Point Rain
15 Minutes Later
Operation Smokescreen
"We're going to send out a skirmishing force to draw the Seppies's attention." Colonel Stuart announced to the gathered tankers and Cobra crews. "We lure their forces away by making it look like we're a tempting target then coax them into attacking the Point. The place where we can really fuck this up is after the Tin Men take the bait. You'll be in a fighting retreat all the way back to the Point. The Sanderson is moving out of bombardment range to avoid deterrence and air support will be limited unless things really escalate. We want to keep them interested as long as possible. To further distract the enemy, we are launching diversionary air strikes and landings at other foundries and their beloved Arena. While we keep 'em occupied, two Jedi Padawans and a squad of Army Rangers are going to infiltrate and blow the facility. Any questions?"
A Cobra crewman in the front raised his hand. "Just one Colonel, when do we start?"
Staging Area
Operation Smokescreen
Ashoka glanced at the five men standing in a line in front of her from her spot just outside the command tent. Luminara's Padawan, Barris Offee, was standing on the other side engrossed in a data pad. The Rangers were dressed in the same ridiculously colored yet surprisingly effective body armor the other UNSC troops wore, except for one who wore an armored flame-retardant suit and had a large tank clasped to his back. What set these soldiers apart were their helmets. Instead of the open-faced helmet with the tactical HUD covering one eye they had a sort of face shield. A slit of a visor allowed them to see and appeared to have a built in Heads-Up Display. Spot lamps were attached to one side and the commander had a small radio antenna on the other. The suited soldier's helmet was also different, with an opaque golden full face visor.
Ashoka turned and noticed Barris was staring at them too. One of the Rangers glanced at them before looking forward. He appeared to be laughing. At that moment Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luminara, and General Gunderson walked out of the Command Tent and stopped in front of the group. A UNSC bomber roared overhead, heading to an unknown target. All around them UNSC tanks and armored vehicles were roaring to life. Obi-Wan had to shout to be heard. The Rangers snapped to attention.
"Gentlemen, Padawans. As you know, your target is the Geonosian's Primary Droid Foundry." He held out his hand and a hologram of the foundry appeared from his palm. "Your mission is to infiltrate and destroy it using the charges we gave you." Luminara stepped in.
"Your infiltration point is an opening in a moat at the base of the foundry. It leads into their tunnel system which travels into the heart of the facility." The hologram shifted accordingly, showing the tunnels and highlighting the route they would take. Gunderson spoke up.
"We're gonna launch a series of airstrikes and our pseudo attack against the facility. You will be transported by Warthog to the edge of the moat as far from the bridge as we can place ya'." Gunderson took a step back and Luminnara continued.
"From there you will rappel down and enter the tunnel. My Padawan, Barris Offee, will guide you through the tunnels to the main reactors. The Padawans will then plant their charges and exit the facility before detonation. Rangers, you will escort them to their destination and back. If they are spotted, you are to assist in their escape. You move out in 10 minutes. I suggest you make your introductions." With that, Luminara, Gunderson, and Obi-Wan went back inside the tent. Anakin crouched and put a hand on Ashoka's shoulder. The Rangers began compiling equipment and weapons, grabbing boxes from a small depot by the Command Tent.
"You ready for this Snips?" he asked. Ashoka nodded, chin held high.
"You bet, those bugs won't know what hit 'em!" Anakin grinned before glancing warily at the mingling Rangers who had separated themselves from the two Jedi once the briefing was over.
"Be careful Ashoka, I didn't want to have the UNSC involved in this mission and they might blow your cover. Just try to make it back in one piece, ok?"
"I will master." She replied. Anakin nodded in satisfaction.
"May the Force be with you Ashoka."
"You too Sky Guy." Anakin walked into the tent and Ashoka walked over to the Rangers. They turned as she approached.
"Afternoon Commander Tano." One of the Rangers, the one with the radio antenna, stepped forward and saluted. "I'm Staff Sergeant Carthum and this is Hoplite." He gestured to the other four Rangers. "This is Corporal Xing, our demolitions man." Xing saluted casually before pulling out a breaching charge from a small box at his feet and strapping it onto his armor. "Next is our gunner, Corporal Rodriguez." Rodriguez slapped a drum magazine into his SAW before giving the two Padawans a thumbs up. "Private First Class Wenderson, the flamethrower man." Wenderson nodded respectfully. "And Private First Class Duncaster, our sniper." The last Ranger stood and crossed his arms before nodding. Ashoka sensed a grin on his face. He was the Ranger who had laughed earlier.
"Greetings gentlemen, I am Padawan Learner Barris Offee." Barris greeted with a bow. The Rangers nodded to her in greeting. Duncaster took a step closer, looking the two Jedi up and down before shaking his head.
"You got a problem Private?" Ashoka asked.
"Just wondering how we're gonna fit all the cookies in the truck," Duncaster replied. "I know you Girl Scouts have a quota to keep." Ashoka bristled, despite not knowing what exactly a Girl Scout was, but his tone clearly suggested an insult.
"We got plenty of cookies Dunny Boy, 'cept these go boom!" Xing teased, using his hands to mimic the blast radius of his imaginary explosion.
"Knock it off!" Carthum ordered, infuriated. "Dun, stow that talk right goddamned now! These are our superior officers and you will treat them with respect! I'd hate to see you on the receiving end of one of The Old Man's lectures." Duncaster grumbled but nodded.
