I haven't written in a long time. I have been under a lot of stress lately and just needed something to do to get rid of it. I don't know when I will be updating. I just wanted to put this out there. I miss Finn/Rachel stories and I wanted to add something to the world.
Finn Hudson had never imagined himself to be in this place. He never thought that at the age of 22 he would be spending his nights reading bedtime stories over going out and getting drunk with his friends. He never thought he would be choosing a night in with a three year old over going to a basketball game. One thing he knew for sure was he wouldn't change any of it for anything.
Finn walked into his daughter's bedroom and said, "Good morning, sunshine. Time to wake up! We both have a big day today. You get to spend the day with Nana Carole while daddy goes to school."
Tatum Hudson blinked and yawned. She pouted and said, "Daddy stay!"
Finn picked the little girl up in his arms and said, "Sweetheart, daddy can't stay home with you today. I would much rather stay home with you than go to school, but daddy has to go to school."
"Miss you!"
Finn kissed her head. "Daddy is going to miss you too, princess. I'll call you and I'll be home before you know it. You are going to have so much fun with Nana."
"You more fun."
Finn chuckled. "Don't let Nana hear you say that, missy. I'm sure she will spoil you all day while I'm gone. I promise I'll call you three times today."
"Three? Like me!"
"Yes smarty. I'll call you three times just like you are three years old. Now, let's get dressed." Finn got himself and Tatum each ready for their days.
Finn hated that he had missed so much school that he was considered a freshman again. He had taken the time off to be with Tatum and to work at Burt's so he could support her. Everyone he had graduated high school with were graduating college this year and he was starting over. He just wanted to be someone Tatum was proud of.
He walked into his first class, Biology, and began looking for a seat. He hadn't gone to those new student orientation meetings so he didn't know anyone. He looked around the room to see if he could find the most welcoming face. So far he wasn't having very much luck until he looked over in the corner of the lab to see a girl with her nose in a book. There was something about her that just drew Finn to her.
He found himself walking over to the table. He cleared his throat and said, "Excuse me. Are you saving this seat for anyone?"
The girl looked up at him genuinely surprised, almost as if no one ever talked to her. She said, "Umm… No, you can sit here if you would like."
"Thank you. My name is Finn Hudson."
The girl smiled. "Nice to meet you, Finn Hudson. My name is Rachel Berry."
"The pleasure is all mine, Miss. Berry."
Rachel blushed. "Well, aren't you a charmer."
Finn smirked. "I'm only stating the truth."
The professor walked in and said, "Welcome to Biology 112. This semester is not going to be an easy one for most of you. The person you are sitting next to will be your lab partner. Get familiar with them. You are going to be spending a lot of time with them."
Finn and Rachel just looked at each other. Finn couldn't help to be happy that he had sat in the seat that he had. If he was going to have to spend a lot of time with someone, he had a feeling it was a good thing that it was Rachel. Little did Finn know, Rachel was thinking the same thing.
After Biology, Finn and Rachel were walking out of the classroom together. Rachel said, "This class is intimidating."
"I'm just glad I sat by you if we had to have lab partners."
Rachel smiled, "Me too. What do you have next?"
"I have an hour break before my English class. What about you?"
"The same."
"You don't say. Would you like to catch lunch with me in the cafeteria before English?"
"Sure. That sounds lovely."
"Great." The two of them talked as they walked to the cafeteria. Finn couldn't believe that he had met such an amazing person.
As Finn and Rachel were getting ready to swipe their meal cards, Finn's phone rang. He told Rachel, "Go find a seat. I need to take this call. I'll be there in a minute."
Rachel said, "Okay."
Finn answered, "Hello?"
Carole was on the other end and said, "Hey son. How was your first class? I have a little munchkin here that is losing her mind not talking to her daddy."
"I'm sorry. I just got out not too long ago. I am getting ready to have lunch with my lab partner. Let me talk to Tate real quick."
"I'm glad to hear you are making friends, Finn. Do I get to meet her soon?"
"Come on, Finn. I wasn't born yesterday. I am your mom. I know you have met a girl."
"It's not like it matters. I have Tatum to worry about. She is the number one girl in my life."
"There is nothing saying that you can't see people, Finn. Burt and I love spending time with Tatum. She is our granddaughter. She is precious. You are doing an amazing job. We are here to help. You aren't in this alone."
"Thanks, mom. I love you. Let me talk to Tate. I'll fill you in on the day when I get home."
Tatum exclaimed, "Daddy!"
Finn chuckled. "Hey darling'! Are you having a good day with Nana?"
