Oh, no! Blossom's gotten amnesia! After a fight with Fuzzy Lumpkins goes awry, Blossom's memory has gone blank! She can't remember who she is, who her friends are, and worst of all, she can't remember Luke! With Luke heartbroken, and the others hoping for something to go right, the team is hoping that Blossom recovers her memory – and FAST!
Blossom's Blank Memory Banks!
It was just a beautiful, typical day in New Townsville, and all was normal…
"GRAAHH!" A voice hollered.
The source of the voice was Fuzzy Lumpkins; he was a pink monster in overalls, had a large, purple nose, green antennae, and looked like a hillbilly.
He was running around, rampaging, and making handprints in anything and everything. The handprints were large, and they were causing traffic jams, safety hazards, etc., and needless to say, it had to stop before anyone got seriously hurt.
"Sheesh, Fuzzy seems extra upset today." Bridgette said, as she and her friends were flying overhead, looking at the damage that Fuzzy had – and still was – creating.
"Anyway, let's get this over with." Buttercup griped.
"Let's do it, girls!" Blossom said, as she took out her yo-yo.
"Bursting Bubbles!" Bubbles hollered, as she blew a large amount of bubbles out of her large wand and directed them at Fuzzy.
They all snapped as they hit Fuzzy in the face and in the back, and this got his attention.
"Why y'all little…" Fuzzy began, angry.
"Fuzzy, you really need to get a different routine," Bridgette criticized. "You really have no sense of originality. Or is that all of the monsters?"
"I don't know, but what I do know is that this has to stop." Blossom said, as she raised her yo-yo.
Fuzzy jumped really high to get to eye level with the girls, and tried to give them an arm thrust. However, the girls flew out of the way, and Bridgette kicked him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground.
"Yo-Yo Attack!" Blossom shouted, as she hit Fuzzy in the head with her yo-yo.
Retracting her yo-yo, Blossom said, "Buttercup, your turn!"
"Right!" Buttercup said, as she tried to fly in to hit Fuzzy on the head, only for Fuzzy to grab the hammer by the handle and throw Buttercup off-balance.
"Whoa!" Buttercup shouted, as she tumbled and fell to the ground.
Blossom once again tried to use her yo-yo to lasso Fuzzy. She flew in to try and get an aim on him. She took out her yo-yo, and readied to attack.
"Rode-Yo-Yo!" Blossom shouted, as she turned her yo-yo string into a lasso and then she tried to aim at Fuzzy. However, Fuzzy turned around, grabbed the lasso, and pulled Blossom in with a flick of his wrist. He was smirking.
Blossom knew she was in trouble. She was immediately flying face-first towards Fuzzy, and then Fuzzy threw an arm-thrust in Blossom's face; she was really hit hard. She was thrown very far, very fast, and she crashed headfirst into a brick wall, causing a gaping hole in the wall, and she was lying in the pile of debris.
"BLOSSOM!" The girls shouted, as they flew over to their friend to see if she was okay.
Doing a check on her, Bridgette concluded, "She's out cold. That hit to the head must of hurt. It doesn't seem like a concussion or anything, but still…"
"We gotta get her some help!" Buttercup said, as he was looking over her friend. "She could be in major trouble!"
"That's true, and she's our friend. But we also have Fuzzy to stop!" Bubbles said, as she looked back and saw Fuzzy was continuing to rampage. "What do we do?"
"Bridgette, you're our leader at times like this," Buttercup said, putting Bridgette on the spot. "What's your call?"
The girls had come to an agreement that Blossom was their legitimate leader. However, they also agreed that whenever Blossom was unable to take the lead, Bridgette would take over. They knew that Bridgette was unmatched in terms of pure brainpower, instinct, memory, and heightened tactical prowess amongst the four of them. However, since Blossom was the first of the girls to be created, she was the leader by default, but now unanimously accepted by the team. Bridgette was designated as second-in-command, and she certainly knew how to be a leader.
"Bubbles, put Blossom in one of your larger bubbles to use as a makeshift gurney, and get her back to the lab, STAT!" Bridgette said, as she turned back to Fuzzy. "Buttercup and I will take care of this guy."
"Okay!" Bubbles said, as she soon created a very large bubble about one and a half times Blossom's height in diameter, before putting Blossom inside.
Using her staff, she lifted the giant bubble and started to herd the bubble all the way back the lab, in a big hurry.
"Okay, so now that that's taken care of," Bridgette said, as she and Buttercup looked back and saw Fuzzy continuing to destroy the city. "Let's crush this roach."
"I'm with you!" Buttercup said, as she and Bridgette got fired up.
"Steel Slice!" Bridgette hollered, slashing a large, pink energy blast with her sword, only for it merely push Fuzzy back about a meter, not really hurt him or knock him off.
Fuzzy did an arm thrust into the ground and then caused an earthquake; the shock waves caused the girls to stumbled around in mid-air.
"Brute force doesn't seem to want to cooperate with us! That's my usual thing." Buttercup said.
"You're right," Bridgette said, as she saw what Buttercup was talking about. "Every time we attack directly, it just bounces off or doesn't do as much damage as we would like."
"If only he was lighter than air! Then we could lift him like nothing! Sure, I can lift the professor's truck with one hand without a problem, but this guy is much heavier!" Buttercup said.