"Yes Sarge." He turned to face the Padawans. "My sincerest apologies for my behavior Commanders, I was out of line." Ashoka could practically smell the sarcasm in his voice. Ashoka glanced at Xing who pointed at Duncaster before signaling the universal symbol for insanity. He then gave her a reassuring thumbs up before returning to packing the explosives.
"This is going to be quite the long mission, isn't it Padawan Tano?" Barris asked, a slight grimace on her face. Ashoka sighed and patted Barris on the shoulder.
"We can only dread."
Scorpion Mark III Main Battle Tank Murder Inc.
6th Armored Division
200 Meters from Primary Geonosian Foundry
Operation Smokescreen
Sergeant Maximillan Schreiberg stared hard through his commander's sight. The imposing spires of the foundry soared above the 15 vehicles that composed of the decoy group. The Scorpions, Cobras, Wolverines, and Republic TX-130 Saber tanks had made a point of being as visible as possible on their approach so as to entice the enemy to attack but so far he hadn't seen so much as a scout. Schreiberg turned his sight to face behind, infrared filters kicking in to help see through the large cloud of dust kicked up by the vehicles. Schreiberg keyed his mike.
"This is Hammer-6, nothing on sensors."
"Copy 6. Keep up your swivels, this is the Wild West."
"We should have seen something by now." Driver Vincent Smith announced.
"Maybe they abandoned it?" Gunner Hector Sunderland asked hopefully.
"Would you? That place churns out Tin Men like candy bars. Too valuable." Schreiberg explained, still peering through his sight.
"Yeah, then where are they?" Vincent questioned.
"If it were me, I'd just shut the doors and build as many of the things as possible then make the bad guys come drag me out," Hector lectured. "That or lure the enemy into an ambush."The three men looked at each other in silence.
"Ah hell!" Schreiberg keyed his mike. "Colonel, we need to-."
"ALL VEHICLES STOP NOW!" The crew was thrown forward as Vincent slammed on the brakes. The assorted vehicles slid or hovered to a halt. "Reverse, pull back, all tanks fire on that factory. Bastard's trying to ambush us. Lure them out!"
"Target, factory. Bearing-." Schreiberg began to order.
"I know where the damn building is! Firing!" Hector thumbed the trigger. The silence that had so unnerved the men was broken by a rolling thunder as the vehicles unleashed a ragged volley on the foundry. Stone flew and an arc collapsed in a ball of fire. Two rounds from a Cobra clanged into the foundry's main door, leaving large dents. The vehicles began a slow retreat when the ground began bursting around them.
"Incoming artillery, scatter!" The assorted vehicles of the decoy force began to spread out, still retreating like mad. Ramps suddenly appeared from beneath the orange sand as Hailfire Droids raced out of them, firing as they went.
"Contacts at our Two, Eight, and Twelve-o-clocks! All units engage, fire at will!"
"Target, Hailfire, Two-o-clock!" Schreiberg ordered.
"Got 'em, firing!" The tank shuddered from a direct hit before its gun belched flame. The armor-piercing round punched through the Hailfire's left wheel hub, shearing it off the craft. The bare axel dug into the ground and the droid burst apart in a cloud of kicked up sand. A Saber tank exploded as a rocket hit its mark. AATs began hovering their way up the ramps and the Foundry's doors opened, revealing a group of Spider Walkers. Two let loose from their top cannons, beams slicing a Cobra in half before its munitions detonated. One of the offending droids was them toppled by the twin rockets from a Saber.
"Target, AAT, Three-o-clock!" Schreiberg directed.
"We're getting cut off, they're encircling us!" Vincent alerted. The tank rocked as artillery fell around them. A Scorpion burst apart as the high powered lasers found their mark.
"Target, AAT, Twelve-o-clock. Nail the bastard!"
"I see it. Sending!" Hector replied. The tank shuddered and the offending vehicle ground to a halt, hatches belching smoke. Suddenly, four red triangles appeared on the tank's aerial map.
"Wolverines, incoming strike craft, take 'em down!" The three Wolverines pivoted their dual missile pods. Locks were instantly achieved and the missiles soared free. One Geonosian fighter disintegrated while another turned hard in a crushing 10-G turn. The missile easily kept pace and burrowed deep into the craft before detonating in a spectacular fireball. The other two opened fire and a Wolverine was enveloped in fire and sand as its missiles blew up in their tubes, taking a guarding Saber with it. The fighting was incredibly one sided as the Scorpions' main gun could punch through any armor with ease while their own could withstand multiple hits. What the joint UNSC/Republic force lacked was numbers and the enemy tanks and walkers just kept coming. The fighters turned for another pass and were struck with more missiles. Once spiraled away, breaking apart. The other bored in, trailing flame and debris before slamming into a pair of Scorpions. One tank rumbled through the fireball that followed, scorched and smoking. The other was gone.
"This is Colonel Stuart, we are being encircled, requesting air support on grid coordinates 45 Alpha by 36 Indigo!"
"Copy Colonel, Shortswords inbound to your coordinates. ETA two minutes."
"Understood, all tanks get back to the Point ASAP! Full reverse boys, let's go!" Murder Inc. received another direct hit and Hector was thrown into the bulkhead. His helmet hit with a clang and he reeled back, pulling the trigger. The gun roared and the shell sailed harmlessly over the enemy.
"You alright Hector?" Schreiberg asked. Hector shook his head to clear the stars and gave a thumbs up.
"Rang my bell, but I'm good."
"This is Dingo 1, we're on approach!"
"Finally!" Vincent cheered.
"Hang on, their coming in at the wrong angle." Schreiberg peered into his screen. Hector fired on his own, missing again. Another Cobra began burning.
