A/N: First update of the year is for this story. Thank you everyone who has liked and reviewed to this story, I'm pleased to know that my story is well received. I hope that you'll also like this chapter!

Pandectes De Cululla

Hakuren High School: A school that is famous for accepting female students. Hakuren High School is specialized in wind type blazing users and each team has at least one member who is a wind type. Team Ice has been recognized as the strongest team of the school and are expected to do well in Kassen. All members of the team are wind type users and they wait for their rematch against Team Mist.

Heavenly Beakers: Formed from the five strongest beakers within Botany. The current lineup consists of Sim So-Yean, Lightwave Alice, Gouenji Yuuka, Naruko Chikka and Zangeki Sato. Heavenly Beakers are chosen through battles, also known as Celestial Convent, that is held on regular basics, but the lineup has remained the same ever since Sim So-Yean become a beaker five years ago. It's seems that for the first time in forever, there might be changes in the members of Heavenly Beakers.

Celestial Convent: A battle held on regular basics to determine the members of heavenly beakers and the strongest beakers of Botany.

Yukimura Hyouga: A student of 2-B in Hakuren High School. He's an utsushu and member of Team Ice. The other members are Koori Itsuki and Cool Rin. As a member of the strongest team, Yukimura is also considered as the strongest utsushu of the school. He holds strong admiration towards Team Snowstorm and thinks of Fubuki Shirou and Fubuki Atsuya as his seniors. He has learned all of his spells from the two and is known Copycat for not owning any spells of his own. Is childhood friends with Koori Itsuki and Fubuki twins who are his neighbors. He's the divide and boyfriend of Zangeki Sato.

Beaker Five: Friend

"Sen-chan, are you sure that you're not coming with us?" Kishibe questioned Senguuji at the airport. Ran and the two guys from the Team Shore had bought their tickets and packed their stuff, but Senguuji had unexpectedly announced that he was not going to join his teammates on the trip.

Senguuji glanced at the pink-haired girl and turned back to the team captain. "Don't take it too personally, Kishibe, but I think that the girl is more messed up that we can even image. You can think of it as me running away or what ever, but I want to get out of her reach before it's too late to back away." He continued in a low voice, making sure that Ran wouldn't hear him.

Kishibe's eyes widened as he also realized the real message of the pink-heads words and he then smiled kindly while placing his hand on Senguuji's shoulder. "Thanks for your concern, but I'm already at the point where I can't run away. She needs help and currently we're the only ones who can help her." The captain of Team Shore assured his teammate with his typical refreshing smile on his face.

"Just make sure that you return in one piece. We still have the qualification matches for Kassen ahead of us." Senguuji sighed the moment he realized his captain would not change his mind. Kishibe was one those who wouldn't back down from their decision once it had been done. This was one of the features Senguuji regarded in Kishibe, but at the same time it made the boy extremely stubborn after reaching a certain point.

Kishibe was about to answer, when they suddenly heard an announcement about their flight calling in their passengers. Ran immediately turned toward the duo, her expression strait as board. "Yo, Twin-tails. We have to hurry to the plane, so it's about time to leave that loser alone." Her voice had a certain tone of sourness in it and she was staring at Senguuji with offensive eyes.

Senguuji clicked his tongue. "And, you're still one hundred percent sure you want to go with that bitch? She doesn't even treat you like a proper human."

Kishibe laughed desperately. "Well, there might be one day I regret making this decision but at the moment this is the only possible future I see for me and Shin-chan. Don't worry too much about us, we'll be alright." He smiled assuredly at Senguuji, but this made the pink-head only more concerned about his captain. "We'll make sure to return before the qualification matches."

As Kishibe seemed that he had spoken his last words, Senguuji glanced at Shindou. "Pariah, make sure you look after Kishibe. If something happens to our captain, I'll put all the blame on you."

It sounded very much like a threat, but Shindou also felt like Senguuji was entrusting him with their captain. This was the first time Senguuji put any trust on him, which is why it had taken him by surprise. Shindou had to suppress his feelings, so that he wouldn't end up bursting into tears in the middle of the airport.

"Yes." He finally managed to nod between his tears as he bowed and Senguuji and Kishibe.

"Twin-tails! Pariah! If you don't come this instant, I burrow a hole into your stomach and dig up your bloody insides."

People around her halted to look at her with terrified expressions, but she didn't bug. Ignoring all the stares targeted at her, she kept looking at Shindou and Kishibe with death serious expression.

The two boys glanced at each other and after a desperate laugh, they then headed toward the girl. Upon seeing that the boys were following her, Ran smirked, turned around in a very flashy manner and started to head toward the check-in.