An anime light bulb appeared above Bridgette's head and said, "Buttercup, that's perfect! We'll combine my "Swornado" and your "Hurricane Hammer" to create a wind funnel and lift Fuzzy!"
Buttercup smiled, and then she and Bridgette went back to back, as if on instinct on how to perform the combination move.
Buttercup held out her hammer in front of her, while Bridgette held her swords out to the side, being mindful of Buttercup.
Fuzzy was starting to throw debris everywhere, which included rocks at the girls, and other dangerously large items around the area.
"Three, two, one, go!" Bridgette shouted, as she and Buttercup started to spin at high speed.
The tornado they created was a combination of pink and green, and it had a serrated edge to it. They were also creating a very powerful wind in itself. The girls were concentrating on the spin and preventing themselves from getting dizzy by keeping their eyes closed.
"Ready?" Bridgette asked, as she was ready to attack.
"Go!" Buttercup said, as she and Bridgette got to their new move.
The girls, still in their wind funnel, landed on the ground and made their way to Fuzzy. Fuzzy was shocked to see a pink and green, serrated tornado coming right at him. The wind was so powerful that it sucked him in to the funnel, and then spat him out in the air. He was covered in scratches and cuts before the girls broke the tornado.
"Now!" Bridgette said, as she used the signal to get Buttercup to attack.
"Megaton Hammer!" Buttercup shouted, as she used her hammer like a baseball back and knocked Fuzzy out of the park.
Once Fuzzy was gone, Bridgette and Buttercup sighed in relief.
"Now that that's over, let's hurry to the lab to check on Blossom!" Bridgette said, as she started to fly to the lab.
Buttercup followed suit, but neither one of them knew what happened to Blossom.
Meanwhile, Bubbles was pacing around outside the door to the lab; she was waiting on the girls, but she was a little nervous about how she was going to tell the girls what really happened to Blossom.
Sadly for Bubbles, her gal-pals were not the ones she had to really worry about. She had called someone else in, but she was concerned how she was going to break the news to this person in particular.
"What am I going to say to them?" Bubbles inquired, as she got a little nervous; she was still pacing, waiting for her friends, as well as this other person.
She looked to the door to the laboratory room and she swallowed a lump in her throat. What she experienced in there made her feel a major shock to the system, much to her concern. She started to sweat, and Bubbles tried to breathe.
"Bubbles!" Buttercup shouted, as she and Bridgette started running down the hall to catch up to their friend.
"Girls…" Bubbles said, looking at her friends with worry.
"How's Blossom?" Bridgette asked, as she reached for the doorknob.
However, Bubbles grabbed Bridgette's wrist, gently, and shook her head. Bridgette looked at Bubbles in confusion before getting Bubbles to take her hand off. She turned to Bubbles, and then raised an eyebrow.
"You really shouldn't go in there right now." Bubbles said, as she tried to dissuade her friends from going into the lab.
"Why not? Blossom is in there; we need to be there for her!" Buttercup said, also making her way to the door.
"No! Don't go in there!" Bubbles said, barricading the door by getting in front of it. "She won't recognize you! She doesn't recognize me, either!"
"What do you mean?" Bridgette asked, before starting to connect the dots in her mind. "You don't mean…?"
Bubbles nodded.
"No…" Bridgette said, as her eyes went wide.
"BUBBLES! GIRLS!" A male voice shouted, and the girls turned around to see Luke, frantic, and running down the hall towards them.
"You called in Luke?!" Buttercup asked. "You know how he gets when it comes to Blossom!"
"What choice did I have? Better he finds out right now before he learns third-hand." Bubbles said, trying to calm down her friends.
"She's right." Bridgette said, as she crossed her arms.
"Bubbles, you said that Blossom was hurt in a fight with Fuzzy?!" Luke asked, as he made a grab for the door.
The girls, afraid of his reaction, held him back, with Buttercup blocking him from the front, desperate to keep him from finding out the truth.
"Luke! Don't go in there! Don't barge in like that!" Buttercup said, as she tried to push on Luke's chest.
"But Blossom's hurt! I have to check on my girl!" Luke said, frantic.
"She won't recognize you!" Bubbles said, trying to calm Luke down; she was yanking on his free arm.
"Bubbles isn't kidding!" Bridgette said, as she tried to pull him by the back of his shirt.
Luke brushed them off before opening the door in anxiety. The girls walked in after him, trying to get him to relax.
There was Blossom, in blankets, shivering, scared, and looking very confused.
"Blossom? Are you… okay?" Bubbles asked.
Blossom merely looked at the group, before tears started to form in her eyes.
"Who are you?!" Blossom asked, in a shout of confusion and fear.
Hearing this statement, the situation was clear: somehow, the injury to the head from Fuzzy's attack induced amnesia in Blossom. The girls had already put the pieces together, but it was still a very big shock to them.
The Professor and Ken came into the room; the Professor, putting on a nice act of acting as a professional doctor, put a gentle hand on Blossom's shoulder before giving her a smile.
"Blossom, these three girls are your best friends. The blonde is Bubbles, the tomboy is Buttercup, and the brunette is Bridgette. They're all your friends." The Professor said, calmly.
Blossom managed to relax a bit, before turning to the girls.
"You… remember us, right?" Bridgette asked, calmly.
"Remember you? I don't know who you are! Heck, I don't even know who I am!" Blossom said. "All I know is that my name is Blossom and I woke up in this place all of a sudden."
