Bakugan- Kiya's Rally For Truth or Dare!

It's the finale!

Disclaimer: I don't own it. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanficition. (Zee: You really need a hobby.) I only own Kiya and Zee, and their parents. I also own the kids, their parents, and Security. I also don't own Dance Central, Codename: KND and 'Stronger' that was sung by ShadyVox.

Warnings: Check out previous chapters for any references.

As mentioned, this will be the final chapter of Kiya's Rally! So enjoy this pathetic excuse of a fanfic! (Zee: She's crazy. -_-')

And this chapter will be by far the craziest I ever written... I might write one like this again! It was fun!

The Torture Has Ended! Not!

"So...? You're going back home?"



"Want to. As much fun I had teasing you guys, I have to get back home. My sister, Zee is back from touring around Korea and our parents are back from Hawaii."

"Hmm... so when are you leaving?"

"In a few seconds. Anyways, I hope you guys have a nice life!"

With that said, Kiya left.

The brawlers looked at each. Blinked. Continued to stare at each other and blinked again. Slowly, smiles creeped up to their faces.

"OH MY GOD YES! THE SHE-DEVIL HAS GONE!", Marucho screamed.

They jumped and cheered.

"A party to celebrate!", Ren suggested. And so the party started!


"Finally, I can relax! It's hard having Kiya around, but I still love her.", Shun sighed as he sat next to Ace. "How do you deal with her?", Ace asked, trying and failing to cuddle with Shun.

"I have my methods. Anyways, shouldn't the pizza guy been here? We ordered like an hour ago."

"Weird. At least we don't have to pay for the pizza.", Alice smiled, sipping her soda. Within the next few seconds, the doorbell rung.

"I got it." Gunz went over to the door and opened it. He screamed in horror. "Oh my- fucking bullshit!"

"What is it, you blond bimbo?" Gunz opened the door wider to reveal... Kiya. She held the pizza boxes that the group wanted. "Kiya, why the fuck are you here?!", Dan asked in utter disbelief. That and he was hungry. Kiya smirked. "My parents sent me out the house, wanting me to not play any video games all day. Pity, too. I was just on the part of defeating the boss. Anyways, I brought my sister with me."

A girl that looked just about a year younger than Kiya revealed herself. Like her sister, she had long curly hair, but wore it back with a bandana tied around her head. She was clad in dark red jeans, a black and white shirt and back converses. She was just as tanned as Julie like Kiya was and had brown eyes.

"This is my younger sister, Zee. Please care with caution.", Kiya teased. Zee glared at her. "Whatever. Anyways, why the hell are we here?", the younger asked. Kiya shrugged. "Remember: Mom and Dad kicked us out the house."

"Oh yeah." Zee walked in and sat next to Masquerade. Kiya walked in after her, shoving the pizza boxes in Gunz's arms. That's when Runo noticed something.

"Kiya, what the hell are you wearing?"

Kiya looked down at her outfit. "What?"

She wore black capris with green suspenders hang down. Her shirt was short sleeved with various colors designed to look like television color bars. Around her neck was a red-orange scarf. On her left hand, she wore a black fingerless glove and on her right elbow was a elbow guard. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, a green streak in it. Finally she wore, purple hightops.

"You look like a techno B-Boy.", Julie said. Kiya smiled. "I am! I'm Glitch from Dance Central!"

"Don't even ask about her Bodie outfit. Anyways, what are we going to do?"

"We should go into town.", Kiya suggested. She jumped when she heard gasps from the group. "A SANE ACTIVITY TO DO?!", they screamed. Kiya waved her hand at them. "It's not like I can force you to play Truth or Dare since I cancelled it."

"But you did force us.", Billy reminded. "Yup. Anyways, let's go."

"Remind me again why are we here?"

Zee and Kiya glanced at each other before looking back at Paige. "Because we're looking for new weapons.", Kiya answered, picking up a sai.

Wondering where the gang was? At the mall... in a weapons store. So weird...

"Why the hell would you need new weapons? I seen your closet and it has every weapon accounted for in the whole world. I remember seeing a red demon sword in there.", Shun asked, glancing at a pair of nunchunks.

"Hey, that sword was a gift. I just want to buy new weapons. But this store bores me. Let's go eat and play at the arcade."

Dan perked up at the idea. "Hell yes. Something I can agree on with you."

"Player one red is out." "Damn it!" From the sidelines, you can see Shadow exiting the game. "Player three yellow is out." "Fuck it! I hated this game anyways."

