Hello again my lovely readers. Long time no post. Terribly sorry, just had a busy last couple weeks. MAIB will be getting a new chapter soon, but for now I really wanted to update LIATH, especially with some of the confusion brought about by last chapter. Things will slowly be explained and clarified. Just working through establishing everything else. Now, without further ado, enjoy!

Living In A Troubled House
- Chapter 3 -

Anna could feel her sister tense at the faun's words, and she turned her head up, blinking worriedly.

Elsa tensed at very few things – physical contact she didn't herself initiate, or physical contact in general, the mention of her powers and anything else that made her equally as uneasy.

"Elsa?" Anna coaxed, stepping back slightly, eyes falling on her sister's blank expression. Well, not blank Anna mused, more like cold. Suddenly, the blonde whirled around, turning narrowed eyes on Phil. Her brow knit together into a hard glare, and wind swept drifts of snow up around them.

"I made it abundantly clear that I was not here for anything more than to be certified," Elsa's voice was low, but there was an unmistakable weight to it, "I'm not here to be trained, only tested, and certainly not going to have my abilities honed and weaponized." Anna gripped Elsa's top at her shoulders, digging her fingers into the fabric.

"It's okay Elsa, he just didn't know," The redhead soothed sweetly.

"Oh, I knew," Phil corrected, "I just think it's a dumb choice." The snow beneath Elsa's feet began to freeze, spreading outwards slowly. "You have a gift, kid, you should train yourself to use it. You never know what you're capable of until you get real control–"

"No!" Elsa snapped, a few spears of ice shooting up around them. "I don't need your help, or anyone's help controlling my powers, all I need is Anna. She helps keep me centered." Her voice was seething with anger.

"Looks like she's not doing you any good now," Phil commented dryly, gesturing to the dangerous pikes of ice growing steadily around them, and the thick layer of ice beneath their feet. Anna frowned and moved to speak, but lost her footing and stumbled into Elsa. Acting quickly, the blonde steadied them both and looked worriedly down at her baby sister.

"Anna, are you okay?" She whispered, her voice noticeably softer, almost tentative.

"I'm fine," Anna cast a smile up to her sister, correcting her footing and standing, just slightly below eye level for the older woman, "and you are too." The redhead's warm hands found Elsa's flushed cheeks, cupping them gently and stroking her sister's pale freckled skin with her thumbs. "Just relax, it's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want."

Elsa breathed, relaxing visibly, as the pillars of ice melted away, along with the ice beneath their feet. Blue eyes stared transfixed on teal, and the snow around them slowly began to dissolve away into nothingness. Both Hercules and Phil watched as the wintery scene returned to late summer, both admittedly impressed.

"Wow," Hercules spoke, "that's really impressive." He turned to Anna and Elsa. "No wonder you guys work so well together." Anna snapped her eyes away from Elsa's gaze, looking past her sister's shoulder at the copper haired man and blushed lightly.

"Well, we really only learned this worked not too long ago, so I'm still trying to get better at it." She admitted shyly.

"I think you're on your way," Hercules praised, walking up to them and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly; "And sorry about knocking you down earlier, no hard feelings?" Anna immediately shook her head, turning to face the other redhead.

"It's no big deal, I fall down all the time," She laughed, "so don't worry about it."

"Great," Hercules chuckled with her, turning to Elsa, and smiling widely, "I should apologize to you too…I hope there are no hard feelings between us either?" Elsa turned her head slightly and bowed it politely.

"No one was hurt, so it's alright." She replied softly.

"Yeah," Anna bounced on the balls of her feet, "if you'd actually hurt me then yeesh, cause, you know, Elsa's really protective. In case you hadn't noticed." The redheaded man flicked his blue eyes to the blonde once again.

"I noticed," He commented, looking back to Anna, "so you guys are staying on the fourth floor, right? I assume Kristoff showed you around?"

"For the most part, yeah," Anna bobbed her head, "it was quick, but we met a nice girl, Rapunzel?" Hercules crossed his arms over his broad chest and gave a nod.

"Oh, you met Rapunzel? Yeah, she's really nice," He agreed, "have you met anyone else?"

"Besides her, Kristoff, you and Meg? Nope!" Anna answered, looking over at Phil. The faun watched the trio and gave a defeated sigh.

"You're off for the rest of the day kid," He turned, pointing at Hercules, "but I expect you bright and early for training." Hercules gestured his confirmation with a wave of his hand as the goat-man took his leave.