The girls merely looked at each other in shock. However, out of the entire group, the one who was in the most shock was Luke himself.
His eyebrow began to twitch, as he was in complete disbelief of what he was hearing.
"Blossom… Please…" Luke said, as he slowly went over to Blossom's bed. Blossom, seeing his face, flinched. "Surely, you haven't forgotten me, as well, right?"
Blossom scooted back in fear, and she then pulled the blanket up to herself.
"Wh-Who are you?!" Blossom demanded, scared.
"It's me… Luke… Your boyfriend." Luke said, trying to stay calm, and hoping that he was merely in a nightmare.
Looking him over, Blossom's eyes went wide; Luke smiled, hopeful that she remembered. However, those hopes were soon to be dashed.
"Why would I have a boyfriend who looks like you?! You could be a yakuza for all I know!" Blossom shouted, turning away.
This was like a bullet in Luke's heart. Hearing this, he backed off, slowly, as if in shock, before tears were beginning to form in his eyes.
The girls looked at Luke, as he turned away, his face wavering between shock and sadness. He grit his teeth before dashing out of the room. He was careful not to slam the door.
"It figures that Luke would be in this much shock." Bridgette said.
Buttercup and Bubbles nodded in agreement, before looking over to Blossom, in concern. Seeing that their leader and friend was out of commission, they had no idea how to go about things until Blossom recovered her memories.
Luke, an emotional wreck, ran out of the lab in a hurry, tears flowing from his eyes. He ran the streets in agony, not caring where he was going. He ran up a hill, and Luke looked out to the cityscape. Seeing the beauty of the city with the sunset as a backdrop, Luke's eyes grew heavy with tears and his mouth trembled.
Lifting his head, Luke screamed in heartbreak and pain. He began crying, he fell to his knees, and started pounding on the ground. Luke was so sad, and he felt like he had been shot in the heart.
As tears fell from Luke's face and onto the ground, he kept on crying, and apparently, his heartbreak made him lose track of time.
After what seemed to be a few hours, Luke, still a wreck, arrived back home, and opened the door.
His grandmother came to the door, and said, "Luke Armstrong, it's nearly ten at night; where have you…"
However, once she saw the look on her grandson's face, her face fell in concern.
Luke ran into his grandmother's arms and started to sob. Seeing this, Karen merely stroked the top of Luke's head, trying to comfort him.
"What happened?" Karen asked.
"Well…" Luke began, before explaining everything that happened. "…And now she's forgotten everything! Even me…"
Luke went back to sobbing, feeling like his heart was breaking into pieces.
"Luke…" Karen said.
"I've been in way too much pain over my life! First dad gets KIA, mom dies of leukemia, then Amy leaves the same way! And finally… Blossom has forgotten everything! Me, included…" Luke then started to bawl in agony; he felt like his world was falling apart.
"Luke, pull yourself together!" Karen said, as she looked her grandson in the eye.
Luke choked up, before letting his tears fall without any sound or cries.
"Luke… Your parents and sister are never coming back; you and I both know that," Karen said, trying to help Luke understand that the situation had a difference. "I know you're going through yet another loss, but Blossom isn't gone in the same way."
"Grandmother… But Blossom doesn't remember me… She doesn't remember anything! It breaks my heart to know that the one I love the most doesn't know who I am anymore!" Luke said, sad, before sobbing on his grandmother once again.
"She's going to remember, Luke," Karen said. "Just give it time. This is the difference between those losses and now. This one is only temporary."
Hearing these reassuring words, Luke felt a little better. Karen just hugged Luke, telling him to let it all out and let him cry.
Luke went back to sobbing and crying his heart out from the sadness of losing his girlfriend to memory loss.
Meanwhile, the girls – with the exception of Blossom – were worried about what was going on. They were all at home, getting ready to get some sleep, but they opened up a communicator chat with their belt buckles.
"Blossom can't remember a thing…" Bubbles said. "Chances are, she won't remember her family or her superpowers."
"Ken, Poochi, and the Professor are going to give her over to her family to keep her surroundings familiar in an attempt to help her recover her memories faster," Buttercup said. "I don't know if that will work, but it can't hurt to try."
"But the one who's hurt the most by this is Luke," Bridgette said. "This is going to be so much harder on him than the rest of us."
"But shouldn't it only be a temporary problem?" Bubbles asked.
"It should be," Bridgette said. "But I hope Luke can find a way to win her over again in a way that doesn't scare her. The sooner she remembers, the better it will be for all of us. Luke, especially."
"Knowing him, he's taking this harder than the rest of us." Buttercup commented, in agreement with Bridgette.
"In the meantime, I'll take the lead for the team," Bridgette said. "This is until Blossom recovers her memories."
The girls nodded in agreement before hanging up their buckles and calling it a night.
As far as the girls knew, each day was going to be a long day for them, with Blossom being out of commission until she got her memories back. However, they all knew that Luke was the one who was suffering the most.
Luke, back at his house, had cried himself to sleep, hoping that he would wake up from the nightmare as soon as the sun came back up.
Once the day broke, the town seemed to be perfectly normal, minus the fact that there were no monster attacks, yet. The girls were on their toes so that way they could take care of monster attacks without Blossom. They were crossing their fingers in hopes that they would have a quiet day.
Meanwhile, Luke was at a flower shop, looking at baskets of flowers. He was hoping to find Blossom's favorites, as a way to jog her memory. Luke also intended on sending said flowers as a gift to Blossom as a way to help her get comfortable with him again, in the event that she were to never remember.