"Shortswords, break off, you're going to drop too short!"
"Oh FUCK! HARD RIGHT, HARD RIGHT!" Schreiberg yelled. The tank lurched right, kicking up a column of sand.
"Break off Dingo, break off!" The bombs left the aircraft, screaming downward. "Scatter damn it, SCATTER!"
"HOLY FUCK!" The bombs slammed to the earth, nearly enveloping the decoys force. Murder Inc. was practically thrown to the right and Schreiberg was flung against his command sight and saw stars.
Geonosian Tunnel System
1200 Meters Beneath Primary Droid Foundry
Operation Smokescreen
The ride to and climb down into the tunnels had gone remarkably well. Not so much as gust of wind had moved and the Separatists seemed to be completely distracted. Now, Ashoka, Barris, and the Rangers were slowly making their way through the tunnels, wary for any movement.
"It's just a little bit further." Barris announced, looking back at the rest of the party. Ashoka nodded and the Rangers tensed, ready for anything. They turned the corner and were met with a dead end.
"What? I thought you said it was just up ahead!" Ashoka said, pointing at her fellow Padawan.
"It should be, I memorized the maps and studied them carefully." Barris defended.
"Clearly you didn't, it's a dead end!"
"Maybe we took a wrong turn, let's head back the way we came." Ashoka sighed and followed Barris as she led them back around the corner. They returned to the junction and turned left. The tunnel curved to the right slightly and the group again reached a dead end.
"Great, another dead end!" Ashoka said, frustrated.
"I don't understand I followed the map exactly. There should be an entrance somewhere near here."
Duncaster harrumphed as he turned to watch the way they had just come from.
"Care to comment Dun?" Carthum asked dangerously.
"No sir, nothing to say." Duncaster replied.
"I thought so."
"Couldn't we just blow a hole through here ma'am? I have plenty of explosives." Xing suggested. Barris shook her head.
"No, that could bring the tunnel down on top of us. The best option is to retrace our steps, perhaps I made a mistake further ahead."
"That might take too long Commander, the longer we wander about down here the longer the decoys have to hold out. Not to mention increasing our chances of being discovered." Carthum commented, hefting his rifle.
"Well we're not going to achieve anything by just standing around. I'm with Barris, let's head back and see where we went wrong." Ashoka said with an air of finality. Carthum nodded and motioned to his men.
"You heard the Commander, move out. Rodriguez, take point Wenderson, cover the rear." The Rangers and Padawans again followed their own footprints and returned to the junction. Taking the tunnel that led them here they again went through the series of intersections, climbs, descents, and overall claustrophobic conditions of the Geonosian tunnels. Suddenly Rodriguez froze, holding up a clenched fist. The rest of the group instantly halted and the Rangers crouched in unison.
"Hostiles on the tracker, ten meters front." Rodriguez alerted, aiming his SAW down the hallway. Duncaster moved forward to join him, DMR at the ready.
"Pull back, let's see if they follow." Carthum ordered. The group of Jedi and Rangers slowly retreated, eyes glued to the dark tunnel ahead.
"They're still appearing sir, I think they're onto us."
"How many?"
"Two. Do we take them?"
"Yeah, but keep it quiet." Duncaster and Xing looked at each other and nodded before attaching their rifles to their backs and unsheathing their combat knives. The rest of the squad backed away as the two men tucked themselves up against the wall.
"Here we go." Xing said, Ashoka just making him in the dark. Two Geonosians ambled in, just passing the two Rangers before freezing. They whirled around just in time to be blinded by the men's helmet spotlamps. They let out a cry and shielded their eyes and then the soldiers were on them. Xing grabbed the bug by its neck and wrenched his knife into its trachea before slashing it out through the left side. Green blood spurted out and it went down in a fit of gurgles. Duncaster had tackled his to the ground and was stabbing it repeatedly in the chest, blood, skin, and torn muscle being flung with each removal of the blade. When the Geonosians were dead the men wiped their blades clean and returned them to their sheaths.
"Alright then, let's crack on." Duncaster stated, grabbing the rifle from his back.
Murder Inc.
Bomb Crater
1200 Meters from Droid Foundry
Operation Smokescreen
The turret was dark when Schreiberg came too. He groaned as he struggled to sit up, someone holding him down. A bandage had been wrapped around his head and he found Hector looking at him with relief.
"Max? Max! Thank god, we thought we lost you!" Hector said as he eased back into his position on the gun.
"How long… was I… out?" Schreiberg asked, thoughts muddled.
"Twelve minutes sir but you were barely breathing." Hector replied as he fiddled with his sight. Their leader now awake, it was back to business.
"Christ," Schreiberg muttered. "Status? Sound off boys!"
"I'm good!" Vincent shouted from his station, trying to peer through the small viewport on his hatch. The plexiglass was heavily cracked and he strained to make out even the biggest shapes. "Good to have you back!"
"I'm fucked up but I'm up. To hell with the Navy for that one, fuck!" Hector called as he tried to swivel his gun. Nothing happened.
"And the tank?" Schreiberg asked, struggling to focus on the task at hand.
"The concussion knocked out the electrics, starting manually." Vincent grabbed a large red lever on his left and yanked it down hard. The tank's engine sputtered before dying.