"How about I introduce you to some of the others?" The muscular man offered with a wide smile on his lips. Anna's reply was immediate.

"Yes, of course!" Hercules beamed before turning and walking back towards the house. Anna moved to follow but was stopped when Elsa grabbed her wrist and kept her in place.

"Anna," She murmured softly, eyes flicking from her sister to Hercules and back, "shouldn't we just head back to our room? I think it might be a good idea to see if our locations are listed for classes." The redhead blinked and then smiled.

"It'll be fine Elsa," She reassured, "I doubt he'll keep us long. Then we'll go back to our room." The blonde seemed unconvinced. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Anna asked, trying another route. "We'll watch whatever you want." Elsa bit her lower lip.

"Anything I want?"

"Anything," Anna assured with a wide smiled. "Hercules is just trying to be nice. We should give him a chance." The blonde fidgeted, shifting her weight from side to side, and turning her eyes to the ground.

"I suppose there's no real harm in it–oof!"Elsa stumbled a bit, having caught Anna again when the redhead launched herself into her sister's arms, wrapping her up tightly in a warm hug. "A-Anna!"

"It's important for us to try to meet new people," Anna rested her chin on Elsa's shoulder, whispering softly into her sister's ear, making the older woman shiver a bit at the warmth of her sibling's breath, "so I'm proud of you. I know you don't really like…most of this…but I am proud of you for doing it." A faint blush crept over the blonde's cheeks.

"Thank you, Anna," Elsa murmured softly, returning the embrace, her own hands resting on the small of her sister's back.

"Of course," The redhead pulled back slightly and flashed a toothy grin, "now come on, I'm sure Hercules is wondering what's taking us so long!" Anna spun around, latching her hand around Elsa's wrist, and tugging the blonde forward after her. "C'mon, c'mon!" She pleaded, tugging gently, wanting to coax rather than force her sister to follow.

"Alright Anna, alright," Elsa laughed, unable to help it, and the sound made Anna's heart flutter.

"Hey!" Hercules called back, his hand cupping the side of his mouth to amplify his voice. "You guys coming? My cousin just got back, and I want you guys to meet her!" Anna's eyes widened and she whirled her head back around to Elsa, grinning widely. The blonde rolled her eyes, smiling nevertheless, as she gave a nod.

"Alright, lead the way." And with that Elsa was dragged back to the house, finding Hercules waiting for them at the front entrance, with a young woman beside him.

"This is Ariel," Hercules gestured to the girl beside him, who gave a big smile and waved her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Ariel," Anna chirruped, taking the steps leading up to the house in strides, stopping in front of the new girl. Elsa walked up behind Anna, trying to keep from being distracted by the growing number of redheads around her.

The new girl–Ariel–stood at about Anna's height, wearing a simple blue top, formfitting with a plunging V-neck, and a teal skirt that reached just past her knees. Elsa's eyes fell to the trinket around Ariel's neck, which bounced as she silently giggled at Anna–a violet shell, on a gold chain.

"–I'm Anna," Elsa turned at her sister's voice. "And this is my sister, Elsa." Anna reached back blindly for Elsa, who smiled and shook her head, stepping up and extending her hand for Anna to find.

"A pleasure," Elsa bowed her head, trying for Anna's sake to be more personable. Ariel waved shyly and mouthed a 'hello'. Anna's head cocked slightly to the side and she blinked.

"She can't talk, not when she's like this," Hercules clarified, "in order for her to have her legs she needs to give up her voice." Anna's mouth formed an 'o', and she turned back to Elsa, who blinked at her and shook her head unsurely.

"What Wonderboy means to say is that his cousin's not from around here," Meg sauntered over to the group, leaning her weight heavily into Hercules' side. "You might say she's from a completely different world."

"A different world?" Anna whipped her head back around, eyes falling on Meg.

"Mhmm, Ariel's a mermaid." Hercules placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder. Elsa's immediately eyes flicked to her sister. Anna jumped forwards, grasping Ariel's hands in her own, with her wide teal eyes falling on ocean blue.

"Wow really?!" She practically shook with excitement. "That's SO cool! I would really love to see what you look like sometime! I mean, erm–like, to see what you look like as a mermaid! Though, I guess, it's like…the same, but with a fish bottom? I–uh–" The freckled girl's eyes jumped between the three shocked faces that practically gawked at her with unreadable expressions. "–well, I'll…just be quiet now." Anna's hands snapped back, falling to her sides while her eyes glued to the ground at her feet. Elsa frowned a bit and stepped forward, placing her hand on Anna's shoulder, while looking to Ariel.

