I like that you guys aren't believing in all of Bella's shit and seeing her responsibility in this. No one is perfect, so it wouldn't make sense for me to write perfect character that never make mistakes. If that was the case then they wouldn't be in most of these situation, and that would be super boring to read, trust me.

It was never the plan for Edward to find out that the baby is his after its all grown up, I've got a lot more than that ;P

Don't think that the drama is over, a pregnancy lasts nine months, right? And then the 18 years after the baby is born.

Thank you so much for all of the feedback. I know that It's been a while but I warned you guys that I wasn't going to have a lot of time.

I had another chemistry term test today and it sucked. I have a huge project due next week and for some reason like two physics and chemistry labs... (not that you guys really carebut, I need somewhere to vent.)


"I really hope that Bella is cooking." Emmett announced as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm a great cook." Rose waved the knife in her hand around to make her point, although it had the opposite effect.

"No one is saying you aren't, dear." Emmett slowly pulled the knife out of Rose's grasp.

"Don't worry Rose, its not you. I've just trained him to like my food." I laughed.

"I'm still not entirely convinced that she doesn't put cocaine in her food." Emmett accused, pointing a meaty finger at me.

"Hey Emmett, she waved the knife around. I know how to use it and make it look like an accident." I raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, alright, point taken." Emmett raised his hands in front of his chest.

Thats right. I'm in charge here.

"Emmett, door!" Jasper called from the living room. That boy was so entranced in his game that he couldn't open the door.

Emmett walked away, hopefully to open the door, but who knows with that kid.

"Who else did you invite?" I asked Rose. The usual crowd was here. All except Edward.

"I didn't invite anyone else." Rose looked at me with big eyes. "I think that Emmett and Jas might have invited Edward."

"Oh." I looked down. I shouldn't be surprised; we were all friends and Edward was Emmett's brother. The guys didn't know about what happened between us, only Rose.

"Are you ok?" Rose reached for my shoulder.

"Yeah, I have no right to be upset here. They are brothers. He has more right to be here than I do." I shrugged.

"Thats not true Bella, you're like family to all of us." Rose shook her head.

"Yeah but he's really family to Emmett and to you soon too. Maybe I should go home." I put the knife down.

"Blood has nothing to do with it. I think that you're right in this situation and I bet you money that Emmett and Jasper will feel the same."

"I can't ask you guys to choose between friends. It's not fair to you guys. Especially considering that we are in this situation because I'm a coward." I wiped away at the single tear that rolled down my cheek.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm scared of being hurt in the end. I'm scared of having my happiness ripped away from me if I tell Edward that he's the only one that could be the baby's father. I love him so much and I don't want to get hurt any more than this. I don't know if I could take it. I'm terrified Rose. To me, this seems like the better option. Even if I have to lose you guys in the process."

"Hold up, you're not losing anyone. What are you scared of?"

"Edward is a really good guy, he would totally drop everything to help raise this baby. He would give up on all of his dreams because he would see it as his responsibility. I know he will love the baby unconditionally and provide everything. I just don't want him to look back in twenty years and think that we held him back from achieving his potential."

"Is that really what you think of me?" Edward's voice echoed through the room.

I turned to see Edward, Emmett, and Jasper watching Rose and I in the entry way to the kitchen.

"Am I wrong? You would do anything for the baby." I narrowed my eyes. He knew now, might as well confront him. "The things you said to me when you thought it was someone else's. You were ready to throw away an entire lifetime because you were upset. I don't think you're ready to handle the implications of a child right now. That's why its easy for me to see you resenting me and this child and I will not let her grow up thinking she isn't loved."

"You're not wrong about that I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, but that was after you decided to tell me it was someone else's. You really think I'm going to regret being there for my child? For raising it? Is that how lowly you think of me?"

"You feel that way now, but its really easy to be resentful. You don't even feel it coming. One day it's just there and you don't know how to get rid of it."

"I thought that you knew me better than that. I thought that you of all people would see my potential of being a good dad. I could never resent my own child." He shook his head.

"You could grow to resent me." I mumbled, looking at the floor.

"I just might, because you didn't think I had a right to know that she existed." He accused.

"Screw you Edward." I pushed passed him and make my way to the door. I left my jacket where it was lying on the couch and stormed down the stairs and into the cool October night.

Once outside, I instantly regretted not grabbing my coat.