That was Paige. She went over and sat next to Shadow. "Damn lights."

"Player four red is out." "Ahh the hell with it." Dan. He wanted to eat anyways. "Player two red is out." "Well, it was fun while it lasted.", Alice said sadly as she exited.

"Player two yellow is out." "I hate you so much, Kiya." Billy.

The gang decided on a shot the enemy game. The last team standing was awarded. So far, Team Green was winning. That consisted of Kiya, Zee, Shun, and Lync. The rest of the teams had more than four players, which was somewhat of a disadvantage because it was hard to keep up with everyone.

Within twenty minutes of the game, Team Red and Yellow was out. Blue reminded, but had only two people left. Volt and Julie.

"I swear if you try something slick and shot me, Kiya, I will kill you!"

"That's the point of the game, you dumbass!", Kiya answered back to Volt. The Vexo growled. "I don't give a rat- OUCH!"

"Player six blue is out!" "Who the fuck shot me in the ass?!" Volt turned around to see Shun smirking. "That's what you get, you fucker!"

The ninja hid back in seconds. Volt grumbled as he walked out to the other losers. Julie remained. "Why me?", she whimpered. "You got this, Baku-Babe!", Billy encouraged. Julie shook her head. "I'm up against a ninja, an assassin, a crazy bitch, and a pink-haired boy who's capable of anything! I can't deal with this!"

"Good. Because you're done!"

Julie turned around to see the Green Team pointing their guns towards. "Ah! I surrender!" "We know.", Zee smiled. "3...2...1!"

Julie screamed as she was shot by the four members. "Player five blue is out. Team Green wins!"

"Hell yes!", Kiya cheered.

After the game, the gang brought food and ate. All except Julie due to tramatized state of fear. "It was horrible!", she whined in Billy's chest, who didn't mind. "It's alright."

"So, what are we going to do next? Personally I want to continue eating.", Dan suggested, taking a bite of his burger. Hydron, who was mad about being shot by his heart's desire, Lync, growled. "What are you? Pregnant?"

"If there's any pregnant male at this table it's either Gus or Shun."

Shun blushed and slammed his head down on the table. Gus frowned and reached other the table to smack Dan. Runo shook her head in disappointment. "How did I end up with a stupid one?"

"Because you attract idiots. I think we should go to the amusement park after this.", Masquerade said. He looked up at the blank stares he got. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Did you-?", Spectra started. Masquerade stood and began to walk away. "Know what? Fuck you!" When he was out the food court, Mira nudged Ren. "Go get him." "Why me?" "Because I said so."

Ren grumbled and exited the area to chase after the masked teen.

With Masquerade...

"Those assholes. They are so lucky I didn't have some sort of weapon." He walked around the corner and walked onto the escalator. "I will kill them all." Then he realized something. "Did we leave our Bakugan back at the house?"

They did.

Shrugging, he continued to find an exit out the mall. But what stopped him was a plushy in a window of a store. It was a purple and black dragon with red eyes. It looked evil but it was so cute. "Oh my gosh! I'm turning into a Shun!" Look back to chapter one for references.

Masquerade shook his head and attempted to walk away. But he didn't succeed. The plushy was calling to him. "Fuck it." Masquerade rushed into the store, grabbed the plushie, paid for it and came out with it within seven seconds.

He was giving the plushy a loving look. "I'm going to name you... Kura!" He didn't want to name it Junior. His Bakugan would had found that too... weird. Speaking of weird...

"Masquerade!" Masquerade looked over his shoulder and saw Ren running to him. "Hi." "Hi. What are you doing here?" "Getting you. Mira pretty much threaten me." "And?" "And what?" "And? I'm not going back." "If we all have to suffer Kiya and her sister's antics, you will too." "Nuh uh. I'm outie."

Masquerade turned to away, only for Ren to throw him over his shoulder and carried him back.

"You really brought a plushy?! You didn't get me one?!" "I don't like you. Besides, it was too hard to resist." Kiya pouted. "Couldn't resist, my ass!"

"Whatever! Now where are we going?", Mylene asked. She needed a tequila to deal with these idiots. Zee pointed west. "To the amusement park!"

And about almost an hour later...

"I call first ride! The rollercoaster!", Baron shouted. Ace frowned. "I say the ferris wheel." "I'm with Baron!", Marucho shouted. "You just wanted the ferris wheel to cuddle with Shun."

