
He faced the bedroom door from the outside. Tears silently left tracks down his face, like too much paint used on the body of a canvas. He hadn't thought that being cheated on would hurt this bad, but then maybe there was a first time for everything. He numbly wondered if this was his punishment for having things go so well in his life for a long time. It seemed like an overdue punishment, one that had been piling up for a long time. Every moan, every gasp, every sigh seemed amplified. He once again vaguely wondered whether the shock was making his hearing especially sharp. He could feel the blood rushing to his face. Every vein and every capillary seemed to almost burst at the seams with warm viscous life-giving liquid. The pulse thrummed heavily at his temples and for a second he thought that he was going to go blind with the frantic tattooing that was trying to beat its way out of his skin.

He knew that he spent late nights working. He knew that he didn't spend as much time with Sweden as he used to. He knew that he couldn't clearly remember the last time they made passionate love. But surely, all of that did not mean that Sweden was free to go around and sleep with whomsoever he so chose to. He was the one who constantly reassured Tino that he was his 'wife'. Tino had never ever been in need of confirmation of the love that Sweden had for him. He had long since accepted his place next to the Northern Lion. But, as he stood before the bedroom door, with the most vulgar moans and gasps slicing through his hazy mind and sense of self-esteem, he dazedly pondered if maybe he should have encouraged more affection from the mumbling giant of a man.

He wasn't aware of the messy streaks on his cheeks. Heartbreak tended to do that to you. It could make you completely numb to the extremities and at the same time be painfully aware of each thudding heartbeat that refused to accept the truth. Violet eyes blinked rapidly and tried to erase the blur from their vision. Short, stuttering breaths escaped the small man's body like a newly-born butterfly trying to beat his wings. He raised his small palm to the door and tried to gather the courage to open it, but his hand refused to make the final push that would show him decision that he had to make.

"Ah~ Ber~ Berwald!" came the lusty moan from inside the bedroom. The smaller man froze in the act of opening the door, having finally gathered the courage to peek inside. His heart was frantically beating like a trapped dove against his ribcage and he wondered whether it was truly worth it; confronting his husband and his lover, at this point of time. He felt so fragile. As if one wrong move, would send him physically shattering into a thousand pieces. Then Berwald would see him lying on the ground in fragments. Tino hazily concerned himself whether Berwald would wait to pick up the pieces, or trample over the shards of himself with his new lover in tow. Then, incredulously shaking his head at his growing stupidity, Tino braced himself to gather courage to look into the bedroom.

Just as he was about to push the door open, he was assaulted by one of the least of his concerns. Would it be proper to walk in on Berwald while he and his lover were… having se-… intercourse?

'Really, Finn! No wonder Berwald has lost interest in you. You catch your husband doing the dirty with someone else and decide to ask at that particular time if interrupting them is okay?' The voice trailed off in a disgusted bark. Tino sensed the venom from that part of himself which he always kept locked up most of the time. 'Screw propriety,' a side of him so rarely seen, that almost never made an appearance except for the times of great aggression or sex, decided to opine. 'He's fucking a whore on our marital bed, surely the least we could do is to make sure that they are both caught in the act, lest they deny the truth when we confront him about it.' Tino still waited, hesitating to knock, until a lusty, drawn-out moan finally made up his mind for him. 'Open the door!' the voice drawled out caustically. 'Let's see what the whore looks like.'

Gathering all the rage that he felt pumping in his veins like a frenzied drummer, Tino mentally steeled himself and pushed open the bedroom door. The sight that greeted him was something that he never thought he would be seeing in his wildest imaginations.

Berwald Oxenstierna was sitting in front of their 110-inch UHDTV Samsung that took up almost the whole wall and was stroking himself in rhythm to the bodies writhing on the screen.

Bodies, Tino realized with a growing sense of horror and shame that were him and Berwald.

The almost obscene undulation of their on-screen bodies was broken by a whining keen. "Berwald! Ah! Oh! There! Yes! There!" Tino saw himself throw his head back in wild abandon, with a glazed look in his eye and open his mouth in a silent scream. He almost didn't recognize himself, the wanton look on his face screamed well-fucked and highly satiated and Tino couldn't remember a recent time when that had happened.

He glanced around, turning half-dazed to the couch, where his oh-so-sexy husband was sitting and stroking his cock with a ferocity that Tino would have never expected him off. Berwald's eyes looked glassy and he seemed to be controlling himself with a great deal of effort, biting into his lower lip to the point where Tino could see a bead of red swell up against the thin strip of flesh. He looked like he wanted it to continue but at the same time come apart, like he was teetering between the point of giving in and holding out and ohgodTinohadneverwantedtosinkontohiscocksobadly!

Tino swallowed convulsively and the noise alerted Berwald to his presence. He saw his husband turn those icy sea-green eyes on him and felt his breath leave him in one fell swoop. Berwald stood up from the couch and turned his body in Tino's direction. Tino had a full frontal view of Berwald's desperation as he slid slick fingers over his own cock. The way Berwald was looking at him, he was surprised that the intensity in those eyes hadn't incinerated him on the spot. If Berwald had previously seemed eager to prolong his agony to reach his peak, the sight of Tino had doubled his efforts to race to the edge. He viciously began to tug on his cock, furiously strangling it like a stubborn python. A deep growl began to issue from his chest and grow in reverberation and Tino couldn't help but be struck by the demanding domination in that gaze.