"Sights are down, popping the hatch." Schreiberg groaned as his head began to throb. He reached up and twisted the manual release lever. Vincent lifted his own lever up and pulled it down. Murder Inc. again sputtered and died. Schreiberg shoved the hatch open and poked his head out. Carnage greeted him. The bombs had landed virtually on top of the task force, decimating the enemy forces as well as the troops the pilots tried to protect. Burning tanks, Spider Walkers, and droids littered the area, black smoke covering the battlefield. The tank sputtered and spat one more time before it roared to life almost as if in triumph.
"Ha ha ha, that's my girl!" Vincent cheered and the whirring of the tank's computers leaked out from the open hatch. Schreiberg ducked back inside and secured the hatch shut. The automated loader clanked as it loaded a fresh round. Static crackled from the speaker as the radio came back online.
" -immediately! Repeat, all UNSC and Grand Army units are to dig in. CIS forces are launching a major counter-attack on all positions. Operation Smokescreen is a failure, repeat, Operation Smokescreen is a failure, any soldiers apart of that operation are to regroup and pull back to friendly lines!"
"Fucking hell man, we can't do anything right in this war." Hector muttered as he peered through his sight. "Nothing on the thermals that isn't burning."
"Right, let's get the hell out of here, pull back to Point Rain, maybe we can be of use there."
"Anybody alive out there sir?" Vincent asked. Schreiberg shook his head.
"Not that I saw, but we were blind for a while, they could have pulled back. We should too, there's nothing left for us here."
"How do you think those kids are doing?" Hector mused.
"Hopefully better than the Army, now let's get moving!" Murder Inc.'s engine roared even louder and it began its long, solitary trip back to friendly lines.
Dead End Chamber
Geonosian Tunnels
300 Meters Beneath Droid Foundry
Operation Smokescreen
"I just don't understand, we've been all over these tunnels!" Ahsoka spat in frustration. Barris frowned, struggling to remember.
"It should be here, the entrance was supposed to be right here." Barris looked around the chamber.
"Maybe they remodeled?" Duncaster asked sarcastically.
"Uh, Commander Unduli, did the map say anything about skylights?" Xing asked, peering at the ceiling.
"It's a cave, caves don't have skylights." Rodriguez pointed out from his position watching the door.
"Then why does this one have a hatch?" Xing asked, pointing. Barris's eyes widened and she raced over to look where he indicated. A closed hatch was indeed above, a faint ring of light around the edges.
"Of course, the answer isn't forward, it's up. Give me a boost." Xing crouched down and she stood on his shoulders, grabbing the hatch release. It swung open and through it she could see battle droids being transported by an over head rail. Hundreds of them.
"That's a lot of droids ma'am." Xing noted as Barris climbed off his shoulders.
"It is a droid factory." Ashoka pointed out. Carthum removed a rope and grapple from his pack and tossed it through the open hatch. He pulled it firmly and the hook caught on something. A few more tugs made sure it was secure. Carthum clicked on his radio.
"Castle, this is Hoplite, have located reactor room." All that replied was static and Carthum tried again. "Castle, this is Hoplite, do you read?" Still static.
"Still no comms huh?" Wenderson asked. Carthum nodded and motioned for the team to ascend.
"Alright Rangers, up and over!" he ordered. Ahsoka and Barris Force Jumped through the hatch, much to the envy of the soldiers.
"Showoffs," Duncaster muttered. He, Xing, and Carthum free climbed up the rope. Wenderson made the accent, but his tank clanged against the frame of the hatch.
"Too fat sir," Wenderson said simply.
"Alright, you and Rodriguez stay down there and guard the hatch. Once the charges are planted we'll come back down and regroup." Wenderson slid back down the rope and nodded.
"Come on, the reactor is this way!" Barris gestured and Ashoka, Xing, Carthum, and Duncaster followed her deeper into the foundry.
Defensive Perimeter
Point Rain
Another explosion sent more red sand into the hole Corporal Meverston had dug ten minutes prior. He ducked down, hands pressing down his helmet as debris peppered him. He peeked over the edge at the advancing droids and tanks. They were still in an orderly formation, line abreast and in even columns, sprinting across the desert and firing as fast as their weapons could cycle. It was the standard attack formations ONI had briefed them on: B1s led the Supers which led the tanks which led the B1s and so on and so forth. Droidekas (or Destroyer Droids) acted as breakthroughs, their personal shields capable of stopping most small arms. Meverston shook his head clear, raised his assault rifle, and sent a burst into the mass of droids. Two tumbled, joining their shattered fellows in the dust. Rockets streamed past on both sides while the remaining Scorpions blasted away at the encroaching enemy.
Machine guns roared, riddling dozens of droids as the heavy rounds punched through as many as three in a row. So far the Seperatists had yet to gain any real ground and they were paying for every inch. The hastily entrenched defenders poured in everything they had. AATs burned and shattered droids carpeted the ground but the enemy just kept coming. A pair of V-19 Torrents screamed overhead, carpeting a section of the front. The ground was perpetually rolling and shaking as bomb after bomb pounded the Seperatist onslaught. Men screamed, guns cracked, and cannons thundered while black smoke filled the air. And above the turmoil of battle was the constant, unrelenting chatter over the radio.
"Man down, man down!"
"Droidekas on the right, hose them!"
"Steady lads, more coming in!"
"Corpsman, medic, somebody!"
"Airstrike inbound, danger close!"