I stood by the entrance of the building watching the quiet street. There were two apartment buildings on either side of Rose and Emmett's building. On the other side of the street were big luxurious houses; the kind that I would never be able to afford.

"Don't worry baby. Even if its just you and me, I'll take care of you. We don't need anyone. I'm sorry I messed this up for you. I should have been more careful so that you would be born into a better situation. No one deserves to be from a broken home. I really do love your daddy, you know? Not the way he loves me, but it doesn't mater. He's the smartest man I've ever met, the sweetest too. I bet you're going to be just like him, huh? Wouldn't blame you, he has a lot more to offer. All I can really give you is an appriciation for books, and a scary love for food." I sighed and shivered, placing my hands around my non-existent bump.

"That's not true," A voice said as I felt a heavy material placed on my shoulders, "You're mom is so beautiful. She's funny and sarcastic, and doesn't take carp form anyone." Edward stood behind me.

I turned to face him and took a deep breath. "Edward, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, I fucked up."

"We're all allowed one or two of those." He shrugged.

"Yeah, well, I guess these are my two." I looked down.

"What are you talking about?"

"I got pregnant and then I didn't tell you." I laughed humourlessly.

"Bella, look at me." Edward sighed.

I looked at at him to see him pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It takes two to make a baby, I know that much. And yes you should have told me, but I didn't give you the best environment to do so. We're both at fault here. All that matters is that now I know and we can both be here for that little baby." Edward stepped closer to me.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Of course, Bella. You're acting as if you hadn't known me my entire life. No, this is not ideal, but I've always wanted kids. You being the mom is just the cherry on top." He brushed the pads of his fingers along my cheek.

"You don't mean that." I snorted.

"Why do you keep thinking that you know what goes on inside my head Bella?" Edward stepped back again.

"I just… I don't know ok?" I turned away.

"Bella, stop. Just stop thinking you know whats going to happen, if you had those powers, we wouldn't be in this situation." Hu chuckled.

I turned around tears in my eyes. "I'm glad you're amused."

"Bella, please don't." He stepped up to me and wiped the tears out of my eyes. "I promise you that it will all be ok. I want this kid."

I looked up into his green eyes. "Ok." I whispered. "I love you so much. Maybe I shouldn't tell you, but its been a week of mistakes, so I might as well. Besides, you seem in a forgiving mood. I love you as my best friend, the person who has been there for literally everything. I love you because no one on this planet knows me or understands me like you do. But I also love you in that way. I love you because you're sexy and funny and I always want to be kissing you."

"Are you for real?" Edward asked, I couldn't read his expression.

I nodded.

"Bella I have been in love with you since our middle school graduation." It was Edward's turn to snort.


"Ask Rose, Jasper, Mom and Dad. They know." He shook his head.

"Are you for real?"

Edward nodded.

"Why the hell have we boon doing this whole 'friends with benefits' crap?" I threw my hands up in the air.

"I have no idea." Edward Laughed.

"We're dumb." I announced.

"Is it really a girl, Bells?"


"You said she upstairs, I just thought." Edward mumbled.

"I don't know yet, its too early. I just have a feeling. A mother's intuition."

"Oh, ok. I hope it is a girl."

I smiled and stepped closer to Edward. I'm the only thing that has been holding me back this entire time. I stretched towards Edward and Pulled his face down to mine, pressing my lips against his.

"Hey Bella?" Edward's arms circled around my waist and he smiled down at me.

"Hmm?" I hummed, content.

"I love you." Edward grinned.

"I love you too." I broke out into a huge smile.

"Now, lets get you inside," Edward started pulling me towards the building, "I can't have my baby mamma getting sick.."

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Edward turned to me, his face sheepish. "Too soon?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him with me.

We climbed the stairs hand in hand, only braking the silence to randomly say 'I love you'.

When we walked back inside the apartment, Everyone was sitting on the couches, facing the door. They were talking about something when we entered, but they stopped when they're eyes zeroed in on our hands.

Jasper stood up from where he was sitting. "Finally!"

"I fucking knew it." Rose shouted.

"How did you guys know?" I asked.

"Edward told me years ago." Jasper shrugged.

"I told you nothing. You just made a lucky guess." Edward accused.

"I've known that Bella has a thing for Edward since our senior trip. I tracked Edward down two days ago to see what the hell was going on with him and he confessed to me." Rose smiled smugly.

"Did everyone except me know?" Emmett whined.