Ace smirked and placed an arm around Shun's shoulders. "Maybe." Shun rolled his honey eyes. "No."

"Okay, rollercoaster it is.", Alice said. The group went in line for the rollercoaster. The guy that was letting people in looked surprised. "How many of you?"

Well, let's list off.

Alice, Julie, Runo, Dan, Marucho, Shun, Ace, Mira, Baron, Masquerade, Spectra, Gus, Mylene, Volt, Shadow, Lync, Hydron, Billy, Gunz, Paige, Ren, Kiya, and Zee. Twenty-three people.

"Twenty-three of us, sir.", Mira answered. The man nodded. He led them to where the line started. "Okay. Here we go." Kiya suddenly backed away. "Hell no!" "Sis, come on! It's only a ten second rollercoaster!", Zee growled. "I despise rollercoasters!"

"Le gasp! Kiya's afraid of something!", Gus shouted. Kiya nodded. "Every pyscho is." Zee pulled her sister in front and strapped her in. Kiya started to breathe uneasily. Zee sat next to her without a care. Behind them was Baron and Mira. Behind them was Ace and Shun. Behind them was Alice and Masquerade, who was hugging his plushie.

After them was Julie and Billy, then Runo and Dan, then Marucho and Ren, then Paige and Gunz, and then Hydron and Lync. Behind them was Mylene and Shadow, and then Spectra and Gus. Finally, it was Volt. He didn't look please because he wanted Lync next to him.

"The ride will start in 3, 2, 1." The rollercoaster begun going slowly down the track. Kiya screamed seeing a hill up ahead. "Oh shit!" "Kiya!" "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

When the rollercoaster reached the top of the hill, Kiya jumped out her seat. "Fuck this!" When she reached Shun and Ace, the ninja grabbed her ankle. "You will ride!" "Hell no, you damn uke! You can kiss my ass!" "Fuck you!" Then the rollercoaster went down. Shun and Kiya screamed, being the ones out their seats. Ace grabbed Shun's hand to keep the two from flying off as the rollercoaster raced. "Shun!" "Ace, pull us in!"

Baron, who was flaring his arms around hit Ace in the eye. Ace let go. Shun's eyes widened. "Ace, you motherfucker! I'm breaking up with you!"

"Damn! Thanks, Baron!"

Kiya and Shun grabbed onto the very last car of the ride. They screamed, holding onto the bar. "THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST DAY OF MY FUCKING LIFE!", Kiya hollered. Suddenly the car broke off the rollercoaster, but still followed. Seeing twists up ahead, Shun opened the bar and climbed in grabbing Kiya. They strapped in.

"Hey, Volt, you orange haired bastard! Grab this!"

Volt turned in time to see a grabble hook attached itself to his car in front of him. "The fuck?" "Pull us closer, you damn samurai!", Kiya hissed.

Volt started pulling, but the twist came across them. "Shit! Help me here!" The ones in front of him grabbed the rope, but then it broke. Shun and Kiya looked at each other then the broken rope. "FUCK!"

They raced fast on the track. It was terrifying for Kiya. When the rollercoaster came to the end, the car didn't. Shun and Kiya's car flew past the remaining parts of the rollercoaster and into a tent that was very far away. Luckily, no one was in the tent. But what did come as a surprise that the two ninjas landed in a bouncehouse.

The group raced towards the bouncehouse, seeing a bunch of kids run out. Kiya and Shun stepped out as the house blew out. Both carrying katanas. Shun was glaring at his soon to be dead boyfriend and Kiya was snarling at her younger soon to have broken bones sister.

"Ace Grit, you are by far the dumbest asshole I have ever encountered!" Shun raised the katana towards Ace's face. "You have a second to run." The minthead didn't have to told twice.

Shun raced after him. "ACE!" Shun picked up a toy gun that shot darts and aimed it at Ace. Ace ran around a corner and hid in a store.

Ace peeked out a window to see the raven looking around for him. Suddenly, he (Shun) smirked. He walked right into the store. "Ace, I know you're in here." "Bye!" Ace rushed out and back to the group. He saw Zee and Kiya having an all out fight with bazookas. He ran behind Lync and grabbed him. Shun rushed fast towards him, a gun ready. Lync gulped and ducked, Ace now fully exposed. The grey eyed one dodged darts coming his way. He was glad there was only five of them.