"Aha!" Luke said, as he found what he was looking for. He smiled brightly, as he picked up two baskets that were identical to one another and brought them over to the register.
He looked at the time, and thought it would be perfect timing; he would drop the flowers off at Blossom's house, then head home to help his grandmother clean the house. He felt he needed something constructive to do as a way to help him cope.
According to the florist, the flowers would be at Blossom's house within a few hours, and Luke held hope that this would be the first step in helping Blossom regain her memories.
"Thank you…" Luke said, paying the bill, including the delivery fee, before leaving the florist's.
A few hours later, with Blossom, she was wearing her pink bathrobe, while lying in her bed. She felt somewhat comfortable with her surroundings. They felt familiar to her, and that enough was reassuring. She had been reintroduced to her family, and they treated her as if she was a member of the family.
While the beginning of it was annoying, Blossom managed to grow more comfortable around her family.
"So… These are pictures of me and my friends…" Blossom said, as she looked through a photo album.
Her mother had brought several photo albums up to Blossom's bedroom for her to read through. There were Blossom's baby pictures, amongst other things, and Blossom was intrigued to see how many photos of her and her life there were. She looked so happy.
"Wow…" Blossom said, as she kept looking through. She had no idea this was how her life was.
She opened the photo album of the most recent photos. She saw photos of her with her friends, so she decided to put the pieces together.
"So… Bubbles and Buttercup have been my friends for at least two years…" Blossom said, feeling goose bumps going all over her body. "From the looks of things, Bridgette only came in within the last few months."
As Blossom was looking through the albums, trying to make sense of things, she stumbled upon one section of the book that made her eyes snap open faster than a cheetah on the run.
It was several pictures of her and Luke together. Seeing this, she looked through the photos and she kept her eyes on her body language in the pictures.
"He looks so happy… And so do I…" Blossom said, as she looked at the pictures. "If I have pictures of him in this album, then I must be able to trust him… He said he's my boyfriend."
Out of nowhere, Blossom's mother opened the door, carrying two flower baskets in her hands. One of them had a card on it.
"These just arrived for you, Blossom," Blossom's mother said, before giving the flower baskets to Blossom. "Someone must be wanting to wish you well."
Blossom's mother then left the room; she knew to give Blossom her privacy, especially when her memory was blank.
"Wow… Why do these flowers make me so happy?" Blossom inquired.
She saw that the flowers were stargazer lilies, red roses, and lilies of the valley in both of the baskets. There was a card that accompanied them.
She took the card out, and opened it. It said:
How are you feeling? I hope you are doing better. You may not remember this,
but I'm your boyfriend, Luke. I sent you these flowers as a way to wish you well. I also hope to take you out on a date tomorrow. Please call me with your answer; the number is in your contacts on your phone. If you wish to take me up on this offer, I will pick you up tomorrow at 9 AM.
Love and sincerity,
Luke Armstrong'
Blossom blushed as she felt her heartstrings tug a bit. Her gut was telling her to trust Luke. So, taking a deep breath, she took out her cell phone, and looked through her contacts. She found Luke's name, and called the number.
Meanwhile, Luke had called Cody, and they were at the park, sitting on the bench at the top of the hill, each drinking a soda.
Amongst the boys, Luke viewed Cody as his best friend. For one thing, they were the oldest of the boys, and they were both shunned or ostracized for their physical appearance for a long period of time. In the case of Luke, he was merely born with his intimidating looks. Meanwhile, Cody had brought it upon himself with his impatience and desire to be free from the hospital. Both boys also managed to find love in a girl who could see past their exteriors. In Cody's case, it was more of a fairytale than anything; many parallels were drawn between his and Bubbles' story, and "Beauty And The Beast", because Cody was a werewolf, and therefore was the 'beast' of the scenario, and Bubbles was the 'beauty', because she knew who he really was deep down, and managed to get through to him. As a result, Cody was able to turn back into human form.
Because of the similar love stories the boys had, Cody and Luke became really close friends with each other, and also the most trusted confidants of one another.
"So, Bubbles filled me in on everything," Cody said, as he took a sip of his soda. "Blossom has amnesia?"
"Yes," Luke said, sighing sadly. "Of all things for me to go through, it's yet another loss!"
Luke crushed his empty soda with one hand before tossing it into the recycling bin.
"Sheesh, that must be hard," Cody said. "You'd think that you were cursed to never find love…"
Cody realized that he had put his foot in his mouth when he saw Luke getting even more depressed. Dark clouds hovered over Luke while blue depression lines were down his face. Scrambling to correct course, Cody started to stammer before he managed to collect a few thoughts.
"Oh, um, I mean… Blossom's amnesia is only temporary, and it's not like she'll fall for another while she's in her own house! Look at me; it took me nine years to be reunited with Bubbles outside of the hospital… And as a human, not a werewolf," Cody said, as he tried to calm Luke down. "I know how you feel. So, don't lose heart; she'll remember, but it's just a matter of when."
"My grandmother said the same thing…" Luke said. "I can only hope that she'll accept my invitation."
Luke's cell phone started ringing, and then he took out his phone absentmindedly. Seeing Blossom's name on the caller ID, his eyes bugged out, and his attention was fully focused on Blossom.
"It's Blossom!" Luke said, smiling.