Meverston emptied his magazine before letting it fall, a fresh one already removed from his combat vest. He slammed it home and shoved the bolt forward with a smack. His counter read "32" and he sighted on the closest droids. In the distance the foundry loomed, churning out an army a minute. He fired another burst before glancing to his left to the other foxholes. Some held one man, others two, clone and marine alike frantically firing at the enemy. A thermal detonator soared into one and blew its occupant up and out, arm flying and blood arching from his tattered camouflaged fatigues and he was instantly pulled into another foxhole by a clone trooper. A Scorpion fired its coaxial machine gun from its fighting hole, a pit dug into the ground so only the turret was visible above the sand. Three Republic Gunships flew overhead, strafing the enemy formation. An AT-TE blew apart, showering the nearby soldiers with shrapnel. Something dropped behind him and Meverston whirled around, rifle aimed. A clone trooper looked backed from behind his t-shaped visor.
"This seat taken?" he asked.
"Mi casa su casa!" Meverston replied. Before the trooper could comment laser rounds kicked up the sand in front of them. Both men opened fire into the mass of droids.
Dead End
Tunnels Beneath Primary Droid Foundry
"Status sir?" Rodriguez asked through the radio, rifle at the ready.
"Still moving in, hang tight."
"Copy." Rodriguez took a knee, pressing himself into the wall of the tunnel. Seconds ticked by and Wenderson shifted uneasily, hefting the nozzle of his flamethrower. Rodriguez's motion tracker flashed, a red dot appearing a meter away. "Contact, a meter out, 12 o'clock."
"He coming this way?" Wenderson asked.
"Not sure." The tracker flashed again, the red dot had become two and was now much closer. "Shit, make that two and they're coming right for us." The two Rangers pressed hard against the walls, staring straight ahead.
"I got 'em, damn tunnels limit the detection range." Wendeson announced.
"Use your side arm, don't want to suffocate us." Rodriguez reminded before switching on his radio. "We got two contacts sir, moving in close."
"Deal with them, quietly if possible."
"Yes sir." The link clicked off and both me stared hard down the tunnel. The dots began to rapidly multiply, increasing from two to five to ten.
"That's not good," Wenderson said. Rodriguez tossed him a magazine for his pistol before keying the mike again, deadpan.
"Make that ten sir."
"Almost there, kids are getting ready to place the charges."
"Then we'll keep the door open." The enemy were almost on top of them, their number having grown to twenty. "For as long as we can." Both men were tense, fingers on triggers and sights locked on the passage before them. Any second now Geonosians would be charging through the darkness. The dots reached the center of the tracker and then kept going. Wenderson swore under his breath and relaxed. Rodriguez turned to him and shrugged.
"Guess they were above us."
"Yeah, but where were they going?" The Rangers looked up and Wenderson frantically removed his tank while Rodriguez began to climb the rope.
Reactor Room
"Where the hell did they come from?!" Duncaster yelled as he put a bullet through a Geonosian's head, splattering the ceiling behind it with blood and brain.
"We must have triggered an alarm somehow, status on the charges?" Carthum asked, glancing over his shoulder to check on the Commanders.
"Nearly finished!" Ashoka called back from where she, Barris and Xing were arming the generator for detonation.
"Gonna need a way out sir, I'm gonna put this place into orbit!" Xing explained cheerfully as he placed his last explosive into place.
"Glad you're having fun bud!" Duncaster spat. Two Geonosians dove at the demolitions officer. Barris leapt and cleaved them in half. A large door at the far end of the room opened and battle droids marched in.
"We got clankers!" Ashoka yelled as she leapt down, using her sabers to batter away enemy laser fire. Duncaster put a round through the chest of another Geonosian before opening fire on the droids. Behind the droids two large vehicles floated behind. They looked like snails and were clearly covered in thick armor plating.
"We've got tanks!" Xing shouted.
"Fall back!" Carthum ordered. The group ran for the opposite door when it too opened and more droids and tanks poured into the room. The Rangers and Jedi turned and ran to the right, blasting droids as they sprinted. They reached a dead end and the droids circled them,
"Attention Republic Dogs, you are currently outnumbered and outgunned." A droid's voice called from one of the tanks. A command droid had popped his head out of the hatch. "Drop your weapons and surrender." Geonosians began picking up and disarming the explosives. A tense standoff began as the Allies and the Seperatists eyed each other.
"I can pop that commander sir." Duncaster whispered finger primed on his rifle's trigger.
Carthum's radio suddenly crackled.
"Hop... ...astle, do you copy over?" Carthum keyed the mike with his chin. His helmet was sealed and the line secure, no one would be listening in.
"Am compromised, requesting ordnance on my position." Carthum replied.
"Negative, high risk of friendly fire."
"Rodriguez and Wenderson reporting sir, we're behind the rear most tank."
"Castle, Sapper, fire on my position now!"
"Cannot comply, orders ar-..."
"Papa Bravo, repeat Papa. Bravo."
"...Coordinates confirmed, firing for effect." Xing keyed his own mike.
"Papa Bravo sir?" he asked.
"Plan B," Carthum replied. He glanced at Ashoka, who nodded. He activated his voice amplifier. "Rangers engage, kill 'em all!" Then all hell broke loose.
Point Rain
"On your right, the right!" the trooper, who identified himself as Scholar, shouted Meverston shifted his aim and put down a pair of Super Battle Droids before dropping another empty magazine onto the carpet of shells below. He patted his vest and found one of the last full pouches and yanked out a full one. Slapping it against his helmet he then reloaded.
"Running low." Meverston told his new partner.
"Then stop missing!" Scholar replied, downing a B1 with a head shot. The incoming artillery fire had lessened but the Seperatists had gained more ground as the Allies began to run low on ammunition. A machine gun nest to their left raked the droid formations, dropping dozens in a row. An AAT swiveled its top turret and sent a round into the gun pit. Dirt and rubble flew out and the gun fell silent. Then the screaming started. Meverston's radio crackled. It was Nichols.