Too bad Shun still had his katana. The Vestal stood behind a table that displayed necklaces, his hands up. "Look, Shun, baby, you don't want to kill me. You love me." "The hell I do! Don't worry. I'll cry at the funeral... because of happiness!"

Ace offically knew his boyfriend was just as cra-cra as Kiya. "Shun..." "Don't Shun me, you asshole!" "Calm down!" Shun jumped over the table. Ace grabbed his wrists to avoid any punches the ninja was about to throw. Shun growled. "I'm going to murder you. I'm going to rip your intestines through your throat and hang you from a flagpost with them."

"You little-" "I hate you!" Ace sighed and pulled the other closer. "I know." Then he kissed him. Shun stiffened and then relaxed in the kiss. He lowered his fists that unclenched. Ace wrapped his arms around Shun's slender waist, allowing the other's arms around his neck.

The group blushed seeing the to becoming very...

"Is Ace-? Oh my!", Mira squeaked. Kiya and Zee stopped their fighting to see the couple kissing. "Wow."

"They move pretty fast, huh? Maybe we should give them a little privacy.", Dan teased. When Shun heard that, he pushed Ace away. "We're not doing that." "Don't you mean Ace is not doing you?"

Shun glared and pulled out the katana from earlier. "You may be my best friend, but I will end you." Dan gulped and hid behind Runo. Runo giggled. "Wuss."

"Come on. Let's go to the next ride.", Gunz said.

The group found themselves in a shop that held the exit to one of the rides they just rode. Lync picked up a shirt and showed it to Hydron. "You think I should get it in this color or lime green?" Hydron pointed to the lime green shirt. "That color. You look cuter in lime green than orange."

Volt frowned when he heard that. "No, you look better in orange." Lync started to mentally panic. He feared the crushes these two had on him. "I'm getting both."

"Hey! Another dragon plushy!"

The group turned to see Alice and Masquerade holding up three plushies each. "I'm buying them!", Alice declared. Masquerade followed her to the cashier. She looked frighten. "Uh..." "We'd like to buy these plushies.", Masquerade said while he looked over at a rack. He gasped and patted Alice's shoulder quickly. "Wait! They have clothes!" Alice smiled. "YAY!"

That's when Shadow came up with a conclusion. "They had sugar!" "Of course.", Mylene sighed in sadness.

Kiya and Zee walked up to the cashier. "Hey. Give me that notebook right there.", Zee said. The cashier nodded. "Cash?" "How much?" "Two dollars." Zee handed her a five dollar bill. "Keep the change." And left.

Kiya reached over the counter and grabbed a mood ring. "How much?" "Ten." "Here." Kiya handed her a ten dollar bill and left. Soon everyone paid for their purchases and left out the store.

"I-i-i-if you try to duel me, it's gonna make me stronger. I need you to play a card now. 'Cause I can't wait much longer. My deck's like totally gonna beat ya-"

"Kiya, shut the fuck up!"

Kiya flipped the bird at Ace. "Kiss your ninja boyfriend and put a cork in it." "Whatever."

"Where now?", Marucho asked. "Bumper cars.", Paige declared.

"Bumper cars it is."

The group waited in line. A kid stood behind the group with a couple of his friends. Their parents waiting for them outside. The kid looked up and spotted Shun. Shun wasn't paying attention. Instead, he was looking at the back of Kiya's head with death wishes for her. The kid tugged on his shirt. Shun looked down. "Huh?" "Hi."

"Hi?" The kid continued to stare at the ninja. Freaking him out a bit. "Hi?", he repeated. "You're pretty." "Thank you?" Ace looked behind him to see the kid and Shun staring at each other. "Hey, what's going on?" The kid looked at Ace and frowned. "Is he your boyfriend?" Shun blushed. "Uh.." "Yes, I am. Got a problem?" "You're mean."

"Didn't your mother not to talk to strangers?" "She also said to make new friends, meanie!" "Hey!"

Another kid walked up, but went past the trio, walking up to Lync. "Hey." Lync glimpsed down at the kid. "Hi." "Is your hair naturally pink?" "Yeah...?" "I like it." "Thank you...?"

The girl operating the gates, let the people in as the others exited. Because the arena was so large there was about forty bumper cars. Some were parked that weren't in usage. "Come on!", Kiya shouted, grabbing a purple and green bumper car. Her sister sat with her. Lync and Shun got in another purple and green one together. That made Ace, Hydron, and Volt upset.