Approximately one and a half hour later, the trio was safely at the New Chitose Airport.

Ran walked at the front leading the group, while the two boys followed her close, carrying her belongings. The girls expression was twisted and she seemed act slightly grumpy. She then clicked her tongue in displease. "My god that was disgusting. I don't know how people can fly on those bloody planes, my ears are still ringing." She hissed, while trying to release the pressure inside her ears.

Shindou and Kishibe glanced at the girl, who clearly wasn't in good mood and then at each other. The former then walked up to Ran. "Uum, do you mind telling us, where are we going from here?" They had arrived at Hokkaido, but it seemed as if Ran hadn't planned what to do from there on.

Ran glanced at Shindou with dark expression that looked that she would devour him for interrupting her train of thought, and then exhaled dramatically. "Sato said that she'll personally come to pick us up from the airport so we're not going anywhere. That girl is one of the few people I trust and she's extremely loyal to her comrades, which is why I know she will not betray us. The only problem with her is her short temper and the fact that she gets agitated far too easi-"

"Now mind telling me who has a short temper?" A hollow voice questioned and sudden dark air appeared behind Ran. Kishibe and Shindou backed away immediately, whereas Ran turned around with widened eyes.

"My God Sato, what took you so long! I've been waiting forever!" The pinkette scolded her friend the first thing after they had been united.

"Well, hello to you too." The girl pouted.

Zangeki Sato was a high school freshman with an indigo-colored hair reaching till her lower back. The hair was tied up on a low bun to keep it from getting in her way and curled slightly inwards at the tips. The girl's eyes were amberish in color and her rosy lips complimented her pale skin. Only the murdering stare she gave to Ran did not do any justice to her complexion.

There was a moment of silence between the girls after what Ran burst into laughter. "What are you talking about? Of course IT IS good to see you." She stated and then hugged her dear friend.

Sato was caught off guard by the sudden hug. Her eyes widened after what they started getting teary. Eventually Sato was sobbing against Ran's chest. "I missed you so much, Ran. I missed you so much!" She cried loudly, hiding away her tears while Ran caressed her head.

Ran let out a weak sigh. "Me too, Sugar. You can't even imagine how much I've missed you." She admitted while tightening her hold on her dear friend. The indigo-head was not only one of her few friends, but she was also the only person living outside the facility whom she trusted. If someone could help her, then it would be unmistakably Sato.

The indigo-head finally seemed to have calmed down and wiped away her tears. This is when she noticed the two boys standing behind Ran. She stared at the boys and then at the pink-head. Ran noticed her slight confusion and smiled.

"I still hadn't had the chance to introduce them. These are Pariah and Twintails, they decided to accompany me on this trip." Ran was getting so familiar (or maybe unfamiliar) with the boys that she didn't even bother to tell their real names.

"I'm Shindou Takuto. It's nice to meet you." Shindou decided to go before Kishibe as Ran had mentioned him first. He still found it weird that the pink-head was referring him the same as everyone else in the school, but for some reason it didn't sound much of an insult when it came from her mouth. After all she had been calling him that the whole time.

Kishibe followed closely after Shindou. "Oh, so you're the rumored Sat-chan. I'm Kishibe Taiga. Please take care of me from now on."

Sato raised her eyebrow.


Kishibe's eyes widened. "Well indeed, maybe it's rude for me to call you by first name yet. If it's the surname, then it would be…" He tried to recall the girls surname, only to realize he didn't know it.

"Zangeki. I'm Zangeki Sato."

"Then it would be Zan-chan." The violet-head eyes started to shine which made Ran to sigh in disbelieve as he rolled her eyes. How come this person was calling her by her first name, but instantly switched to surname when her friend didn't like it? She just couldn't understand what this person was thinking at all.

As the rest of them had already introduced themselves, the last person stepped forward. The boy had spiky navy blue hair, with two strands hanging from each side of his face. His eyes were teal in color and he had thick eyebrows.

"I'm Yukimura Hyouga. It's nice to meet you." He introduced himself to everyone.

Kishibe and Shindou stared at the boy with widened eyes. "Yukimura Hyouga? As in Yukimura Hyouga of Team Ice? The one who came in second at Kassen last year?"

"Please don't remind me of that defeat." Yukimura sounded slightly troubled of the comment and nervously massaged his neck. "It was our loss last year, but this time I'm not going to lose against Team Mist. That of course means that I'm going to win against you too, Kishibe and Shindou of Team Shore."

"You know about us?"

