Chapter 19: Epilogue

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

Leah never dreamed she could be this happy. It was almost sinful. She and Jacob had their own little apartment, and they were still going to school together. Even though money was a little tight, they didn't feel the least bit deprived. They had each other, and that's what counted.

It seemed funny, but the fact that Sam had left her, turned out to be a blessing in her life. She wondered if Sam could have made her feel as complete and loved as Jacob did. She just couldn't see how. Jacob was her world now—her sun in the morning, and her moon at night.

Her happiness was all encompassing except for one little chink in her heart … Daniel. Occasionally, she thought about that incident at Willow Creek, when poor Daniel confessed that he had imprinted on her. How he must've felt as she told him she had chosen Jacob! She would never forget the look on his face as she said the words that crushed him, or the sight as he phased and ran in the opposite direction, leading his pack away from the girl that would have made his existence meaningful. His howls of despair still rang in her ears at times. Would he ever move on?

Jacob was working late at the garage one night when the phone rang.

"Hey, Leah."

She suddenly dropped down on a kitchen chair. "Danny?"

"In person. How long has it been? Ten … eleven months."

"At least. How are you?" Please tell me you're okay.

"I'm great. That's why I'm calling. I found someone. Her name's Janelle Tijinny. Of course, she's not you. There's only one Leah Clearwater. Oh sorry, I heard you got married a while back, so I guess it's Leah Black, huh?

"Anyway, she's managed to fill up the hole you left in my heart. I can honestly say that I love her."

"Oh, Danny. I'm so glad you found her. How did it happen?"

"Three months after you left Ozette, Mary had a new roommate, Sharon, moving in. Your cousin, Mark and I had helped to unload the truck. Her friend, Janelle, came with her. We just kind of clicked, and you know me …" He laughed. "I fed her the same line I gave you. Only she fell for it, a lot faster than you did. You were a tough nut to crack.

"Anyway, we saw a lot of each other, because actually, she lived right down the street from my Antique shop, in Sekiu.

"She makes me happy, Leah, so you don't have to feel guilty anymore about turning me down."

Leah stood up, the phone scrunched between her shoulder and her ear, and went to the fridge, to pull out some food for a hungry Jacob when he got home from work. "Oh, c'mon, Donny. I never felt guilty, just sad that you would be alone, and suffering from a broken heart. But, really, it wasn't my fault that you imprinted on me."

"It wasn't mine either; it was my insane wolf genes."

"You know, it just amazes me how you boys always blame that wolf gene for your problems."

"Comes in handy. Well, I guess that's all. I'm planning on proposing soon. Can you and Jacob make it to our wedding when it comes to that?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Good … Take care, Leah."

"Bye, Danny."


A few months later, Jacob and Leah were at the nuptials, and Leah was almost jealous of the bride. Janelle was beautiful, and of course, Daniel was right off the pages of Esquire.

Daniel sidled up to the couple, and winking at Leah, commented. "The first thing I did when I went out with this girl was to make sure that I didn't remind her of anyone." They both laughed.

Just then, Janelle approached them and touching the sleeve of Daniel's jacket, said, "I didn't know you had a brother."

Daniel grinned. "I don't. Jan, meet Jacob Black, my doppelganger."

A year passed, and things looked good. Leah was pregnant, but not with puppies this time. She was trying to get closer to the sink, her pregnant belly making it difficult. Jacob complained, as he wiped a dish dry, "Jeez, all this waiting is a pain. I can't stand to wait this long."

Leah was cranky, along with being pregnant. "Well, at least you know what's going to happen next month. I had no idea how long I'd have to wait for you to come around. I had to leave La Push to get you to see the light."

"I'm an idiot, I know, but I'm just excited to meet my child. Don't be mad; I guess I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

Spreading her arms out away from her mid section, she whined, "Well, you should be. Look what you've done to me."

One week earlier than expected, Liam Harold Black came wailing into the world. He was in a hurry to see his mom and dad. He didn't want to wait either. Jeez, it ran in the family.

The End—for real, this time.