A/N This is my first time, hopefully you enjoy. All reviews welcome. Please let me know what you think. Thanks

"Jane!, what the … are you not thinking? How could you…. Would you not care if I did that?"

"Maur it's just coffee, stop stressing." Jane placed the cup down on the bench, turned with her hands on hips, eyebrows raised and just looked at the honey blonde woman…. "Something's wrong what is it and don't say the coffee, for heavens sake I'm just putting a little bit of sweetness in it, and yes so it's five teaspoons of sweetness. I just need a hit."

"Well I'll hit you if you drink that! Jane, the body should not be assaulted with copious amounts of sugar – it's not good for you. Anyway why do you need such a "hit" as you say… did Casey keep you awake all night again….. you know your nighttime activities could use a little restraint therefore your requirement of a sugar hit would be minimal". Maura's eyes were locked onto Jane's expecting an answer and yet hoping the answer was no.

"Gee Maur since when did you become my mother and no it's not Casey, he's not on the scene anymore, I told him it's over."

Maura's eyes widened with a hint of joy in them. "What?"

Jane just shrugged her shoulders. "Well it's over - mind you nothing ever really happened, if you know what I mean."

"No, I don't."

"Maura, think about it – nothing happened – get it?"

"No, I don't. "

Maura's look of confusion was evident to Jane and with a sigh she said "Maur I didn't sleep with him okay."

"What….what do you mean, just last night or never ever slept with him?" this said with a little hope in her voice.

"Never, ever – happy." She just looked at Maura while prancing from one foot to the other like she was walking on a bed of hot coals, looking a little embarrassed she went back to her coffee."Anyway why do you care, it's not like you've ever cared before who I've slept with ….hang on that came out wrong - I don't sleep around and besides you know my past encounters, which I might add only comes to three." Jane was now adding more sugar to her coffee as she stirred slowly waiting for Maura's reaction and looking a little sheepish at the blonde.

"So that explains your so called mood swings, Jane you need to get …" Jane's hand was quick as a flash covering Maura's mouth. "Really, Maura come on, pleeease" Jane moved closer to the good Dr and whispered in her ear, so not to draw attention "besides I've taken matters into my own hands, literally, so give it a rest." Jane slowly removed her hand from Maura's mouth.

"Oh, right, so I see, okay anyway" she said blushing and swallowing hard trying to keep the waver out of her voice, "back to the original question, because….."

"Because" Jane looked confused.

"Oh yes, I hadn't asked it yet, had I …. Why did you breakup with Casey?"


"Because why?" Maura asked a little too eager.

"Just because Maura"

"Because why?" Maura just wouldn't let it go, she had to know why, why Jane would let Casey go, when Casey was obviously so interested in her, mind you however, she was convinced he was not that good for her or to her. This news made Maura smile and internally jump for joy, a huge relief in the knowledge that Jane and Casey were no longer an 'item' as such. Not only was she looking out for her best friend but it also gave her more time to deal with her feelings towards her best friend.

"Why are you smiling, gee thanks, I tell you I've broken up with Casey and you smile – why?"


"Because why?"

"Don't turn this around Jane, I asked you first why you're not seeing Casey anymore" Maura was now slightly blushing seeing she was almost cornered into telling Jane why she was smiling. Maura gaze turned southward towards the ground to try and hide her redness. Once she felt the heat no longer present her eyes made contact again with the tall brunette.

"He's just not right for me, that's all" and under her breath she mumbled "plus I'm not interested in him" her mind racing to other thoughts, thoughts that confused the hell out of her.

"Good I'm glad you came to your senses – I could see he was no good for you. You need someone to look after you Jane, and he is not the right person to do that. Oh and by the way that is why I was smiling."

"Is that the only reason Maura?, you seem to tell me every time I meet someone that something is wrong with them and their not good enough."

"Yes of cause it is" As soon as these words were uttered from Maura's lips she turned and left the café in a hurry so as to not let Jane see her neck as it turned a beautiful shade of red splotches.

Jane caught the elevator up to her office staring at the cup of coffee in her hands as she ascended. Her lips formed a smug smile as she thought of Maura and the look of utter shock that showed on her beautiful face at the thought of Jane drinking a cup of sugar with a hint of coffee in it. The look she gave was priceless.

Maura was right, it is bad for her and for that reason and that reason alone she would dispose of the cup when she reached the squad room.