Everyone else got into a bumper car. Billy noticed something strange. "Is it me or are a bunch of kids in the other bumper cars?" The Brawlers occupies twelve cars and the kids had about the same amount. They were staring at the older group with smirks. "Um..."

"I shall my prize!", the kid who talked to Lync shouted. "What?" "The kids pointed to where Lync and Shun were. "Them. Those girls are soon to be part of our Kids Elite team."

"Elite?" "Girls?"

So pretty much the two boys that talked to the Ventus duo had a crush on them and wanted them to be their 'girlfriends' thinking they were girls. Julie snickered. "Ha." "Shut up. Look. One, Lync and I aren't going to part of your elite. Two, we aren't girls. Three, you're like ten years old, so why the hell would I date you? Kids these days. And four and final, I have a boyfriend and Lync has two." "What?" "Trying to save you. Now how about to go run along to your mommies and daddies and give up?"

The kids looked at each other and back at the Brawlers. "You're mean. Pretty, but mean.", the lead boy said. Shun fumed. "That's it!"

Lync stopped Shun from driving towards the kid. "You can't kill him. And they haven't started the cars yet." "I'll hotwire this shit!" "Shun Kazami, calm yourself down." "Fuck calm! Fuck this car! And fuck that kid!" "What was is wrong with you?!"

Shun didn't answer. Lync didn't push it. He looked across the arena to the kids. "Listen, kid-" "Brandon. And your future boyfriend is Justin." Lync shivered. He didn't want that. "Brandon, Shun and I are not going to-"

"Okay! You may start now!", the woman in charge of the ride said.

When the bell rung, Alice drove the bumper car out the arena through a gate. "ESCAPE!" The Brawlers followed her. The kids drove after them.

Their parents blinked in surprise. "Wait... the cars are driving outside the area?!", one exclaimed.


The group was driving through the amusement to escape the kids. Kiya and Zee were the last car. Kiya was standing, holding out a bazooka towards the kids. "Hey, you little motherfuckers!"

She shot at them, missing them a few times. "Why does this remind me of Codename: Kids Next Door?! Kids verus teens!"

Zee drove the car faster. "Hey! We have to find a way out this park like now!" Alice and Masquerade, being the lead, looked around. The gasped when they spotted security on golf carts. "Po-pos up ahead!", Paige screamed. When the teens and kids drove past, the security went after them. They were about six carts, too.

Marucho started to whine. "This is the worst day ever. It's your fault, Kiya!" "Shut the hell up! Turn the corner, people!"

The drivers turned a corner that led to an exit onto the parking lot. The kids and security after them. "Hey! Drive onto the road!", Ren shouted, taking the led, Marucho was next to him crying.

"The road?! Are you bat shit crazy?!", Dan shouted, holding onto his seat as Runo drove. Ren pointed to the highway. "We can get farther away!" The drivers drove out on the highway, which had about six lanes. Ace drove beside his boyfriend's car. "Why did you have to be so hot?" "Ask my mom! I got my looks from her! Volt, drive your bumper car beside mine. Everyone, get in rows of threes!"

Up front was Alice and Masquerade's car, on their right was Runo and Dan. On their left was Ren and Marucho. Behind them was Mylene and Shadow. Next to them, in the middle was Paige and Gunz. On their right was Billy and Julie.

The third row consists of Hydron and Volt, Shun and Lync, and Ace in his own bumper car.

Zee and Kiya in their car and Spectra and Gus next to them and at the end, Baron and Mira.

The security drove past the kids, surrounding the Brawlers. "Pull over now!", one guy shouted. Kiya frowned. "The hell with you!" Kiya stood and raised her hands. She suddenly jumped on a golf cart and pushed the two guards out. "Ha ha! Zee, come on!" Zee jumped. Kiya drove closer to Ace. "Ace, jump end! Shun, use your grabble hook!" Ace obeyed, grabbing his uke's rope to pull Lync and Shun onto the cart.

Kiya drove up front. "Hey, everyone! These carts are a lot faster than the bumper cars! Jump on and push 'em out!"

Everyone nodded and stood. One guy prayed that he wasn't really seeing this. Too bad he was. In a split second, the bumper cars were crashed into trees and the Brawlers were in the carts. Kiya, Zee, Shun, Lync, and Ace in cart one.

Alice, Masquerade, Ren and Marucho in cart two. Mira, Baron, Mylene, and Shadow in cart three. Dan, Runo, Billy, and Julie in cart four. Volt, Hydron, Gunz, and Paige in cart five. Spectra and Gus in the last cart.