"Anna rambles sometimes, especially when she's excited," The blonde informed, Ariel bobbed her head in silent understanding, "she has always loved fairy tales, and she adores mythology in general. I think the information was just a bit overwhelming." Ariel smiled a bit and reached out, taking Anna's hands back in her own and raising them up, giving them a gentle squeeze. Hesitantly, Anna raised her eyes and blinked at the other redhead. The other girl offered a wide sweet smile and Anna couldn't help her own.

"Sorry, Elsa's right, I sort of ramble sometimes," Ariel shook her head dismissively and squeezed Anna's hands again, offering another wide honest smile. "Oh, thanks." Anna blushed, smiling shyly.

"Looks like you've made a friend," Elsa commented with a small laugh.

"I knew you two would get along," Hercules puffed his chest out proudly, which earned him a playful swat from Meg, who rolled her eyes at him.

"Ease up there Wonderboy," She turned, walking into the house, looking back over her shoulder, "are you coming?"

"Oh, uhm, yes!" The coppery haired man hurriedly rushed after Meg, turning back at the last second to smile at the trio of girls still standing on the front porch. "We'll see you later then," His eyes fell on Ariel, "and behave yourself, cuz, I don't want to hear that you got these girls into any trouble!" Ariel blinked her eyes innocently and turned her head, scoffing. With a deep laugh the man disappeared into the house after the brunette woman.

"So," A wide grin spread over Anna's lips, "you're a trouble maker? I think we'll get along excellently." Ariel turned back to Anna and matched the wickedness of the smile with her own.

"Oh, Ariel!" A voice called from the driveway, as two young women walked up the gravel pathway. "Who are your new friends?" The first girl made her way up the stairs, lifting her long yellow summer dress as she did. Ariel smiled widely and moved to the first women, wrapping her arms tightly around the slightly taller woman, hugging her, "I missed you too," The long haired brunette laughed softly, turning her chestnut eyes to Anna and Elsa.

"Hello," Anna smiled widely.

"Hello," The brunette bowed her head, "are you two the new girls?"

"Yes," Elsa nodded, stepping up to her sister's side, "I am Elsa, and this is my sister Anna."

"I'm Belle," The brunette replied sweetly, "and this is Mulan," She turned slightly – as much as Ariel's tight embrace would allow – to gesture to the short haired girl standing at the foot of the porch steps. She was clad in denim jeans, a long blank white shirt and a light olive coloured sweater.

"Hey," Mulan waved her hand as she started ascending the stairs, stepping up beside Belle, arms parted and ready to receive Ariel's hug. The silent girl turned and immediately latched to Mulan, hugging her with the same forward affection as she'd shown Belle.

"So," The brunette tucked her high ponytail behind her shoulder and smiled at both Anna and Elsa, as she walked by the girls, the two plastic grocery bags in her arms now easily visible, "do you mind if we head inside? I have some perishables that need to be refrigerated."

"Of course," Elsa gave a small nod of her head and turned, lacing her finger's with Anna's and tugging her younger sister in after her. Anna smiled happily and squeezed Elsa's hand, turning her head to strike up a conversation with Mulan.

"Have you guys lived here long?" Anna inquired.

"I've been here for two years," Mulan smiled, walking between Anna and Ariel, "and Ariel actually just moved in a few weeks ago." Mulan turned to the girl at her left, and Ariel bobbed her head with a smile. "She came because her cousin, Hercules, suggested that she might enjoy attending school here. I mean, this is one of the few schools which has our program available." Anna gave a small nod as the group of girls ascending the staircase towards the third floor, where the kitchen was.

Anna released Elsa's hands as they reached the third floor, watching as her older sister continued into the kitchen, chatting with Belle. A strange feeling washed over the younger girl, her stomach tightening and her heart clenching, but it passed as quickly as it came. She brushed it aside and turned back to Mulan and Ariel, smiling once again.

"Are you and your sister planning on staying in the program for the full four years, or just for two?" Mulan asked curiously, leaning against the banister. Ariel fiddled with the ends of her hair, fingers twining in the ruby red locks. Anna's eyes flicked between both girls and she hummed.

"So far Elsa only wants to do half the half program," The teal eyed girl wrung her hands out, "but I'm not sure…she might change her mind."