"Get that gun back up Mev, move it!" Meverston keyed his own microphone.
"Yes sir!" He gestured to Scholar. "We're getting on the MG!"
"Lead the way!" A Gunship strafed the AAT, blowing apart its droid escorts. Meverston and Scholar sprinted across the sand and flopped into the trench. Another Marine was lying flat on his back, face and chest horribly burned, belly slit open. His loader was a pile of charred flesh and bone.
"Jesus, Medic! Corpsman!" Meverston shouted to the second line. Scholar grabbed the mangled corpse and tossed it out of the hole, blood covering his armor. "Check if that gun is still working!" A rocket soared overhead and burrowed into the AAT before exploding. The top hatch was blasted skyward and flames licked out of the open hatch.
"Looks fine to me, but I don't know what it's supposed to look like!" Scholar replied. A B1 suddenly ran up to the gun pit. Scholar shoved his rifle's barrel under its head and shot it off. Meverston frantically tried to stop the bleeding.
"Oh god, it hurts! Stop! STOP!" Meverston beat the other Marine's hands away.
"Stop moving you'll only make it worse!" Meverston glanced behind him to see Scholar experimentally pull the triggers on the machine gun. It fired a burst.
"Kandosi!" Scholar yelled and fired another, longer burst into a group of approaching Supers. Most of the rounds fell short, a few punched into the lead droid and it staggered back. A corpsman tumbled down into the pit with them and shoved Meverston out of the way.
"Cover me while I work on him!" the corpsman turned his attention to the wounded man.
"Gah! Stop touching it! Please!" the marine begged. The medic opened his pack, took out a sharp of morphine, and shoved it into the man's neck before sticking a can of biofoam into the wound. It filled the cavity and the marine screamed out in agony. Meverston shook Scholar by the shoulder and the clone got out of his way. Meverston wrapped is fingers around the slightly melted triggers and fired a long burst that reduced the encroaching droids to rubble. Scholar fired over Meverston's shoulder, picking off droids that survived the hail of bullets.
"Hey, hey, look at me buddy!" The corpsman snapped his fingers in front of the wounded Marine's face. Meverston's HUD finally reported that the marine was Private Gates. Gates began sobbing.
"Don't tell my mom I died this way." The corpsman forced a grin.
"You can tell her yourself, you're gonna make it out of here." Gates looked at him.
"Is it bad doc?" He sounded like a child asking his mom about a paper cut. "Don't bullshit me."
"You're gonna be fine." Meverston fired another burst and the gun clicked empty.
"Reloading!" Meverston opened a charred ammo can and yanked out a fresh belt. He opened the receiver and slapped the belt into place before charging the bolt.
"Fall back to secondary positions, I repeat fall back!" Scholar and Meverston glanced at each other.
"Help me move him!" the corpsman ordered. They both grabbed one of Gate's shoulders and heaved him over the edge of the pit. Scholar provided covering fire. "Get his legs, trooper, covering fire!" Meverston clamped his hands around the Gates' calves. Uniform and flesh slid off onto his gloves, revealing bone. Gates screamed and Meverston dropped his legs. The corpsman cursed. "Grab his other shoulder." Meverston did so and they bodily carried Gates, whose legs dragged. The corpsman was suddenly shot in the back. He grunted and fell to the ground.
"Scholar!" Meverston called out, shifting to fireman carry Gates. The trooper scooped up the corpsman and the pair sprinted to the safety of the Allied positions. An AT-TE put itself between them and the enemy and clone troopers raced to help with the wounded. Gates and the corpsman were taken behind the lines while the two uninjured men dropped down into a shallow trench. A Marine tossed Meverston a rifle and the two men joined their comrades in gunning down the approaching enemy.
Reactor Room
Primary Droid Foundry
Ashoka slashed through three more droids and dodged a barrage of tank fire. A Geonosian barreled into her chest and she was knocked flat. It reared up at drive a blade when Duncaster tackled it off her, wrestling it to the ground. She jumped up just as the Ranger snapped its neck. "Thanks."
"Yep." He dove out of the way as a pair of droids fired on him. They quickly lost their heads to Barris and a both Padawans dodged another round from the tank.
"We can't penetrate that armor!" Xing yelled as he tucked himself against something he hoped was too important to destroy. "Plus the buggers took all my bombs!"
"They still live?" Ashoka asked, deflecting lasers with her saber. One of them struck a Geonosian in the chest and it fell to the floor.
"Should be, I don't think they know how our stuff works yet." She could sense his grin. "You want me to blow 'em?" Ashoka nodded. Xing grabbed his detonator. "Fire in the hole!" He thumbed the button and the ground shook. One of the doorways collapsed and it's floor caved in, swallowing one of the tanks. Chunks rained down from the ceiling, smashing apart assembly lines.
"Must be the artillery!" Rodriguez shouted and the Geonosians all froze before frantically heading towards the hole. The command droid looked baffled and waved at them frantically.
"Stop. Where are you going? Get back here now!" it demanded. Carthum pointed at the distracted droid.
"Grab that tank and shut him up!" Wenderson and Barris sprinted towards the tank. The droid turned and pointed at the two.
"Gunner, blast the-." Wenderson silenced it forever with his Magnum while Barris yanked the droid clear with the Force. Rodriguez grabbed a droid and shoved it hard into a pole before ramming his knife between its photo receptors. Wenderson scampered up the tank and fired down into vehicle. It stopped and he jumped inside. Barris followed him and after a moment Wenderson's tired voice sounded over the radio.