"Yeah! Miss you doe!"
"I know. I miss you, too. I'll be home soon. Then we will do whatever you want."
"Yep. It's a daddy promise. Those are legit. Daddy has to go. I'll see you really, really soon."
"Love you!"
"Love you too, princess." The two of them hung up. Finn found his way back to Rachel.
Rachel asked, "Is everything okay?"
Finn didn't want to lie, but he wasn't sure if he should be telling someone her just met about his daughter. That had kept anyone from getting close to him for the last three years. He only had one friends because no one else wanted to spend time with a single father. Then there were the girls. None of them wanted a readymade family. He couldn't blame them for that. They were all young and didn't deserve someone that already had someone to depend on them for everything.
He decided he was tired of hiding Tatum. None of this was her fault. He said, "That was my mom. My daughter wanted to talk to me. She is three. She is in that stage of having a hard time being away from me."
"I'm sorry to just blurt all of that out."
"You are dad. I find it very admiring that you are going to school as well. Many parents that are young do not get to finish school."
"There is something about you. I feel like you deserve an explanation. I took off the last three years to work so that I can provide for my daughter."
"That is very mature of you. What does your girlfriend do?"
"There is no girlfriend. I'm a single father. My daughter's mother wasn't ready to be a parent. She wanted to put her up for adoption, but I took one look at her and there was no way I could give her to someone else to raise."
"My mom and step dad have let us live with them, but I have taken the last three years to work to earn money so I can provide for her without having my parents take care of everything."
"I'm sure you are a wonderful father. I don't want to go too far, but what is your daughter's name."
Finn smiled as he pulled out his phone. He showed Rachel his background, a picture of him and Tatum smiling at their Fourth of July picnic. He said, "Her name is Tatum Caroline Hudson. She turned three in May."
"She is adorable, Finn. The two of you look so happy."
"She is my everything. It hasn't been easy, but she has made everything worthwhile. I wouldn't trade her for anything. I understand if you don't want to hang out with me anymore."
"Why would it matter if you had a child? You seem like a very nice person."
"It seems to matter to everyone else."
"One thing you are going to learn about me is I am not like everyone else."
"I look forward to learning that about you." Rachel smiled.
After English, Finn and Rachel traded cell phone numbers. Finn told Rachel, "I really appreciate how nice you were to me today. It really helped make today a better day than I thought it would be. I look forward to working with you in biology."
"I look forward to getting to know you better as well. I would love to meet your little girl someday. I'm sure she is a little angel and just as great as her daddy."
"Speaking of her, I better get home to that little stinker. She is going to be throwing a fit if I'm not home soon."
"Would you like to have lunch again tomorrow?"
"Rachel, I would love that."
"Great. I will see you tomorrow then."
"Awesome. Have a great night." The two of them went their separate ways.
Finn walked in the house and said, "I'm home!"
He heard the sound of Tatum's feet running at him. He crouched down and prepared to catch the little fireball that was sure to be heading his way. He laughed as he almost fell over when she jumped into his arms. He said, "Did you miss daddy today or something?"
"So much."
"Then you better give daddy some kisses." Tatum smothered Finn in kisses. He laughed as he did the same to her tiny face.
Carole said, "Good. You're home. This little monster was lost without you today."
"You weren't bad for Nana, were you?"
Tatum started shaking her head. "No! Me good girl! Miss you!"
"Baby, I missed you too. You have to be good for Nana. Daddy has to go to school a lot. I wish I didn't, but I do. You and Nana are going to have so much fun together on those day though."
"That's daddy's big girl."
Carole said, "Tatum, go get Pop Pop to help you wash your hands for dinner. Nana wants to talk to your daddy."
Tatum went off to find Burt. Carole asked Finn, "How was your day?"
"Good. I only had two classes today. I have three tomorrow. I'm sorry if she is giving you a hard time. I'll find a daycare for her to go to."
"No you will not. She isn't a problem. She is just a big daddy's girl. She just doesn't understand that she can't be with you all the time."
"I wish I could be with her all the time."
"That makes you a great dad. So, tell me about this new friend."
"Her name is Rachel. She is my lab partner. She knows about Tate. She is so nice."
"She sounds very nice. I can't wait to meet her."
"Don't get ahead of yourself mom. We are going to have to do a lot of work for our Biology class. I don't know how much we would get done here because Tatum would be all over us."
"It doesn't have to be all about homework. You will have to wait and see. Let's go eat dinner." Finn and Carole went on to eat dinner. Then they spent the rest of the night with Tatum.