"Argggg!" I yelled as Lonki threw me into the cell along with Rook. I turned to face our captures just as they closed the cell. They both looked at us with big huge greedy green buck tooth grins. "You said you were gonna sale us to the highest bider of two biders!" I said. "Well, first of all, we lied about there only two parties involved. Face it kid, your friend here is a wanted Revonnahgander. I l turned away growling underneath my breathe as they laughed and walked away.

I so badly wanted to turn alien and beat those guys up, but I couldn't risk it. First of all, Rook was weakened(they could easily kill him) and they had Grandpa Max. Maybe they're take us to him.

Rook had looked half-way dead though out the whole experience. As soon as he had raised his hands in surrender, he had just, well, collapsed. He was now laying on the top bunk of the two decker bed in our small cell. As soon as Twentgit and Lonki were gone though, he rosed up like nothing had just happened. "Rook, what's wrong with you?"

"I-I don't know. But Ben, why am I wanted? And what's a Revonnahgander again?" I sighed. "Good thing we were on a ship on the Alintic Ocean," I thought, "Cause this is gonna take a longgggggg time..."

In another different dimsion.

A young man-had to be around his early twenties- bowed at his master, the McQuill. "My Lord, they're here." The door to the McQuill's quarters opened and two different giant green blobs carried in a handcuff Grandpa Max. McQuill rolled his eyes. "This was not what I meant."

Grandpa Max narrowed his eyes at the creature. It had a head like a messed up male lion and had a body of some kind of wild cat-without the first layer of skin of course. "What do you want?"

The creature coked an eyebrow. "You seriously don't know?"

"Very well. I want his head."

Grandpa Max gasped. "You are not getting Ben's head!"

McQuill now coked his whole head. "Ben?"

"Y-y-you me-mean Rook?" The McQuill nodded evilly. He smiled. "Yes. I would just love to have his head along with the others."


The McQuill turned his head, motioning to a nearby wall with heads of prey everywhere on it. "I do think it'll do quite nicely, don't you?"

Grandpa Max turned to face the McQuill. "You're mad! And besides, you won't get him, he and Ben have heed my warning and hiden."

Suddenly another human male rushed in. After quickly bowing, he said," My Lord!"

"Yes? I do need to get a guard. I'm tired of getting newshumans..."

"Lonki and Twentgit- the two Benzoate Ostylezene Bicarbonates that betrayed you, my Lord have got the Revonnahgander!"

The creature snarled. "Great. Now they have the upper claw."

"No, my Lord. They're willing to sale him to..."

"To who?"

"To the highest bider," the human servant said quietly.


"To the highest bider."


"To the highest bider, my Lord," the human servant said loud and clear. The McQuill snarled yet again and picked up the human servant and killed him. Dropping him and whipping off the blood like it was nothing he said," Sixsix, get the gold. We're going to go shop at the black market."

Secretly, as they pulled him away, Grandpa Max prayed that Rook and Ben would be okay.