"Tank's ours sir." Said tank suddenly turned and blasted apart its partner. More chunks fell from the ceiling and Duncaster frantically dodged a large pipe.
"This place it falling apart!" he shouted.
"Everyone, get to the tank!" Ashoka ordered. The Rangers and Jedi sprinted for the vehicle and clambered inside. It was a comically tight fit and Duncaster sealed the hatch.
"Well this is cozy," he said dryly.
"Get us out of here!" Barris ordered and the tank rumbled as more debris fell. A massive chunk of ceiling fell and crushed the reactor, which promptly detonated. The tanks and its occupants were thrown forward and Ashoka lost consciousness.
Defensive Trench
Point Rain
"Look at that!" A trooper yelled. In the distance the Droid Foundry, which had begun being pummeled by the frigate Sanderson, suddenly exploded. A cheer rose from the assembled men as the frigate returned its attention to obliterating the Seperatist force as it desperately retreated. The incoming fire stopped all together and Meverston slumped against the trench. Pelicans raced from the Sanderson as Pod Heavy Dropships blazed in from orbit. A Republic cruiser entered the atmosphere as well, unleashing a squadron of Torrents which went off to bomb a target in the distance. Scholar flopped down next to him as Meverston removed his canteen and fumbled with the cap. The Marine took a long drink before offering it to the clone.
"Want a hit?" Meverston asked.
"Too right I do." Scholar replied and removed his helmet. Unlike the clones Meverston had seen on the ship he searched, Scholar has closely cropped hair. Besides that he looked exactly like the others. He took a swig before passing it back. "Thanks." Three Gunships flew overhead, followed closely by a Pelican, to the burning ruins of the Foundry.
"Guess the Rangers and Jedi didn't make it." Meverston noted with a sigh.
"What makes you say that?" Scholar asked, watching as the ships landed. The Marines and Clones began to gather up the dead and wounded.
"Frigate did all the work. Stupid plan." Scholar nodded solemnly as two Marines lifted a dead trooper from the trench.
"Yeah. Stupid plan."
Collapsed Foundry
"I don't see them Skywalker. We need to return to our positions and continue our advance before the Separatists attack again." Luminara Undulli said, putting a hand on Anakin's shoulder. He shook her off.
"No! I am not abandoning her!" He look pointedly at Rex, who was organizing the lifting of debris by an LAAT/c. "Keep searching Rex!" The captain nodded.
"Yes general, haul away!" The gunship rose and deposited it onto an ever growing pile in the ravine. When the reactor exploded, the tunnels beneath the structure had collapsed, leaving a deep bit filled with smoke and burning rubble. A UNSC "Pod" dropship had unloaded cargo loaders they called a "Cyclops" as well as a large mobile crane. Gunderson, Fredrickson and two Marines lifted a beam out of the way.
"Skywalker, this kind of attachment can be dangerous." Luminara warned. Skywalker faced her again, furious.
"So we just leave them for dead?! Our Padawans trust us Luminara, they depend on us. Don't you care about yours?" She looked insulted.
"Of course I do, but I am also ready to let her go when the time comes. Be it her death or her knighting. They can't stay with us forever Anakin. At some point we have to let go." Anakin's brow furrowed.
"Maybe, but not yet!" Anakin waved to the Gunderson. "Anything General?!"
"Not yet! Maybe if you two would help we'd get there faster!" He wiped his brow before pointing at another piece. "That one next!"
Buried Seperatist "Super Tank"
Ashoka woke up to a hot and dimly lit tangle of bodies. Dust and smoke choked the air. She coughed. "Barris? Sergeant?" Duncaster stirred from underneath Carthum's legs.
"Is it last call yet?" he slurred. He shook his head and looked around. "Well shit, it worked." He looked down. "Who's legs are these?"
"The Sarge's." Xing coughed. "I'm here too, how are you guys?" He was pinned under a console. Barris finally stirred, entangled with Wenderson.
"What happened?" she asked. "Everyone okay?"
"Xing reporting Commander." His voice was strained. "Something's broken, not sure what."
"Juarez, Wenderson, and the Sarge are still out," Duncaster said. "Theeirvitals are stable. Xing, buddy, you might want to lower your heart rate."
"Duncaster, can you open the hatch?" Ashoka asked. The sharpshooter shook his head.
"I'm pinned here, maybe we should have splurged for a double wide?" Ashoka frowned.
"Can anybody move?" she asked. There was silence.
"Calm down everyone, one at a time, no pushing," Duncaster grounded out. Ashoka glared at him.
"Do you ever shut up?" Duncaster looked at her.
"Only when I'm dead. Given our current situation you might not have to wait long."
"Maybe if you would stop talking and start thinking we can get out of this mess!" Ashoka yelled at him. Duncaster snorted.
"Okay! Here, let me try to open the hatch! Oh wait, I'm fucking trapped in a goddamn tank!"
"You stow that shit right fucking now!" Carthum roared, now awake, bringing his legs down hard on Duncatser's chest. "This is not the time for discipline to break down! You're a professional, act like it!"
"Yes Sergeant. Sorry Sergeant." Duncaster said, cowed.
"Getting kinda stuffy in here guys," Xing said weakly.
"Try your radio Sergeant," Barris suggested.
"Yes Commander." There was a pause and then he shook his head. "No comms, must be too deep. Try yours." Ashoka nodded and activated the comlink on her wrist. Static filled the tank and she ran through the frequencies.
