Part 13: Case Closed?

A week after being back in New York, Naruto, Lee, Hinata, and Kakashi were waiting for Sasuke in his office, at three P.M., Sasuke walked into the room with the report on Laceration Larry's closed-jury trial in his hand.

"What's the verdict," Naruto asked as he stood up.

"The final verdict and punishment was just passed this morning," Sasuke said as he set Larry's file down on his desk, pulled out an ink-pad, pushed the end of the ink-stamp into the ink, and slammed the stamp down onto the picture, Sasuke removed the stamp to reveal, in bold red letters was the word Deceased, "The final verdict was guilty-as-charged, and the punishment was death."

"What we still don't know," Hinata said, "What were Larry's plans?"

"He whispered something to me before he died," Sasuke said, "His dying words were… Orochimaru."

"What's Orochimaru?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know exactly," Sasuke said, "But I fear that Larry was only the beginning, and that something far worse is coming," Sasuke looked out the window, "I only hope New York is prepared."

"It's my fault," Kakashi said as he sat down, "If he wasn't dead we would know more."

"It's not your fault Kakashi," Sasuke said as he walked over to his door, "And I know somebody else who agrees."

Sasuke opened his door to reveal Tenten who walked into the room.

"Daddy," Tenten exclaimed as she ran over to Kakashi, and nearly snapped Kakashi's neck with her arms.

"Tenten," Kakashi said as he embraced his daughter, "Thank god you're ok."

"I just came back from Seattle: Sasuke called, and told me to come back to New York." Tenten said.

"You're my superior now," Kakashi said as he walked up to Sasuke, pulled out his four-inch barrel Colt Anaconda, and handed it to Sasuke.

"You're right," Sasuke said, "I am your superior now… and the NYPD has lost many good men in the manhunt for Larry, and it's not going to lose another on my watch," he then grabbed Kakashi's hand, and slapped the revolver into his palm, "Unless I ask for it, never hand me that fucking revolver ever again," Sasuke opened the door and walked out, motioning them to follow, Naruto and Hinata joined hands as they left Sasuke's office, followed by Lee, Kakashi, and Tenten, "Here's what I want you to do, take your daughter, go home, take the week off," they all walked into the elevator, where Naruto hit the Garage button, "I want you ready for your new position next week."

The elevator doors opened to the garage, "My new position?" Kakashi asked.

"That's right," Sasuke said as the six disembarked from the elevator, "I talked to the Chief, and without you, we would never have found Larry, and solved this case. You've been moved to head of Narcotics," Sasuke then turned towards Kakashi, and held out his hand, "Well done Lieutenant."

"Thank you I…Lieutenant?" Kakashi asked.

"That's right," Sasuke said, "Comes with the new job, can't run Narcotics when you're a Detective third class," Sasuke gave his hand a slight wave, "My arm's getting tired."

Kakashi then shook Sasuke's hand, "Thanks for sticking out for me." Kakashi said.

"It was nothing," Sasuke said as he turned around, and walked toward his 458 Italia, "Hinata, why don't we let Kakashi drive the FF for once?"

"Alright," Hinata said as she pulled out her keys, and handed them to Kakashi, "But you destroy my car, I'll beat the living shit out of you."

"Alright," Kakashi said as he took his daughter's hand.

The six walked over to their cars, and saw Sakura standing next to Sasuke's 458 Italia and Ino standing next to Lee's F12 Berlinetta.

"Hey boys," Sakura said as she saw Sasuke.

"Hey babe," Sasuke said as he walked over to Sakura, put his hands on her hips, and kissed her, he then turned towards his friends, "You know what guys, I think we could all use the week off."

"Hamptons?" Naruto asked.

"I got the keys to my family's condo," Sasuke said, "Kakashi, why don't you take the FF to the train station, and head to Seattle," Sasuke opened the door to his 458, "Let's head to the Hamptons, and enjoy our time off."

Sasuke got into the driver's seat of 458 Italia as Sakura got into the seat next to him, and started up the car as Naruto and Hinata climbed into Naruto's California, and Lee and Ino took their seats in Lee's F12 Berlinetta, Sasuke drove his 458 out of the garage, down the ramp, and out onto the street, followed By Naruto and Hinata, and Lee and Ino.

Kakashi followed, but when, Sasuke, Naruto, and Lee turned their cars right, Kakashi went left, Sasuke looked over his shoulder, and smiled, knowing he had done the right thing giving Kakashi, Ethan's position.

Half an hour later, Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto and Hinata, and Lee and Ino were clear of Manhattan Island, and were driving off into the sunset, heading upstate for their week off in the Hamptons.

With Sasuke and Sakura expecting their first child and their weeding a few months away, Naruto and Hinata's new relationship, and Lee and Ino's new relationship, the future looked pretty bright.

Meanwhile, halfway around the world in Paris, a tall man with pale skin and long black hair sat back in his chair watching the news conference Sasuke took part in the day after him and his team returned from the Keys.

"Larry is dead sir," one of the figure's men said, "Should I have that detective killed?"

"No," the man said in a dark, threatening voice, "No, that would only bring further investigation. It seems this detective is more of a challenge than I thought. This could provide me with the adversary I've been searching for. Gather the necessary ingredients, we begin phase two in one year."

"Yes sir," the mastermind's henchmen said as he bowed, and walked backwards into the shadow.

The man sitting in the chair looked up, revealing his burning red eyes.

Should there be a sequel, please give feedback!