Kiya turned on the radio that started driving music from Mario Kart on Wii.

She laughed. "This reminds of this game!"

Zee sweatdropped. She looked back to see the kids still chasing. "Shun, I say become the boy's personal slave." Ace got the image of Shun helplessly moaning under an adult Brandon. He growled. "The fuck you say!" Shun opened the containment of the cart. "Yes! Dart guns!" He pulled two out and climbed on the roof of the cart. He aimed the two guns at two of the drivers. Two girls.

"Shun! You're going to shoot kids?!" Dan shouted.

Shun shook his head. "No. I'm going to shoot their wheels!" And he did.

While Shun, soon Paige and Spectra joining him, were taking care of the kids. Marucho called Kato. "Yeah! Like now!", he shouted into his phone.

In seconds, a jet appeared above the Brawlers. The door opened, revealing a woman with long black hair and brown eyes. Kiya gasped. "Mom?!" "Hi, sweetie! Looks as if you got into trouble again?" "Yup! Now send a ladder down or something!" Kiya and Zee's mom nodded. She sent down a rope ladder. "Oh! Do anyone of you know a bird name Skyress?"

Shun gasped this time, looking up. "Skyress?!" "Yeah! Up!" Shun smiled seeing his phoenix friend. "SKYRESS!"

"SHUN!" Shun jumped up and grabbed onto Skyress' tail. He climbed on her back. "Where are the others?" "They're inside, the ones that can't fly. They're the others!" Hydronoid, Drago, Exedra (I decided to make that Masquerade's Bakugan), Ingram, and Nemus appeared. "You know some of the others could fly?"

"They're lazy! Hey, grab the rope!", Skyress ordered.

Masquerade and Alice jumped onto their respective Bakugans' backs, holding onto their plushies. Ingram grabbed Kiya and Zee while Baron held onto Nemus.

The others climbed up the rope ladder, climbing safely into the jet.

The kids that were still driving, stopped. "NO! CURSE YOU!", Brandon and Justin growled. Shun blew raspberry at him. "Sucker!"

"That was by far the craziest chase ever!"

The gang decide to hide out at Shun's dojo. Everyone had sodas, served by Kato and Mom. "It was. I have to admit though, this may have been a really rough day and all, Kiya and her crazy game, but it was fun.", Spectra said, sipping his soda.

Mom, the pyscho sisters' mother, gave Kiya a confused look. "That's what you were doing today?" "Yup. Playing Truth or Dare."

She shrugged. "Okay."

Zee looked at the other Brawlers. "You know, if you guys had a chance, would you redo this day? All the same way?"

The gang looked at each other than back at Zee. "Yes.", they all answered. Kiya blinked in surprise. "What?"

"Yeah. I mean it's not everyday something like this happens. Kiya, you may be cra-cra and absolutely frightening, but you are amazing. You put hype in our lives. I mean, if it weren't for you, I would be at home staring at the wall.", Dan answered. Runo nodded. "I would be working in the restuarant."

"Billy and I would probably take a bike ride.", Julie said. Ace grabbed Shun's hand and kissed it, this time, the ninja not minding. "Shun and I wouldn't have hooked up."

"See? Your game wasn't just torture, but fun.", Alice said, hugging her plushies.

Masquerade nodded. "Yup yup."

Kiya smiled. "Aaaahh! Thank you!"

Suddenly, Gus spoke up. "I think we should have a road trip or something."

The group looked at each other and smirked. "Road trip, anyone?", Mira teased. "I'm game for sure.", Gunz said.

"Me, too!" "Count me in!"

Zee raised her hand. "Then it's settled! Road trip! In two weeks."

"Alright. Hey, before this story finishes off-" "Stop doing that." "Picture time!"

Kiya handed her mother a camera and gathered everyone who was present into a large group. "Say Monarus!"


The picture was taken and it came out perfectly. Kiya smiled and hugged everyone. "I love you guys!"

"Yeah. And soon another crazy adventure is to be written!", Dan shouted.

Everyone turned and waved, of course breaking the fourth wall. "BYE!"

Well, the end of this fic. *cries*

So, this is the longest chapter I have written in a long time. And the craziest!

So if you have yet to get what went down here's a break through!

Kiya: This is actually me, but in a more fanfictional character way in third person. I do have curly hair, brown eyes, and tanned. Light cocoa if you want to say that. She's a Ventus brawler.