"Anakin, it's Ashoka, does anyone read? Hello?" There was no reply. "I need to boost the signal somehow." Duncaster, who managed to wrench an arm free, fumbled with a pouch on his vest. He pulled out a small square device with a screen.
"Try this, it's got a hell of a battery life." He awkwardly threw it and Ashoka caught it. The screen lit up to reveal a picture of two young men in dress uniforms standing behind an older couple. "The panel on the back should come off." Ashoka had to pry it open and it revealed a large battery. "They say it can... it can power a small cart for three days." Ashoka removed the battery and her comlink, removing a few wires.
"Wish me luck." Ashoka muttered and began tapping out a code, pressing the battery to the wires. Loud beeps came from the device.
"You... you... learn that in Jedi school?" Xing said, barely audible before his head fell to the deck.
"Come on... come on..." Ashoka coaxed. She glanced at Barris but the Padawan was out cold. Ashoka's vision swam and she started missing the contacts.
"I... think we should just..." Duncaster fell limp. Carthum shifted.
"Stay with me ma'am... you got this..." He took a deep breath. Ashoka's head lolled and the comlink fell from her hand. "Stay... awake-." He lapsed into unconsciousness. Her vision began to tunnel, growing darker and darker.
"Come on..."
Foundry Rubble
"Skywalker, we've found nothing. We should leave." Luminara said sadly.
"NO!" Anakin and Gunderson said.
"I'm not leaving them to die!" Gunderson continued. "You concocted this moronic plan but I'm not going to toss away their lives!" Anakin nodded.
"We're not leaving!" His comlink started to beep. "It's Ashoka! Her signal is coming from over there!"
"Get that fucking crane moving!" Gunderson ordered, pointing. Marines and Troopers alike swarmed the area, hauling away pieces of debris. Anakin and Gunderson joined them. Together they flipped the dented remnants of a door and uncovered the hatch of a tank. Gunderson tried it but the hatch didn't budge. Anakin shoved the man out of the way and activated his lightsaber, slicing through the armor and wrenching the hatch clear with the Force.
"Ashoka!" Anakin shouted down into the vehicle.
"Here." She replied weakly. Anakin turned to Gunderson who was already directing the crane.
"Clear the clamp!" the operator shouted and Anakin stepped back as the large magnetic clamp ceased the hull of the vehicle. It lifted the battered war machine upwards, debris sliding off and hitting the ground with a clang, and set it down gently in a clear patch. Anakin joined the tide of soldiers who began lifting a Ranger through the hatch. This was followed by two more until Ashoka accepted an offered hand and she was hauled upwards. Barris and two more Rangers followed and the Padawans stood on uneasy feet. One of the Rangers was bleeding profusely and he was hurried into a waiting gunship, one of his comrades supporting a blood bag. Anakin ran up to the pair of padawans, Master Undulli not far behind.
"Snips!" Anakin said, relieved. Ashoka gave him a brittle grin.
"Mission accomplished Master."
Scorpion Mark III Main Battle Tank Murder Inc.
Behind Large Rock Formation
40 Kilometers East of Point Rain.
Schreiberg dropped down the hatch and sealed it shut. "Coast is clear boys, let's get her rollin'."" After the friendly fire incident that had wiped out the decoy force, Murder Inc. and her crew were making their way back to friendly lines. Their radio, thermal sights, and a multitude of other systems had failed soon after the tank began moving. As Separatist reinforcements attacked Point Rain Schreiberg tried to stay as far away from them as possible, skirting the marching battalion and hiding in the rocks. Smith yanked the manual start and the tank roared back to life. Maneuvering around their hiding spot Sunderson and Schreiberg looked through their respective scopes, scanning for signs of the enemy.
"GPS is still out guys, any eyes on that factory?" Smith asked, hands clenched tight on the wheel.
"Yeah, I got it, it's at our eight o'cloc- Whoah!" The ground shook and the rolling of an explosion could be heard through the hull of the tank. "The place just went up sky high!"
"Seriously?!" Smith asked, elated. Sunderson nodded, laughing.
"Like a fucking roman candle. Burn you sons a' bitches!"
"Looks like the Rangers pulled it off!" Schreiberg commented, relieved.
"Yeah, get some Army! Hoo'ah!" Smith cheered.
Schreiberg reveled in the sight of the flaming building before turning his attention back to the surrounding landscape. A small group of black dots caught his attention, swirling about in the distance. "We got contact, four o'clock!" Sunderson swiveled the turret, bringing the gun to bare.
"What is it?" Smith asked.
"Geos, load canister." Schreiberg ordered. The auto-loader clunked as it loaded the appropriate round.
"They're headed this way!" Sunderson advised.
"All stop!" Smith slammed on the breaks and the tanks slid to a stop. "Depress barrel, we're gonna play dead." Schreiberg watched as the swarm grew as it approached, Geonosians popping out of the ground at random intervals to join the mass. Sunderson tensed as they buzzed overhead but the Geonosians gave the tank no thought. They flew off in the direction of a large mountain. Schreiberg watched them shrink in the distance. "All clear, let's go." The tanks rumbled back into motion.
"That was weird." Sunderson said simply, tracking them with the turret. Schreiberg nodded.
"Yeah." He frowned as the bugs seemed to meld into the mountainside. Where are you going?
A/N: This is the Chapter Sixteen I wanted to do, so I did it. The next chapter will not take as long. For now, I hope this edit and extension will suffice. Warm regards and much respect! -Arm Chair General