Yukimura laughed. "Of course I know about your team. In fact, you're quite infamous within the High Schools. There are rumors going on that your team could actually be on national level if not for the ouenshu who can't control his powers. What was his name again? I think it was Sh…"

"Don't dare to speak bad about Shin-chan. His powers are still little unstable, but with some training he'll learn to control them. We'll prove that by winning against you in the Kassen." Kishibe announced proudly and Shindou felt like crying.

First of all, he hadn't known that the fact of him being unable to control his powers had spread into the other schools. This made him seem even a bigger burden than he already was. He also hadn't been aware that Kishibe held such trust and respect toward him. Just hearing those words of encouragement made him want to cry and train even harder than usually. He needed to live up to Kishibe's expectations. He needed to show that Kishibe's trust wasn't in vain.

"Let's see how you'll do. I'll be waiting for you in the finals." Yukimura announced confidently and the talk went on.

Ran and Sato were staring as the boys talked how they would be the new champions of Kassen with serious expressions. Sato was biting her lip as she stared at the two boys so intense her eyebrows had furrowed. "Say, are those two any good? Can they fight?"

Without any second of hesitation Ran answered. "Yes, they can. I wouldn't have chosen them otherwise."

Her face was as straight as board, but Sato could feel that she was hiding something. Especially about the brown-haired youth who had been nicknamed Pariah. According to the rumors he couldn't even control his powers, so how could he be any good in battle?

Sato's face darkened for a split second. "We'll see about that, Orchid. We'll see about that."

"Did you say something?" Ran's sharp comment returned Sato back to the reality.

She shook her head repeatedly. "No it's nothing. Then, let's head to the house. I bet you three are tired from the trip. There's dinner and bath waiting for you guys." Sato smiled widely and lead the group towards the north exit of the airport.

Ran raised her eyebrow, but decided to ignore the slightly confusing behavior of her friend.

So-Yean entered the meeting room and sat on the chair that had officially been recognized as hers, as she was usually the leader of the conferences. Alice was sitting next to her and Chikka opposite of her. Out of the five seats, two were unoccupied.

The girls stared at the empty seats.

"This will be all of us for this time. Father summoned Yuuka-san to meet with him so she will not be able to join us this time. What comes to Sato…" So-Yean stared at the empty seat between Alice and Chikka. "We have not received any messages from her since her announcement about refusing to join the meetings. She also did not show up at Botany at all, even though she was supposed to hand out her report this weekend."

Alice and Chikka stared at the woman with surprised looks. "Does this mean?"

So-Yean closed her eyes as her expression remained serious. "Disobeying the orders are considered a treason and one must pay a big price for it. In Sato's case is too late, though. Since she's unwilling to cooperate with us, she is stripped from her position as one of the Heavenly Beakers."

"I kinda feel bad for her. If not for her loyalty towards Ran, we would've gotten along with her. She is a strong child after all." Alice commented while pulling her hair behind her ear. She was wearing a sincere smile, what made So-Yean wonder whether she was being serious with her words or not.

The young woman shook her head. It was meaningless to try to read Alice's expression, because her words and expression could be the total opposite. She was the type to completely seal her emotions and one could not figure out her feelings or mood by studying her expressions and behavior.

So-Yean then looked at the two beakers and continued the conversation. "Either way, since Sato is no longer a Heavenly Beaker, we need to find someone who can replace her." They had already on plate with Kirino's sudden disappearance and Ran's fleeing but rules weren't mean to be broken. If they were to strip Heavenly Beaker from her position, they also needed to find someone to replace her. Following the rules they were able to maintain absolute order.

Chikka's eyes started to sparkle with wishful expectations. "How will we do it?" She asked, her light pink eyes shining brighter than the sun itself. She was acting like a small child waiting for her favorite TV show to start.

So-Yean closed her eyes and spoke. "Father has instructed us to do it the same way as always. This is why we'll be holding Celestial Convent."

Yes, indeed.

Chikka was very, very excited.

A man with pinkish hair and in his fourties was finishing paper work in his office when the door suddenly opened. As a reflex, he looked up and saw a female with light pink hair tied up on high pigtails entering the room. The man put down the papers in his hands and smiled at the girl.

"Yuuka-kun, I've been waiting for you."

Yuuka waited for Matatagi to close the door behind them and when the brunette was standing next to her, they both greeted the head of the facility by bowing deep. The girl then stared at the man with stoic expression, not saying anything.

After the formalities, as all three were present, the pinkette's expression turned very serious and he leaned his elbows against the table while crossing his fingers before his face. His whole presence implied that he was going all offence.