AcexShun or Shace!: Okay, there are rarely any fics of these two. I don't know why though, I left in love with them. Both Shun and Ace being on my favorite character list. I thought it would have been cute with these two as a couple. I have them together in another fic of mine, Next Generation, and yes, Shun is uke.

Alice and Masquerade: In the beginning, Masquerade states he hates Alice. He doesn't. I may not be a big fan of these as a couple (I like them as a couple though), but they are amazing to me. I made it to where they have that sibling connection/besties relationship kind of.

Volt vs Hydron: I can't choose who I wanted Lync with in this fic. I just couldn't! So I used humor.

Bakugan not having screen time: They did, but sometimes I can't keep up with that many characters!

Plushies: I don't know, but the plushies were a tool of humor for this fic. I read a fic where Shun had a plushy and the first thing that came to mind was how cute he was with one. Masquerade and the plushies in this was a whoa for me. So OOC!

Mortal Kombat references: I've a fan of that game. Kitanna, Jade, Mileena, and Skarlet being my favorites. I don't own rights! (Disclaimer)

Zee: My sister in real life. Yup, we don't actually look alike though. She's a bit taller and I am a year older. She's much of a tomboy.

Allusions: I made a couple of those in here. The Mortal Kombats ones, as explained above as examples.

Gus and Kiya's Rivalry: Okay, Gus isn't a less fav character of mine. Ever since he said that juice box line. I thought it would be funny to have some rivalry.

Dance Central: When this fanfic was closing out with the final few chapters I was falling in love with Dance Central! Kiya's outfit, the Glitch cosplay costume, is Glitch's crew style.

Is Kiya a Ninja?: Yes. Yes she is. When Julie mentioned an assassin in this chapter, she was talking about Zee.

Volt a Samurai?: Okay, it's possible Volt is a samurai. Watch 'Samurai Showdown' during the New Vestoria season. That's why Shun and Volt hated each other. During feudal times in Japan, samurai looked at ninja as dishonorable people. In some shows in stuff, it's that way. Ninjas and samurais were enemies.

Fanboys: I talking about Brandon and Justin. Okay, we all see this at least once. Some kid gets a crush. I exaggerated.

Shun's Anger: I'm telling you! Imagine him with anger issues! That's all I got to say.

Truths and Dares: Most of them I came up with. I did get at least two people who requested truths and dares. I got a little help with my sister. I was planning going up to at least twenty chapters, but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't! Shame on me! *cries*

Outfits: From chapter 5, yup. Shun's and Lync's outfits are based on what I would or have worn. Yes, I'm a sucker for Vans. Also converses. And boots. I used green because they're, duh, Ventus brawlers!

Songs: Every song that featured in this fanfic I was listening to at that time I was writting that part. So weird. One song is featured in the Dance Central 2 game.

Sasuke and Ninjas: Sasuke is a fav character of mine, along with Hinata, Neji, Kakashi, Itachi, and Ino. And Rock Lee. I hate Sakura. I don't think she's useless, but naive. Come on! You are the typical fangirl! (Hypo- shut it!) I made a lot of references towards ninjas. End of story.

Pairings: DanxRuno, ShadowxMylene, HydronxLync, VoltxLync, BillyxJulie, SpectraxGus, AcexShun, and mentioned NarutoxSasuke.

Breaking the 4th Wall!: Okay, sometimes, it's a habit. But you know a lot of you do it. At home, I even do this. Don't ask. One of my favorite cartoons, Ed, Edd, and Eddy have this go on a lot. It's actually one of the shows with the most Fourth Wall Breakage. If you seen the episode where everything went crazy, that had the most breaking the 4th Wall.

And finally... the idea behind this fanfic: I actually had another fanfic going on that was a T or D one, but it was for Yu-Gi-Oh and the spin-offs. I had to take it down because it was in script. Not that I didn't mind though. That didn't piss me off. What pissed me off that my old laptop had the nerve to reset and erase everything! Gah! So, when I started reading other fanfics, by phone, I noticed a lot of T or D ones and thought, "Write one for Bakugan with a twist." And I did. The one thing I didn't do was write each and every chapter with truths or dares. It was more of humor and randomness.

So peace out! I'm outie! Review! Have a good life! Don't play Laser Tag! Play Laser Tag! Review! PM me any concerns, requests, comments! And also should I do a sequel for the road trip thing?