"Pick up! I'll keep quiet." Cody said, happy for Luke.
Taking the call, Luke cleared his throat, and said, politely, "Hello?"
"Um… Hello. This is Luke, right?" Blossom said uncertainly.
"Yes, it is," Luke said. "Did you like the flowers?"
"Yes, I loved them," Blossom said. "So… about your invitation…"
"Oh, yes?" Luke asked, eager to hear her answer, but at the same time scared to hear it.
"…It's a date." Blossom timidly told him.
"Really?" Luke asked, feeling his heart flutter. He smiled broadly. "Then as the card said, I'll pick you up at 9 AM tomorrow!"
"Thank you." Blossom said, before hanging up.
"Yahoo!" Luke shouted, as he jumped, pumped a fist in the air, and then landed. He felt his whole world become complete again, but at the same time, he knew that he was not out of the woods quite yet.
"Nice one, dude!" Cody said, as he and Luke shared a high-five with each other.
"I'm going to take her to all of her favorite places and have her eat all of her favorite sweets," Luke said. "Maybe that will jog her memory in time."
"What do you mean 'in time'?" Cody asked.
"In case she gets an alert." Luke said.
Cody then released exactly what Luke was talking about: Luke's objective was to help Blossom regain her memories before the call for the PowerPuff Girls Z came again.
"Gotcha," Cody said, before patting Luke on the back. "Go for it, man."
That afternoon, Blossom was looking around in her closet, trying to find the right outfit to wear for her date. She saw a lot of stuff in reds and pinks, but she felt like it was not quite right. Blossom decided to go downstairs and ask her mother for advice.
"Mom…?" Blossom asked, as she came into the kitchen. "Can you help me with something?"
"Yes, Blossom?" Blossom's mother inquired.
"Um… I have a date with Luke tomorrow…" Blossom said. "But… I don't know what to wear."
"Oh, so you're already reconnecting with your boyfriend!" Blossom's mother said, glowing with excitement. "Come on, I'll help you!"
Blossom's mother dashed upstairs, with Blossom in tow.
In the bedroom, Blossom and her mother were sorting through all of the clothes Blossom had in her closet.
"This is perfect! Luke is the kind of boy who doesn't like his girl showing skin to other people but himself, so this is just what you need." Blossom's mother said.
She pulled out a red blouse with wrist-length, ruffled sleeves and a ruffled hem, and the skirt that came with it was tiered, red, ruffled, and it went below the knees by about a centimeter.
"This is Luke's preferred look, especially in tomorrow's weather," Blossom's mother said. "This will be perfect."
Blossom took the outfit in her hand and then she examined it. She thought that maybe she should just leave things be and use the outfit. Blossom decided to just take her mother's word for it and give it a shot.
'If I go on a date with Luke, then maybe I can… Maybe I can recover some of my memories.' Blossom thought, as she put the outfit down on her bed before giving it a once-over.
She looked out the window to see two birds standing next to each other on a tree branch. Looking at it, Blossom felt that she was going in the right direction.
Luke, on the other hand, was having a much easier time picking out clothes for the date and he even had a plan laid out to help Blossom recover her memory.
"This is going to be perfect!" Luke said, as he had a list of all of Blossom's favorite treats. "I'll feed her all of her favorite sweets, and maybe she'll remember a few things."
Luke felt his heart swell with anticipation of the coming day, but kept his belt buckle on just in case he was called in for backup; he could not be too careful.
"Just you wait, sweetheart," Luke said, referring to Blossom. "You'll remember me soon enough! And when your memories are back, it will be a blissful reunion for us!"
Luke was so overwhelmed by the idea of the emotional reunion that he could not think straight the rest of the day.
Getting in contact with Bubbles, Cody relayed the events of the day to her. Bubbles took the initiative and called up the girls in another compact chat that night.
"So they have a date tomorrow; big whoop." Buttercup said, ever the tomboy.
"Buttercup, don't you get it?!" Bridgette said, over the compact. "This is not only a chance for Luke to reconnect with Blossom, but he's also taking advantage of the situation to try and help her regain her memories!"
"Bridgette's right," Bubbles said. "Sometimes the best way to jog a memory is to experience the memory all over again; Luke's trying to help Blossom get her memory back by giving her all of her favorite sweets. Sometimes food is connected to memory."
"I get it, I get it…" Buttercup said. "Don't get all sappy with me."
"What if Ricardo got amnesiac?!" Bridgette inquired. "You'd be devastated, too."
"She has a point." Bubbles said.
"Anyway, let's call it a night; the longer we're up, the worse it will be for us. We just have to hope that all goes well tomorrow." Bridgette said.
The girls ended the chat before going to sleep.
The next day, at eight thirty in the morning, Blossom was already up; she had eaten her breakfast, and was brushing her hair and putting it in her ponytail. While it felt familiar and normal to her, she still found it odd that she wore her hair in that manner.
"So… I wonder if Luke will like me like this… Or if he's just molding me into what he wants…" Blossom said, wondering aloud. She then shook her head. "No, no, no! That can't be it…"
Meanwhile, Luke was getting ready, as well. He was up in his bedroom, putting on his chosen outfit. Luke took out some hair gel and used it to slick his hair back; he thought it would look more appropriate, especially since he was going out with a girl with amnesia.