"Which of you is the charge?" Mulan cocked her head to the side. Did everyone know about their situation? Anna thought, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Elsa is…technically…my charge," Came Anna's soft reply, "but she's the oldest, and I wouldn't want to put her in any kind of situation that makes her uncomfortable." The ebony haired girl nodded understandingly.

"Did you two join the program on your own?" Ariel elbowed Mulan gently in the ribs and shook her head, eyes flashing. "Ow, Ariel," Mulan grumbled, "I'm not prying. I'm just curious." Anna smiled appreciatively to the other redhead.

"It's alright, I don't mind," She assured, "and it's a bit of a mixed answer; it was sort of pushed on Elsa. We were told that it was a good idea, and for the best, so eventually Elsa caved. But we discussed it, for a while, before we agreed." Mulan smiled a bit.

"Sounds like you two are close," She commented.

"Now we are, yeah," Anna smiled fondly, looking off into the distance, "but we weren't always." The strawberry blonde turned back to the other girls. "Do either of you have siblings?"

"I don't," Mulan immediately replied. Ariel, on the other hand, gave an enthusiastic nod. Anna smiled at her.

"How many?" Ariel raised her hands, flashing all five digits of her right hand, and the index finger of her left. "Wow, six siblings? Are they sisters or brothers?" Ariel pointed to herself. Anna blinked. "All sisters?" She guessed, and the other redhead nodded again with a bright smile.

"Anna." Elsa called, walking back out from the kitchen, eyes falling on her younger sister.

"Yes?" Anna turned, immediately rushing to her sister, smiling widely. The blonde blinked down at her sibling and then smiled, reaching out to tussle her sister's hair.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little," Anna admitted shyly, ducking out from under her sister's hand, "why?"

"Watching Belle putting her groceries away reminded me that we haven't eaten since this morning, and I'd be a terrible sister if I didn't remember to feed you." The blonde answered, smiling fondly.

"Aren't we supposed to have dinner with that Rapunzel girl?" Anna asked with her head cocked slightly to the side. As if on cue, Rapunzel came rushing from down the hall, barreling towards them.

"Yes you are!" The pixie cut brunette jogged over, skidding to a stop at Anna and Elsa's sides, bracing her hands on her knees and breathing heavily. "And I'm here." She beamed, albeit weakly while out of breath. Elsa blinked and Anna smiled, turning back over her shoulder to Ariel and Mulan.

"We should all have dinner together," Anna suggested and both Mulan and Ariel cast one another glances before nodding in unison.

"Alright," Mulan answered.

"I know a place we can go," Rapunzel breathed, clutching her chest as she tried to settle while slowly standing upright.

"Great," Anna clasped her hands together and turned back to Elsa, her eyes wide and hopeful, "let's get ready?"

"We'll meet downstairs," Rapunzel smiled, her breathing steadying slowly, "I'm already dressed, but I guess you might want to get changed and grab a few things?" She adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder, looking between the sisters. "So, I'll wait at the front door for you guys." She brushed past Anna, gesturing for Mulan and Ariel to follow, as the three girls descended the staircase.

"C'mon," Anna grabbed Elsa's wrist and tugged, pulling the girl up the remaining flight of stairs and down the hall towards their shared room. The blonde went with her sister easily, smiling down at her sister's hand around her wrist.

"You're really excited to go out to dinner with these girls?" Elsa asked quietly as their door was opened and Anna pulled her inside.

"Well," Her sister released her wrist, "I am. But I'm also really excited for us to have our first dinner here. This is our new home," Anna walked over to her bedside table, grabbing her wallet, "and I want us to be happy here. I think that it'll do us good." Elsa smiled and walked over, wrapping her arms around Anna and pulling the younger girl up against her own body; the blonde's nose buried in her sister's sweet scented strawberry blonde hair, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

"I'll be happy just so long as we stay together," Anna pressed back into Elsa's embrace, "I know I haven't…we haven't been able to see much of one another, but I promise I'll make sure we spend more time together now."

"I know Elsa," Anna's hands slid up to her sister's forearms, giving them a gentle squeeze, "don't blame yourself, okay?"

"It's a little hard not to," Elsa commented, nuzzling her sister's hair, "but I suppose I can try. For you."

"For me," Anna parroted, smiling happily. "You always do everything for me."

"I love you," Elsa's replied softly, to which Anna smiled again and pressed back into her sister further.

"I love you too," Her voice was barely above a whisper, shy and sweet. "But we have to get ready."

"Alright, but you owe me a movie later tonight," Elsa loosened her arms. "And I'll take some cuddles with that as well."