"Now, Yuuka-kun. I would like to hear from your own mouth the reason why you decided to disobey orders?"

Not even flinching at the force that was targeted toward her, Yuuka questioned in stiff tone. "May I ask, what exactly have I done wrong?"

The mood in the room turned even more dangerous, but Yuuka seemed to be ignoring it completely. Matatagi could only watch from the sidelines as his beaker was facing off with the very soul of their facility. As far as he knew, no one who had dared to disobey orders had gotten out of it without punishment.

The pink-haired man's eyes widened. "Do you take me for a fool? Someone as educated and smart as you should be aware that I have eyes everywhere. I also do not tolerate betrayal."

Only people who were out of their minds would dare to go up against this man. He was very well aware how much power his words held and he was going to use that to the fullest.

"Master, that's-" Matatagi was about to speak but Yuuka interrupted him. She shook her head implying that she would take whatever he was going to throw at her.


Yuuka lowered her arm and took a step ahead. "Then, what's my punishment?"

A smug smirk appeared on the pinkette's face. He should have expected such levelheaded behavior from the oldest beaker. She was perfectly aware of her own position. She was more than a perfect follower.

"You really do know the rules, Yuuka-kun." Scientist Kirino Satoru, more commonly known as 'Father' within beakers, smirked. His eyes then glazed and turned toward Matatagi as he continued. "Throw her into the dungeon."

He was going to make sure that the girl would never disobey him again.

"I knew it, those uniforms fit you perfectly! None would even dare to doubt that you're from another school," Sato complimented Ran's group as they were showing around the school.

The trio from Inazuma Gakuen were all wearing sportswear of the Hakuren High. Sato had lent hers to Ran, Shindou was in Yukimura's and Kishibe had borrowed jersey from Koori Itsuki, who was the leader of Yukimura's team and also aware of the trio's background and the reason for their sudden appearance in Hakuren.

"I think you're overreacting." Ran commented blankly and then continued, "But well, as long as this works as a disguise to hide our presence anything is okay."

Sato gave her a curious look, but apparently decide not to reply to the remark. Instead she started to head towards their next location.

Sato, Yukimura and Koori were showing around the school to the Inazuma Gakuen trio, as it was their first time in the school-area. It was also a self-study lesson for both years, which was perfect opportunity to do some sightseeing. The students of Hakuren High took Ran and her group to the gymnasiums, where the engagement hall was also located.

"And this is our engagement hall. We should take a peek inside, because it is quite different from the one you have in IG." Sato smirked as she opened the door to the engagement hall. Ran wondered why exactly they needed to see the inside, because no matter what Sato was telling, the blueprints of the engagement halls were the same. If you had seen one hall, you had seen them all.

Also, what the heck was IG? Since when the girl had started to speak in abbreviations?

The gang entered the engagement hall, unaware of the danger they would face as soon as they stepped inside. The very moment the doors were closed behind them; the lights also went off.

"What?" Shindou freaked.

"What is this?" Kishibe spoke at the same time.

The two boys didn't even manage to move an inch, when the lights were turned back on again.

It was then, when Shindou and Kishibe finally realized exactly what was going on. Ran had disappeared from their side and instead she was in Sato's arms being knocked unconscious. Meanwhile Yukimura and Koori were standing before Sato in defensive stances, ready to protect the girl whenever needed.

Shindou and Kishibe immediately switched to offensive stances. They did not understand what was going on, but they didn't really need to. They had only one mission and that was to keep Ran safe, even if it meant that they had to fight against her supposed friends.

Sato noticed the protective looks on the boys faces and smirked smugly. "Now let me see how strong you really are, oh so might Knights of Orchid."

She then threw her arm high in the air.

"Hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, Jan-ken-pon!"

A/N: Yai! We're finally in Hokkaido! The plot is finally moving! No battle this time, but we'll see one in next chapter!

Note: Sato's real name is written 愛里 where 里 means village. Ran calls her Sugar, what sounds the same in Japanese, but is actually written 砂糖.

Happening In Next Chapter - Beaker Six: Proof
Shindou and Kishibe are in dire situation. Sato wants a proof of their strength and now they have to battle members of Team White two-on-two. What do they do when going up against guys who are only second to Yukimura and Koori? Botany isn't safe of difficulties either. The news about Sato and the new Celestial Convent have reached the ears of the beakers and not everyone is excited about it. Heavenly Beakers also discover that Sato is keeping Ran under her protection and discuss who to send there to recover her. That's when an unexpected figure joins the conversation and tells that he will go. Who is it and what he's doing there?