Dissociation: Chapter Sixteen
"Doctor McCoy, there's an incoming comm line from Starfleet."
The sound of Uhura's soft voice didn't lessen the terror rising in his throat. He knew what was about to happen.
"Patch them through, please." He stood in front of his wall-mounted viewscreen. Moments later, Admiral Xuang's stern face appeared.
"Good Morning, Doctor McCoy."
"Thank you, Admiral. I trust you're well?"
"Always. Shall we get down to business?"
McCoy took a deep breath. "Of course."
"Very well then. It is the decision of the Medical Council that you will remain on the Enterprise as Chief Medical Officer."
Leonard almost fainted. He felt his legs go weak and his heart leapt in his chest.
"Your records, logs and all comms will be monitored by a liaison here at Starfleet Headquarters, and you will undergo monthly conferences with myself and the other Admirals to discuss every single thing that has happened on the ship, no matter how mundane it is. You will document absolutely everything, and be held accountable for all of your actions."
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Furthermore, Doctor M'Benga will also be reporting to us on your actions, decisions, and whereabouts. Nothing will go unnoticed, Doctor."
He couldn't believe they had roped Geoff into this. God knows he wouldn't like it. He could already see him fuming in private after the brass had told him.
"I understand. If I may speak candidly?"
"Go ahead."
"Honestly, I'm gob smacked. I thought for sure I was done in the Fleet."
"It seems that miracles do indeed happen, Doctor. There was a confidential testimony to your talent, medical know-how and importance to the welfare of the ship."
Immediately, his brain was racing trying to figure out who had spoken on his behalf. Surely it wasn't Jim—and even if it had been, they Admirals wouldn't have allowed his comments to sway their judgment. After all, he was under their watchful eyes as much as the good Doctor.
"I would like you to know, however, that it took a grand amount of convincing by this individual. We were prepared to terminate and court martial you. I hope you understand the significance of this decision, and the weight that this person's opinion carries."
"I understand, Admiral. And I'm eternally grateful to not only you and the Medical Council, but to—whoever it was that went to bat for me."
"I'm glad you see it that way, Doctor. You are hereby reinstated at CMO of the Enterprise and may return to duty at any time."
"I'll be in Sick Bay in five minutes, Ma'am."
"See to it that you are very careful, Doctor. One slip-up and you will be on the first transport shuttle to Earth—no matter how far out you are. Are we clear?"
"Crystal, Admiral."
The screen went blank and McCoy sank to the floor in a relieved heap. After a long moment, he decided he had to figure out who had spoken on his behalf. His first inkling was Sulu, and he sent him a private message right away. Within seconds, his response arrived.
"Wasn't me, Doctor. Although I would have in a heartbeat. But, a certain First Officer was talking to Starfleet for an awful long time in the Captain's ready room last night."
"That green-blooded son-of-a-bitch…"
"Doctor McCoy, you wished to speak with me?"
The CMO looked up from the mountain of files on his desk. He was dumbfounded as to how all this shit could pile up in less than a day.
"Spock, take a seat."
The First Officer acknowledged the Doctor with a slight nod and sat.
McCoy eyed him up for a moment before starting. "So, have any nice long chats recently? Say, oh I don't know…with Admiral Xuang?"
"I have communicated with her, yes."
"Look, I know it was you."
"I assume you are speaking of the discussion I had with her yesterday. The details of our conversation are classified, Doctor."
"Classified, eh? So you didn't say anything on my behalf, convincing her and the Medical Council to let me stay on the ship?"
"Again, our conversation was classified, Doctor. That is all I am at liberty to say."
McCoy clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth and narrowed his eyes at the Vulcan. "Well, I guess if it were to turn out that it was you who came to my defense, I would have to say thank you. You know, if it was you."
Spock raised an eyebrow. "Is there anything more that you require of me, Doctor? I have duties on the bridge that need my attention."
Leonard had to stifle a laugh. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought Spock was trying to get out of the situation. Maybe he had more human in him than he realized.
"Nah, get out of here."
The First Officer stood and moved to leave. As he crossed the threshold of the office, he turned to face the CMO. "I suppose if one were to accept gratitude for the actions that you have mentioned, one would more than likely say 'you're welcome'."
He left before McCoy could respond.
The general meeting hall aboard the Enterprise was crowded and loud.
The entire crew, save for several officers minding posts that could not go unattended, was eagerly awaiting the arrival of their Captain.
After a few long moments, the side doors opened and Kirk, flanked by Spock and McCoy, emerged. He was greeted with a round of applause. Making his way to the podium set up at the far end, he extended his hands in a motion to quiet them down.
"Please, I don't need nor do I deserve your applause. I just want you all to listen."
