A/N Sorry for not updating the last two weeks! I had so much work to do and stuff to study for. I had a lot to do these last few weeks but look forward to a new chapter of Starting Over tomorrow!
This drabble takes place in an AU and mentions one of my other drabbles on tumblr where Carley only gets shot in the right shoulder instead of the head. She makes the decision to leave Lilly behind, stays with the group and makes it to Savannah. This takes place in the backyard of the house that they take refuge in during episode 4.
C: Candor
The one thing that Lee loved most about Carley was her honesty. Ever since they had met she had always been open and sincere with him, and after he learned to trust her, he was completely open with her in return. Since no one but Carley knew about his past, the bond he had with her was one that he didn't have with anyone else at the motor inn, and it was one that he cherished. It felt nice to not have to hide himself with her, to not have to lie and hope that she wouldn't find out about him and what he's done. Overall, it was just nice to have someone to trust. In the world they lived in now, it was rare to find someone who you could fully trust with your life and who trusted you with theirs.
And that made it all the more painful when he broke her trust.
She stood there with her arms crossed, glaring. Her green eyes shone in the midday light and although they were beautiful, Lee couldn't bear to look into them. Even without looking at them he could see the mixture of anger, hurt and betrayal that he had cause her to feel. He couldn't help but wonder how much of that anger was also directed at Ben, but he would never dare to ask.
Lee was shocked to finally hear her speak. Ever since he had confessed to knowing who stole the supplies she had been completely silent, just staring at him in shock and anger.
"Why what?" he responded cautiously.
"Why didn't you tell me?" her face still held a glare and Lee wondered how truthfully he should answer.
"I never found the right time. So much has happened with Ben, Kenny, Katjaa and Duck, these new people, the person out there messing with us with the bells..."
"And what about the guy on the radio? You've never said a word about him to me before. Just how much have you been keeping from me?" Lee rubbed the back of his neck. He knew she had every right to be angry with him.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept the truth from you."
"Lee, be honest. You didn't just keep the truth from me because it wasn't the right time. You were afraid of how I would handle it." Lee slightly opened his mouth in shock, unable to come up with a rebuttal. If he was being truly honest with himself then yea, she was right. Ever since Lilly had shot her in the shoulder Lee has been fiercely protective of her. He refused to let her get that close to death ever again.
"Lee, I'm not a little girl. I can protect myself from walkers and people as well." Her face softened slightly as she stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I trust you, or at least I did," he couldn't help but wince at that, "I need you to trust me too. Don't deal with this shit alone."
Lee wrapped his arms around her and she leaned into his embrace, "I'm sorry. I'm just afraid of losing you. After what happened with Lilly..."
"I know. But trust me, lies always hurt more than the truth ever could."
"I'll remember that."
"You better," Carley said as she playfully hit his chest. Lee let out a small laugh and pulled away from her.
"Come on, let's get back inside," Lee said as he walked toward the backyard door with Carley following him.
A/N Don't forget to leave a review. I still feel shaky with this new style so your feedback is much appreciated!