Hey everyone! nobodD once again. This will probably be the only time I post 2 things within such a short time of each other. After I posted my 3rd one-shot (which you should totally read :P) my sister had given me yet another amazing idea.

After all, to my knowledge I haven't seen anyone try a fanfic like this before. When the idea was suggested to me, the ideas just came flooding in and i came up with this.

I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Love Live!

"Hai, hai. We're starting now, everyone." Eri clapped her hands a few times until the room was quiet. "Alright, Maki-chan."

The nine members of Muse had gathered in the club room as usual. They were all seated around the table, except for Eri, as she was directing the meeting.

Maki now stood up with a few sheets of paper. "Hai. I finished writing our second single. It's titled 'Snow Halation.' A winter-themed love song."

Maki began passing a copy to each member.

"A love song huh? Is there someone you're after, Maki-chan?" Nico teased. Maki responded by hitting her on the head with the papers.

"Sounds exciting. Love in winter just mixes." Nozomi said cheerfully.

"Right? Ahh I can't wait to start!" Rin said excitedly.

"Hai hai." Eri clapped her hands again to quiet everyone down. "We all know what to do right?"

"You and I will start on the choreography," Umi said.

"Nico-chan and I will start with the costumes," chimed Kotori's cheerful voice.

"And the rest of us will start practicing with Maki-chan." Hanayo finished the summary.

Eri nodded. "Good. Let's work throughout the week. Next week we'll check in on progress." Nods went around the room. "Alright, Honoka?"

"Mhm." Everyone got up and put two fingers in, forming a nine-pointed star. "Let's make this single even more successful than the last. Let's put all our energy into it! Muse.. GO!" Honoka yelled, and everyone cheered in response.

With that, everyone went to start working. Nico and Kotori stayed in the clubroom, Eri and Umi headed for the rooftop, and the rest headed for the music room. The duos working on costumes and choreography were also given recordings of the music with Maki singing the lead part for reference.

Maki sat at the piano. She set up the music player and started the recording. The other four followed along with the lyrics as the song played.

As the song finished, Nozomi nodded her head a few times. "Mhm, sounds good."

"Yeah! Maki-chan is amazing at this!" Rin exclaimed excitedly.

Maki let the comment slide. "So, shall we sing it a few times?"

"We should sing it according to parts first," Honoka suggested.

"That sounds good." Nozomi agreed. "So, we'll practice together first?"

"Mhm! And Maki-chan and Rin-chan together." Honoka turned to Hanayo, "Is it alright?"

Hanayo nodded. "Y-yeah. It's just practice so I'll be fine."

With that they spread a bit apart to hear each other better. They sang in this way about three times, then came together as five and sang the song another five times. Between each time Maki had penciled something down on her notebook.

"It's coming along nicely." She said, looking at the notes she made. "Honoka you can actually give it a little more power the lines you sing alone. But starting it softly was really good."

Honoka nodded and wrote Maki's advice down on her paper. "Hai. I think we need to work on the tempo during the second verse. We were a little off."

"Yeah you're right." Maki agreed.

"Was my pitch a little too high during that verse? I think I was off."

"Mmm..." Maki scanned her notes. "Yeah.. but just slightly." She walked over to the piano and played the note for Hanayo to hear. "See? Just remember to take care of how you start the notes in that range."

"Maki-chan I think we need to work on our harmony a little more. I was a bit high." Rin said.

"No no, you were fine. I actually was starting low there. But you're right we should find something that fits better."

"I think same goes for us Honoka-chan. My pitch didn't feel like it matched yours properly." Nozomi said.

"Mm, alright. I might have been off actually but we can check again."

Another three times split up, and another five times together before they called it a day. They sat around drinking water to refresh themselves while they looked over each other's notes once more.

"Alright," Maki said, organizing her things. "I think tomorrow we can start adding adjustments with the others' voices in consideration."

The others nodded in agreement.

"It's a good thing Maki taught us a lot about music. I think it's really helping us with our singing." Rin voiced her thoughts to the others.

Nozomi agreed. "Indeed. It's a lot easier than when we first started."

Honoka stood up and stretched. "Ah.. Good job today everyone. Let's put in the more effort tomorrow." Everyone nodded. "Well I think we can call it a day."

Everyone got up, gathered there things and headed for the front gate. Everyone exchanged goodbyes and headed off in the separate directions to their houses.

Kotori played the recording a few times while going through the lyrics. Nico searched for videos similar to their song for ideas.

"Hmm... Nico-chan, should our outfits be identical or do you think we should have more variety this time?"