He also had some of his late father's cologne bottles littered all over the vanity. He tested them out, but out of the thirteen-something bottles, the second one he tried was the one he liked the best. Luke spritzed a bit on, and then he also put on some deodorant.
"Perfect," Luke said, as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Blossom will surely remember me soon."
He also had a large wad of cash in his bag that he slung over his shoulder. Luke smiled at the amount of money he had, and knew that he would be able to purchase at least one or two of Blossom's favorite treats.
He saw that he had a little while before he had to go to Blossom's house. Luke knew how long it took to get from his house to Blossom's by foot, so he decided to take a little time to go over his plan to get Blossom's memories back. He did not know if it was going to work, but Luke felt that even a few memories about him coming back would be better than her not remembering him at all.
"Now to get going…" Luke said, as he made his way to the door and soon got outside to go and head over to Blossom's house.
Meanwhile, the other girls had called each other up, and they were all hoping for the same thing: Blossom's memories to return.
"I hope things go well…" Bubbles said, looking out her window.
About half an hour later, Luke was at Blossom's house. Blossom had been ready for a while now, and Luke was anxious to start. He knocked on the door, and then after a few minutes, Blossom came out of her house, wearing the outfit that she and her mother had decided on the night before.
"Hi, Luke…" Blossom said, blushing a little bit. "Um… you look good."
"You look great, too," Luke said, as he blushed, looking at how cute Blossom looked in her clothes. "Shall we?"
Holding out his arm, Blossom locked arms with him and they started to walk out to their first destination: Annie's restaurant.
At Annie's place, Annie was working hard, as always, and she had Jason helping out in the front with the service, while Annie herself was in the back, cooking.
"Business really has boomed lately, hasn't it?" Annie said, as she came out of the back to check on Jason.
"It sure has, Annie!" Jason said, as he came up to Annie and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
The door to the restaurant opened and then Luke and Blossom came in.
"Oh, hello, Luke, Blossom!" Annie said, as the aforementioned sat at a table.
"Um…" Blossom said, before looking away, shyly.
Luke made a 'come here' motion with his hand, and then Annie leaned in. Luke whispered in Annie's ear, and then Annie's eyes went wide with surprise.
"Okay… Amnesia, huh?" Annie said, muttering.
"Yes. So, what's the thing that Blossom orders here the most? I'm thinking that if I have her eat all of her favorite sweets today, that might jog her memory." Luke whispered back.
"Her favorite is the whirly cakes with beanie berry jam." Annie said.
"Then we'll each have one of those." Luke said.
"You're ordering for me?" Blossom asked, a little put-off.
"If you eat something that's familiar to you, I'm sure your memory will return soon." Luke said, with a smile.
Blossom nodded, knowing that Luke had an idea to help her get her memory back.
Annie brought out the whirly cakes, and soon, Luke was digging in to his food.
Blossom hesitated before cutting a piece of her cake out and onto her fork. She lifted it up to her mouth, and then she looked up at Luke.
Luke, seeing that Blossom was distracted, smiled before telling her, "Eat it. Its really good stuff."
"Okay…" Blossom said, as she then took a bite. Her eyes went wide before she smiled. "Delicious!"
Blossom did not seem to remember anything after that, but she kept eating her cake. After what seemed to be the third bite, she froze in shock.
Her brain showed her a memory in her eyes. She remembered the first time she ate the same cake with Bubbles and Buttercup during their first year as the PowerPuff Girls Z.
Blossom shook her head in response before saying, "Did I… I remember something…?"
Hearing this, Luke snapped his face up before saying, a little over-eagerly, "What did you remember?"
"I don't remember when… But Buttercup, Bubbles, and I ate this exact cake here one time, right?" Blossom said.
"Yes." Luke said, with mixed emotions.
He was happy that a memory of Blossom's came back, but he was also sad that it was not a memory of him.
'The day is young; I still have time.' Luke thought, as he kept eating.
Luke was determined to get Blossom to remember at least one thing about him. He hoped that the first memory of him that came back was that he was her boyfriend. Luke kept his eye on the prize without trying to get carried away.
Meanwhile, the girls had met up at the lab to talk over Luke's objective.
"Knowing him, he'll be himself," Bubbles said. "He'll be doing what he can to help Blossom remember."
"I just hope she recovers her memories in time; if we get an alert for the PowerPuff Girls, we're in trouble. We have a hard enough time these days with just three of us." Bridgette said, looking out the window.
"We can call in one of the boys for backup." Buttercup suggested.
"True, but the city has been quiet lately," Bubbles said. "I hope we can go through today without any trouble."
"Don't jinx it." Bridgette said.
Meanwhile, about half an hour had passed after their visit to Annie's restaurant. Luke and Blossom were walking down the sidewalk through town; Luke was holding Blossom's hands.
Blossom was trying to keep an open mind while trying to make an effort to remember something.
'I remembered that one time with Bubbles and Buttercup… But what about my other friends?' Blossom asked herself, as she felt a little confused about how she was going to get her memory back through this method.
Sensing Blossom's anxiety, Luke soon found himself in front of Blossom's favorite cake stand. They were selling Blossom's second-favorite chocolate cake; the ones Bridgette made were her first.
"Want some?" Luke asked.
"Yes!" Blossom said, smiling. "Wait, but…"
"You're still a sweets glutton, aren't you?" Luke asked, as he laughed happily.
Blossom blushed, but Luke went up and ordered two pieces of the cake; he brought them over to Blossom, and he handed her one.