Tino turned his face to watch the on-screen version of himself buck his hips harshly only to be held down by the on-screen version of Berwald, who withdrew himself all the way out from the writhing Finn and harshly thrust into his twitching hole. On-screen Tino wailed like a banshee. Grunting, the on-screen Berwald held him down and hammered into him.




On-screen Tino parted his lips in surprise, like he could not believe his orgasm had hit and rolled his eyes to the back of his head. His back arched into a perfect curve and Tino could see minute shudders wrack through his on-screen frame.


The high-pitch yowl left his mouth.

Almost imperceptibly, the on-screen Berwald shook and came after his partner but Tino only had eyes for the Berwald standing in front of the couch.

"Tino." Came the cry from that direction and Tino watched in languorous awe as the mountain of a man staggered a few steps in his direction before stopping and letting loose a volley of shots that flew in an impressive arc towards him, stopping just shy of his feet. Berwald jerked his hips a couple of more times before his cock finally wrung out the last of its milk for the moment and lay spent and half-hard against his thigh.

Amazingly enough, Tino felt incredibly horny. After all, it was not every day that you walked in on your husband playing a video of the both of you making love after thinking that he had been cheating. Remembering the latter thought, his eyes dimmed slightly as he took in the panting form of his husband before him.


Berwald regained the last of his breath back as he took in the flushed face of his wife. He figured that he wasn't in as much deep trouble as he should have been because his wife's breathing pattern began to take on a lazy drawing of breath signaling that the man was incredibly horny. Tino had told him once that he had read somewhere, if a person was on their way to getting aroused and they didn't want to, they should just start breathing deeply in and out. However, poor Tino seemed to be the exception to the rule as every time he did it, he was more than ready to jump out of his pants and vigorously hump himself against Berwald's skull. Of course, after letting that little tidbit of information slip, Berwald's hearing became keener to catch the onset that would signify the raging lust that would overtake his wife's pretty body. He was just about to move toward his pretty wife and sweep him up in his arms when he took sight of his wife's face.

Tino had been crying.

White-hot rage filled Berwald's senses as he struggled to try and keep a hold on his sanity. Who dare make his Tino cry? Who dare? Tino was his. His Tino. His.

Mina (Mine), snarled a voice that sounded frighteningly similar to his. Berwald lifted his head and from deep within his sub-conscious he could feel the roar of the Viking begging and clawing away at the fragments of his conscious mind, hoping to just be released for a moment so that they could lay waste to the filth of the earth who dared to harm his Tino and make him cry. Fixing his sharp gaze on the man at the doorway he thundered,

"Som vågade göra vad är mitt rop? (Who dared to make what is mine cry?)"


Tino felt the rage being emitted from Berwald before the man even finished his question. His heart leapt to his throat and he wondered what explanation he could be given to Berwald without him going off into a complete rage, or worse, Tino himself sounding like a complete and utter moron. So he did the only thing he could think of. Whipped out the statement like a lash.

"I thought you were cheating on me."

He watched Berwald go from a furious red to a trembling white in less than a blink of an eye. Panicked, he almost choked over his words in a haste to explain himself.

"It's just that I've been so busy and I never seem to have time for you anymore." Pained violet eyes rose to the pair of flabbergasted sea-green ones, searching for understanding. "I'm always let off late by my boss, almost every night, ever since we had that snag in the government two weeks backs. I know it's going to get better and it already has since I could leave early and come back to you today but I never guessed that it would be so hard." Small tremors began to wrack Tino's body and clumsily he tried to wrap his arms around his frame to stop himself from shaking. "When I do come home to you, Peter's already sleeping, Hanatamago too and you would be just getting ready for bed." The hurt in those eyes bloomed. "I only have the strength to have a shower and then crawl beside you. There is no 'us' time anymore and I hate it." He finished off in a whisper, saline leaking from his eyes in a renewed effort to exhaust him. "I hate the fact that I don't have the time to trace your lips like I used to every morning and be so thankful to God for giving you to me." He gave a watery, trembling smile; one that almost threatened to camber into a sob. A nervous pink tongue darted out to wet chapped, dry lips. "I used to wake up every day for the past two weeks thinking that it would be the last day that I put you at the end on my list of priorities but that never seems to happen. My boss always had some new development to harass me with and Oh God Berwald, I'm just so tired." He cried out in anguish.

Tino took in the stance of the man before him and mentally calculated how long it would take for him to run out of the house. Berwald hadn't moved since he started his monologue, and Tino wasn't sure that he wanted to be around when Berwald was struck with whatever epiphany he seemed to be struggling to reach. He hadn't done much of anything actually. Just stood completely still, with his cock hanging down the 'v' of his unzipped jeans with the strangest expression that Tino had ever seen on his face. It looked like he wanted to grab Tino and cry yet fuck him at the same time. Tino knew that he didn't want to perform the mentally taxing job of figuring him out, and so he just decided to continue his spiel anyways.