Nico paused the video she was on. She pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Mmm... Our first single's outfits were pretty identical. I think this time we should add more noticeable variety."

"That's true." Kotori began to randomly sketch, hoping for ideas. "Since its winter themed we should have fluffy parts."

Nico chuckled at the comment. "That's not a bad idea. I'd like that." She said in agreement with Kotori.

They continued for some time. Eventually Nico found something she thought might work.

"Hey, Kotori-chan. How about something like this?"

Kotori got up to stand beside Nico and look at the computer. The screen had a video paused with a view of all the members performing.

"Some of the parts on their costumes are nice. We could probably use those as a starting point."

Kotori looked at it a little closer. "You're right. Those are pretty cute. Let me write the video titles down. I think I can start sketching at home with these."

"Alright. I'll continue looking at home too and send you anything I find."

Kotori nodded and went back to collect her stuff. Nico got up from the chair and stretched. "We finally found a starting point. Thank goodness."

"Hehe, yeah."

Kotori got her stuff ready then went up to Nico. She began messaging Nico's shoulders.

"Ah... That's nice. Since when could you give massages?"

"Heh, well sometimes Honoka could be quite a lot to handle. Takes a lot out of Umi-chan sometimes."

"I can completely understand," Nico said, somewhat exaggeratedly.

They both laughed. Kotori finished up her mini-massage and let Nico get her stuff packed up.

"Alright, well here's to success tomorrow." Nico held her hand up.

"Mhm!" Kotori gave Nico an enthusiastic high-five before they left the room to head home.

Eri sat down on a bench and took a sip of water. "We're making good progress, this is good."

Umi and Eri had listened to the song once before getting to work. Umi had already started coming up with ideas and they made quite a lot of progress already.

"I think that just about does it for you, Nozomi-chan, and Honoka-chan. Unless there's something you'd like to add."

Umi shook her head. "Aside from the ending, which we need everyone else for, that should be good. Since we have extra time today, should we start on another group?"

Eri thought about it. "Sure. We can try and get through the first chorus for another group."

"Alright. Let's start you, Hanayo-chan, and Nico-chan's next. I have some ideas after the opening where we're all together."

Eri watched as Umi ran through her ideas for each of the three in this group.

"Yeah, that's a great start. I think for the line before the chorus we could lead into it a little differently though."

"Hmm..." Umi thought for a second. "Oh I know. You three could do something like this." She performed her next idea. "And then since we're coming together here, Maki-chan, Rin-chan, and Kotori-chan will mirror it on the other side of my group."

Eri pictured it in her head. "Yeah that sounds good. How about we run through everything we've done so far?"

Umi nodded, and they ran through the steps again. At the end, they sat down to drink water and rest a bit.

"You seem on top of things today, Umi-chan."

"Eheh. Well after everything you did for our first single, I thought I should try to come up with a lot of the ideas this time."

"Heh, alright. But remember-"

"I know, we're a team. I think that made this a lot easier. Knowing I can put out a lot of ideas and you'll be there to help improve them."

Eri smiled at Umi. "True. But this time you've been nailing almost everything."


Eri stood up and turned to offer Umi a hand. Umi smiled and accepted. Eri helped Umi to her feet. They got their things together and started walking down from the rooftop.

"At this rate we might be able to finish tomorrow."

"True. The parts sync up pretty easily." Eri thought for a minute. "Alright then, our goal for tomorrow will be to try and finish everything."

"Hai," Umi nodded.

The next few days seemed to fly by for the girls.

The day after, the girls in the music room had finished their edits early. Honoka and Hanayo headed to the rooftop and the rest headed back to the clubroom to start putting their notes onto the other four's music copies.

On the rooftop, Umi and Eri finished fine-tuning the choreography in time for Honoka and Hanayo to arrive. They transferred their notes to Umi and Eri's music. Umi started to teach Honoka the steps, while Hanayo started Eri on the music.

As the other three entered the clubroom, they found Nico and Kotori already on the sewing machines hard at work. Maki sat at the computer and started transferring the notes and changes. Nozomi and Rin joined the other two to assist in the sewing.

The next few days the girls went between the rooms in groups of three. Either Maki or Honoka was in the music room helping with the vocal coaching while the other was at the other two rooms. Umi or Eri was at the rooftop to teach the choreography. Nico or Kotori was in the clubroom to oversee the sewing.

A week had passed. They gathered in the clubroom after school for their routine meeting during these kind of preparation periods.

"Alright, by the look of it, I think we're ready to start practice as a full group." Eri said.

Nods went around the room. Nozomi put a hand up.