The crew quieted instantly and gave them their undivided attention. He stared out at all their faces.
"I've gathered you all here today for one reason—to apologize. To lay myself bare and beg for your forgiveness." He paused for a moment and sighed. "But God knows I don't deserve it. What I did…it was reprehensible. You all trusted me to keep you safe and I failed you."
The crowd stayed silent, all eyes locked on their Captain.
"I want you all to know that nothing I can say will repair the damage that has been done. My life has been turned upside-down, and that means yours all have as well. But I beg you to believe me when I say that it's all over. That madman that took over is gone, and he's never coming back." Jim closed his eyes for a second and blew out a breath. "I've been given a gift by the Admiralty—they're allowing me to remain as your Captain. I won't go into details, but it's not without a price, I assure you."
Jim looked over to his CMO and First Officer. "These two men at my side saved me. Especially Doctor McCoy. I would not be here today without them. Today is a new day. We return to the black, to our mission. And…" he smiled broadly. "…we do it together."
The crew erupted into applause and cheers, and they all jumped to their feet in a raucous ovation.
Jim couldn't help but feel immense pride for his crew. Here they were applauding the man who nearly destroyed everything they knew—because they believed in him.
And finally, after months of doubt, he believed in himself.
He dismissed them with a salute and watched with great happiness as they all returned to their posts.
"That was a nice speech, Captain."
Kirk turned at the sound of the soft voice. Uhura stood off to his side, arms crossed over her abdomen.
"I meant every word of it. Look, Uhura…"
"You don't need to say anything to me, Jim."
He approached and cautiously placed his hands on her shoulders. "But I do. I never got to apologize in person for all the horrible things I did. With me being sick and Bones confining me to quarters, time just got away from me."
She raised her hands to her shoulders and squeezed his fingers. "I know you're sorry. I know you weren't in control. There's nothing left to discuss, really." She smiled warmly.
"You're too forgiving."
Uhura rolled her eyes. "Fine, you want to prove how sorry you are? I've always wanted a pair of Markavian hydro-bracelets. They're made of semi-precious stones and are supposed to relieve stress."
"Are you saying I stress you out?" He grinned devilishly.
"Yes." She stood on her toes and pecked him on the cheek.
"Consider it done."
"Keptin on ze bridge!"
Kirk exited the turbolift and immediately settled his eyes on his beloved chair. As he rounded it, he ran his fingers over the cool metal frame, the warm leather upholstery. It certainly felt good to be back.
"Thank you, Mister Chekov." He sat, taking a moment to situate himself comfortably before continuing. "How's the ship?"
"All systems normal, Captain." Spock's voice was stoic, as always.
"Glad to hear it." Jim scanned the information on his PADD quickly before tossing it aside. "What's our next mission, Mister Spock?"
"We are to take data readings on the Broward-Henry Magnetar. We've been given coordinates that would keep the ship safe but still allow for the most intensive scans possible."
"Magnetar, eh? Sounds boring. I think we should see what else is out there."
Spock stood and moved next to the Captain's chair. "Sir, may I remind you that you are under the scrutiny of Starfleet and should follow their orders without hesitation."
"It's not like we're never going to scan the thing, Spock! It'll still be there a week from now." He winked at Chekov before continuing. "Thank you for your input, Mister Spock. It has been noted."
The Vulcan returned to his station without another word. Kirk couldn't explain how he knew, but he felt that this little bit of indiscretion would conveniently be not logged by his science officer.
"Vat heading shall I input, Keptin?"
Kirk flicked his hand at the viewscreen. "Out there somewhere."
A/N: Well, here we are. It's finally finished. It may have taken me damn near forever, but a promise is a promise. And I promised this one would see the end.
I want to thank everyone who has read, commented and enjoyed. I know it took a long time, but in the end I hope the finished product was worth the wait.
Special thank you to my beta, QuietRaine. All I am as I writer, I owe to you. You and I have been on one hell of a journey together, and I know the best is yet to come for both of us. Marriage, kids, work—we juggled it all and still managed to make time to have fun writing together. I can never thank you enough for everything.
So what happens now for little ol' Bebedora? Well, I'm sad to say this is my final Star Trek piece for quite a while. I have just begun my own original work, and I hope that one day I can say I've got a published fantasy novel. I won't be gone forever, and I have a few oneshots in various stages of completion. But as for long, multi-chapter works—this one signals the end.
I've had a blast in this fandom, and I have to say that I've met some of the most wonderful people here. I'm so glad that I could offer a little entertainment in your lives, even just for a little while, with what I've created.
So this is it, I guess. Don't forget about me, because I certainly won't forget about all of you. Follow me on twitter and you can be updated on my progress with my novel! AuthorBebedora
Thanks, guys. It's been wonderful.