Chapter 10: The Past

Winter Lovers

That little face of worry and fear was before me once again. Things would be different this time. I won't fail her. I'll make her feel safe and happy always. As she slept that night, I slowly came into her room. I'd walked these halls so many times. This time it was different though. The first time Elsa ever saw me was outside her window. What if I changed that beginning and made a new future? As one of my hands reached out I froze, but the future was so amazing. All of the memories I had originally made would fade away. It was like I was now testing the butterfly effect. That thought made my heart race. What if this time around I changed everything, not just the things I wanted?

As I stood there and thought things out, I hadn't noticed the movement coming from the bed. "H-Hello?" That small voice was calling out to me. I spun around and stared at her as those blue eyes stared back at me.

I floated into the air, "hey. There's nothing to be afraid of." My hands rose into the air as I slightly smiled. Slowly I came over and was about to touch her head when she jumped back. Her eyes were wide as she sat curled up and pushed away from me. I knew it would be like this, just like last time, "I'm not going to hurt you and you're not going to hurt me. I'm like you…" My hand turned over as snow began to lift up into the air from it. "Please let me help and comfort you." I spread my arms letting the snow whisk around the room. "You don't have to be afraid of your powers. They're a beautiful thing." I made an owl form slowly in my hands and she slightly smiled.

My arms spread apart wider and the snow began to twist around faster. "You have powers stronger than you realize. Just release what you hold back and be free." She grabbed hold of her dress hem, and ice began to run over it and down her legs. Thank goodness I looked a bit younger where I wasn't as frightening. I flinched when I felt a small hand grabbed hold of my shirt. Once she was comfortably curled up in my lap I just held her silently. One of my hands slid up into her hair, trying to make her feel safe. Once I began to think I realized what tonight always was. The night her parents died, the night she became truly alone.

When we woke the room was filled with snow and Anna was knocking on the door. I blow a snowflake out of my mouth and looked at her, "remember you control the powers they don't control you. So don't be afraid of what gift was given to you." She slowly nodded and shivered, a bit of ice spreading across my sweatshirt.

I lifted her up into my arms, "come on. You're probably hungry so let's get you something to eat." I let her feet softly hit the floor and took her hand. "I'll be here for you as long as you need me." She nodded and we lift the room slowly, sneaking around to make sure we didn't run into Anna. When we got to the kitchen I helped her make something to eat, and she sat happily at the dinner table. I floated in the air and thought about the next move I should make to help her.


When winter came I snuck her outside and we played in the snow together. I created animals that raced around her. She was in awe until she made a giant igloo. I'd never seen her powers this strong when she was young. This was more than amazing. We slowly began to engrave things in each of the icy blocks. It was like we were making our own little world. I never had this memory before and in a way I was very happy I could make new ones with her. Of course, the ones before were just as amazing, but these were almost even better. She wasn't afraid like before. Even if Anna and her didn't speak, I could still see she was happier this time. My heart thumped in my chest at the feeling. I'd love her no matter what timeline, or realm, whatever was happening she'd always be my girl.

A loud laugh erupted from the ice princess and she looked at me. "Snowflake, I don't think this could get any better." I smiled back at her as a slight blush came across her cheeks. I took note that her fist slowly formed fist before her gaze quickly shifted to the floor. "Jack.. I have a confession." One of my eyebrows perked, this hadn't happened before. Slowly I came slowly and nodded to her to continue. She stared at me hard for a moment, "I like you." My heart did flips at the adorable girl's confession. She'd grow up to be the woman I love, but I didn't know what to say right now.

I watched as her head dropped in disappointment when I didn't respond, and my shock became clearly written across my face. "Elsa," -swiftly I moved and crouched in front of her- "I love you, but…" My heart dropped into my stomach, but then the words came to me. "I'll wait for you to get older." When I stood back up she looked up at me a smile returning to her face.

Two more years before everything truly began. The thought made me shiver. Maybe this time around the future would be different. I'd keep her from killing herself, or worse becoming like me. Living forever was nice, but it did have its bad points as well. Perhaps I'd let Elsa move on and be with someone else. The thought made my heartache, but it might be better for her to be with a living human. Even with her ices powers, she might be better off without me. However, those ice power made her afraid of herself.

My gaze shifted to where she was creating an army of snowmen. She really was powerful. Perhaps I was wrong to wish for something different. All I could do is watch her. I believed she could control the powers of Mother Nature, but she was so scared. Slowly I went to her side and took her hands, "you're the strongest person I know and you should never be afraid of yourself. One day you're going to become even stronger, and you'll be able to create something more than snow and ice for this planet." Her eyes stared at me before she looked back at the ground.


Two years later and everything was going well. Her coronation was tonight and the doors were open. My fingers swept through my snow hair. A soft giggle came from behind me and I smirked, "are you nervous?" When I turned she nodded slightly. Our hands entwined and I pecked her lips. It felt better than old times. One of my hands rose and I flicked a snowflake into her face. "I can't believe you're never going to age again." Her cheeks became red. That night I had decided to tell her everything from before, and she accepted it. She was so mature about everything this time around. After her coronation tonight we had a few other plans as well.

Anna and I sat beside each other in the coronation room. When it began the double doors swept open and in she came. The dress was perfect for what she was to become. Not just the ice queen, but Mother Nature. Our gazes met and she gave a warm quick smile. She didn't seem nervous about it this time around either. Everything about her now made her seem even stronger. Her original imagine was shattered, but other future didn't matter. All that mattered was the present her, and what she was to become.

That night we quietly left the ballroom and away from the rest of the people. Her guest must have realized that she was like the rest of them. It didn't matter though, she was going to become Mother Nature. Elsa left the crown at the castle and we ran through the night. We were meeting the other guardians at the location where Elsa would have built her ice castle up tonight. She smiled at me, and ran faster. The excitement was overwhelming almost. I waved at Santa as we ran up the hill. She released the cloak from under her neck as she came together. Everything from there happened so quickly. Soon she was unconscious and her body was freezing, but then air filled her lungs with life. Those eyelids flickered open to reveal icy eyes. This moment couldn't have been better. The first time was just frightening, but it wasn't this time. My forehead pressed to hers and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I had to wait a while to have this feeling of love and passion come flooding into me once again.

There was no changing the way things were going to happen. It was all fate. Of course, I still think this is a happier ending for both of us. We'd happily be together forever through time. There was no stopping the emotions that overflowed from both of us. Once again Elsa was no longer just the Ice Queen, but Mother Nature. The world be her oyster and everything on it would be the beautiful pearl she grew. Jack Frost and Mother Nature, never thought things would end like this. I caressed her cheeks before kissing her passionately. Things were better this way though, and she seemed happy and very pleased that things had happened like this. All I wanted in like was to be with her forever, and I guess that wish was now being granted.

We were going to be together forever. Our hands entwined before we held each other closely. This was going to be an amazing eternity.

The End!

Tell me thoughts and opinions if you will. I hope it's a good ending. I thought it'd be cute. Wanted a way for them to be together forever. Yay! If nobody likes it though I can totally do a rewrite.