Ristu's POV:

Back then , everything was so white and pure. I could not possibly ever recall a time in my life when I was happier than that little time that we were together. I loved him so much, and all I could have hoped for was him loving me back, just as much, maybe even more than I did. I wish that the time we spent together could last for eternity, that I would never have to wake up from that amazing dream come true.

Unfortunately, fate's a bastard. And an extremely selctive bastard at that. And I guess fate didn't like me all that much.

I remember it clearer than any other memories combined.

"Senpai," I had said cheerfully and innocently, with this dopey smile on my face, "We're going out now. Right?"

"Huh?" he had answered.

"Well, it's just that you never said anything." I had held my open shirt together with my hands, squeezing the fabric lightly.

"Do you... love me? ... Senpai?"

He didn't say anything, but he breathed through his nose, stifling a laugh.

The smile on my face had faded right then and there. And in a microsecond, all traces of my previously happy complection were long gone from this world.

'He laughed at me' I thought. 'Was he... playing with me?'

I hoisted all of my might and square on his side, blew my powerful round-house kick.

I ran then.

I could care less what was going on around me, I just ran off. I couldn't stop myself, and before I knew it, I was on a plane to England, and transferred into a high school there.

I spent the next 3 years of my life studying abroad.

All the while trying my hardest to forget. But no matter what, the memories would flood my mind constantly.

Immediately following my high school gradutaion in England, I recieved a phone call from my mother, urge me to return home for Uni. Assuring that it would be in my best interest to attend university in Japan. I had tried to protest, but this is my mother I'm talking about, it was no use, and I was forced to come home.

So here I am now. I, Onodera Ritsu, age 18, completely jaded, and now a first year student at Tokyo University.