Blossom was a little upset that he would always order for her, but since he ordered something that made her happy back at Annie's, she decided to trust his judgment.
Seeing the chocolate cake in Luke's hands, Blossom's eyes sparkled as she took the treat. She took a bite, and then she smiled brightly, before saying, "Yum! This is great!"
Her mind then went blank for a second, as Blossom flashed back again. This time, it was of her and Kasey, always squabbling over who got the last piece of chocolate cake whenever there were an odd number of pieces.
Blossom shook her head, and muttered, "Kasey… That's her name, right…? Kasey and I would fight over cake?"
Luke heard this, and he smiled, before nodding, and said, "You sure would. You took sibling rivalries to a whole new level."
"My little sister…?" Blossom asked.
Luke nodded. Once again, he was frustrated that it was not a memory of him that Blossom regained, but at the same time, he knew that it was better than nothing.
Luke tried to be patient; he hated the idea that he was still not remembered by Blossom. He knew it would take time, but his patience was running thin.
Look saw the riverbank, and he recognized it as the one he would bring Blossom to on their dates. He had an idea, before taking Blossom's hand again.
"Hey, want to go sit over there and eat?" Luke asked, as he began walking towards the riverbank, with Blossom in tow.
Blossom followed Luke, not sure what to make of the situation, but she trusted him enough to know that he would not do anything to her.
They sat on the riverbank, and they began eating their cake. Blossom was still trying her best to cope with the idea that Luke was her boyfriend, but she knew that she could trust him. She did not know why, but she felt at peace and safe whenever he was around. She wanted to remember him, and she wanted to remember about him soon. Meanwhile, Luke was sadly trying to make sure Blossom's memory recovered.
After Blossom finished her cake, Luke took something out from his bag; he took out a bag of Lindtt chocolates that he knew Blossom would absolutely love.
"Blossom, I have something for you," Luke said, as he gave her a Lindtt milk chocolate truffle. "It's your favorite Lindtt chocolates."
Blossom's head might not have remembered, but her body remembered that milk chocolates from Lindtt were her favorites. She unwrapped the chocolate, and then she ate it, before having another flashback.
This time, it was of when Luke and Blossom spent Valentine's Day together. Blossom blushed when she recognized Luke giving her the gift he got.
Shaking her head, Blossom looked at Luke before saying, "Luke…? You're my boyfriend…"
Hearing this, Luke became elated. He was just so happy that Blossom finally recovered a memory of him.
"Yes! Yes, I am!" Luke said, as he took Blossom's hand into his own.
However, just as he was about to kiss Blossom, her belt started beeping and flashing.
"What's going on?!" Blossom asked, a little spooked. "My belt… It's flashing and making noise!"
Luke tried to hush Blossom before leaning in; he whispered, "That's an alert for the PowerPuff Girls' Z! That means the city is in trouble, and it's up to you, Bubbles, Buttercup, and Bridgette to stop it!"
"What?!" Blossom asked, albeit quietly. "How am I one of the PowerPuff Girls Z?"
Blossom's mother had her read articles on the PowerPuff Girls Z, and she thought it was strange that she had her supposed name in the newspaper.
"But I don't know how to do this…" Blossom said. "How can I do something I don't know how to do?!"
Luke sensed that Blossom's amnesia also related to her superpowers.
'Crap, what do I do?' Luke asked himself, trying to figure out how to help Blossom get her confidence in her powers back. Meanwhile…
At the lab, the girls were lounging around, when Poochi started barking like nuts.
"Poochi, what's going on?" Bridgette asked.
"It's Mojo again!" Poochi said. "PowerPuff Girls, we need you!"
The girls transformed, but this time, their sequence was without Blossom.
Bubbles put her bent arms over her head, where her ring formed. She put one finger on her cheek while opening up her compact. She put the compact back into the belt and then it started showering her with blue bubbles. When she got into her blue leotard, she snapped her fingers to form the vest. Once it materialized, she danced a little bit before forming her skirt underneath. She then made peace signs with her fingers to form the gloves, the earrings and choker formed, and then she got on her knees with her arms in the air.
Buttercup put her fists in the air and then opened the compact. She then put it back into her belt and green stars then swirled around her. When she got into her leotard, she swiped her hands under her arms and formed the vest. She then punched the air and did a few arm poses before forming the skirt. She then kicked her feet into the air to form her shoes and then she punched the air to form her pose after her choker and earrings formed.
Bridgette swiped her hand with a ring on it over the compact, and then put the compact back in its belt. It started releasing light pink swords as she then started wearing a light pink leotard. She crossed her arms and snapped her fingers, forming the vest, and then punched the air beside her, causing the light to disappear and for the light pink vest to stay. She then put her hands below her torso and snapped her fingers again, forming the skirt. She then clapped her hands to form the fingerless gloves, pretended to slit her throat to form the chocker, patted her ear lobes to form the earrings, and then her hair started flying up above her before magically forming a French Braid, much to her dismay, and then she posed with a hand on her hip, her other hand on her face, a wink, and her foot propped up.
"PowerPuff Girls Z!"
"It's weird to do that without all four of us." Bubbles said.
"Let's just go." Buttercup said, before the three of them flew out of the skylight.
Blossom, meanwhile, was not sure what to do. She kept looking around, confused, and Luke was trying his best to put her at ease and help her transform.