"I thought that you had found someone else when I arrived home early." He mumbled looking almost defeated now. "I finished discussing the last of the solutions with my boss and got home early deciding to surprise you." The TV screen has gone completely dark now, looking like a silent black abyss. "When I heard the moans outside the door, I don't know what came over me." Shamefacedly, he chanced a glance at Berwald only to find the man crying. Tino felt his heart beat stop completely for a moment before he frantically ran to the man and enveloped him in a hug. "Oh God Berwald, please don't cry. Please, I'm begging you. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or say all these awful things. Please, forgive me." His agonized babbling stopped when Berwald lifted a hand to his face and cradled his cheek. "D'nt kn'w how y' think Ah c'ld cheat 'n y'." The tears continued to fall over the sharp cheekbones. "Y're mah ev'ryth'ng." Stunned, Tino tried to open his mouth to say something in his defense but Berwald stopped him with a finger to his lips. "Ah kn'w that y've been busy th's' pas' two weeks. 'nd ah kn'w th't y' haven't had th' time f'r mah. Ah kn'w th't we haven't spoken t' each 'ther at all exc'pt for th' 'ccasional 'G'd M'rning' and 'G'd N'ght'." He lowered his tear-stained face to Tino and hesitatingly slow, almost painfully shy, as if this was all a dream, he gently stroked Tino's lower lip with callused thumb. "B't ah c'ld n'ver, 'ver cheat on y', T'no." His eyes were drilling, boring holes into Tino's skull with the potency of his gaze. "Y're mah ev'ryth'ng. Ah c'ld n'ver do th't t' ya." He dropped his hand and shyly circled Tino's waist. "t's j'st th't when Ah g't lonely, and y're n't around, Ah r'lly need relief." He murmured into Tino's hair. "'nd th' only w'y Ah c'n get 't is by see'ng y' clim'x firs'." Tino heard the embarrassment grow in Berwald's voice as he continued to explain his actions. "Tha's why Ah 'nstalled cameras 'n th' bedroom 'nd rec'rded us." Tino could now hear the tremble in his voice. "Ah didn't mean t' hurt y'. Ah jus' wanted y' 'round when y' weren't there. Ahm so s'rry Ah did it. Pleas' d'nt b' mad." Then, he just stood there, one arm curled around Tino, the other reaching to play with the soft, silky strands of the Finn's hair. Tino wondered how he had never ever understood the depth of Berwald's love for him, before now. Sure, they were nations. Yes, they did live for centuries. But at that moment, Tino was slammed by the intensity that he was the only nation to have ever been lucky enough for his lover to be the first and the last for him. After centuries, he finally understood the depth of the Swede's love for him. He would rather jack-off to home-made videos of the Finn than willingly go out and sleep with someone else. Although, another sentence of Berwald's shaky confession had got him thinking.

"You can never climax until I have?" the smaller man asked him quietly.

Berwald stopped breathing the scent of freesia and sweat from Tino's hair and guiltily adjusted their position so that he was looking at the smaller man. "Y's." he muttered, eyes quickly darting to the right, before settling on a spot between Tino's brows.

Tino slowly smirked, something seductive and alluring shining behind violet eyes, itching to break free and wreak havoc. "Then in that case," he purred sultrily, "what are you going to do about the past two weeks?" He lowered his lashes until he was staring at Berwald's lip before he slowly took his own bottom lip and sucked on it.


Berwald thought the world stopped moving on its axis when Tino asked him that question, sucked on his own bottom lip and looked at him with that wide, doe-eyed gaze that just screamed 'fuck me'. So many emotions had thrummed through his veins in the past minutes that he wasn't sure he could deal with the new onslaught of wantonness that was exuding from the Finn. He carefully searched the Finn's for a hint of disgust or reluctance but found none. Tino was eyeing him like an eagle would its prey, waiting for him to make a silent move that would tip the scales in his favor. He tried to calm the Viking in his blood, by savagely beating down that part of himself, reasoning that it wouldn't do well to scare Tino just yet, as the poor Finn had no idea about the amount of lust that vibrated in his blood for him. He was almost successful, when Tino bended backwards in his arm just the tiniest bit and threw his head back. Berwald stood stock still for a minute, perusing the white expanse of neck before him, before the Viking roared his approval.

This was submission.

This was acceptance of authority and domination.

This was home.

Berwald did the only thing he thought was acceptable, after not being able to touch his wife's body for two weeks.

He lunged.


A/N: Hey girls and guys, I hope you enjoyed this little one shot. Please tell me if it was good, or if it needs a bit of work. I was planning to write a second chapter but then I was worried about how this might be recieved. If I do get enough reviews, I will definitely write out the second chapter for sure. That being said, if there are any Psychology students like me or just plain fans of Psychology, I would love to see how many things you guys can pick out from this piece. I hope I've written it well and look forward to concrit. Thank you.