Jane sauntered in and slumped in her chair, holding her head and running her fingers through her hair as she looked at Frost. "Hey Frost, you look like you've been here all night".

"I have…. so what's your excuse,….. I'm not the only one with dark bags under my eyes, Casey keep you up all night again?." "No he did not! What is it with you lot, a girl has a rough night and everybody thinks she's sleeping around!"

The detective was a little offended at Jane's reaction. "Hey lighten up Jane, I just thought….. anyway I'm heading off to get some sleep. I was here all night going thru those files, no luck so far, I'll leave you to it."

Jane was cranky with herself for speaking to Frost the way she did. It was bitchy and he didn't deserve to be spoken to in that manner. "Frost, sorry I bit your head off, I'm just a bit worn out I guess, plus I haven't had my coffee this morning."

"So, Maura's been on your back again about the sugar fix hey? Don't tell me she's finally getting to you."

Jane just closed her eyes and groaned, in more ways than one she thought to herself, in more ways than one. The thoughts kept swirling through her mind making her more and more uncomfortable. Thoughts of the honey blonde woman working down stairs and what thoughts they were, God what's wrong with me. This is my best friend and I shouldn't be attracted to her this way. Maybe she mused, I just need to get away for a while, have a holiday, then again that wouldn't work she wouldn't get to see Maura.

The rash had finally faded, thank goodness, last thing Maura needed was for Jane to notice her neck and the truth it reflected. She had no idea how she could possibly cope with Jane ever finding out how she truly felt about the detective.

Two autopsies had been performed so far that day and Maura was feeling the pressure of yet another body laid out on the table. All had been victims of the same killer. It was a straight open and shut case. The killer was the ex-husband, jealous of his ex-wife with a new man. Not only did he go after his ex-wife and boyfriend but he also killed their daughter as well, before turning the gun on himself. However the coward missed his brain, probably because he didn't have one, and now he was in hospital undergoing surgery to repair his jaw.

Maura gave a heavy sigh, what a waste of human lives, all because of a stupid emotion call jealousy that caused a situation to get completely out of hand.

She placed the final suture to the Y incision and took her gloves off as a familiar head poked around the corner of the autopsy room.


"Hey yourself detective, what can I do for you?" Maura said not looking up from her clipboard being totally engrossed with what she was writing.

Jane frowned a little at Maura's response "Maura, it's me, why so formal?"

"Sorry Jane, she slaps the clipboard down on the autopsy table "Some days …. I just don't understand the killings. I mean it's all so senseless" … Maura just rambles on and Jane steps closer to the blonde and gives her a hug trying to provide her with a little comfort.

"I know Maur there are just some psycho's out there that cause a lot of heartache."

"That's just it Jane, it's what you told me earlier" she says as she steps back from the embrace and looks with such intensity into the brunettes eyes that Jane brows furrow with concern. "This last case, the killer had never been in trouble with the law, he was a law abiding citizen, not even a parking ticket and he just snapped. Just like that and murdered three people – I have a hard time sometimes dealing with situations like these." She looks down at her hands then adds "I know I should just say 'next' wheel'em in, slice and dice'em and wheel'em out – but I can't Jane. I know all the scientific reasons why a person 'snaps' as they say however some days I still have a hard time dealing with it."

Jane knew why Maura was ranting – an innocent child had been one of the victims. Maura always had a hard time distancing herself when it came to a child's death. Jane clasps both of the doctors hands in hers and gives her a gentle and understanding smile "that's one of the reasons I love you and respect you so much, it's because you care." The tension showing in Maura's shoulders relaxes, "Thanks Jane, that means a lot to me". Just at that moment Senior Criminalist Susie Chang enters the autopsy room. "Susie, would you mind finishing up for me here?"

"Of course not Dr Isles, hello Detective Rizzoli" Susie says with a shy smile making eye contact with the detective knowing that words need not be said. She has worked with Maura for a few years now and knows her reaction only too well when a child is concerned.

"Well let's get out of here, Maur fancy a drink?"

"Yes I do, how about we go somewhere different, there's a little Asian/Australian restaurant that's new around the corner. Like to try it?"

"Sure, you can have the Asian side and I'll settle for the Aussie side, meat pie and beer sounds great."

Maura just beams with a huge smile at Jane "Why am I not surprised."

Truth be known, that's why Maura suggested it.

A/N That's it should I keep going?