"Blossom! It's going to be okay! I know you can do it!" Luke said, as he gently took Blossom's shoulders and helped her calm down.
"Really?" Blossom asked; her memory was almost blank, but she tried to relax.
"Blossom… I have full confidence in you," Luke said. "I know you can do this."
Luke hugged Blossom, as a way to help her feel better about the situation. Luke, knowing that this was probably going to be his only chance, did a daring thing: he kissed Blossom on the lips.
Blossom kissed back, closing her eyes a little. However, her eyes snapped open and everything she had forgotten came rushing back like a waterfall.
Like the speed of light, memories came back to her. There was the moment Blossom first got her powers; the first time she, Bubbles, and Buttercup teamed up against Mojo; the trio's first encounter with the Gangreen Gang; the day she learned of Randy Finkleman's crush on her; most importantly, Blossom remembered the first time she and Luke went on a date.
After the kiss broke, Blossom's eyes were wide with shock.
"What am I doing here?!" Blossom said. "I've got a city to save!"
"You've remembered?!" Luke asked, elated.
"Yes!" Blossom said, as she smiled happily. "I'm so sorry to worry you, Luke."
"Blossom…" Luke said, as he hugged her happily. "You're going to be fine. Now go and help the girls."
"You got it!" Blossom said before running behind a tree to transform.
Blossom then put her compact back into her belt and then it started releasing red energy hearts. She was then in a red leotard, and used her hands to form the flaps of her vest. She then opened up her arms and the vest appeared. She then put her hands under her belt and the skirt formed. Her feet were then put together to form the shoes, she spun around twice to form the earrings and choker and then she posed by putting one arm up, the other one down, and then flexing her legs.
She flew up into the sky to go and help her friends to save the day.
Luke started to cry tears of joy as Blossom finally remembered everything.
Meanwhile, Bridgette was leading the girls in the fight against Mojo, but needless to say, they were struggling.
"Ugh, does this monkey adapt every time we fight him?!" Buttercup said, as her hammer was swatted out of the way.
"Hahaha! Without your little redhead friend, you three are easy!" Mojo said, controlling his robot from the cockpit again.
"Blossom will come for us! I know it!" Bubbles said.
Bridgette's swords had been bent as she tried to figure out a way to tip the balance and find a way to get on the winning end.
She saw something out of the corner of her eye and smiled widely.
"Hmph! You're incorrigible, Mojo," Bridgette said. "Our ace is back!"
"Bridgette, what do you…?" Buttercup began, as she and Bubbles turned to look in the direction Bridgette was.
A red light streak was blazing across the sky as it was making its way towards the scene.
"BLOSSOM!" The girls screamed, with joy.
"Sorry for worrying you, girls," Blossom said, as she used her yoyo string to tie up the robot's legs. "Now let's teach this simian some manners!"
Within minutes, the girls had once again beaten up Mojo and sent him flying.
"It's great to have you back, Blossom," Bridgette said, as the girls regrouped in the sky. "How did you get all of your memories back?"
"Luke's kiss…" Blossom said, with a blush.
"Cute!" Bubbles said.
"Ew!" Buttercup said.
"Intimate healing, huh?" Bridgette said, with a cocked eyebrow and a smile. "Either way, great that you're back. Timing couldn't have been better."
"Sorry for everything, girls," Blossom said. "Now let's get back to the lab so we can get things back to normal."
Later at the lab, Blossom apologized to everyone.
"Don't sweat it, Blossom," Cody said. "Luke came back here a little while ago; he's in the common room, waiting for you."
Blossom gave Cody a nod and then she went inside the common room; Luke was sitting on the sofa, anticipating Blossom.
Blossom giggled a little bit before hugging Luke from behind.
"I'm so sorry…" Blossom said.
"It's okay, Blossom," Luke said, taking Blossom's hand into his own. "It's okay…"
Luke turned and he kissed Blossom's lips once again before they both got into a full kissing session.
Watching from behind the door, the rest of the group was trying not to get sentimental and give the pair some privacy.
"We may need to find a way to prevent such things from happening in the future; it would be very inconvenient to have this happen again." Buttercup said.
As the group watched their friends make up for lost time, they all retreated back into the lab.
Sorry this chapter took so long. I got sidetracked by a LOT. I had to focus on graduation from my high school, then I got delayed due to my college orientation, and finally, my computer broke, so I had to get a new one, and then I had to rewrite the whole chapter from square one after that. So, it's been a long road, but here it is. I'm going to do my best to write more, since my schedule for school is fairly easygoing (minus any homework, but that should be a snap).
Blossom: Hey, how come I'm stuck up here in a castle tower, and with a spinning wheel, too?
Bubbles: I'm stuck here in a dark castle with no one else… Or so I think…
Bridgette: Hey! I'm missing a shoe! And what's with these rags?
Buttercup: Like you should complain; I'm stuck here sitting on the sidelines while there's an archery tournament going on, and my lips are on the line, here!
Blossom: Bridgette, have any idea what's going on? I'm kind of scared to do anything…
Bridgette: It looks like we're stuck in some of the world's most famous fairytales. I'm in 'Cinderella', Blossom has 'Sleeping Beauty', and Buttercup is in 'Robin Hood'. Must be a drag for her that she's not the one pulling the bowstring.
Bubbles: I have this weird sense of déjà vu… Why do I feel like I'm not alone in this building?