"I think for the music video we also need a kind of story going on this time."

"Like, the parts where we don't show our routine?" Rin asked.

"Mhm. Especially because of the song, I think it would fit perfectly."

"Well what did you have in mind?" Eri asked.

"I think you could all guess already." Nozomi replied with a smile.

"A love story with a confession and a lot of emotions?" Maki said.

Nozomi smiled to show Maki had nearly guessed it right.

"So, who will it focus on?" Honoka asked.

"Funny you should ask that," Nozomi said. Everyone turned to face Honoka.

"You all want me to?"

Everyone nodded. "Is that alright?" Eri asked.

Honoka smiled. "Of course! Anything for Muse."

"Alright. Then the goal is to have this done by the end of the week. Honoka?"

"Mhm!" Everyone gathered around. "You heard her girls. We're close to the end but we can't slow down. Now's the time to use everything we've got. Muse..."

"GO!" Everyone cheered at once.

They spent the next two days practicing the choreography. By the third day they started filming it. The next day they spent filming Nozomi's story idea.

"Honoka-chan really was the best fit for this." Umi said, admiring how well Honoka was doing.

Nozomi and Honoka were a bit away from the others as Nozomi explained the next scene to her. The other girls agreed with Umi.

"I think everyone knew it had to be her from the start." Nico said.

"Weird, I thought you would've said that you should've been in her position," Maki said teasingly.

Nico gave her a look and the seven of them shared a laugh.

Honoka looked over out of curiosity.

"Hey, we're almost done, just a little bit more."

"Ah, hai. Sorry Nozomi-chan."

"That's alright Honoka-chan. I need you to do something for me actually."

"Mm? What is it?"

Nozomi turned Honoka so that Honoka's back was to the others. She took both of Honoka's hands in hers. "Act surprised for me, as if someone just confessed to you."

Honoka wanted to ask why, but she decided not to. She tried to imagine a certain someone confessing to her. She stepped back, slightly read, staring at the ground as if not sure what to say.

"H-hey what's going on over there?!" She heard Rin scream from behind her. She quickly realized what Nozomi was trying to do.

"Nothing!" Nozomi called. "It was just-"

Honoka had stepped back a bit more from Nozomi, causing her to release Honoka's hands. Honoka brought them behind her back, pretending to act shy. "I-I'm sorry Nozomi-chan. I'm not sure how to answer you just yet."

"Wha-" Nozomi started realizing her little joke was being turned on her.

"Hey wait a second what are you-" Nico began, but Honoka had turned around.

"Hehe, sorry." She said, putting both her hands together in front of her and sticking her tongue out playfully. "My fault. I just thought I'd play a little joke with all of you, since you all have just been watching for a while. Don't blame Nozomi-chan, it was my idea."

"Well," Eri said, sighing a little, "A little fun every now and then is fine. But how about we finish this since we're close?"

"Hai!" Honoka called out. She then turned to Nozomi and gave her a wink for only her to see.

Nozomi just smiled, realizing Honoka just took the blame for her wanting to play a trick on the others.

By the end of the week, Muse had put out 'Snow Halation,' their second single. Both the song as well as the video saw a huge amount of success. In school, Honoka in particular got a lot of attention for the role she played in the side story of the video. People had asked her if she was just acting or she had experienced it before.

Honoka smiled, responding with, "Well it was just acting at the time. But I do have my eye on someone. And hopefully they have their eye on me."

While the school started to wonder who this mysterious person could be that Honoka had just claimed to be showing interest in, most people guessed it was someone outside the school. For the remaining eight Muse girls, they had quite a better guess.

It was possible Honoka was just joking, putting on a show for everyone. But if she were serious, it had to be one of them that she was referring to.

They decided not to look too much into it for now. It was Honoka after all. Right now, the nine of them could enjoy the growing success of Muse, as well as each other's company as they continued as idols.

Well, I hope you liked it :D

This will be my first fanfic that isn't a one-shot *shocked* So yes, you can expect more chapters!

The idea is pretty simple. This is my take on how the girls come up with their amazing songs and awesome videos. The chapters will usually focus on a song, but I will likely throw in chapters of interactions between songs.

I actually wrote the ending this way on purpose. From Nozomi's little joke till the end. As you saw, the girls are all pretty close with each other. If you guys would like, I can add pairings into this as we go along. I need to know if you guys would like that though. Because I can still leave the interactions the way they are if you guys prefer that. Let me know!

Feedback/reviews are welcome. PM me if you guys want to see a particular pairing for a one-shot or another story.

That's it from me. Until next time~