Axel.. it's fine." Roxas sighed out, and even though he was only mumbling into the cover of his sketch book, Axel heard him, and took his spot in front of Roxas once again. A small smile crept onto both males faces. For once, maybe it would be okay to get close to someone. Maybe this time, he would actually take a chance.
I dont know where this story came from, but im liking where its going so far.
If you like secrets (with the drama and what not) then you'll love this.
Reviews keep me updating, and I've updated three times in a short period of time because of all of you lovely reviewers.
If you keep the reviews coming, then I'll keep the chapters coming.
I love you all.